///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk/frame.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Robert Roebling // Id: $Id: frame.cpp 67149 2011-03-08 14:47:25Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/toolbar.h" #include "wx/statusbr.h" #endif // WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/gtk/private.h" #include "wx/gtk/win_gtk.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const int wxSTATUS_HEIGHT = 25; static const int wxPLACE_HOLDER = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFrame, wxTopLevelWindow) // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GTK callbacks // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "child_attached" of menu bar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_menu_attached_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(child), wxFrame *win ) { if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; win->m_menuBarDetached = false; win->GtkUpdateSize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "child_detached" of menu bar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_menu_detached_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(child), wxFrame *win ) { if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler(); if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; // Raise the client area area gdk_window_raise( win->m_wxwindow->window ); win->m_menuBarDetached = true; win->GtkUpdateSize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "size-request" from menubar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void menubar_size_request(GtkWidget* widget, GtkRequisition*, wxFrame* win) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( widget, (void*)menubar_size_request, win); win->UpdateMenuBarSize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "style-set" from menubar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void menubar_style_set(GtkWidget* widget, GtkStyle*, wxFrame* win) { g_signal_connect(widget, "size-request", G_CALLBACK(menubar_size_request), win); } } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "child_attached" of tool bar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_toolbar_attached_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(child), wxFrame *win ) { if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; win->m_toolBarDetached = false; win->GtkUpdateSize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "child_detached" of tool bar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { static void gtk_toolbar_detached_callback( GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(widget), GtkWidget *WXUNUSED(child), wxFrame *win ) { if (g_isIdle) wxapp_install_idle_handler(); if (!win->m_hasVMT) return; // Raise the client area area gdk_window_raise( win->m_wxwindow->window ); win->m_toolBarDetached = true; win->GtkUpdateSize(); } } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFrame itself // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InsertChild for wxFrame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Callback for wxFrame. This very strange beast has to be used because * C++ has no virtual methods in a constructor. We have to emulate a * virtual function here as wxWidgets requires different ways to insert * a child in container classes. */ static void wxInsertChildInFrame( wxFrame* parent, wxWindow* child ) { wxASSERT( GTK_IS_WIDGET(child->m_widget) ); if (!parent->m_insertInClientArea) { // These are outside the client area wxFrame* frame = (wxFrame*) parent; gtk_pizza_put( GTK_PIZZA(frame->m_mainWidget), GTK_WIDGET(child->m_widget), child->m_x, child->m_y, child->m_width, child->m_height ); #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR_NATIVE // We connect to these events for recalculating the client area // space when the toolbar is floating if (wxIS_KIND_OF(child,wxToolBar)) { wxToolBar *toolBar = (wxToolBar*) child; if (toolBar->GetWindowStyle() & wxTB_DOCKABLE) { g_signal_connect (toolBar->m_widget, "child_attached", G_CALLBACK (gtk_toolbar_attached_callback), parent); g_signal_connect (toolBar->m_widget, "child_detached", G_CALLBACK (gtk_toolbar_detached_callback), parent); } } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR } else { // These are inside the client area gtk_pizza_put( GTK_PIZZA(parent->m_wxwindow), GTK_WIDGET(child->m_widget), child->m_x, child->m_y, child->m_width, child->m_height ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFrame creation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFrame::Init() { m_menuBarDetached = false; m_toolBarDetached = false; m_menuBarHeight = 2; } bool wxFrame::Create( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& sizeOrig, long style, const wxString &name ) { bool rt = wxTopLevelWindow::Create(parent, id, title, pos, sizeOrig, style, name); m_insertCallback = (wxInsertChildFunction) wxInsertChildInFrame; return rt; } wxFrame::~wxFrame() { m_isBeingDeleted = true; DeleteAllBars(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // overridden wxWindow methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFrame::DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_widget != