///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/gtk/bitmap.cpp // Purpose: // Author: Robert Roebling // RCS-ID: $Id: bitmap.cpp 57052 2008-12-01 02:03:38Z PC $ // Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/bitmap.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/palette.h" #include "wx/icon.h" #include "wx/math.h" #include "wx/image.h" #include "wx/colour.h" #endif #include "wx/rawbmp.h" #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern GtkWidget *wxGetRootWindow(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMask //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMask,wxObject) wxMask::wxMask() { m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap *) NULL; } wxMask::wxMask( const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour ) { m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap *) NULL; Create( bitmap, colour ); } #if wxUSE_PALETTE wxMask::wxMask( const wxBitmap& bitmap, int paletteIndex ) { m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap *) NULL; Create( bitmap, paletteIndex ); } #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE wxMask::wxMask( const wxBitmap& bitmap ) { m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap *) NULL; Create( bitmap ); } wxMask::~wxMask() { if (m_bitmap) g_object_unref (m_bitmap); } bool wxMask::Create( const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour ) { if (m_bitmap) { g_object_unref (m_bitmap); m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap*) NULL; } const int w = bitmap.GetWidth(); const int h = bitmap.GetHeight(); // create mask as XBM format bitmap // one bit per pixel, each row starts on a byte boundary const size_t out_size = size_t((w + 7) / 8) * unsigned(h); wxByte* out = new wxByte[out_size]; // set bits are unmasked memset(out, 0xff, out_size); unsigned bit_index = 0; if (bitmap.HasPixbuf()) { const wxByte r_mask = colour.Red(); const wxByte g_mask = colour.Green(); const wxByte b_mask = colour.Blue(); GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = bitmap.GetPixbuf(); const wxByte* in = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); const int inc = 3 + int(gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf) != 0); const int rowpadding = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf) - inc * w; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++, in += rowpadding) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, in += inc, bit_index++) if (in[0] == r_mask && in[1] == g_mask && in[2] == b_mask) out[bit_index >> 3] ^= 1 << (bit_index & 7); // move index to next byte boundary bit_index = (bit_index + 7) & ~7u; } } else { GdkImage* image = gdk_drawable_get_image(bitmap.GetPixmap(), 0, 0, w, h); GdkColormap* colormap = gdk_image_get_colormap(image); guint32 mask_pixel; if (colormap == NULL) // mono bitmap, white is pixel value 0 mask_pixel = guint32(colour.Red() != 255 || colour.Green() != 255 || colour.Blue() != 255); else { wxColor c(colour); c.CalcPixel(colormap); mask_pixel = c.GetPixel(); } for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, bit_index++) if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x, y) == mask_pixel) out[bit_index >> 3] ^= 1 << (bit_index & 7); bit_index = (bit_index + 7) & ~7u; } g_object_unref(image); } m_bitmap = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(wxGetRootWindow()->window, (char*)out, w, h); delete[] out; return true; } #if wxUSE_PALETTE bool wxMask::Create( const wxBitmap& bitmap, int paletteIndex ) { unsigned char r,g,b; wxPalette *pal = bitmap.GetPalette(); wxCHECK_MSG( pal, false, wxT("Cannot create mask from bitmap without palette") ); pal->GetRGB(paletteIndex, &r, &g, &b); return Create(bitmap, wxColour(r, g, b)); } #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE bool wxMask::Create( const wxBitmap& bitmap ) { if (m_bitmap) { g_object_unref (m_bitmap); m_bitmap = (GdkBitmap*) NULL; } if (!bitmap.Ok()) return false; wxCHECK_MSG( bitmap.GetDepth() == 1, false, wxT("Cannot create mask from colour bitmap") ); m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( wxGetRootWindow()->window, bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight(), 1 ); if (!m_bitmap) return false; GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( m_bitmap ); gdk_gc_set_function(gc, GDK_COPY_INVERT); gdk_draw_drawable(m_bitmap, gc, bitmap.GetPixmap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight()); g_object_unref (gc); return true; } GdkBitmap *wxMask::GetBitmap() const { return m_bitmap; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmap //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxBitmapRefData: public wxObjectRefData { public: wxBitmapRefData(); virtual ~wxBitmapRefData(); GdkPixmap *m_pixmap; GdkPixbuf *m_pixbuf; wxMask *m_mask; int m_width; int m_height; int m_bpp; #if wxUSE_PALETTE wxPalette *m_palette; #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE }; wxBitmapRefData::wxBitmapRefData() { m_pixmap = (GdkPixmap *) NULL; m_pixbuf = (GdkPixbuf *) NULL; m_mask = (wxMask *) NULL; m_width = 0; m_height = 0; m_bpp = 0; #if wxUSE_PALETTE m_palette = (wxPalette *) NULL; #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE } wxBitmapRefData::~wxBitmapRefData() { if (m_pixmap) g_object_unref (m_pixmap); if (m_pixbuf) g_object_unref (m_pixbuf); delete m_mask; #if wxUSE_PALETTE delete m_palette; #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define M_BMPDATA wx_static_cast(wxBitmapRefData*, m_refData) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBitmap,wxGDIObject) wxBitmap::wxBitmap(int width, int height, int depth) { Create(width, height, depth); } wxBitmap::wxBitmap(const wxString &filename, wxBitmapType type) { LoadFile(filename, type); } wxBitmap::wxBitmap(const char bits[], int width, int height, int depth) { wxASSERT(depth == 1); if (width > 0 && height > 0 && depth == 1) { SetPixmap(gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(wxGetRootWindow()->window, bits, width, height)); wxASSERT_MSG( M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, wxT("couldn't create bitmap") ); } } wxBitmap::wxBitmap(const char* const* bits) { wxCHECK2_MSG(bits != NULL, return, wxT("invalid bitmap data")); GdkBitmap* mask = NULL; SetPixmap(gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d(wxGetRootWindow()->window, &mask, NULL, wx_const_cast(char**, bits))); if (M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap != NULL && mask != NULL) { M_BMPDATA->m_mask = new wxMask; M_BMPDATA->m_mask->m_bitmap = mask; } } wxBitmap::~wxBitmap() { } bool wxBitmap::Create( int width, int height, int depth ) { UnRef(); if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) { return false; } if (depth == 32) { SetPixbuf(gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, width, height), 32); // must initialize alpha, otherwise GetPixmap() // will create a mask out of garbage gdk_pixbuf_fill(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf, 0x000000ff); } else { if (depth != 1) { const GdkVisual* visual = wxTheApp->GetGdkVisual(); if (depth == -1) depth = visual->depth; wxCHECK_MSG(depth == visual->depth, false, wxT("invalid bitmap depth")); } SetPixmap(gdk_pixmap_new(wxGetRootWindow()->window, width, height, depth)); } return Ok(); } wxBitmap wxBitmap::Rescale(int clipx, int clipy, int clipwidth, int clipheight, int newx, int newy) const { wxBitmap bmp; wxCHECK_MSG(Ok(), bmp, wxT("invalid bitmap")); if (newx==M_BMPDATA->m_width && newy==M_BMPDATA->m_height) return *this; int width = wxMax(newx, 1); int height = wxMax(newy, 1); width = wxMin(width, clipwidth); height = wxMin(height, clipheight); // scale pixbuf if available and it has alpha or there is no mask if (M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf != NULL && ( M_BMPDATA->m_mask == NULL || gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf))) { bmp.SetPixbuf(gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf), 8, width, height), M_BMPDATA->m_bpp); gdk_pixbuf_scale(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf, bmp.GetPixbuf(), 0, 0, width, height, -clipx, -clipy, (double)newx/GetWidth(), (double)newy/GetHeight(), GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); } else { GdkImage* img = gdk_drawable_get_image( M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, 0, 0, M_BMPDATA->m_width, M_BMPDATA->m_height); bmp.Create(width, height, gdk_drawable_get_depth(M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap)); GdkImage* img_scaled = gdk_drawable_get_image(bmp.GetPixmap(), 0, 0, width, height); // be careful to use the right scaling factor float scx = (float)M_BMPDATA->m_width/(float)newx; float scy = (float)M_BMPDATA->m_height/(float)newy; // prepare accel-tables int *tablex = (int *)calloc(width,sizeof(int)); int *tabley = (int *)calloc(height,sizeof(int)); // accel table filled with clipped values for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) tablex[x] = (int) (scx * (x+clipx)); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) tabley[y] = (int) (scy * (y+clipy)); // Main rescaling routine starts here for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { int old_x = -1; guint32 old_pixval = 0; for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { guint32 pixval; int x = tablex[w]; if (x == old_x) pixval = old_pixval; else { pixval = gdk_image_get_pixel( img, x, tabley[h] ); old_pixval = pixval; old_x = x; } gdk_image_put_pixel(img_scaled, w, h, pixval); } } g_object_unref (img); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(bmp.GetPixmap()); gdk_draw_image(bmp.GetPixmap(), gc, img_scaled, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); g_object_unref(gc); g_object_unref(img_scaled); if (GetMask()) { size_t dstbyteperline = (width + 7) / 8; char* dst = (char*) malloc(dstbyteperline*height); img = gdk_drawable_get_image(GetMask()->GetBitmap(), 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight()); for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { char outbyte = 0; int old_x = -1; guint32 old_pixval = 0; for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { guint32 pixval; int x = tablex[w]; if (x == old_x) pixval = old_pixval; else { pixval = gdk_image_get_pixel( img, x, tabley[h] ); old_pixval = pixval; old_x = x; } if (pixval) { char bit=1; char shift = bit << (w % 8); outbyte |= shift; } if ((w+1)%8 == 0) { dst[h*dstbyteperline+w/8] = outbyte; outbyte = 0; } } // do not forget the last byte if (width % 8 != 0) dst[h*dstbyteperline+width/8] = outbyte; } wxMask* mask = new wxMask; mask->m_bitmap = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data( wxGetRootWindow()->window, (gchar *) dst, width, height ); bmp.SetMask(mask); free( dst ); g_object_unref (img); } free( tablex ); free( tabley ); } return bmp; } bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImage(const wxImage& image, int depth) { UnRef(); wxCHECK_MSG( image.Ok(), false, wxT("invalid image") ); wxCHECK_MSG( depth == -1 || depth == 1, false, wxT("invalid bitmap depth") ); if (image.GetWidth() <= 0 || image.GetHeight() <= 0) return false; // create pixbuf if image has alpha and requested depth is compatible if (image.HasAlpha() && (depth == -1 || depth == 32)) return CreateFromImageAsPixbuf(image); // otherwise create pixmap, if alpha is present it will be converted to mask return CreateFromImageAsPixmap(image, depth); } bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImageAsPixmap(const wxImage& image, int depth) { const int w = image.GetWidth(); const int h = image.GetHeight(); if (depth == 1) { // create XBM format bitmap // one bit per pixel, each row starts on a byte boundary const size_t out_size = size_t((w + 7) / 8) * unsigned(h); wxByte* out = new wxByte[out_size]; // set bits are black memset(out, 0xff, out_size); const wxByte* in = image.GetData(); unsigned bit_index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, in += 3, bit_index++) if (in[0] == 255 && in[1] == 255 && in[2] == 255) out[bit_index >> 3] ^= 1 << (bit_index & 7); // move index to next byte boundary bit_index = (bit_index + 7) & ~7u; } SetPixmap(gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(wxGetRootWindow()->window, (char*)out, w, h)); delete[] out; } else { SetPixmap(gdk_pixmap_new(wxGetRootWindow()->window, w, h, depth)); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap); gdk_draw_rgb_image( M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, gc, 0, 0, w, h, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, image.GetData(), w * 3); g_object_unref(gc); } const wxByte* alpha = image.GetAlpha(); if (alpha != NULL || image.HasMask()) { // create mask as XBM format bitmap const size_t out_size = size_t((w + 7) / 8) * unsigned(h); wxByte* out = new wxByte[out_size]; memset(out, 0xff, out_size); unsigned bit_index = 0; if (alpha != NULL) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, bit_index++) if (*alpha++ < wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) out[bit_index >> 3] ^= 1 << (bit_index & 7); bit_index = (bit_index + 7) & ~7u; } } else { const wxByte r_mask = image.GetMaskRed(); const wxByte g_mask = image.GetMaskGreen(); const wxByte b_mask = image.GetMaskBlue(); const wxByte* in = image.GetData(); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, in += 3, bit_index++) if (in[0] == r_mask && in[1] == g_mask && in[2] == b_mask) out[bit_index >> 3] ^= 1 << (bit_index & 7); bit_index = (bit_index + 7) & ~7u; } } wxMask* mask = new wxMask; mask->m_bitmap = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data(M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, (char*)out, w, h); SetMask(mask); delete[] out; } return true; } bool wxBitmap::CreateFromImageAsPixbuf(const wxImage& image) { wxASSERT(image.HasAlpha()); int width = image.GetWidth(); int height = image.GetHeight(); Create(width, height, 32); GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf; if (!pixbuf) return false; // Copy the data: const unsigned char* in = image.GetData(); unsigned char *out = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); unsigned char *alpha = image.GetAlpha(); int rowpad = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf) - 4 * width; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, out += rowpad) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, alpha++, out += 4, in += 3) { out[0] = in[0]; out[1] = in[1]; out[2] = in[2]; out[3] = *alpha; } } return true; } wxImage wxBitmap::ConvertToImage() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), wxNullImage, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); const int w = GetWidth(); const int h = GetHeight(); wxImage image(w, h, false); unsigned char *data = image.GetData(); wxCHECK_MSG(data != NULL, wxNullImage, wxT("couldn't create image") ); // prefer pixbuf if available, it will preserve alpha and should be quicker if (HasPixbuf()) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = GetPixbuf(); unsigned char* alpha = NULL; if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf)) { image.SetAlpha(); alpha = image.GetAlpha(); } const unsigned char* in = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); unsigned char *out = data; const int inc = 3 + int(alpha != NULL); const int rowpad = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf) - inc * w; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++, in += rowpad) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, in += inc, out += 3) { out[0] = in[0]; out[1] = in[1]; out[2] = in[2]; if (alpha != NULL) *alpha++ = in[3]; } } } else { GdkPixmap* pixmap = GetPixmap(); GdkPixmap* pixmap_invert = NULL; if (GetDepth() == 1) { // mono bitmaps are inverted, i.e. 0 is white pixmap_invert = gdk_pixmap_new(pixmap, w, h, 1); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(pixmap_invert); gdk_gc_set_function(gc, GDK_COPY_INVERT); gdk_draw_drawable(pixmap_invert, gc, pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); g_object_unref(gc); pixmap = pixmap_invert; } // create a pixbuf which shares data with the wxImage GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data( data, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, false, 8, w, h, 3 * w, NULL, NULL); gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(pixbuf, pixmap, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); g_object_unref(pixbuf); if (pixmap_invert != NULL) g_object_unref(pixmap_invert); } // convert mask, unless there is already alpha if (GetMask() && !image.HasAlpha()) { // we hard code the mask colour for now but we could also make an // effort (and waste time) to choose a colour not present in the // image already to avoid having to fudge the pixels below -- // whether it's worth to do it is unclear however const int MASK_RED = 1; const int MASK_GREEN = 2; const int MASK_BLUE = 3; const int MASK_BLUE_REPLACEMENT = 2; image.SetMaskColour(MASK_RED, MASK_GREEN, MASK_BLUE); GdkImage* image_mask = gdk_drawable_get_image(GetMask()->GetBitmap(), 0, 0, w, h); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, data += 3) { if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image_mask, x, y) == 0) { data[0] = MASK_RED; data[1] = MASK_GREEN; data[2] = MASK_BLUE; } else if (data[0] == MASK_RED && data[1] == MASK_GREEN && data[2] == MASK_BLUE) { // we have to fudge the colour a bit to prevent // this pixel from appearing transparent data[2] = MASK_BLUE_REPLACEMENT; } } } g_object_unref(image_mask); } return image; } bool wxBitmap::IsOk() const { return (m_refData != NULL) && ( M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf || M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap ); } int wxBitmap::GetHeight() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), -1, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_height; } int wxBitmap::GetWidth() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), -1, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_width; } int wxBitmap::GetDepth() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), -1, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_bpp; } wxMask *wxBitmap::GetMask() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), (wxMask *) NULL, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_mask; } void wxBitmap::SetMask( wxMask *mask ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid bitmap") ); AllocExclusive(); delete M_BMPDATA->m_mask; M_BMPDATA->m_mask = mask; } bool wxBitmap::CopyFromIcon(const wxIcon& icon) { *this = icon; return Ok(); } wxBitmap wxBitmap::GetSubBitmap( const wxRect& rect) const { wxBitmap ret; wxCHECK_MSG(Ok(), ret, wxT("invalid bitmap")); wxCHECK_MSG(rect.x >= 0 && rect.y >= 0 && rect.x + rect.width <= M_BMPDATA->m_width && rect.y + rect.height <= M_BMPDATA->m_height, ret, wxT("invalid bitmap region")); if (HasPixbuf() || M_BMPDATA->m_bpp == 32) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(GetPixbuf()), 