///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/xtistrm.cpp // Purpose: streaming runtime metadata information // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 27/07/03 // RCS-ID: $Id: xtistrm.cpp 38939 2006-04-27 12:47:14Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 2003 Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI #include "wx/xtistrm.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/object.h" #include "wx/hash.h" #include "wx/event.h" #endif #include "wx/tokenzr.h" #include "wx/txtstrm.h" #include "wx/beforestd.h" #include #include #include #include "wx/afterstd.h" using namespace std ; struct wxWriter::wxWriterInternal { map< const wxObject* , int > m_writtenObjects ; int m_nextId ; } ; wxWriter::wxWriter() { m_data = new wxWriterInternal ; m_data->m_nextId = 0 ; } wxWriter::~wxWriter() { delete m_data ; } struct wxWriter::wxWriterInternalPropertiesData { char nothing ; } ; void wxWriter::ClearObjectContext() { delete m_data ; m_data = new wxWriterInternal() ; m_data->m_nextId = 0 ; } void wxWriter::WriteObject(const wxObject *object, const wxClassInfo *classInfo , wxPersister *persister , const wxString &name , wxxVariantArray &metadata ) { DoBeginWriteTopLevelEntry( name ) ; WriteObject( object , classInfo , persister , false , metadata) ; DoEndWriteTopLevelEntry( name ) ; } void wxWriter::WriteObject(const wxObject *object, const wxClassInfo *classInfo , wxPersister *persister , bool isEmbedded, wxxVariantArray &metadata ) { if ( !classInfo->BeforeWriteObject( object , this , persister , metadata) ) return ; if ( persister->BeforeWriteObject( this , object , classInfo , metadata) ) { if ( object == NULL ) DoWriteNullObject() ; else if ( IsObjectKnown( object ) ) DoWriteRepeatedObject( GetObjectID(object) ) ; else { int oid = m_data->m_nextId++ ; if ( !isEmbedded ) m_data->m_writtenObjects[object] = oid ; // in case this object is a wxDynamicObject we also have to insert is superclass // instance with the same id, so that object relations are streamed out correctly const wxDynamicObject* dynobj = dynamic_cast( object ) ; if ( !isEmbedded && dynobj ) m_data->m_writtenObjects[dynobj->GetSuperClassInstance()] = oid ; DoBeginWriteObject( object , classInfo , oid , metadata ) ; wxWriterInternalPropertiesData data ; WriteAllProperties( object , classInfo , persister , &data ) ; DoEndWriteObject( object , classInfo , oid ) ; } persister->AfterWriteObject( this ,object , classInfo ) ; } } void wxWriter::FindConnectEntry(const wxEvtHandler * evSource,const wxDelegateTypeInfo* dti, const wxObject* &sink , const wxHandlerInfo *&handler) { wxList *dynamicEvents = evSource->GetDynamicEventTable() ; if ( dynamicEvents ) { wxList::compatibility_iterator node = dynamicEvents->GetFirst(); while (node) { wxDynamicEventTableEntry *entry = (wxDynamicEventTableEntry*)node->GetData(); // find the match if ( entry->m_fn && (dti->GetEventType() == entry->m_eventType) && (entry->m_id == -1 ) && (entry->m_eventSink != NULL ) ) { sink = entry->m_eventSink ; const wxClassInfo* sinkClassInfo = sink->GetClassInfo() ; const wxHandlerInfo* sinkHandler = sinkClassInfo->GetFirstHandler() ; while ( sinkHandler ) { if ( sinkHandler->GetEventFunction() == entry->m_fn ) { handler = sinkHandler ; break ; } sinkHandler = sinkHandler->GetNext() ; } break ; } node = node->GetNext(); } } } void wxWriter::WriteAllProperties( const wxObject * obj , const wxClassInfo* ci , wxPersister *persister, wxWriterInternalPropertiesData * data ) { wxPropertyInfoMap map ; ci->GetProperties( map ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ci->GetCreateParamCount() ; ++i ) { wxString name = ci->GetCreateParamName(i) ; const wxPropertyInfo* prop = map.find(name)->second ; if ( prop ) { WriteOneProperty( obj , prop->GetDeclaringClass() , prop , persister , data ) ; } else { wxLogError( _("Create Parameter not found in declared RTTI Parameters") ) ; } map.erase( name ) ; } { // Extra block for broken compilers for( wxPropertyInfoMap::iterator iter = map.begin() ; iter != map.end() ; ++iter ) { const wxPropertyInfo* prop = iter->second ; if ( prop->GetFlags() & wxPROP_OBJECT_GRAPH ) { WriteOneProperty( obj , prop->GetDeclaringClass() , prop , persister , data ) ; } } } { // Extra block for broken compilers for( wxPropertyInfoMap::iterator iter = map.begin() ; iter != map.end() ; ++iter ) { const wxPropertyInfo* prop = iter->second ; if ( !