/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk1/dataobj.cpp // Purpose: wxDataObject class // Author: Robert Roebling // Id: $Id: dataobj.cpp 39957 2006-07-03 19:02:54Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_DATAOBJ #include "wx/dataobj.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #include "wx/mstream.h" #include "wx/uri.h" #include //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global data //------------------------------------------------------------------------- GdkAtom g_textAtom = 0; GdkAtom g_altTextAtom = 0; GdkAtom g_pngAtom = 0; GdkAtom g_fileAtom = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataFormat //------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat() { // do *not* call PrepareFormats() from here for 2 reasons: // // 1. we will have time to do it later because some other Set function // must be called before we really need them // // 2. doing so prevents us from declaring global wxDataFormats because // calling PrepareFormats (and thus gdk_atom_intern) before GDK is // initialised will result in a crash m_type = wxDF_INVALID; m_format = (GdkAtom) 0; } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type ) { PrepareFormats(); SetType( type ); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id ) { PrepareFormats(); SetId( id ); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( const wxString &id ) { PrepareFormats(); SetId( id ); } wxDataFormat::wxDataFormat( NativeFormat format ) { PrepareFormats(); SetId( format ); } void wxDataFormat::SetType( wxDataFormatId type ) { PrepareFormats(); m_type = type; #if wxUSE_UNICODE if (m_type == wxDF_UNICODETEXT) m_format = g_textAtom; else if (m_type == wxDF_TEXT) m_format = g_altTextAtom; #else if (m_type == wxDF_TEXT || m_type == wxDF_UNICODETEXT) m_format = g_textAtom; #endif else if (m_type == wxDF_BITMAP) m_format = g_pngAtom; else if (m_type == wxDF_FILENAME) m_format = g_fileAtom; else { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid dataformat") ); } } wxDataFormatId wxDataFormat::GetType() const { return m_type; } wxString wxDataFormat::GetId() const { gchar* atom_name = gdk_atom_name( m_format ); wxString ret = wxString::FromAscii( atom_name ); g_free(atom_name); return ret; } void wxDataFormat::SetId( NativeFormat format ) { PrepareFormats(); m_format = format; if (m_format == g_textAtom) #if wxUSE_UNICODE m_type = wxDF_UNICODETEXT; #else m_type = wxDF_TEXT; #endif else if (m_format == g_altTextAtom) m_type = wxDF_TEXT; else if (m_format == g_pngAtom) m_type = wxDF_BITMAP; else if (m_format == g_fileAtom) m_type = wxDF_FILENAME; else m_type = wxDF_PRIVATE; } void wxDataFormat::SetId( const wxChar *id ) { PrepareFormats(); m_type = wxDF_PRIVATE; wxString tmp( id ); m_format = gdk_atom_intern( (const char*) tmp.ToAscii(), FALSE ); } void wxDataFormat::PrepareFormats() { // VZ: GNOME included in RedHat 6.1 uses the MIME types below and not the // atoms STRING and file:ALL as the old code was, but normal X apps // use STRING for text selection when transfering the data via // clipboard, for example, so do use STRING for now (GNOME apps will // probably support STRING as well for compatibility anyhow), but use // text/uri-list for file dnd because compatibility is not important // here (with whom?) if (!g_textAtom) #if wxUSE_UNICODE g_textAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "UTF8_STRING", FALSE ); g_altTextAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "STRING", FALSE ); #else g_textAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "STRING" /* "text/plain" */, FALSE ); #endif if (!g_pngAtom) g_pngAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "image/png", FALSE ); if (!g_fileAtom) g_fileAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "text/uri-list", FALSE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDataObject //------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDataObject::wxDataObject() { } wxDataObject::~wxDataObject() { // dtor is empty but needed for Darwin and AIX -- otherwise it doesn't link } bool wxDataObject::IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format, Direction dir) const { size_t nFormatCount = GetFormatCount(dir); if ( nFormatCount == 1 ) { return format == GetPreferredFormat(); } else { wxDataFormat *formats = new wxDataFormat[nFormatCount]; GetAllFormats(formats,dir); size_t n; for ( n = 0; n < nFormatCount; n++ ) { if ( formats[n] == format ) break; } delete [] formats; // found? return n < nFormatCount; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileDataObject // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const { wxString filenames; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_filenames.GetCount(); i++) { filenames += wxT("file:"); filenames += m_filenames[i]; filenames += wxT("\r\n"); } memcpy( buf, filenames.mbc_str(), filenames.length() + 1 ); return true; } size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize() const { size_t res = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_filenames.GetCount(); i++) { // This is junk in UTF-8 res += m_filenames[i].length(); res += 5 + 2; // "file:" (5) + "\r\n" (2) } return res + 1; } bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(size_t WXUNUSED(size), const void *buf) { m_filenames.Empty(); // we get data in the text/uri-list format, i.e. as a sequence of URIs // (filenames prefixed by "file:") delimited by "\r\n" wxString filename; for ( const char *p = (const char *)buf; ; p++ ) { // some broken programs (testdnd GTK+ sample!) omit the trailing // "\r\n", so check for '\0' explicitly here instead of doing it in // the loop statement to account for it if ( (*p == '\r' && *(p+1) == '\n') || !*p ) { size_t lenPrefix = 5; // strlen("file:") if ( filename.Left(lenPrefix).MakeLower() == _T("file:") ) { // sometimes the syntax is "file:filename", sometimes it's // URL-like: "file://filename" - deal with both if ( filename[lenPrefix] == _T('/') && filename[lenPrefix + 1] == _T('/') ) { // skip the slashes lenPrefix += 2; } AddFile(wxURI::Unescape(filename.c_str() + lenPrefix)); filename.Empty(); } else { wxLogDebug(_T("Unsupported URI '%s' in wxFileDataObject"), filename.c_str()); } if ( !*p ) break; // skip '\r' p++; } else { filename += *p; } } return true; } void wxFileDataObject::AddFile( const wxString &filename ) { m_filenames.Add( filename ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmapDataObject // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject() { Init(); } wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject( const wxBitmap& bitmap ) : wxBitmapDataObjectBase(bitmap) { Init(); DoConvertToPng(); } wxBitmapDataObject::~wxBitmapDataObject() { Clear(); } void wxBitmapDataObject::SetBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap ) { ClearAll(); wxBitmapDataObjectBase::SetBitmap(bitmap); DoConvertToPng(); } bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const { if ( !m_pngSize ) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("attempt to copy empty bitmap failed") ); return false; } memcpy(buf, m_pngData, m_pngSize); return true; } bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData(size_t size, const void *buf) { Clear(); wxCHECK_MSG( wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) != NULL, false, wxT("You must call wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); to be able to use clipboard with bitmaps!") ); m_pngSize = size; m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize); memcpy(m_pngData, buf, m_pngSize); wxMemoryInputStream mstream((char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize); wxImage image; if ( !image.LoadFile( mstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) ) { return false; } m_bitmap = wxBitmap(image); return m_bitmap.Ok(); } void wxBitmapDataObject::DoConvertToPng() { if ( !m_bitmap.Ok() ) return; wxCHECK_RET( wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) != NULL, wxT("You must call wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); to be able to use clipboard with bitmaps!") ); wxImage image = m_bitmap.ConvertToImage(); wxCountingOutputStream count; image.SaveFile(count, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); m_pngSize = count.GetSize() + 100; // sometimes the size seems to vary ??? m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize); wxMemoryOutputStream mstream((char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize); image.SaveFile(mstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } #endif // wxUSE_DATAOBJ