///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/generic/colrdlgg.cpp // Purpose: Choice dialogs // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 04/01/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: colrdlgg.cpp 41838 2006-10-09 21:08:45Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_COLOURDLG && (!defined(__WXGTK20__) || defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)) #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/dialog.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/button.h" #include "wx/stattext.h" #include "wx/layout.h" #include "wx/dcclient.h" #include "wx/sizer.h" #include "wx/slider.h" #endif #if wxUSE_STATLINE #include "wx/statline.h" #endif #include "wx/generic/colrdlgg.h" IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGenericColourDialog, wxDialog) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxGenericColourDialog, wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_ADD_CUSTOM, wxGenericColourDialog::OnAddCustom) #if wxUSE_SLIDER EVT_SLIDER(wxID_RED_SLIDER, wxGenericColourDialog::OnRedSlider) EVT_SLIDER(wxID_GREEN_SLIDER, wxGenericColourDialog::OnGreenSlider) EVT_SLIDER(wxID_BLUE_SLIDER, wxGenericColourDialog::OnBlueSlider) #endif EVT_PAINT(wxGenericColourDialog::OnPaint) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(wxGenericColourDialog::OnMouseEvent) EVT_CLOSE(wxGenericColourDialog::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() /* * Generic wxColourDialog */ // don't change the number of elements (48) in this array, the code below is // hardcoded to use it static const wxChar *wxColourDialogNames[] = { wxT("ORANGE"), wxT("GOLDENROD"), wxT("WHEAT"), wxT("SPRING GREEN"), wxT("SKY BLUE"), wxT("SLATE BLUE"), wxT("MEDIUM VIOLET RED"), wxT("PURPLE"), wxT("RED"), wxT("YELLOW"), wxT("MEDIUM SPRING GREEN"), wxT("PALE GREEN"), wxT("CYAN"), wxT("LIGHT STEEL BLUE"), wxT("ORCHID"), wxT("LIGHT MAGENTA"), wxT("BROWN"), wxT("YELLOW"), wxT("GREEN"), wxT("CADET BLUE"), wxT("MEDIUM BLUE"), wxT("MAGENTA"), wxT("MAROON"), wxT("ORANGE RED"), wxT("FIREBRICK"), wxT("CORAL"), wxT("FOREST GREEN"), wxT("AQUAMARINE"), wxT("BLUE"), wxT("NAVY"), wxT("THISTLE"), wxT("MEDIUM VIOLET RED"), wxT("INDIAN RED"), wxT("GOLD"), wxT("MEDIUM SEA GREEN"), wxT("MEDIUM BLUE"), wxT("MIDNIGHT BLUE"), wxT("GREY"), wxT("PURPLE"), wxT("KHAKI"), wxT("BLACK"), wxT("MEDIUM FOREST GREEN"), wxT("KHAKI"), wxT("DARK GREY"), wxT("SEA GREEN"), wxT("LIGHT GREY"), wxT("MEDIUM SLATE BLUE"), wxT("WHITE") }; wxGenericColourDialog::wxGenericColourDialog() { dialogParent = NULL; whichKind = 1; colourSelection = -1; } wxGenericColourDialog::wxGenericColourDialog(wxWindow *parent, wxColourData *data) { whichKind = 1; colourSelection = -1; Create(parent, data); } wxGenericColourDialog::~wxGenericColourDialog() { } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { EndModal(wxID_CANCEL); } bool wxGenericColourDialog::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxColourData *data) { if ( !wxDialog::Create(parent, wxID_ANY, _("Choose colour"), wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(900, 900)) ) return false; dialogParent = parent; if (data) colourData = *data; InitializeColours(); CalculateMeasurements(); CreateWidgets(); return true; } int wxGenericColourDialog::ShowModal() { return wxDialog::ShowModal(); } // Internal functions void wxGenericColourDialog::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (event.ButtonDown(1)) { int x = (int)event.GetX(); int y = (int)event.GetY(); #ifdef __WXPM__ // Handle OS/2's reverse coordinate system and account for the dialog title int nClientHeight; GetClientSize(NULL, &nClientHeight); y = (nClientHeight - y) + 20; #endif if ((x >= standardColoursRect.x && x <= (standardColoursRect.x + standardColoursRect.width)) && (y >= standardColoursRect.y && y <= (standardColoursRect.y + standardColoursRect.height))) { int selX = (int)(x - standardColoursRect.x)/(smallRectangleSize.x + gridSpacing); int selY = (int)(y - standardColoursRect.y)/(smallRectangleSize.y + gridSpacing); int ptr = (int)(selX + selY*8); OnBasicColourClick(ptr); } else if ((x >= customColoursRect.x && x <= (customColoursRect.x + customColoursRect.width)) && (y >= customColoursRect.y && y <= (customColoursRect.y + customColoursRect.height))) { int selX = (int)(x - customColoursRect.x)/(smallRectangleSize.x + gridSpacing); int selY = (int)(y - customColoursRect.y)/(smallRectangleSize.y + gridSpacing); int ptr = (int)(selX + selY*8); OnCustomColourClick(ptr); } else event.Skip(); } else event.Skip(); } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { #if !defined(__WXMOTIF__) && !defined(__WXPM__) && !defined(__WXCOCOA__) wxDialog::OnPaint(event); #else wxUnusedVar(event); #endif wxPaintDC dc(this); PaintBasicColours(dc); PaintCustomColours(dc); PaintCustomColour(dc); PaintHighlight(dc, true); } void wxGenericColourDialog::CalculateMeasurements() { smallRectangleSize.x = 18; smallRectangleSize.y = 14; customRectangleSize.x = 40; customRectangleSize.y = 40; gridSpacing = 6; sectionSpacing = 15; standardColoursRect.x = 10; #ifdef __WXPM__ standardColoursRect.y = 15 + 20; /* OS/2 needs to account for dialog titlebar */ #else standardColoursRect.y = 15; #endif standardColoursRect.width = (8*smallRectangleSize.x) + (7*gridSpacing); standardColoursRect.height = (6*smallRectangleSize.y) + (5*gridSpacing); customColoursRect.x = standardColoursRect.x; customColoursRect.y = standardColoursRect.y + standardColoursRect.height + 20; customColoursRect.width = (8*smallRectangleSize.x) + (7*gridSpacing); customColoursRect.height = (2*smallRectangleSize.y) + (1*gridSpacing); singleCustomColourRect.x = customColoursRect.width + customColoursRect.x + sectionSpacing; singleCustomColourRect.y = 80; singleCustomColourRect.width = customRectangleSize.x; singleCustomColourRect.height = customRectangleSize.y; okButtonX = 10; customButtonX = singleCustomColourRect.x ; buttonY = customColoursRect.y + customColoursRect.height + 10; } void wxGenericColourDialog::CreateWidgets() { wxBeginBusyCursor(); wxBoxSizer *topSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); const int sliderHeight = 160; // first sliders #if wxUSE_SLIDER const int sliderX = singleCustomColourRect.x + singleCustomColourRect.width + sectionSpacing; redSlider = new wxSlider(this, wxID_RED_SLIDER, colourData.m_dataColour.Red(), 0, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(wxDefaultCoord, sliderHeight), wxSL_VERTICAL|wxSL_LABELS|wxSL_INVERSE); greenSlider = new wxSlider(this, wxID_GREEN_SLIDER, colourData.m_dataColour.Green(), 0, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(wxDefaultCoord, sliderHeight), wxSL_VERTICAL|wxSL_LABELS|wxSL_INVERSE); blueSlider = new wxSlider(this, wxID_BLUE_SLIDER, colourData.m_dataColour.Blue(), 0, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(wxDefaultCoord, sliderHeight), wxSL_VERTICAL|wxSL_LABELS|wxSL_INVERSE); wxBoxSizer *sliderSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); sliderSizer->Add(sliderX, sliderHeight ); wxSizerFlags flagsRight; flagsRight.Align(wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL).DoubleBorder(); sliderSizer->Add(redSlider, flagsRight); sliderSizer->Add(greenSlider,flagsRight); sliderSizer->Add(blueSlider,flagsRight); topSizer->Add(sliderSizer, wxSizerFlags().Centre().DoubleBorder()); #else