(prop->GetFlags() & wxPROP_OBJECT_GRAPH) ) { WriteOneProperty( obj , prop->GetDeclaringClass() , prop , persister , data ) ; } } } } void wxWriter::WriteOneProperty( const wxObject *obj , const wxClassInfo* ci , const wxPropertyInfo* pi , wxPersister *persister , wxWriterInternalPropertiesData *WXUNUSED(data) ) { if ( pi->GetFlags() & wxPROP_DONT_STREAM ) return ; // make sure that we are picking the correct object for accessing the property const wxDynamicObject* dynobj = dynamic_cast< const wxDynamicObject* > (obj ) ; if ( dynobj && (dynamic_cast(ci) == NULL) ) obj = dynobj->GetSuperClassInstance() ; if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_COLLECTION ) { wxxVariantArray data ; pi->GetAccessor()->GetPropertyCollection(obj, data) ; const wxTypeInfo * elementType = dynamic_cast< const wxCollectionTypeInfo* >( pi->GetTypeInfo() )->GetElementType() ; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < data.GetCount() ; ++i ) { if ( i == 0 ) DoBeginWriteProperty( pi ) ; DoBeginWriteElement() ; wxxVariant value = data[i] ; if ( persister->BeforeWriteProperty( this , obj, pi , value ) ) { const wxClassTypeInfo* cti = dynamic_cast< const wxClassTypeInfo* > ( elementType ) ; if ( cti ) { const wxClassInfo* pci = cti->GetClassInfo() ; wxObject *vobj = pci->VariantToInstance( value ) ; wxxVariantArray md ; WriteObject( vobj , (vobj ? vobj->GetClassInfo() : pci ) , persister , cti->GetKind()== wxT_OBJECT , md ) ; } else { DoWriteSimpleType( value ) ; } } DoEndWriteElement() ; if ( i == data.GetCount() - 1 ) DoEndWriteProperty( pi ) ; } } else { const wxDelegateTypeInfo* dti = dynamic_cast< const wxDelegateTypeInfo* > ( pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ; if ( dti ) { const wxObject* sink = NULL ; const wxHandlerInfo *handler = NULL ; const wxEvtHandler * evSource = dynamic_cast(obj) ; if ( evSource ) { FindConnectEntry( evSource , dti , sink , handler ) ; if ( persister->BeforeWriteDelegate( this , obj , ci , pi , sink , handler ) ) { if ( sink != NULL && handler != NULL ) { DoBeginWriteProperty( pi ) ; if ( IsObjectKnown( sink ) ) { DoWriteDelegate( obj , ci , pi , sink , GetObjectID( sink ) , sink->GetClassInfo() , handler ) ; DoEndWriteProperty( pi ) ; } else { wxLogError( _("Streaming delegates for not already streamed objects not yet supported") ) ; } } } } else { wxLogError(_("Illegal Object Class (Non-wxEvtHandler) as Event Source") ) ; } } else { wxxVariant value ; pi->GetAccessor()->GetProperty(obj, value) ; // avoid streaming out void objects if( value.IsEmpty() ) return ; if ( pi->GetFlags() & wxPROP_ENUM_STORE_LONG ) { const wxEnumTypeInfo *eti = dynamic_cast( pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ; if ( eti ) { eti->ConvertFromLong( value.wxTEMPLATED_MEMBER_CALL(Get , long) , value ) ; } else { wxLogError( _("Type must have enum - long conversion") ) ; } } // avoid streaming out default values if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->HasStringConverters() && !pi->GetDefaultValue().IsEmpty() ) { if ( value.GetAsString() == pi->GetDefaultValue().GetAsString() ) return ; } // avoid streaming out null objects const wxClassTypeInfo* cti = dynamic_cast< const wxClassTypeInfo* > ( pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ; if ( cti && value.GetAsObject() == NULL ) return ; if ( persister->BeforeWriteProperty( this , obj, pi , value ) ) { DoBeginWriteProperty( pi ) ; if ( cti ) { const wxClassInfo* pci = cti->GetClassInfo() ; wxObject *vobj = pci->VariantToInstance( value ) ; if ( vobj && pi->GetTypeInfo()->HasStringConverters() ) { wxString