8, rect.width, rect.height); ret.SetPixbuf(pixbuf, M_BMPDATA->m_bpp); gdk_pixbuf_copy_area(GetPixbuf(), rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, pixbuf, 0, 0); } else { ret.Create(rect.width, rect.height, M_BMPDATA->m_bpp); GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( ret.GetPixmap() ); gdk_draw_drawable( ret.GetPixmap(), gc, GetPixmap(), rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height ); g_object_unref (gc); } // make mask, unless there is already alpha if (GetMask() && !HasAlpha()) { wxMask *mask = new wxMask; mask->m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( wxGetRootWindow()->window, rect.width, rect.height, 1 ); GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new( mask->m_bitmap ); gdk_draw_drawable(mask->m_bitmap, gc, M_BMPDATA->m_mask->m_bitmap, rect.x, rect.y, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); g_object_unref (gc); ret.SetMask( mask ); } return ret; } bool wxBitmap::SaveFile( const wxString &name, wxBitmapType type, const wxPalette *WXUNUSED(palette) ) const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); // Try to save the bitmap via wxImage handlers: wxImage image = ConvertToImage(); return image.Ok() && image.SaveFile(name, type); } bool wxBitmap::LoadFile( const wxString &name, wxBitmapType type ) { UnRef(); if (type == wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM) { GdkBitmap *mask = (GdkBitmap*) NULL; SetPixmap(gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm(wxGetRootWindow()->window, &mask, NULL, name.fn_str())); if (mask) { M_BMPDATA->m_mask = new wxMask; M_BMPDATA->m_mask->m_bitmap = mask; } } else // try if wxImage can load it { wxImage image; if (image.LoadFile(name, type) && image.Ok()) CreateFromImage(image, -1); } return Ok(); } #if wxUSE_PALETTE wxPalette *wxBitmap::GetPalette() const { wxCHECK_MSG(Ok(), NULL, wxT("invalid bitmap")); return M_BMPDATA->m_palette; } void wxBitmap::SetPalette(const wxPalette& WXUNUSED(palette)) { // TODO } #endif // wxUSE_PALETTE void wxBitmap::SetHeight( int height ) { AllocExclusive(); M_BMPDATA->m_height = height; } void wxBitmap::SetWidth( int width ) { AllocExclusive(); M_BMPDATA->m_width = width; } void wxBitmap::SetDepth( int depth ) { AllocExclusive(); M_BMPDATA->m_bpp = depth; } void wxBitmap::SetPixmap( GdkPixmap *pixmap ) { if (!m_refData) m_refData = new wxBitmapRefData; // AllocExclusive should not be needed for this internal function wxASSERT(m_refData->GetRefCount() == 1); wxASSERT(M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap == NULL); M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap = pixmap; gdk_drawable_get_size(pixmap, &M_BMPDATA->m_width, &M_BMPDATA->m_height); M_BMPDATA->m_bpp = gdk_drawable_get_depth(pixmap); PurgeOtherRepresentations(Pixmap); } GdkPixmap *wxBitmap::GetPixmap() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), (GdkPixmap *) NULL, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); // create the pixmap on the fly if we use Pixbuf representation: if (M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap == NULL) { GdkPixmap** pmask = NULL; if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf)) { // make new mask from alpha delete M_BMPDATA->m_mask; M_BMPDATA->m_mask = new wxMask; pmask = &M_BMPDATA->m_mask->m_bitmap; } gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf, &M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, pmask, wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD); } return M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap; } bool wxBitmap::HasPixmap() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap != NULL; } GdkPixbuf *wxBitmap::GetPixbuf() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), NULL, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); if (M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf == NULL) { int width = GetWidth(); int height = GetHeight(); GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, GetMask() != NULL, 8, width, height); M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf = pixbuf; gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(pixbuf, M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); // apply the mask to created pixbuf: if (M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf && M_BMPDATA->m_mask) { GdkPixbuf *pmask = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(NULL, M_BMPDATA->m_mask->GetBitmap(), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); if (pmask) { guchar *bmp = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); guchar *mask = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pmask); int bmprowinc = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf) - 4 * width; int maskrowinc = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pmask) - 3 * width; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++, bmp += bmprowinc, mask += maskrowinc) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, bmp += 4, mask += 3) { if (mask[0] == 0 /*black pixel*/) bmp[3] = 0; } } g_object_unref (pmask); } } } return M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf; } bool wxBitmap::HasPixbuf() const { wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), false, wxT("invalid bitmap") ); return M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf != NULL; } void wxBitmap::SetPixbuf(GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, int depth) { if (!m_refData) m_refData = new wxBitmapRefData; // AllocExclusive should not be needed for this internal function wxASSERT(m_refData->GetRefCount() == 1); wxASSERT(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf == NULL); M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf = pixbuf; M_BMPDATA->m_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf); M_BMPDATA->m_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf); // if depth specified if (depth != 0) M_BMPDATA->m_bpp = depth; else if (M_BMPDATA->m_bpp == 0) // use something reasonable M_BMPDATA->m_bpp = wxTheApp->GetGdkVisual()->depth; PurgeOtherRepresentations(Pixbuf); } void wxBitmap::PurgeOtherRepresentations(wxBitmap::Representation keep) { if (keep == Pixmap && HasPixbuf()) { g_object_unref (M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf); M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf = NULL; } if (keep == Pixbuf && HasPixmap()) { g_object_unref (M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap); M_BMPDATA->m_pixmap = NULL; } } void *wxBitmap::GetRawData(wxPixelDataBase& data, int bpp) { void* bits = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = GetPixbuf(); const bool hasAlpha = HasAlpha(); // allow access if bpp is valid and matches existence of alpha if ( pixbuf && (((bpp == 24) && !hasAlpha) || ((bpp == 32) && hasAlpha)) ) { data.m_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height( pixbuf ); data.m_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width( pixbuf ); data.m_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride( pixbuf ); bits = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); } return bits; } void wxBitmap::UngetRawData(wxPixelDataBase& WXUNUSED(data)) { } bool wxBitmap::HasAlpha() const { return m_refData != NULL && M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf != NULL && gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf); } void wxBitmap::UseAlpha() { GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = GetPixbuf(); // add alpha if necessary if (!gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf)) { M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf = NULL; AllocExclusive(); M_BMPDATA->m_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(pixbuf, false, 0, 0, 0); g_object_unref(pixbuf); } } wxObjectRefData* wxBitmap::CreateRefData() const { return new wxBitmapRefData; } wxObjectRefData* wxBitmap::CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData* data) const { const wxBitmapRefData* oldRef = wx_static_cast(const wxBitmapRefData*, data); wxBitmapRefData* newRef = new wxBitmapRefData; newRef->m_width = oldRef->m_width; newRef->m_height = oldRef->m_height; newRef->m_bpp = oldRef->m_bpp; if (oldRef->m_pixmap != NULL) { newRef->m_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new( oldRef->m_pixmap, oldRef->m_width, oldRef->m_height, // use pixmap depth, m_bpp may not match gdk_drawable_get_depth(oldRef->m_pixmap)); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(newRef->m_pixmap); gdk_draw_drawable( newRef->m_pixmap, gc, oldRef->m_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); g_object_unref(gc); } if (oldRef->m_pixbuf != NULL) { newRef->m_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_copy(oldRef->m_pixbuf); } if (oldRef->m_mask != NULL) { newRef->m_mask = new wxMask; newRef->m_mask->m_bitmap = gdk_pixmap_new( oldRef->m_mask->m_bitmap, oldRef->m_width, oldRef->m_height, 1); GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(newRef->m_mask->m_bitmap); gdk_draw_drawable(newRef->m_mask->m_bitmap, gc, oldRef->m_mask->m_bitmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1); g_object_unref(gc); } #if wxUSE_PALETTE // implement this if SetPalette is ever implemented wxASSERT(oldRef->m_palette == NULL); #endif return newRef; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxBitmapHandler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxBitmapHandler, wxBitmapHandlerBase) /* static */ void wxBitmap::InitStandardHandlers() { // TODO: Insert handler based on GdkPixbufs handler later }