////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/zstream.cpp // Purpose: Compressed stream classes // Author: Guilhem Lavaux // Modified by: Mike Wetherell // Created: 11/07/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: zstream.cpp 42621 2006-10-29 16:47:20Z MW $ // Copyright: (c) Guilhem Lavaux // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_ZLIB && wxUSE_STREAMS #include "wx/zstream.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #endif // normally, the compiler options should contain -I../zlib, but it is // apparently not the case for all MSW makefiles and so, unless we use // configure (which defines __WX_SETUP_H__) or it is explicitly overridden by // the user (who can define wxUSE_ZLIB_H_IN_PATH), we hardcode the path here #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WX_SETUP_H__) && !defined(wxUSE_ZLIB_H_IN_PATH) #include "../zlib/zlib.h" #else #include "zlib.h" #endif enum { ZSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384, ZSTREAM_GZIP = 0x10, // gzip header ZSTREAM_AUTO = 0x20 // auto detect between gzip and zlib }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Zlib Class factory IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxZlibClassFactory, wxFilterClassFactory) static wxZlibClassFactory g_wxZlibClassFactory; wxZlibClassFactory::wxZlibClassFactory() { if (this == &g_wxZlibClassFactory) PushFront(); } const wxChar * const * wxZlibClassFactory::GetProtocols(wxStreamProtocolType type) const { static const wxChar *mimes[] = { _T("application/x-deflate"), NULL }; static const wxChar *encs[] = { _T("deflate"), NULL }; static const wxChar *empty[] = { NULL }; switch (type) { case wxSTREAM_MIMETYPE: return mimes; case wxSTREAM_ENCODING: return encs; default: return empty; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gzip Class factory IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGzipClassFactory, wxFilterClassFactory) static wxGzipClassFactory g_wxGzipClassFactory; wxGzipClassFactory::wxGzipClassFactory() { if (this == &g_wxGzipClassFactory && wxZlibInputStream::CanHandleGZip()) PushFront(); } const wxChar * const * wxGzipClassFactory::GetProtocols(wxStreamProtocolType type) const { static const wxChar *protos[] = { _T("gzip"), NULL }; static const wxChar *mimes[] = { _T("application/gzip"), _T("application/x-gzip"), NULL }; static const wxChar *encs[] = { _T("gzip"), NULL }; static const wxChar *exts[] = { _T(".gz"), _T(".gzip"), NULL }; static const wxChar *empty[] = { NULL }; switch (type) { case wxSTREAM_PROTOCOL: return protos; case wxSTREAM_MIMETYPE: return mimes; case wxSTREAM_ENCODING: return encs; case wxSTREAM_FILEEXT: return exts; default: return empty; } } ////////////////////// // wxZlibInputStream ////////////////////// wxZlibInputStream::wxZlibInputStream(wxInputStream& stream, int flags) : wxFilterInputStream(stream) { Init(flags); } wxZlibInputStream::wxZlibInputStream(wxInputStream *stream, int flags) : wxFilterInputStream(stream) { Init(flags); } void wxZlibInputStream::Init(int flags) { m_inflate = NULL; m_z_buffer = new unsigned char[ZSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; m_z_size = ZSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; m_pos = 0; #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 // treat compatibility mode as auto m_24compatibilty = flags == wxZLIB_24COMPATIBLE; if (m_24compatibilty) flags = wxZLIB_AUTO; #endif // if gzip is asked for but not supported... if ((flags == wxZLIB_GZIP || flags == wxZLIB_AUTO) && !CanHandleGZip()) { if (flags == wxZLIB_AUTO) { // an error will come later if the input turns out not to be a zlib flags = wxZLIB_ZLIB; } else { wxLogError(_("Gzip not supported by this version of zlib")); m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR; return; } } if (m_z_buffer) { m_inflate = new z_stream_s; if (m_inflate) { memset(m_inflate, 0, sizeof(z_stream_s)); // see zlib.h for documentation on windowBits int windowBits = MAX_WBITS; switch (flags) { case wxZLIB_NO_HEADER: windowBits = -MAX_WBITS; break; case wxZLIB_ZLIB: windowBits = MAX_WBITS; break; case wxZLIB_GZIP: windowBits = MAX_WBITS | ZSTREAM_GZIP; break; case wxZLIB_AUTO: windowBits = MAX_WBITS | ZSTREAM_AUTO; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Invalid zlib flag")); } if (inflateInit2(m_inflate, windowBits) == Z_OK) return; } } wxLogError(_("Can't initialize zlib inflate stream.")); m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR; } wxZlibInputStream::~wxZlibInputStream() { inflateEnd(m_inflate); delete m_inflate; delete [] m_z_buffer; } size_t wxZlibInputStream::OnSysRead(void *buffer, size_t size) { wxASSERT_MSG(m_inflate && m_z_buffer, wxT("Inflate stream not open")); if (!m_inflate || !m_z_buffer) m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR; if (!IsOk() || !size) return 0; int err = Z_OK; m_inflate->next_out = (unsigned char *)buffer; m_inflate->avail_out = size; while (err == Z_OK && m_inflate->avail_out > 0) { if (m_inflate->avail_in == 0 && m_parent_i_stream->IsOk()) { m_parent_i_stream->Read(m_z_buffer, m_z_size); m_inflate->next_in = m_z_buffer; m_inflate->avail_in = m_parent_i_stream->LastRead(); } err = inflate(m_inflate, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); } switch (err) { case Z_OK: break; case Z_STREAM_END: if (m_inflate->avail_out) { // Unread any data taken from past the end of