///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/imagtiff.cpp // Purpose: wxImage TIFF handler // Author: Robert Roebling // RCS-ID: $Id: imagtiff.cpp 60897 2009-06-04 22:28:48Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Robert Roebling // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_IMAGE && wxUSE_LIBTIFF #include "wx/imagtiff.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/bitmap.h" #include "wx/module.h" #endif extern "C" { #include "tiff.h" #include "tiffio.h" } #include "wx/filefn.h" #include "wx/wfstream.h" #ifndef TIFFLINKAGEMODE #if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__WXMGL__) #define TIFFLINKAGEMODE cdecl #else #define TIFFLINKAGEMODE LINKAGEMODE #endif #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTIFFHandler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTIFFHandler,wxImageHandler) #if wxUSE_STREAMS // helper to translate our, possibly 64 bit, wxFileOffset to TIFF, always 32 // bit, toff_t static toff_t wxFileOffsetToTIFF(wxFileOffset ofs) { if ( ofs == wxInvalidOffset ) return (toff_t)-1; toff_t tofs = wx_truncate_cast(toff_t, ofs); wxCHECK_MSG( (wxFileOffset)tofs == ofs, (toff_t)-1, _T("TIFF library doesn't support large files") ); return tofs; } // another helper to convert standard seek mode to our static wxSeekMode wxSeekModeFromTIFF(int whence) { switch ( whence ) { case SEEK_SET: return wxFromStart; case SEEK_CUR: return wxFromCurrent; case SEEK_END: return wxFromEnd; default: return wxFromCurrent; } } extern "C" { tsize_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFNullProc(thandle_t WXUNUSED(handle), tdata_t WXUNUSED(buf), tsize_t WXUNUSED(size)) { return (tsize_t) -1; } tsize_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFReadProc(thandle_t handle, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) { wxInputStream *stream = (wxInputStream*) handle; stream->Read( (void*) buf, (size_t) size ); return wx_truncate_cast(tsize_t, stream->LastRead()); } tsize_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFWriteProc(thandle_t handle, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) { wxOutputStream *stream = (wxOutputStream*) handle; stream->Write( (void*) buf, (size_t) size ); return wx_truncate_cast(tsize_t, stream->LastWrite()); } toff_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFSeekIProc(thandle_t handle, toff_t off, int whence) { wxInputStream *stream = (wxInputStream*) handle; return wxFileOffsetToTIFF(stream->SeekI((wxFileOffset)off, wxSeekModeFromTIFF(whence))); } toff_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFSeekOProc(thandle_t handle, toff_t off, int whence) { wxOutputStream *stream = (wxOutputStream*) handle; return wxFileOffsetToTIFF(stream->SeekO((wxFileOffset)off, wxSeekModeFromTIFF(whence))); } int TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFCloseIProc(thandle_t WXUNUSED(handle)) { // there is no need to close the input stream return 0; } int TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFCloseOProc(thandle_t handle) { wxOutputStream *stream = (wxOutputStream*) handle; return stream->Close() ? 0 : -1; } toff_t TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFSizeProc(thandle_t handle) { wxStreamBase *stream = (wxStreamBase*) handle; return (toff_t) stream->GetSize(); } int TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFMapProc(thandle_t WXUNUSED(handle), tdata_t* WXUNUSED(pbase), toff_t* WXUNUSED(psize)) { return 0; } void TIFFLINKAGEMODE wxTIFFUnmapProc(thandle_t WXUNUSED(handle), tdata_t WXUNUSED(base), toff_t WXUNUSED(size)) { } static void TIFFwxWarningHandler(const char* module, const char* WXUNUSED_IN_UNICODE(fmt), va_list WXUNUSED_IN_UNICODE(ap)) { if (module != NULL) wxLogWarning(_("tiff module: %s"), wxString::FromAscii(module).c_str()); // FIXME: this is not terrible informative but better than crashing! #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxLogWarning(_("TIFF library warning.")); #else wxVLogWarning(fmt, ap); #endif } static void TIFFwxErrorHandler(const char* module, const char* WXUNUSED_IN_UNICODE(fmt), va_list WXUNUSED_IN_UNICODE(ap)) { if (module != NULL) wxLogError(_("tiff module: %s"), wxString::FromAscii(module).c_str()); // FIXME: as above #if wxUSE_UNICODE wxLogError(_("TIFF library error.")); #else wxVLogError(fmt, ap); #endif } } // extern "C" TIFF* TIFFwxOpen(wxInputStream &stream, const char* name, const char* mode) { TIFF* tif = TIFFClientOpen(name, mode, (thandle_t) &stream, wxTIFFReadProc, wxTIFFNullProc, wxTIFFSeekIProc, wxTIFFCloseIProc, wxTIFFSizeProc, wxTIFFMapProc, wxTIFFUnmapProc); return tif; } TIFF* TIFFwxOpen(wxOutputStream &stream, const char* name, const char* mode) { TIFF* tif = TIFFClientOpen(name, mode, (thandle_t) &stream, wxTIFFNullProc, wxTIFFWriteProc, wxTIFFSeekOProc, wxTIFFCloseOProc, wxTIFFSizeProc, wxTIFFMapProc, wxTIFFUnmapProc); return tif; } wxTIFFHandler::wxTIFFHandler() { m_name = wxT("TIFF file"); m_extension = wxT("tif"); m_type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF; m_mime = wxT("image/tiff"); TIFFSetWarningHandler((TIFFErrorHandler) TIFFwxWarningHandler); TIFFSetErrorHandler((TIFFErrorHandler) TIFFwxErrorHandler); } bool wxTIFFHandler::LoadFile( wxImage *image, wxInputStream& stream, bool verbose, int index ) { if (index == -1) index = 0; image->Destroy(); TIFF *tif = TIFFwxOpen( stream, "image", "r" ); if (!tif) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Error loading image.") ); return false; } if (!TIFFSetDirectory( tif, (tdir_t)index )) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("Invalid TIFF image index.") ); TIFFClose( tif ); return false; } uint32 w, h; uint32 *raster; TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &w ); TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &h ); uint16 