topSizer->Add(1, sliderHeight, wxSizerFlags(1).Centre().TripleBorder()); #endif // wxUSE_SLIDER // then the custom button topSizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_ADD_CUSTOM, _("Add to custom colours") ), wxSizerFlags().DoubleHorzBorder()); // then the standard buttons wxSizer *buttonsizer = CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL); if ( buttonsizer ) { topSizer->Add(buttonsizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand().DoubleBorder()); } SetAutoLayout( true ); SetSizer( topSizer ); topSizer->SetSizeHints( this ); topSizer->Fit( this ); Centre( wxBOTH ); wxEndBusyCursor(); } void wxGenericColourDialog::InitializeColours(void) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(wxColourDialogNames); i++) { wxColour col = wxTheColourDatabase->Find(wxColourDialogNames[i]); if (col.Ok()) standardColours[i].Set(col.Red(), col.Green(), col.Blue()); else standardColours[i].Set(0, 0, 0); } for (i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(customColours); i++) { wxColour c = colourData.GetCustomColour(i); if (c.Ok()) customColours[i] = colourData.GetCustomColour(i); else customColours[i] = wxColour(255, 255, 255); } wxColour curr = colourData.GetColour(); if ( curr.Ok() ) { bool initColourFound = false; for (i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(wxColourDialogNames); i++) { if ( standardColours[i] == curr && !initColourFound ) { whichKind = 1; colourSelection = i; initColourFound = true; break; } } if ( !initColourFound ) { for ( i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(customColours); i++ ) { if ( customColours[i] == curr ) { whichKind = 2; colourSelection = i; break; } } } colourData.m_dataColour.Set( curr.Red(), curr.Green(), curr.Blue() ); } else { whichKind = 1; colourSelection = 0; colourData.m_dataColour.Set( 0, 0, 0 ); } } void wxGenericColourDialog::PaintBasicColours(wxDC& dc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int ptr = i*8 + j; int x = (j*(smallRectangleSize.x+gridSpacing) + standardColoursRect.x); int y = (i*(smallRectangleSize.y+gridSpacing) + standardColoursRect.y); dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); wxBrush brush(standardColours[ptr], wxSOLID); dc.SetBrush(brush); dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, smallRectangleSize.x, smallRectangleSize.y); } } } void wxGenericColourDialog::PaintCustomColours(wxDC& dc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int ptr = i*8 + j; int x = (j*(smallRectangleSize.x+gridSpacing)) + customColoursRect.x; int y = (i*(smallRectangleSize.y+gridSpacing)) + customColoursRect.y; dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); wxBrush brush(customColours[ptr], wxSOLID); dc.SetBrush(brush); dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, smallRectangleSize.x, smallRectangleSize.y); } } } void wxGenericColourDialog::PaintHighlight(wxDC& dc, bool draw) { if ( colourSelection < 0 ) return; // Number of pixels bigger than the standard rectangle size // for drawing a highlight int deltaX = 2; int deltaY = 2; if (whichKind == 1) { // Standard colours int y = (int)(colourSelection / 8); int x = (int)(colourSelection - (y*8)); x = (x*(smallRectangleSize.x + gridSpacing) + standardColoursRect.x) - deltaX; y = (y*(smallRectangleSize.y + gridSpacing) + standardColoursRect.y) - deltaY; if (draw) dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); else dc.SetPen(*wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, (smallRectangleSize.x + (2*deltaX)), (smallRectangleSize.y + (2*deltaY))); } else { // User-defined colours int y = (int)(colourSelection / 8); int x = (int)(colourSelection - (y*8)); x = (x*(smallRectangleSize.x + gridSpacing) + customColoursRect.x) - deltaX; y = (y*(smallRectangleSize.y + gridSpacing) + customColoursRect.y) - deltaY; if (draw) dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); else dc.SetPen(*wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN); dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); dc.DrawRectangle( x, y, (smallRectangleSize.x + (2*deltaX)), (smallRectangleSize.y + (2*deltaY))); } } void wxGenericColourDialog::PaintCustomColour(wxDC& dc) { dc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); wxBrush *brush = new wxBrush(colourData.m_dataColour, wxSOLID); dc.SetBrush(*brush); dc.DrawRectangle( singleCustomColourRect.x, singleCustomColourRect.y, customRectangleSize.x, customRectangleSize.y); dc.SetBrush(wxNullBrush); delete brush; } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnBasicColourClick(int which) { wxClientDC dc(this); PaintHighlight(dc, false); whichKind = 1; colourSelection = which; #if wxUSE_SLIDER redSlider->SetValue( standardColours[colourSelection].Red() ); greenSlider->SetValue( standardColours[colourSelection].Green() ); blueSlider->SetValue( standardColours[colourSelection].Blue() ); #endif // wxUSE_SLIDER colourData.m_dataColour.Set(standardColours[colourSelection].Red(), standardColours[colourSelection].Green(), standardColours[colourSelection].Blue()); PaintCustomColour(dc); PaintHighlight(dc, true); } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnCustomColourClick(int which) { wxClientDC dc(this); PaintHighlight(dc, false); whichKind = 2; colourSelection = which; #if wxUSE_SLIDER redSlider->SetValue( customColours[colourSelection].Red() ); greenSlider->SetValue( customColours[colourSelection].Green() ); blueSlider->SetValue( customColours[colourSelection].Blue() ); #endif // wxUSE_SLIDER colourData.m_dataColour.Set(customColours[colourSelection].Red(), customColours[colourSelection].Green(), customColours[colourSelection].Blue()); PaintCustomColour(dc); PaintHighlight(dc, true); } /* void wxGenericColourDialog::OnOk(void) { Show(false); } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnCancel(void) { colourDialogCancelled = true; Show(false); } */ void wxGenericColourDialog::OnAddCustom(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxClientDC dc(this); if (whichKind != 2) { PaintHighlight(dc, false); whichKind = 2; colourSelection = 0; PaintHighlight(dc, true); } customColours[colourSelection].Set(colourData.m_dataColour.Red(), colourData.m_dataColour.Green(), colourData.m_dataColour.Blue()); colourData.SetCustomColour(colourSelection, customColours[colourSelection]); PaintCustomColours(dc); } #if wxUSE_SLIDER void wxGenericColourDialog::OnRedSlider(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if (!redSlider) return; wxClientDC dc(this); colourData.m_dataColour.Set((unsigned char)redSlider->GetValue(), colourData.m_dataColour.Green(), colourData.m_dataColour.Blue()); PaintCustomColour(dc); } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnGreenSlider(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if (!greenSlider) return; wxClientDC dc(this); colourData.m_dataColour.Set(colourData.m_dataColour.Red(), (unsigned char)greenSlider->GetValue(), colourData.m_dataColour.Blue()); PaintCustomColour(dc); } void wxGenericColourDialog::OnBlueSlider(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if (!blueSlider) return; wxClientDC dc(this); colourData.m_dataColour.Set(colourData.m_dataColour.Red(), colourData.m_dataColour.Green(), (unsigned char)blueSlider->GetValue()); PaintCustomColour(dc); } #endif // wxUSE_SLIDER #endif // wxUSE_COLOURDLG && !defined(__WXGTK20__)