///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/imagfill.cpp // Purpose: FloodFill for wxImage // Author: Julian Smart // RCS-ID: $Id: imagfill.cpp 63770 2010-03-28 22:34:12Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_IMAGE && !defined(__WXMSW__) // we have no use for this code in wxMSW... #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/brush.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/dcmemory.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif // DoFloodFill // Fills with the colour extracted from fillBrush, starting at x,y until either // a color different from the start pixel is reached (wxFLOOD_SURFACE) // or fill color is reached (wxFLOOD_BORDER) static bool LINKAGEMODE MatchPixel(wxImage *img, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wxColour& c) { if ((x<0)||(x>=w)||(y<0)||(y>=h)) return false; unsigned char r = img->GetRed(x,y); unsigned char g = img->GetGreen(x,y); unsigned char b = img->GetBlue(x,y); return c.Red() == r && c.Green() == g && c.Blue() == b ; } static bool LINKAGEMODE MatchBoundaryPixel(wxImage *img, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wxColour & fill, const wxColour& bound) { if ((x<0)||(x>=w)||(y<0)||(y>=h)) return true; unsigned char r = img->GetRed(x,y); unsigned char g = img->GetGreen(x,y); unsigned char b = img->GetBlue(x,y); if ( fill.Red() == r && fill.Green() == g && fill.Blue() == b ) return true; if ( bound.Red() == r && bound.Green() == g && bound.Blue() == b ) return true; return false; } static void LINKAGEMODE wxImageFloodFill(wxImage *image, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxBrush & fillBrush, const wxColour& testColour, int style, int WXUNUSED(LogicalFunction)) { /* A diamond flood-fill using a circular queue system. Each pixel surrounding the current pixel is added to the queue if it meets the criteria, then is retrieved in its turn. Code originally based on http://www.drawit.co.nz/Developers.htm, with explicit permission to use this for wxWidgets granted by Andrew Empson (no copyright claimed) */ int width = image->GetWidth(); int height = image->GetHeight(); //Draw using a pen made from the current brush colour //Potentially allows us to use patterned flood fills in future code wxColour fillColour = fillBrush.GetColour(); unsigned char r = fillColour.Red(); unsigned char g = fillColour.Green(); unsigned char b = fillColour.Blue(); //initial test : if (style == wxFLOOD_SURFACE) { //if wxFLOOD_SURFACE, if fill colour is same as required, we don't do anything if ( image->GetRed(x,y) != r || image->GetGreen(x,y) != g || image->GetBlue (x,y) != b ) { //prepare memory for queue //queue save, start, read size_t *qs, *qst, *qr; //queue size (physical) long qSz= height * width * 2; qst = new size_t [qSz]; //temporary x and y locations int xt, yt; for (int i=0; i < qSz; i++) qst[i] = 0; // start queue qs=qr=qst; *qs=xt=x; qs++; *qs=yt=y; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt,r,g,b); //Main queue loop while(qr!=qs) { //Add new members to queue //Above current pixel if(MatchPixel(image,xt,yt-1,width,height,testColour)) { *qs=xt; qs++; *qs=yt-1; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt-1,r,g,b); //Loop back to beginning of queue if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Below current pixel if(MatchPixel(image,xt,yt+1,width,height,testColour)) { *qs=xt; qs++; *qs=yt+1; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt+1,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Left of current pixel if(MatchPixel(image,xt-1,yt,width,height,testColour)) { *qs=xt-1; qs++; *qs=yt; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt-1,yt,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Right of current pixel if(MatchPixel(image,xt+1,yt,width,height,testColour)) { *qs=xt+1; qs++; *qs=yt; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt+1,yt,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Retrieve current queue member qr+=2; //Loop back to the beginning if(qr>=(qst+qSz)) qr=qst; xt=*qr; yt=*(qr+1); //Go Back to beginning of loop } delete[] qst; } } else { //style is wxFLOOD_BORDER // fill up to testColor border - if already testColour don't do anything if ( image->GetRed(x,y) != testColour.Red() || image->GetGreen(x,y) != testColour.Green() || image->GetBlue(x,y) != testColour.Blue() ) { //prepare memory for queue //queue save, start, read size_t *qs, *qst, *qr; //queue size (physical) long qSz= height * width * 2; qst = new size_t [qSz]; //temporary x and y locations int xt, yt; for (int i=0; i < qSz; i++) qst[i] = 0; // start queue qs=qr=qst; *qs=xt=x; qs++; *qs=yt=y; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt,r,g,b); //Main queue loop while (qr!=qs) { //Add new members to queue //Above current pixel if(!MatchBoundaryPixel(image,xt,yt-1,width,height,fillColour,testColour)) { *qs=xt; qs++; *qs=yt-1; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt-1,r,g,b); //Loop back to beginning of queue if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Below current pixel if(!MatchBoundaryPixel(image,xt,yt+1,width,height,fillColour,testColour)) { *qs=xt; qs++; *qs=yt+1; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt,yt+1,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Left of current pixel if(!MatchBoundaryPixel(image,xt-1,yt,width,height,fillColour,testColour)) { *qs=xt-1; qs++; *qs=yt; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt-1,yt,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Right of current pixel if(!MatchBoundaryPixel(image,xt+1,yt,width,height,fillColour,testColour)) { *qs=xt+1; qs++; *qs=yt; qs++; image->SetRGB(xt+1,yt,r,g,b); if(qs>=(qst+qSz)) qs=qst; } //Retrieve current queue member qr+=2; //Loop back to the beginning if(qr>=(qst+qSz)) qr=qst; xt=*qr; yt=*(qr+1); //Go Back to beginning of loop } delete[] qst; } } //all done, } bool wxDoFloodFill(wxDC *dc, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxColour& col, int style) { if (dc->GetBrush().GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT) return true; int height = 0; int width = 0; dc->GetSize(&width, &height); //it would be nice to fail if we don't get a sensible size... wxCHECK_MSG(width >= 1 && height >= 1, false, wxT("In FloodFill, dc.GetSize routine failed, method not supported by this DC")); const int x_dev = dc->LogicalToDeviceX(x); const int y_dev = dc->LogicalToDeviceY(y); // if start point is outside dc, can't do anything if (!wxRect(0, 0, width, height).Contains(x_dev, y_dev)) return false; wxBitmap bitmap(width, height); wxMemoryDC memdc(bitmap); // match dc scales double sx, sy; dc->GetUserScale(&sx, &sy); memdc.SetUserScale(sx, sy); dc->GetLogicalScale(&sx, &sy); memdc.SetLogicalScale(sx, sy); // get logical size and origin const int w_log = dc->DeviceToLogicalXRel(width); const int h_log = dc->DeviceToLogicalYRel(height); const int x0_log = dc->DeviceToLogicalX(0); const int y0_log = dc->DeviceToLogicalY(0); memdc.Blit(0, 0, w_log, h_log, dc, x0_log, y0_log); memdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage(); wxImageFloodFill(&image, x_dev, y_dev, dc->GetBrush(), col, style, dc->GetLogicalFunction()); bitmap = wxBitmap(image); memdc.SelectObject(bitmap); dc->Blit(x0_log, y0_log, w_log, h_log, &memdc, 0, 0); return true; } #endif // wxUSE_IMAGE