the deflate stream, so that // any additional data can be read from the underlying stream (the crc // in a gzip for example) if (m_inflate->avail_in) { m_parent_i_stream->Reset(); m_parent_i_stream->Ungetch(m_inflate->next_in, m_inflate->avail_in); m_inflate->avail_in = 0; } m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_EOF; } break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: // Indicates that zlib was expecting more data, but the parent stream // has none. Other than Eof the error will have been already reported // by the parent strean, m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR; if (m_parent_i_stream->Eof()) #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_4 if (m_24compatibilty) m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_EOF; else #endif wxLogError(_("Can't read inflate stream: unexpected EOF in underlying stream.")); break; default: wxString msg(m_inflate->msg, *wxConvCurrent); if (!msg) msg = wxString::Format(_("zlib error %d"), err); wxLogError(_("Can't read from inflate stream: %s"), msg.c_str()); m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR; } size -= m_inflate->avail_out; m_pos += size; return size; } /* static */ bool wxZlibInputStream::CanHandleGZip() { const char *dot = strchr(zlibVersion(), '.'); int major = atoi(zlibVersion()); int minor = dot ? atoi(dot + 1) : 0; return major > 1 || (major == 1 && minor >= 2); } ////////////////////// // wxZlibOutputStream ////////////////////// wxZlibOutputStream::wxZlibOutputStream(wxOutputStream& stream, int level, int flags) : wxFilterOutputStream(stream) { Init(level, flags); } wxZlibOutputStream::wxZlibOutputStream(wxOutputStream *stream, int level, int flags) : wxFilterOutputStream(stream) { Init(level, flags); } void wxZlibOutputStream::Init(int level, int flags) { m_deflate = NULL; m_z_buffer = new unsigned char[ZSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; m_z_size = ZSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; m_pos = 0; if ( level == -1 ) { level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; } else { wxASSERT_MSG(level >= 0 && level <= 9, wxT("wxZlibOutputStream compression level must be between 0 and 9!")); } // if gzip is asked for but not supported... if (flags == wxZLIB_GZIP && !CanHandleGZip()) { wxLogError(_("Gzip not supported by this version of zlib")); m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; return; } if (m_z_buffer) { m_deflate = new z_stream_s; if (m_deflate) { memset(m_deflate, 0, sizeof(z_stream_s)); m_deflate->next_out = m_z_buffer; m_deflate->avail_out = m_z_size; // see zlib.h for documentation on windowBits int windowBits = MAX_WBITS; switch (flags) { case wxZLIB_NO_HEADER: windowBits = -MAX_WBITS; break; case wxZLIB_ZLIB: windowBits = MAX_WBITS; break; case wxZLIB_GZIP: windowBits = MAX_WBITS | ZSTREAM_GZIP; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Invalid zlib flag")); } if (deflateInit2(m_deflate, level, Z_DEFLATED, windowBits, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) == Z_OK) return; } } wxLogError(_("Can't initialize zlib deflate stream.")); m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; } bool wxZlibOutputStream::Close() { DoFlush(true); deflateEnd(m_deflate); delete m_deflate; m_deflate = NULL; delete[] m_z_buffer; m_z_buffer = NULL; return wxFilterOutputStream::Close() && IsOk(); } void wxZlibOutputStream::DoFlush(bool final) { if (!m_deflate || !m_z_buffer) m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; if (!IsOk()) return; int err = Z_OK; bool done = false; while (err == Z_OK || err == Z_STREAM_END) { size_t len = m_z_size - m_deflate->avail_out; if (len) { if (m_parent_o_stream->Write(m_z_buffer, len).LastWrite() != len) { m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; wxLogDebug(wxT("wxZlibOutputStream: Error writing to underlying stream")); break; } m_deflate->next_out = m_z_buffer; m_deflate->avail_out = m_z_size; } if (done) break; err = deflate(m_deflate, final ? Z_FINISH : Z_FULL_FLUSH); done = m_deflate->avail_out != 0 || err == Z_STREAM_END; } } size_t wxZlibOutputStream::OnSysWrite(const void *buffer, size_t size) { wxASSERT_MSG(m_deflate && m_z_buffer, wxT("Deflate stream not open")); if (!m_deflate || !m_z_buffer) { // notice that this will make IsOk() test just below return false m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; } if (!IsOk() || !size) return 0; int err = Z_OK; m_deflate->next_in = (unsigned char *)buffer; m_deflate->avail_in = size; while (err == Z_OK && m_deflate->avail_in > 0) { if (m_deflate->avail_out == 0) { m_parent_o_stream->Write(m_z_buffer, m_z_size); if (m_parent_o_stream->LastWrite() != m_z_size) { m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; wxLogDebug(wxT("wxZlibOutputStream: Error writing to underlying stream")); break; } m_deflate->next_out = m_z_buffer; m_deflate->avail_out = m_z_size; } err = deflate(m_deflate, Z_NO_FLUSH); } if (err != Z_OK) { m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_WRITE_ERROR; wxString msg(m_deflate->msg, *wxConvCurrent); if (!msg) msg = wxString::Format(_("zlib error %d"), err); wxLogError(_("Can't write to deflate stream: %s"), msg.c_str()); } size -= m_deflate->avail_in; m_pos += size; return size; } /* static */ bool wxZlibOutputStream::CanHandleGZip() { return wxZlibInputStream::CanHandleGZip(); } #endif // wxUSE_ZLIB && wxUSE_STREAMS