stringValue ; cti->ConvertToString( value , stringValue ) ; wxxVariant convertedValue(stringValue) ; DoWriteSimpleType( convertedValue ) ; } else { wxxVariantArray md ; WriteObject( vobj , (vobj ? vobj->GetClassInfo() : pci ) , persister , cti->GetKind()== wxT_OBJECT , md) ; } } else { DoWriteSimpleType( value ) ; } DoEndWriteProperty( pi ) ; } } } } int wxWriter::GetObjectID(const wxObject *obj) { if ( !IsObjectKnown( obj ) ) return wxInvalidObjectID ; return m_data->m_writtenObjects[obj] ; } bool wxWriter::IsObjectKnown( const wxObject *obj ) { return m_data->m_writtenObjects.find( obj ) != m_data->m_writtenObjects.end() ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reading objects in // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wxReader::wxReaderInternal { map m_classInfos; }; wxReader::wxReader() { m_data = new wxReaderInternal; } wxReader::~wxReader() { delete m_data; } wxClassInfo* wxReader::GetObjectClassInfo(int objectID) { if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID || objectID == wxInvalidObjectID ) { wxLogError( _("Invalid or Null Object ID passed to GetObjectClassInfo" ) ) ; return NULL ; } if ( m_data->m_classInfos.find(objectID) == m_data->m_classInfos.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Unknown Object passed to GetObjectClassInfo" ) ) ; return NULL ; } return m_data->m_classInfos[objectID] ; } void wxReader::SetObjectClassInfo(int objectID, wxClassInfo *classInfo ) { if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID || objectID == wxInvalidObjectID ) { wxLogError( _("Invalid or Null Object ID passed to GetObjectClassInfo" ) ) ; return ; } if ( m_data->m_classInfos.find(objectID) != m_data->m_classInfos.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Already Registered Object passed to SetObjectClassInfo" ) ) ; return ; } m_data->m_classInfos[objectID] = classInfo ; } bool wxReader::HasObjectClassInfo( int objectID ) { if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID || objectID == wxInvalidObjectID ) { wxLogError( _("Invalid or Null Object ID passed to HasObjectClassInfo" ) ) ; return NULL ; } return m_data->m_classInfos.find(objectID) != m_data->m_classInfos.end() ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reading xml in // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Reading components has not to be extended for components as properties are always sought by typeinfo over all levels and create params are always toplevel class only */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // depersisting to memory // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wxRuntimeDepersister::wxRuntimeDepersisterInternal { map m_objects; void SetObject(int objectID, wxObject *obj ) { if ( m_objects.find(objectID) != m_objects.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Passing a already registered object to SetObject") ) ; return ; } m_objects[objectID] = obj ; } wxObject* GetObject( int objectID ) { if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID ) return NULL ; if ( m_objects.find(objectID) == m_objects.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Passing an unkown object to GetObject") ) ; return NULL ; } return m_objects[objectID] ; } } ; wxRuntimeDepersister::wxRuntimeDepersister() { m_data = new wxRuntimeDepersisterInternal() ; } wxRuntimeDepersister::~wxRuntimeDepersister() { delete m_data ; } void wxRuntimeDepersister::AllocateObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *classInfo , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata)) { wxObject *O; O = classInfo->CreateObject(); m_data->SetObject(objectID, O); } void wxRuntimeDepersister::CreateObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, int paramCount, wxxVariant *params, int *objectIdValues, const wxClassInfo **objectClassInfos , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata)) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); for ( int i = 0 ; i < paramCount ; ++i ) { if ( objectIdValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID ) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectIdValues[i]); // if this is a dynamic object and we are asked for another class // than wxDynamicObject we cast it down manually. wxDynamicObject *dyno = dynamic_cast< wxDynamicObject * > (o) ; if ( dyno!