/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Project: GSocket (Generic Socket) for WX * Name: src/gtk/gsockgtk.cpp * Purpose: GSocket: GTK part * Licence: The wxWindows licence * CVSID: $Id: gsockgtk.cpp 67249 2011-03-19 20:35:11Z JS $ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_SOCKETS #include #include #include // newer versions of glib define its own GSocket but we unfortunately use this // name in our own (semi-)public header and so can't change it -- rename glib // one instead #define GSocket GlibGSocket #include #include #undef GSocket #include "wx/gsocket.h" #include "wx/unix/gsockunx.h" #if wxUSE_THREADS #include "wx/thread.h" #endif extern "C" { static void _GSocket_GDK_Input(gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition) { GSocket *socket = (GSocket *)data; if (condition & GDK_INPUT_READ) socket->Detected_Read(); if (condition & GDK_INPUT_WRITE) socket->Detected_Write(); } } typedef struct { #if wxUSE_THREADS wxMutex* m_mutex; #endif gint m_id[2]; } GSocketGTKMutexProtected; bool GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::CanUseEventLoop() { return true; } bool GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::OnInit(void) { return 1; } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::OnExit(void) { } bool GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Init_Socket(GSocket *socket) { socket->m_gui_dependent = (char *)malloc(sizeof(GSocketGTKMutexProtected)); GSocketGTKMutexProtected* guispecific = (GSocketGTKMutexProtected*)socket->m_gui_dependent; #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex = new wxMutex(wxMUTEX_RECURSIVE); #endif guispecific->m_id[0] = -1; guispecific->m_id[1] = -1; return TRUE; } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Destroy_Socket(GSocket *socket) { GSocketGTKMutexProtected* guispecific = (GSocketGTKMutexProtected*)socket->m_gui_dependent; #if wxUSE_THREADS delete guispecific->m_mutex; #endif free(guispecific); } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Install_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event) { GSocketGTKMutexProtected* guispecific = (GSocketGTKMutexProtected*)socket->m_gui_dependent; assert(guispecific != NULL); int c; if (socket->m_fd == -1) return; switch (event) { case GSOCK_LOST: /* fall-through */ case GSOCK_INPUT: c = 0; break; case GSOCK_OUTPUT: c = 1; break; case GSOCK_CONNECTION: c = ((socket->m_server) ? 0 : 1); break; default: return; } #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Lock(); #endif gint current_id = guispecific->m_id[c]; guispecific->m_id[c] = -1; #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Unlock(); #endif if (current_id != -1) { gdk_input_remove(current_id); } current_id = gdk_input_add(socket->m_fd, (c ? GDK_INPUT_WRITE : GDK_INPUT_READ), _GSocket_GDK_Input, (gpointer)socket); #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Lock(); #endif guispecific->m_id[c] = current_id; #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Unlock(); #endif } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Uninstall_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event) { GSocketGTKMutexProtected* guispecific = (GSocketGTKMutexProtected*)socket->m_gui_dependent; int c; assert( guispecific != NULL ); switch (event) { case GSOCK_LOST: /* fall-through */ case GSOCK_INPUT: c = 0; break; case GSOCK_OUTPUT: c = 1; break; case GSOCK_CONNECTION: c = ((socket->m_server) ? 0 : 1); break; default: return; } #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Lock(); #endif gint current_id = guispecific->m_id[c]; guispecific->m_id[c] = -1; #if wxUSE_THREADS guispecific->m_mutex->Unlock(); #endif if (current_id != -1) { gdk_input_remove(current_id); } } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Enable_Events(GSocket *socket) { Install_Callback(socket, GSOCK_INPUT); Install_Callback(socket, GSOCK_OUTPUT); } void GSocketGUIFunctionsTableConcrete::Disable_Events(GSocket *socket) { Uninstall_Callback(socket, GSOCK_INPUT); Uninstall_Callback(socket, GSOCK_OUTPUT); } #else /* !wxUSE_SOCKETS */ /* some compilers don't like having empty source files */ static int wxDummyGsockVar = 0; #endif /* wxUSE_SOCKETS/!wxUSE_SOCKETS */