extraSamples; uint16* samplesInfo; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, &extraSamples, &samplesInfo); const bool hasAlpha = (extraSamples == 1 && (samplesInfo[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA || samplesInfo[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA)); // guard against integer overflow during multiplication which could result // in allocating a too small buffer and then overflowing it const double bytesNeeded = (double)w * (double)h * sizeof(uint32); if ( bytesNeeded >= 4294967295U /* UINT32_MAX */ ) { if ( verbose ) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Image size is abnormally big.") ); TIFFClose(tif); return false; } raster = (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc( bytesNeeded ); if (!raster) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Couldn't allocate memory.") ); TIFFClose( tif ); return false; } image->Create( (int)w, (int)h ); if (!image->Ok()) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Couldn't allocate memory.") ); _TIFFfree( raster ); TIFFClose( tif ); return false; } if ( hasAlpha ) image->SetAlpha(); if (!TIFFReadRGBAImage( tif, w, h, raster, 0 )) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Error reading image.") ); _TIFFfree( raster ); image->Destroy(); TIFFClose( tif ); return false; } unsigned char *ptr = image->GetData(); ptr += w*3*(h-1); unsigned char *alpha = hasAlpha ? image->GetAlpha() : NULL; if ( hasAlpha ) alpha += w*(h-1); uint32 pos = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (uint32 j = 0; j < w; j++) { *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)TIFFGetR(raster[pos]); *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)TIFFGetG(raster[pos]); *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)TIFFGetB(raster[pos]); if ( hasAlpha ) *(alpha++) = (unsigned char)TIFFGetA(raster[pos]); pos++; } // subtract line we just added plus one line: ptr -= 2*w*3; if ( hasAlpha ) alpha -= 2*w; } _TIFFfree( raster ); TIFFClose( tif ); return true; } int wxTIFFHandler::GetImageCount( wxInputStream& stream ) { TIFF *tif = TIFFwxOpen( stream, "image", "r" ); if (!tif) return 0; int dircount = 0; // according to the libtiff docs, dircount should be set to 1 here??? do { dircount++; } while (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)); TIFFClose( tif ); return dircount; } bool wxTIFFHandler::SaveFile( wxImage *image, wxOutputStream& stream, bool verbose ) { TIFF *tif = TIFFwxOpen( stream, "image", "w" ); if (!tif) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Error saving image.") ); return false; } TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, (uint32)image->GetWidth()); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, (uint32)image->GetHeight()); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); if ( image->HasOption(wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONX) && image->HasOption(wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONY) ) { TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, (float)image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONX)); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, (float)image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_RESOLUTIONY)); } int spp = image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_SAMPLESPERPIXEL); if ( !spp ) spp = 3; int bpp = image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_BITSPERSAMPLE); if ( !bpp ) bpp=8; int compression = image->GetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_COMPRESSION); if ( !compression ) { // we can't use COMPRESSION_LZW because current version of libtiff // doesn't implement it ("no longer implemented due to Unisys patent // enforcement") and other compression methods are lossy so we // shouldn't use them by default -- and the only remaining one is none compression = COMPRESSION_NONE; } TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, spp); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bpp); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, spp*bpp == 1 ? PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK : PHOTOMETRIC_RGB); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, compression); // scanlinesize if determined by spp and bpp tsize_t linebytes = (tsize_t)image->GetWidth() * spp * bpp / 8; if ( (image->GetWidth() % 8 > 0) && (spp * bpp < 8) ) linebytes+=1; unsigned char *buf; if (TIFFScanlineSize(tif) > linebytes || (spp * bpp < 24)) { buf = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TIFFScanlineSize(tif)); if (!buf) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Couldn't allocate memory.") ); TIFFClose( tif ); return false; } } else { buf = NULL; } TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP,TIFFDefaultStripSize(tif, (uint32) -1)); unsigned char *ptr = image->GetData(); for ( int row = 0; row < image->GetHeight(); row++ ) { if ( buf ) { if ( spp * bpp > 1 ) { // color image memcpy(buf, ptr, image->GetWidth()); } else // black and white image { for ( int column = 0; column < linebytes; column++ ) { uint8 reverse = 0; for ( int bp = 0; bp < 8; bp++ ) { if ( ptr[column*24 + bp*3] > 0 ) { // check only red as this is sufficient reverse = (uint8)(reverse | 128 >> bp); } } buf[column] = reverse; } } } if ( TIFFWriteScanline(tif, buf ? buf : ptr, (uint32)row, 0) < 0 ) { if (verbose) wxLogError( _("TIFF: Error writing image.") ); TIFFClose( tif ); if (buf) _TIFFfree(buf); return false; } ptr += image->GetWidth()*3; } (void) TIFFClose(tif); if (buf) _TIFFfree(buf); return true; } bool wxTIFFHandler::DoCanRead( wxInputStream& stream ) { unsigned char hdr[2]; if ( !stream.Read(&hdr[0], WXSIZEOF(hdr)) ) return false; return (hdr[0] == 'I' && hdr[1] == 'I') || (hdr[0] == 'M' && hdr[1] == 'M'); } #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS #endif // wxUSE_LIBTIFF