=NULL && (objectClassInfos[i] != dyno->GetClassInfo()) ) { o = dyno->GetSuperClassInstance() ; } params[i] = objectClassInfos[i]->InstanceToVariant(o) ; } } classInfo->Create(o, paramCount, params); } void wxRuntimeDepersister::ConstructObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, int paramCount, wxxVariant *params, int *objectIdValues, const wxClassInfo **objectClassInfos , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata)) { wxObject *o; for ( int i = 0 ; i < paramCount ; ++i ) { if ( objectIdValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID ) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectIdValues[i]); // if this is a dynamic object and we are asked for another class // than wxDynamicObject we cast it down manually. wxDynamicObject *dyno = dynamic_cast< wxDynamicObject * > (o) ; if ( dyno!=NULL && (objectClassInfos[i] != dyno->GetClassInfo()) ) { o = dyno->GetSuperClassInstance() ; } params[i] = objectClassInfos[i]->InstanceToVariant(o) ; } } o = classInfo->ConstructObject(paramCount, params); m_data->SetObject(objectID, o); } void wxRuntimeDepersister::DestroyObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo)) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); delete o ; } void wxRuntimeDepersister::SetProperty(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo, const wxxVariant &value) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); classInfo->SetProperty( o , propertyInfo->GetName() , value ) ; } void wxRuntimeDepersister::SetPropertyAsObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo, int valueObjectId) { wxObject *o, *valo; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); valo = m_data->GetObject(valueObjectId); const wxClassInfo* valClassInfo = (dynamic_cast(propertyInfo->GetTypeInfo()))->GetClassInfo() ; // if this is a dynamic object and we are asked for another class // than wxDynamicObject we cast it down manually. wxDynamicObject *dynvalo = dynamic_cast< wxDynamicObject * > (valo) ; if ( dynvalo!=NULL && (valClassInfo != dynvalo->GetClassInfo()) ) { valo = dynvalo->GetSuperClassInstance() ; } classInfo->SetProperty( o , propertyInfo->GetName() , valClassInfo->InstanceToVariant(valo) ) ; } void wxRuntimeDepersister::SetConnect(int eventSourceObjectID, const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(eventSourceClassInfo), const wxPropertyInfo *delegateInfo , const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(eventSinkClassInfo) , const wxHandlerInfo* handlerInfo , int eventSinkObjectID ) { wxEvtHandler *ehsource = dynamic_cast< wxEvtHandler* >( m_data->GetObject( eventSourceObjectID ) ) ; wxEvtHandler *ehsink = dynamic_cast< wxEvtHandler *>(m_data->GetObject(eventSinkObjectID) ) ; if ( ehsource && ehsink ) { const wxDelegateTypeInfo *delegateTypeInfo = dynamic_cast(delegateInfo->GetTypeInfo()); if( delegateTypeInfo && delegateTypeInfo->GetLastEventType() == -1 ) { ehsource->Connect( -1 , delegateTypeInfo->GetEventType() , handlerInfo->GetEventFunction() , NULL /*user data*/ , ehsink ) ; } else { for ( wxEventType iter = delegateTypeInfo->GetEventType() ; iter <= delegateTypeInfo->GetLastEventType() ; ++iter ) { ehsource->Connect( -1 , iter , handlerInfo->GetEventFunction() , NULL /*user data*/ , ehsink ) ; } } } } wxObject *wxRuntimeDepersister::GetObject(int objectID) { return m_data->GetObject( objectID ) ; } // adds an element to a property collection void wxRuntimeDepersister::AddToPropertyCollection( int objectID , const wxClassInfo *classInfo, const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo , const wxxVariant &value) { wxObject *o; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); classInfo->AddToPropertyCollection( o , propertyInfo->GetName() , value ) ; } // sets the corresponding property (value is an object) void wxRuntimeDepersister::AddToPropertyCollectionAsObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo , int valueObjectId) { wxObject *o, *valo; o = m_data->GetObject(objectID); valo = m_data->GetObject(valueObjectId); const wxCollectionTypeInfo * collectionTypeInfo = dynamic_cast< const wxCollectionTypeInfo * >(propertyInfo->GetTypeInfo() ) ; const wxClassInfo* valClassInfo = (dynamic_cast(collectionTypeInfo->GetElementType()))->GetClassInfo() ; // if this is a dynamic object and we are asked for another class // than wxDynamicObject we cast it down manually. wxDynamicObject *dynvalo = dynamic_cast< wxDynamicObject * > (valo) ; if ( dynvalo!=NULL && (valClassInfo != dynvalo->GetClassInfo()) ) { valo = dynvalo->GetSuperClassInstance() ; } classInfo->AddToPropertyCollection( o , propertyInfo->GetName() , valClassInfo->InstanceToVariant(valo) ) ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // depersisting to code // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wxCodeDepersister::wxCodeDepersisterInternal { #if wxUSE_UNICODE map m_objectNames ; #else map m_objectNames ; #endif void SetObjectName(int objectID, const wxString &name ) { if ( m_objectNames.find(objectID) != m_objectNames.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Passing a already registered object to SetObjectName") ) ; return ; } m_objectNames[objectID] = (const wxChar *)name; } wxString GetObjectName( int objectID ) { if ( objectID == wxNullObjectID ) return wxT("NULL") ; if ( m_objectNames.find(objectID) == m_objectNames.end() ) { wxLogError( _("Passing an unkown object to GetObject") ) ; return wxEmptyString ; } return wxString( m_objectNames[objectID].c_str() ) ; } } ; wxCodeDepersister::wxCodeDepersister(wxTextOutputStream *out) : m_fp(out) { m_data = new wxCodeDepersisterInternal ; } wxCodeDepersister::~wxCodeDepersister() { delete m_data ; } void wxCodeDepersister::AllocateObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *classInfo , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata)) { wxString objectName = wxString::Format( wxT("LocalObject_%d") , objectID ) ; m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s *%s = new %s;\n"), classInfo->GetClassName(), objectName.c_str(), classInfo->GetClassName()) ); m_data->SetObjectName( objectID , objectName ) ; } void wxCodeDepersister::DestroyObject(int objectID, wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo)) { m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\tdelete %s;\n"), m_data->GetObjectName( objectID).c_str() ) ); } wxString wxCodeDepersister::ValueAsCode( const wxxVariant ¶m ) { wxString value ; const wxTypeInfo* type = param.GetTypeInfo() ; if ( type->GetKind() == wxT_CUSTOM ) { const wxCustomTypeInfo* cti = dynamic_cast(type) ; if ( cti ) { value.Printf( wxT("%s(%s)"), cti->GetTypeName().c_str(),param.GetAsString().c_str() ); } else { wxLogError ( _("Internal error, illegal wxCustomTypeInfo") ) ; } } else if ( type->GetKind() == wxT_STRING ) { value.Printf( wxT("\"%s\""),param.GetAsString().c_str() ); } else { value.Printf( wxT("%s"), param.GetAsString().c_str() ); } return value ; } void wxCodeDepersister::CreateObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo), int paramCount, wxxVariant *params, int *objectIDValues, const wxClassInfo **WXUNUSED(objectClassInfos) , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata) ) { int i; m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->Create("), m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str() ) ); for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { if ( objectIDValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID ) m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), m_data->GetObjectName( objectIDValues[i] ).c_str() ) ); else { m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), ValueAsCode(params[i]).c_str() ) ); } if (i < paramCount - 1) m_fp->WriteString( wxT(", ")); } m_fp->WriteString( wxT(");\n") ); } void wxCodeDepersister::ConstructObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *classInfo, int paramCount, wxxVariant *params, int *objectIDValues, const wxClassInfo **WXUNUSED(objectClassInfos) , wxxVariantArray &WXUNUSED(metadata) ) { wxString objectName = wxString::Format( wxT("LocalObject_%d") , objectID ) ; m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s *%s = new %s("), classInfo->GetClassName(), objectName.c_str(), classInfo->GetClassName()) ); m_data->SetObjectName( objectID , objectName ) ; int i; for (i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { if ( objectIDValues[i] != wxInvalidObjectID ) m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), m_data->GetObjectName( objectIDValues[i] ).c_str() ) ); else { m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("%s"), ValueAsCode(params[i]).c_str() ) ); } if (i < paramCount - 1) m_fp->WriteString( wxT(", ") ); } m_fp->WriteString( wxT(");\n") ); } void wxCodeDepersister::SetProperty(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo), const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo, const wxxVariant &value) { m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"), m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str(), propertyInfo->GetAccessor()->GetSetterName().c_str(), ValueAsCode(value).c_str()) ); } void wxCodeDepersister::SetPropertyAsObject(int objectID, const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo), const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo, int valueObjectId) { if ( propertyInfo->GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT ) m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(*%s);\n"), m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str(), propertyInfo->GetAccessor()->GetSetterName().c_str(), m_data->GetObjectName( valueObjectId).c_str() ) ); else m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"), m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str(), propertyInfo->GetAccessor()->GetSetterName().c_str(), m_data->GetObjectName( valueObjectId).c_str() ) ); } void wxCodeDepersister::AddToPropertyCollection( int objectID , const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo), const wxPropertyInfo* propertyInfo , const wxxVariant &value) { m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->%s(%s);\n"), m_data->GetObjectName(objectID).c_str(), propertyInfo->GetAccessor()->GetAdderName().c_str(), ValueAsCode(value).c_str()) ); } // sets the corresponding property (value is an object) void wxCodeDepersister::AddToPropertyCollectionAsObject(int WXUNUSED(objectID), const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(classInfo), const wxPropertyInfo* WXUNUSED(propertyInfo) , int WXUNUSED(valueObjectId)) { // TODO } void wxCodeDepersister::SetConnect(int eventSourceObjectID, const wxClassInfo *WXUNUSED(eventSourceClassInfo), const wxPropertyInfo *delegateInfo , const wxClassInfo *eventSinkClassInfo , const wxHandlerInfo* handlerInfo , int eventSinkObjectID ) { wxString ehsource = m_data->GetObjectName( eventSourceObjectID ) ; wxString ehsink = m_data->GetObjectName(eventSinkObjectID) ; wxString ehsinkClass = eventSinkClassInfo->GetClassName() ; const wxDelegateTypeInfo *delegateTypeInfo = dynamic_cast(delegateInfo->GetTypeInfo()); if ( delegateTypeInfo ) { int eventType = delegateTypeInfo->GetEventType() ; wxString handlerName = handlerInfo->GetName() ; m_fp->WriteString( wxString::Format( wxT("\t%s->Connect( %s->GetId() , %d , (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction) & %s::%s , NULL , %s ) ;") , ehsource.c_str() , ehsource.c_str() , eventType , ehsinkClass.c_str() , handlerName.c_str() , ehsink.c_str() ) ); } else { wxLogError(_("delegate has no type info")); } } #include "wx/arrimpl.cpp" WX_DEFINE_OBJARRAY(wxxVariantArray); #endif // wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI