/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: generic/selstore.cpp // Purpose: wxSelectionStore implementation // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 08.06.03 (extracted from src/generic/listctrl.cpp) // RCS-ID: $Id: selstore.cpp 27853 2004-06-17 16:22:36Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 2000-2003 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "wx/selstore.h" // ============================================================================ // wxSelectionStore // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSelectionStore::IsSelected(size_t item) const { bool isSel = m_itemsSel.Index(item) != wxNOT_FOUND; // if the default state is to be selected, being in m_itemsSel means that // the item is not selected, so we have to inverse the logic return m_defaultState ? !isSel : isSel; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select*() // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxSelectionStore::SelectItem(size_t item, bool select) { // search for the item ourselves as like this we get the index where to // insert it later if needed, so we do only one search in the array instead // of two (adding item to a sorted array requires a search) size_t index = m_itemsSel.IndexForInsert(item); bool isSel = index < m_itemsSel.GetCount() && m_itemsSel[index] == item; if ( select != m_defaultState ) { if ( !isSel ) { m_itemsSel.AddAt(item, index); return true; } } else // reset to default state { if ( isSel ) { m_itemsSel.RemoveAt(index); return true; } } return false; } bool wxSelectionStore::SelectRange(size_t itemFrom, size_t itemTo, bool select, wxArrayInt *itemsChanged) { // 100 is hardcoded but it shouldn't matter much: the important thing is // that we don't refresh everything when really few (e.g. 1 or 2) items // change state static const size_t MANY_ITEMS = 100; wxASSERT_MSG( itemFrom <= itemTo, _T("should be in order") ); // are we going to have more [un]selected items than the other ones? if ( itemTo - itemFrom > m_count/2 ) { if ( select != m_defaultState ) { // the default state now becomes the same as 'select' m_defaultState = select; // so all the old selections (which had state select) shouldn't be // selected any more, but all the other ones should wxSelectedIndices selOld = m_itemsSel; m_itemsSel.Empty(); // TODO: it should be possible to optimize the searches a bit // knowing the possible range size_t item; for ( item = 0; item < itemFrom; item++ ) { if ( selOld.Index(item) == wxNOT_FOUND ) m_itemsSel.Add(item); } for ( item = itemTo + 1; item < m_count; item++ ) { if ( selOld.Index(item) == wxNOT_FOUND ) m_itemsSel.Add(item); } // many items (> half) changed state itemsChanged = NULL; } else // select == m_defaultState { // get the inclusive range of items between itemFrom and itemTo size_t count = m_itemsSel.GetCount(), start = m_itemsSel.IndexForInsert(itemFrom), end = m_itemsSel.IndexForInsert(itemTo); if ( start == count || m_itemsSel[start] < itemFrom ) { start++; } if ( end == count || m_itemsSel[end] > itemTo ) { end--; } if ( start <= end ) { // delete all of them (from end to avoid changing indices) for ( int i = end; i >= (int)start; i-- ) { if ( itemsChanged ) { if ( itemsChanged->GetCount() > MANY_ITEMS ) { // stop counting (see comment below) itemsChanged = NULL; } else { itemsChanged->Add(m_itemsSel[i]); } } m_itemsSel.RemoveAt(i); } } } } else // "few" items change state { if ( itemsChanged ) { itemsChanged->Empty(); } // just add the items to the selection for ( size_t item = itemFrom; item <= itemTo; item++ ) { if ( SelectItem(item, select) && itemsChanged ) { itemsChanged->Add(item); if ( itemsChanged->GetCount() > MANY_ITEMS ) { // stop counting them, we'll just eat gobs of memory // for nothing at all - faster to refresh everything in // this case itemsChanged = NULL; } } } } // we set it to NULL if there are many items changing state return itemsChanged != NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // callbacks // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxSelectionStore::OnItemDelete(size_t item) { size_t count = m_itemsSel.GetCount(), i = m_itemsSel.IndexForInsert(item); if ( i < count && m_itemsSel[i] == item ) { // this item itself was in m_itemsSel, remove it from there m_itemsSel.RemoveAt(i); count--; } // and adjust the index of all which follow it while ( i < count ) { // all following elements must be greater than the one we deleted wxASSERT_MSG( m_itemsSel[i] > item, _T("logic error") ); m_itemsSel[i++]--; } }