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); wxTopLevelWindow::DoGetClientSize( width, height ); if (height) { #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE // menu bar if (m_frameMenuBar && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR) != 0)) { if (!m_menuBarDetached) (*height) -= m_menuBarHeight; else (*height) -= wxPLACE_HOLDER; } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR // status bar if (m_frameStatusBar && m_frameStatusBar->IsShown() && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR) != 0)) (*height) -= wxSTATUS_HEIGHT; #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR } #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR // tool bar if (m_frameToolBar && m_frameToolBar->IsShown()) { if (m_toolBarDetached) { if (height != NULL) *height -= wxPLACE_HOLDER; } else { int x, y; m_frameToolBar->GetSize( &x, &y ); if ( m_frameToolBar->IsVertical() ) { if (width != NULL) *width -= x; } else { if (height != NULL) *height -= y; } } } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR if (width != NULL && *width < 0) *width = 0; if (height != NULL && *height < 0) *height = 0; } void wxFrame::DoSetClientSize( int width, int height ) { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_widget != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE // menu bar if (m_frameMenuBar && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR) != 0)) { if (!m_menuBarDetached) height += m_menuBarHeight; else height += wxPLACE_HOLDER; } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR // status bar if (m_frameStatusBar && m_frameStatusBar->IsShown() && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR) != 0)) height += wxSTATUS_HEIGHT; #endif #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR // tool bar if (m_frameToolBar && m_frameToolBar->IsShown()) { if (m_toolBarDetached) { height += wxPLACE_HOLDER; } else { int x, y; m_frameToolBar->GetSize( &x, &y ); if ( m_frameToolBar->IsVertical() ) { width += x; } else { height += y; } } } #endif wxTopLevelWindow::DoSetClientSize( width, height ); } void wxFrame::GtkOnSize() { // avoid recursions if (m_resizing) return; m_resizing = true; // this shouldn't happen: wxFrame, wxMDIParentFrame and wxMDIChildFrame have m_wxwindow wxASSERT_MSG( (m_wxwindow != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); // space occupied by m_frameToolBar and m_frameMenuBar int client_area_x_offset = 0, client_area_y_offset = 0; /* wxMDIChildFrame derives from wxFrame but it _is_ a wxWindow as it uses wxWindow::Create to create it's GTK equivalent. m_mainWidget is only set in wxFrame::Create so it is used to check what kind of frame we have here. if m_mainWidget is NULL it is a wxMDIChildFrame and so we skip the part which handles m_frameMenuBar, m_frameToolBar and (most importantly) m_mainWidget */ int minWidth = GetMinWidth(), minHeight = GetMinHeight(), maxWidth = GetMaxWidth(), maxHeight = GetMaxHeight(); if ((minWidth != -1) && (m_width < minWidth)) m_width = minWidth; if ((minHeight != -1) && (m_height < minHeight)) m_height = minHeight; if ((maxWidth != -1) && (m_width > maxWidth)) m_width = maxWidth; if ((maxHeight != -1) && (m_height > maxHeight)) m_height = maxHeight; if (m_mainWidget) { // TODO // Rewrite this terrible code to using GtkVBox // m_mainWidget holds the menubar, the toolbar and the client // area, which is represented by m_wxwindow. #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE if (m_frameMenuBar && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR) != 0)) { if (m_frameMenuBar->IsShown() && !GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(m_frameMenuBar->m_widget)) gtk_widget_show( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget ); int xx = m_miniEdge; int yy = m_miniEdge + m_miniTitle; int ww = m_width - 2*m_miniEdge; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; int hh = m_menuBarHeight; if (m_menuBarDetached) hh = wxPLACE_HOLDER; m_frameMenuBar->m_x = xx; m_frameMenuBar->m_y = yy; m_frameMenuBar->m_width = ww; m_frameMenuBar->m_height = hh; gtk_pizza_set_size( GTK_PIZZA(m_mainWidget), m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, xx, yy, ww, hh ); client_area_y_offset += hh; } else { if (m_frameMenuBar) { if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(m_frameMenuBar->m_widget)) gtk_widget_hide( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget ); } } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR if ((m_frameToolBar) && m_frameToolBar->IsShown() && (m_frameToolBar->m_widget->parent == m_mainWidget)) { int xx = m_miniEdge; int yy = m_miniEdge + m_miniTitle; #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE if (m_frameMenuBar) { if (!m_menuBarDetached) yy += m_menuBarHeight; else yy += wxPLACE_HOLDER; } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE m_frameToolBar->m_x = xx; m_frameToolBar->m_y = yy; // don't change the toolbar's reported height/width int ww, hh; if ( m_frameToolBar->GetWindowStyle() & wxTB_VERTICAL ) { ww = m_toolBarDetached ? wxPLACE_HOLDER : m_frameToolBar->m_width; hh = m_height - 2*m_miniEdge; client_area_x_offset += ww; } else if( m_frameToolBar->HasFlag(wxTB_RIGHT) ) { yy += 2; ww = m_toolBarDetached ? wxPLACE_HOLDER : m_frameToolBar->m_width; xx = GetClientSize().x - 1; hh = m_height - 2*m_miniEdge; if( hh < 0 ) hh = 0; } else if( m_frameToolBar->GetWindowStyle() & wxTB_BOTTOM ) { xx = m_miniEdge; yy = GetClientSize().y; #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE yy += m_menuBarHeight; #endif // wxUSE_MENU_NATIVE m_frameToolBar->m_x = xx; m_frameToolBar->m_y = yy; ww = m_width - 2*m_miniEdge; hh = m_toolBarDetached ? wxPLACE_HOLDER : m_frameToolBar->m_height; } else { ww = m_width - 2*m_miniEdge; hh = m_toolBarDetached ? wxPLACE_HOLDER : m_frameToolBar->m_height; client_area_y_offset += hh; } if (ww < 0) ww = 0; if (hh < 0) hh = 0; gtk_pizza_set_size( GTK_PIZZA(m_mainWidget), m_frameToolBar->m_widget, xx, yy, ww, hh ); } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR int client_x = client_area_x_offset + m_miniEdge; int client_y = client_area_y_offset + m_miniEdge + m_miniTitle; int client_w = m_width - client_area_x_offset - 2*m_miniEdge; int client_h = m_height - client_area_y_offset- 2*m_miniEdge - m_miniTitle; if (client_w < 0) client_w = 0; if (client_h < 0) client_h = 0; gtk_pizza_set_size( GTK_PIZZA(m_mainWidget), m_wxwindow, client_x, client_y, client_w, client_h ); } else { // If there is no m_mainWidget between m_widget and m_wxwindow there // is no need to set the size or position of m_wxwindow. } #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR if (m_frameStatusBar && m_frameStatusBar->IsShown() && !(m_fsIsShowing && (m_fsSaveFlag & wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR) != 0)) { if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(m_frameStatusBar->m_widget)) gtk_widget_show( m_frameStatusBar->m_widget ); int xx = 0 + m_miniEdge; int yy = m_height - wxSTATUS_HEIGHT - m_miniEdge - client_area_y_offset; int ww = m_width - 2*m_miniEdge; if (ww < 0) ww = 0; int hh = wxSTATUS_HEIGHT; m_frameStatusBar->m_x = xx; m_frameStatusBar->m_y = yy; m_frameStatusBar->m_width = ww; m_frameStatusBar->m_height = hh; gtk_pizza_set_size( GTK_PIZZA(m_wxwindow), m_frameStatusBar->m_widget, xx, yy, ww, hh ); } else { if (m_frameStatusBar) { if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(m_frameStatusBar->m_widget)) gtk_widget_hide( m_frameStatusBar->m_widget ); } } #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR m_sizeSet = true; // send size event to frame wxSizeEvent event( wxSize(m_width,m_height), GetId() ); event.SetEventObject( this ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ); #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR // send size event to status bar if (m_frameStatusBar) { wxSizeEvent event2( wxSize(m_frameStatusBar->m_width,m_frameStatusBar->m_height), m_frameStatusBar->GetId() ); event2.SetEventObject( m_frameStatusBar ); m_frameStatusBar->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event2 ); } #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR m_resizing = false; } void wxFrame::OnInternalIdle() { wxFrameBase::OnInternalIdle(); #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE if (m_frameMenuBar) m_frameMenuBar->OnInternalIdle(); // UpdateMenuBarSize may return a height of zero on some // systems (e.g. Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha as of 2010-12-06), // when the menubar widget has not been fully realized. // Update the menu bar size again at this point, otherwise // the menu would not be visible at all. if (!m_menuBarHeight) { UpdateMenuBarSize(); } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR if (m_frameToolBar) m_frameToolBar->OnInternalIdle(); #endif #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR if (m_frameStatusBar) { m_frameStatusBar->OnInternalIdle(); // There may be controls in the status bar that // need to be updated for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = m_frameStatusBar->GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxWindow *child = node->GetData(); child->OnInternalIdle(); } } #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // menu/tool/status bar stuff // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE void wxFrame::DetachMenuBar() { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_widget != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); wxASSERT_MSG( (m_wxwindow != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); if ( m_frameMenuBar ) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, (void*)menubar_style_set, this); m_frameMenuBar->UnsetInvokingWindow( this ); if (m_frameMenuBar->GetWindowStyle() & wxMB_DOCKABLE) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, (gpointer) gtk_menu_attached_callback, this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, (gpointer) gtk_menu_detached_callback, this); } gtk_widget_ref( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget ); gtk_container_remove( GTK_CONTAINER(m_mainWidget), m_frameMenuBar->m_widget ); } wxFrameBase::DetachMenuBar(); } void wxFrame::AttachMenuBar( wxMenuBar *menuBar ) { wxFrameBase::AttachMenuBar(menuBar); if (m_frameMenuBar) { m_frameMenuBar->SetInvokingWindow( this ); m_frameMenuBar->SetParent(this); gtk_pizza_put( GTK_PIZZA(m_mainWidget), m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, m_frameMenuBar->m_x, m_frameMenuBar->m_y, m_frameMenuBar->m_width, m_frameMenuBar->m_height ); if (menuBar->GetWindowStyle() & wxMB_DOCKABLE) { g_signal_connect (menuBar->m_widget, "child_attached", G_CALLBACK (gtk_menu_attached_callback), this); g_signal_connect (menuBar->m_widget, "child_detached", G_CALLBACK (gtk_menu_detached_callback), this); } gtk_widget_show( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget ); UpdateMenuBarSize(); g_signal_connect(menuBar->m_widget, "style-set", G_CALLBACK(menubar_style_set), this); } else { m_menuBarHeight = 2; GtkUpdateSize(); // resize window in OnInternalIdle } } void wxFrame::UpdateMenuBarSize() { int oldMenuBarHeight = m_menuBarHeight; m_menuBarHeight = 2; // this is called after Remove with a NULL m_frameMenuBar if ( m_frameMenuBar ) { GtkRequisition req; gtk_widget_ensure_style(m_frameMenuBar->m_widget); // have to call class method directly because // "size_request" signal is overridden by wx GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS(m_frameMenuBar->m_widget)->size_request( m_frameMenuBar->m_widget, &req); m_menuBarHeight = req.height; } // resize window in OnInternalIdle if (oldMenuBarHeight != m_menuBarHeight) GtkUpdateSize(); } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE #if wxUSE_TOOLBAR wxToolBar* wxFrame::CreateToolBar( long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name ) { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_widget != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); m_insertInClientArea = false; m_frameToolBar = wxFrameBase::CreateToolBar( style, id, name ); m_insertInClientArea = true; GtkUpdateSize(); return m_frameToolBar; } void wxFrame::SetToolBar(wxToolBar *toolbar) { bool hadTbar = m_frameToolBar != NULL; wxFrameBase::SetToolBar(toolbar); if ( m_frameToolBar ) { // insert into toolbar area if not already there if ((m_frameToolBar->m_widget->parent) && (m_frameToolBar->m_widget->parent != m_mainWidget)) { GetChildren().DeleteObject( m_frameToolBar ); gtk_widget_reparent( m_frameToolBar->m_widget, m_mainWidget ); GtkUpdateSize(); } } else // toolbar unset { // still need to update size if it had been there before if ( hadTbar ) { GtkUpdateSize(); } } } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR wxStatusBar* wxFrame::CreateStatusBar(int number, long style, wxWindowID id, const wxString& name) { wxASSERT_MSG( (m_widget != NULL), wxT("invalid frame") ); // because it will change when toolbar is added GtkUpdateSize(); return wxFrameBase::CreateStatusBar( number, style, id, name ); } void wxFrame::SetStatusBar(wxStatusBar *statbar) { bool hadStatBar = m_frameStatusBar != NULL; wxFrameBase::SetStatusBar(statbar); if (hadStatBar && !m_frameStatusBar) GtkUpdateSize(); } void wxFrame::PositionStatusBar() { if ( !m_frameStatusBar ) return; GtkUpdateSize(); } #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR