///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk1/clipbrd.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Robert Roebling // Id: $Id: clipbrd.cpp 44193 2007-01-11 01:34:08Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD #include "wx/clipbrd.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/dataobj.h" #endif #include #include #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GdkAtom g_clipboardAtom = 0; GdkAtom g_targetsAtom = 0; GdkAtom g_timestampAtom = 0; // the trace mask we use with wxLogTrace() - call // wxLog::AddTraceMask(TRACE_CLIPBOARD) to enable the trace messages from here // (there will be a *lot* of them!) static const wxChar *TRACE_CLIPBOARD = _T("clipboard"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reminder //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The contents of a selection are returned in a GtkSelectionData structure. selection/target identify the request. type specifies the type of the return; if length < 0, and the data should be ignored. This structure has object semantics - no fields should be modified directly, they should not be created directly, and pointers to them should not be stored beyond the duration of a callback. (If the last is changed, we'll need to add reference counting) struct _GtkSelectionData { GdkAtom selection; GdkAtom target; GdkAtom type; gint format; guchar *data; gint length; }; */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_received" for targets //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void targets_selection_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint32 WXUNUSED(time), wxClipboard *clipboard ) { if ( wxTheClipboard && selection_data->length > 0 ) { // make sure we got the data in the correct form GdkAtom type = selection_data->type; if ( type != GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_ATOM ) { gchar* atom_name = gdk_atom_name(type); if ( strcmp(atom_name, "TARGETS") ) { wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, _T("got unsupported clipboard target") ); clipboard->m_waiting = false; g_free(atom_name); return; } g_free(atom_name); } #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ wxDataFormat clip( selection_data->selection ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("selection received for targets, clipboard %s"), clip.GetId().c_str() ); #endif // __WXDEBUG__ // the atoms we received, holding a list of targets (= formats) GdkAtom *atoms = (GdkAtom *)selection_data->data; for (unsigned int i=0; ilength/sizeof(GdkAtom); i++) { wxDataFormat format( atoms[i] ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("selection received for targets, format %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); // printf( "format %s requested %s\n", // gdk_atom_name( atoms[i] ), // gdk_atom_name( clipboard->m_targetRequested ) ); if (format == clipboard->m_targetRequested) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; clipboard->m_formatSupported = true; return; } } } clipboard->m_waiting = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_received" for the actual data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void selection_received( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint32 WXUNUSED(time), wxClipboard *clipboard ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } wxDataObject *data_object = clipboard->m_receivedData; if (!data_object) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } if (selection_data->length <= 0) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } wxDataFormat format( selection_data->target ); // make sure we got the data in the correct format if (!data_object->IsSupportedFormat( format ) ) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } #if 0 This seems to cause problems somehow // make sure we got the data in the correct form (selection type). // if so, copy data to target object if (selection_data->type != GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING) { clipboard->m_waiting = false; return; } #endif data_object->SetData( format, (size_t) selection_data->length, (const char*) selection_data->data ); wxTheClipboard->m_formatSupported = true; clipboard->m_waiting = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "selection_clear" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static gint selection_clear_clip( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GdkEventSelection *event ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) return TRUE; if (event->selection == GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY) { wxTheClipboard->m_ownsPrimarySelection = false; } else if (event->selection == g_clipboardAtom) { wxTheClipboard->m_ownsClipboard = false; } else { wxTheClipboard->m_waiting = false; return FALSE; } if ((!wxTheClipboard->m_ownsPrimarySelection) && (!wxTheClipboard->m_ownsClipboard)) { /* the clipboard is no longer in our hands. we can the delete clipboard data. */ if (wxTheClipboard->m_data) { wxLogTrace(TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard will get cleared" )); delete wxTheClipboard->m_data; wxTheClipboard->m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; } } wxTheClipboard->m_waiting = false; return TRUE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // selection handler for supplying data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void selection_handler( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint WXUNUSED(info), guint WXUNUSED(time), gpointer signal_data ) { if (!wxTheClipboard) return; if (!wxTheClipboard->m_data) return; wxDataObject *data = wxTheClipboard->m_data; // ICCCM says that TIMESTAMP is a required atom. // In particular, it satisfies Klipper, which polls // TIMESTAMP to see if the clipboards content has changed. // It shall return the time which was used to set the data. if (selection_data->target == g_timestampAtom) { guint timestamp = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (signal_data); gtk_selection_data_set(selection_data, GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_INTEGER, 32, (guchar*)&(timestamp), sizeof(timestamp)); wxLogTrace(TRACE_CLIPBOARD, _T("Clipboard TIMESTAMP requested, returning timestamp=%u"), timestamp); return; } wxDataFormat format( selection_data->target ); #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ wxLogTrace(TRACE_CLIPBOARD, _T("clipboard data in format %s, GtkSelectionData is target=%s type=%s selection=%s timestamp=%u"), format.GetId().c_str(), wxString::FromAscii(gdk_atom_name(selection_data->target)).c_str(), wxString::FromAscii(gdk_atom_name(selection_data->type)).c_str(), wxString::FromAscii(gdk_atom_name(selection_data->selection)).c_str(), GPOINTER_TO_UINT( signal_data ) ); #endif if (!data->IsSupportedFormat( format )) return; int size = data->GetDataSize( format ); if (size == 0) return; void *d = malloc(size); // Text data will be in UTF8 in Unicode mode. data->GetDataHere( selection_data->target, d ); gtk_selection_data_set( selection_data, GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING, 8 * sizeof(gchar), (unsigned char*) d, size ); free(d); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxClipboard //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxClipboard,wxObject) wxClipboard::wxClipboard() { m_open = false; m_waiting = false; m_ownsClipboard = false; m_ownsPrimarySelection = false; m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; m_receivedData = (wxDataObject*) NULL; /* we use m_targetsWidget to query what formats are available */ m_targetsWidget = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_POPUP ); gtk_widget_realize( m_targetsWidget ); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_targetsWidget), "selection_received", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( targets_selection_received ), (gpointer) this ); /* we use m_clipboardWidget to get and to offer data */ m_clipboardWidget = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_POPUP ); gtk_widget_realize( m_clipboardWidget ); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_clipboardWidget), "selection_received", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( selection_received ), (gpointer) this ); gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_clipboardWidget), "selection_clear_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( selection_clear_clip ), (gpointer) NULL ); if (!g_clipboardAtom) g_clipboardAtom = gdk_atom_intern( "CLIPBOARD", FALSE ); if (!g_targetsAtom) g_targetsAtom = gdk_atom_intern ("TARGETS", FALSE); if (!g_timestampAtom) g_timestampAtom = gdk_atom_intern ("TIMESTAMP", FALSE); m_formatSupported = false; m_targetRequested = 0; m_usePrimary = false; } wxClipboard::~wxClipboard() { Clear(); if (m_clipboardWidget) gtk_widget_destroy( m_clipboardWidget ); if (m_targetsWidget) gtk_widget_destroy( m_targetsWidget ); } void wxClipboard::Clear() { if (m_data) { #if wxUSE_THREADS /* disable GUI threads */ #endif // As we have data we also own the clipboard. Once we no longer own // it, clear_selection is called which will set m_data to zero if (gdk_selection_owner_get( g_clipboardAtom ) == m_clipboardWidget->window) { m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_owner_set( (GtkWidget*) NULL, g_clipboardAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); } if (gdk_selection_owner_get( GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY ) == m_clipboardWidget->window) { m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_owner_set( (GtkWidget*) NULL, GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); } if (m_data) { delete m_data; m_data = (wxDataObject*) NULL; } #if wxUSE_THREADS /* re-enable GUI threads */ #endif } m_targetRequested = 0; m_formatSupported = false; } bool wxClipboard::Open() { wxCHECK_MSG( !m_open, false, wxT("clipboard already open") ); m_open = true; return true; } bool wxClipboard::SetData( wxDataObject *data ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); wxCHECK_MSG( data, false, wxT("data is invalid") ); Clear(); return AddData( data ); } bool wxClipboard::AddData( wxDataObject *data ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); wxCHECK_MSG( data, false, wxT("data is invalid") ); // we can only store one wxDataObject Clear(); m_data = data; // get formats from wxDataObjects wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ m_data->GetFormatCount() ]; m_data->GetAllFormats( array ); // primary selection or clipboard GdkAtom clipboard = m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom; // by default provide TIMESTAMP as a target gtk_selection_add_target( GTK_WIDGET(m_clipboardWidget), clipboard, g_timestampAtom, 0 ); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_data->GetFormatCount(); i++) { wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard now supports atom %s"), array[i].GetId().c_str() ); // printf( "added %s\n", // gdk_atom_name( array[i].GetFormatId() ) ); gtk_selection_add_target( GTK_WIDGET(m_clipboardWidget), clipboard, array[i], 0 ); /* what is info ? */ } delete[] array; gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(m_clipboardWidget), "selection_get", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(selection_handler), GUINT_TO_POINTER( gdk_event_get_time(gtk_get_current_event()) ) ); #if wxUSE_THREADS /* disable GUI threads */ #endif /* Tell the world we offer clipboard data */ bool res = (gtk_selection_owner_set( m_clipboardWidget, clipboard, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME )); if (m_usePrimary) m_ownsPrimarySelection = res; else m_ownsClipboard = res; #if wxUSE_THREADS /* re-enable GUI threads */ #endif return res; } void wxClipboard::Close() { wxCHECK_RET( m_open, wxT("clipboard not open") ); m_open = false; } bool wxClipboard::IsOpened() const { return m_open; } bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format ) { /* reentrance problems */ if (m_waiting) return false; /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard:IsSupported: requested format: %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); m_formatSupported = false; /* perform query. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_convert( m_targetsWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, g_targetsAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); return m_formatSupported; } bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject& data ) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, false, wxT("clipboard not open") ); /* get formats from wxDataObjects */ wxDataFormat *array = new wxDataFormat[ data.GetFormatCount() ]; data.GetAllFormats( array ); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.GetFormatCount(); i++) { wxDataFormat format( array[i] ); wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: requested format: %s"), format.GetId().c_str() ); /* is data supported by clipboard ? */ /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); m_formatSupported = false; /* perform query. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; gtk_selection_convert( m_targetsWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, g_targetsAtom, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); if (!m_formatSupported) continue; /* store pointer to data object to be filled up by callbacks */ m_receivedData = &data; /* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */ m_targetRequested = format; wxCHECK_MSG( m_targetRequested, false, wxT("invalid clipboard format") ); /* start query */ m_formatSupported = false; /* ask for clipboard contents. this will set m_formatSupported to true if m_targetRequested is supported. also, we have to wait for the "answer" from the clipboard owner which is an asynchronous process. therefore we set m_waiting = true here and wait until the callback "targets_selection_received" sets it to false */ m_waiting = true; wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: format found, start convert") ); gtk_selection_convert( m_clipboardWidget, m_usePrimary ? (GdkAtom)GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY : g_clipboardAtom, m_targetRequested, (guint32) GDK_CURRENT_TIME ); while (m_waiting) gtk_main_iteration(); /* Normally this is a true error as we checked for the presence of such data before, but there are applications that may return an empty string (e.g. Gnumeric-1.6.1 on Linux if an empty cell is copied) which would produce a false error message here, so we check for the size of the string first. In ansi, GetDataSize returns an extra value (for the closing null?), with unicode, the exact number of tokens is given (that is more than 1 for special characters) (tested with Gnumeric-1.6.1 and OpenOffice.org-2.0.2) */ #if wxUSE_UNICODE if ( format != wxDF_UNICODETEXT || data.GetDataSize(format) > 0 ) #else // !UNICODE if ( format != wxDF_TEXT || data.GetDataSize(format) > 1 ) #endif // UNICODE / !UNICODE { wxCHECK_MSG( m_formatSupported, false, wxT("error retrieving data from clipboard") ); } /* return success */ delete[] array; return true; } wxLogTrace( TRACE_CLIPBOARD, wxT("wxClipboard::GetData: format not found") ); /* return failure */ delete[] array; return false; } #endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD