///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/filesys.cpp // Purpose: wxFileSystem class - interface for opening files // Author: Vaclav Slavik // Copyright: (c) 1999 Vaclav Slavik // CVS-ID: $Id: filesys.cpp 55271 2008-08-26 00:03:04Z VZ $ // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_FILESYSTEM #include "wx/filesys.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/module.h" #endif #include "wx/sysopt.h" #include "wx/wfstream.h" #include "wx/mimetype.h" #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/tokenzr.h" #include "wx/uri.h" #include "wx/private/fileback.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileSystemHandler //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxFileSystemHandler, wxObject) wxString wxFileSystemHandler::GetMimeTypeFromExt(const wxString& location) { wxString ext, mime; wxString loc = GetRightLocation(location); wxChar c; int l = loc.length(), l2; l2 = l; for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { c = loc[(unsigned int) i]; if ( c == wxT('#') ) l2 = i + 1; if ( c == wxT('.') ) { ext = loc.Right(l2-i-1); break; } if ( (c == wxT('/')) || (c == wxT('\\')) || (c == wxT(':')) ) return wxEmptyString; } #if wxUSE_MIMETYPE static bool s_MinimalMimeEnsured = false; // Don't use mime types manager if the application doesn't need it and it would be // cause an unacceptable delay, especially on startup. bool useMimeTypesManager = true; #if wxUSE_SYSTEM_OPTIONS useMimeTypesManager = (wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("filesys.no-mimetypesmanager")) == 0); #endif if (useMimeTypesManager) { if (!s_MinimalMimeEnsured) { static const wxFileTypeInfo fallbacks[] = { wxFileTypeInfo(_T("image/jpeg"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T("JPEG image (from fallback)"), _T("jpg"), _T("jpeg"), _T("JPG"), _T("JPEG"), NULL), wxFileTypeInfo(_T("image/gif"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T("GIF image (from fallback)"), _T("gif"), _T("GIF"), NULL), wxFileTypeInfo(_T("image/png"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T("PNG image (from fallback)"), _T("png"), _T("PNG"), NULL), wxFileTypeInfo(_T("image/bmp"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T("windows bitmap image (from fallback)"), _T("bmp"), _T("BMP"), NULL), wxFileTypeInfo(_T("text/html"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, _T("HTML document (from fallback)"), _T("htm"), _T("html"), _T("HTM"), _T("HTML"), NULL), // must terminate the table with this! wxFileTypeInfo() }; wxTheMimeTypesManager->AddFallbacks(fallbacks); s_MinimalMimeEnsured = true; } wxFileType *ft = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(ext); if ( !ft || !ft -> GetMimeType(&mime) ) { mime = wxEmptyString; } delete ft; return mime; } else #endif { if ( ext.IsSameAs(wxT("htm"), false) || ext.IsSameAs(_T("html"), false) ) return wxT("text/html"); if ( ext.IsSameAs(wxT("jpg"), false) || ext.IsSameAs(_T("jpeg"), false) ) return wxT("image/jpeg"); if ( ext.IsSameAs(wxT("gif"), false) ) return wxT("image/gif"); if ( ext.IsSameAs(wxT("png"), false) ) return wxT("image/png"); if ( ext.IsSameAs(wxT("bmp"), false) ) return wxT("image/bmp"); return wxEmptyString; } } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::GetProtocol(const wxString& location) const { wxString s = wxEmptyString; int i, l = location.length(); bool fnd = false; for (i = l-1; (i >= 0) && ((location[i] != wxT('#')) || (!fnd)); i--) { if ((location[i] == wxT(':')) && (i != 1 /*win: C:\path*/)) fnd = true; } if (!fnd) return wxT("file"); for (++i; (i < l) && (location[i] != wxT(':')); i++) s << location[i]; return s; } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::GetLeftLocation(const wxString& location) const { int i; bool fnd = false; for (i = location.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((location[i] == wxT(':')) && (i != 1 /*win: C:\path*/)) fnd = true; else if (fnd && (location[i] == wxT('#'))) return location.Left(i); } return wxEmptyString; } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::GetRightLocation(const wxString& location) const { int i, l = location.length(); int l2 = l + 1; for (i = l-1; (i >= 0) && ((location[i] != wxT(':')) || (i == 1) || (location[i-2] == wxT(':'))); i--) { if (location[i] == wxT('#')) l2 = i + 1; } if (i == 0) return wxEmptyString; else return location.Mid(i + 1, l2 - i - 2); } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::GetAnchor(const wxString& location) const { wxChar c; int l = location.length(); for (int i = l-1; i >= 0; i--) { c = location[i]; if (c == wxT('#')) return location.Right(l-i-1); else if ((c == wxT('/')) || (c == wxT('\\')) || (c == wxT(':'))) return wxEmptyString; } return wxEmptyString; } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::FindFirst(const wxString& WXUNUSED(spec), int WXUNUSED(flags)) { return wxEmptyString; } wxString wxFileSystemHandler::FindNext() { return wxEmptyString; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxLocalFSHandler //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxString wxLocalFSHandler::ms_root; bool wxLocalFSHandler::CanOpen(const wxString& location) { return GetProtocol(location) == wxT("file"); } wxFSFile* wxLocalFSHandler::OpenFile(wxFileSystem& WXUNUSED(fs), const wxString& location) { // location has Unix path separators wxString right = GetRightLocation(location); wxFileName fn = wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(right); wxString fullpath = ms_root + fn.GetFullPath(); if (!wxFileExists(fullpath)) return (wxFSFile*) NULL; // we need to check whether we can really read from this file, otherwise // wxFSFile is not going to work #if wxUSE_FFILE wxFFileInputStream *is = new wxFFileInputStream(fullpath); #elif wxUSE_FILE wxFileInputStream *is = new wxFileInputStream(fullpath); #else #error One of wxUSE_FILE or wxUSE_FFILE must be set to 1 for wxFSHandler to work #endif if ( !is->Ok() ) { delete is; return (wxFSFile*) NULL; } return new wxFSFile(is, right, GetMimeTypeFromExt(location), GetAnchor(location) #if wxUSE_DATETIME ,wxDateTime(wxFileModificationTime(fullpath)) #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME ); } wxString wxLocalFSHandler::FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags) { wxFileName fn = wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(GetRightLocation(spec)); return wxFindFirstFile(ms_root + fn.GetFullPath(), flags); } wxString wxLocalFSHandler::FindNext() { return wxFindNextFile(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileSystem //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFileSystem, wxObject) IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxFSFile, wxObject) wxList wxFileSystem::m_Handlers; wxFileSystem::~wxFileSystem() { WX_CLEAR_HASH_MAP(wxFSHandlerHash, m_LocalHandlers) } static wxString MakeCorrectPath(const wxString& path) { wxString p(path); wxString r; int i, j, cnt; cnt = p.length(); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) if (p.GetChar(i) == wxT('\\')) p.GetWritableChar(i) = wxT('/'); // Want to be windows-safe if (p.Left(2) == wxT("./")) { p = p.Mid(2); cnt -= 2; } if (cnt < 3) return p; r << p.GetChar(0) << p.GetChar(1); // skip trailing ../.., if any for (i = 2; i < cnt && (p.GetChar(i) == wxT('/') || p.GetChar(i) == wxT('.')); i++) r << p.GetChar(i); // remove back references: translate dir1/../dir2 to dir2 for (; i < cnt; i++) { r << p.GetChar(i); if (p.GetChar(i) == wxT('/') && p.GetChar(i-1) == wxT('.') && p.GetChar(i-2) == wxT('.')) { for (j = r.length() - 2; j >= 0 && r.GetChar(j) != wxT('/') && r.GetChar(j) != wxT(':'); j--) {} if (j >= 0 && r.GetChar(j) != wxT(':')) { for (j = j - 1; j >= 0 && r.GetChar(j) != wxT('/') && r.GetChar(j) != wxT(':'); j--) {} r.Remove(j + 1); } } } for (; i < cnt; i++) r << p.GetChar(i); return r; } void wxFileSystem::ChangePathTo(const wxString& location, bool is_dir) { int i, pathpos = -1; m_Path = MakeCorrectPath(location); if (is_dir) { if (m_Path.length() > 0 && m_Path.Last() != wxT('/') && m_Path.Last() != wxT(':')) m_Path << wxT('/'); } else { for (i = m_Path.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_Path[(unsigned int) i] == wxT('/')) { if ((i > 1) && (m_Path[(unsigned int) (i-1)] == wxT('/')) && (m_Path[(unsigned int) (i-2)] == wxT(':'))) { i -= 2; continue; } else { pathpos = i; break; } } else if (m_Path[(unsigned int) i] == wxT(':')) { pathpos = i; break; } } if (pathpos == -1) { for (i = 0; i < (int) m_Path.length(); i++) { if (m_Path[(unsigned int) i] == wxT(':')) { m_Path.Remove(i+1); break; } } if (i == (int) m_Path.length()) m_Path = wxEmptyString; } else { m_Path.Remove(pathpos+1); } } } wxFileSystemHandler *wxFileSystem::MakeLocal(wxFileSystemHandler *h) { wxClassInfo *classinfo = h->GetClassInfo(); if (classinfo->IsDynamic()) { wxFileSystemHandler*& local = m_LocalHandlers[classinfo]; if (!local) local = (wxFileSystemHandler*)classinfo->CreateObject(); return local; } else { return h; } } wxFSFile* wxFileSystem::OpenFile(const wxString& location, int flags) { if ((flags & wxFS_READ) == 0) return NULL; wxString loc = MakeCorrectPath(location); unsigned i, ln; wxChar meta; wxFSFile *s = NULL; wxList::compatibility_iterator node; ln = loc.length(); meta = 0; for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { switch (loc[i]) { case wxT('/') : case wxT(':') : case wxT('#') : meta = loc[i]; break; } if (meta != 0) break; } m_LastName = wxEmptyString; // try relative paths first : if (meta != wxT(':')) { node = m_Handlers.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxFileSystemHandler *h = (wxFileSystemHandler*) node -> GetData(); if (h->CanOpen(m_Path + loc)) { s = MakeLocal(h)->OpenFile(*this, m_Path + loc); if (s) { m_LastName = m_Path + loc; break; } } node = node->GetNext(); } } // if failed, try absolute paths : if (s == NULL) { node = m_Handlers.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxFileSystemHandler *h = (wxFileSystemHandler*) node->GetData(); if (h->CanOpen(loc)) { s = MakeLocal(h)->OpenFile(*this, loc); if (s) { m_LastName = loc; break; } } node = node->GetNext(); } } if (s && (flags & wxFS_SEEKABLE) != 0 && !s->GetStream()->IsSeekable()) { wxBackedInputStream *stream; stream = new wxBackedInputStream(s->DetachStream()); stream->FindLength(); s->SetStream(stream); } return (s); } wxString wxFileSystem::FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags) { wxList::compatibility_iterator node; wxString spec2(spec); m_FindFileHandler = NULL; for (int i = spec2.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) if (spec2[(unsigned int) i] == wxT('\\')) spec2.GetWritableChar(i) = wxT('/'); // Want to be windows-safe node = m_Handlers.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxFileSystemHandler *h = (wxFileSystemHandler*) node -> GetData(); if (h -> CanOpen(m_Path + spec2)) { m_FindFileHandler = MakeLocal(h); return m_FindFileHandler -> FindFirst(m_Path + spec2, flags); } node = node->GetNext(); } node = m_Handlers.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxFileSystemHandler *h = (wxFileSystemHandler*) node -> GetData(); if (h -> CanOpen(spec2)) { m_FindFileHandler = MakeLocal(h); return m_FindFileHandler -> FindFirst(spec2, flags); } node = node->GetNext(); } return wxEmptyString; } wxString wxFileSystem::FindNext() { if (m_FindFileHandler == NULL) return wxEmptyString; else return m_FindFileHandler -> FindNext(); } bool wxFileSystem::FindFileInPath(wxString *pStr, const wxChar *path, const wxChar *basename) { // we assume that it's not empty wxCHECK_MSG( !wxIsEmpty(basename), false, _T("empty file name in wxFileSystem::FindFileInPath")); // skip path separator in the beginning of the file name if present if ( wxIsPathSeparator(*basename) ) basename++; wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(path, wxPATH_SEP); while ( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() ) { wxString strFile = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); if ( !wxEndsWithPathSeparator(strFile) ) strFile += wxFILE_SEP_PATH; strFile += basename; wxFSFile *file = OpenFile(strFile); if ( file ) { delete file; *pStr = strFile; return true; } } return false; } void wxFileSystem::AddHandler(wxFileSystemHandler *handler) { // prepend the handler to the beginning of the list because handlers added // last should have the highest priority to allow overriding them m_Handlers.Insert((size_t)0, handler); } wxFileSystemHandler* wxFileSystem::RemoveHandler(wxFileSystemHandler *handler) { // if handler has already been removed (or deleted) // we return NULL. This is by design in case // CleanUpHandlers() is called before RemoveHandler // is called, as we cannot control the order // which modules are unloaded if (!m_Handlers.DeleteObject(handler)) return NULL; return handler; } bool wxFileSystem::HasHandlerForPath(const wxString &location) { for ( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_Handlers.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxFileSystemHandler *h = (wxFileSystemHandler*) node->GetData(); if (h->CanOpen(location)) return true; } return false; } void wxFileSystem::CleanUpHandlers() { WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxList, m_Handlers); } static const wxString g_unixPathString(wxT("/")); static const wxString g_nativePathString(wxFILE_SEP_PATH); // Returns the native path for a file URL wxFileName wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(const wxString& url) { wxString path = url; if ( path.Find(wxT("file://")) == 0 ) { path = path.Mid(7); } else if ( path.Find(wxT("file:")) == 0 ) { path = path.Mid(5); } // Remove preceding double slash on Mac Classic #if defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__UNIX__) else if ( path.Find(wxT("//")) == 0 ) path = path.Mid(2); #endif path = wxURI::Unescape(path); #ifdef __WXMSW__ // file urls either start with a forward slash (local harddisk), // otherwise they have a servername/sharename notation, // which only exists on msw and corresponds to a unc if ( path[0u] == wxT('/') && path [1u] != wxT('/')) { path = path.Mid(1); } else if ( (url.Find(wxT("file://")) == 0) && (path.Find(wxT('/')) != wxNOT_FOUND) && (path.length() > 1) && (path[1u] != wxT(':')) ) { path = wxT("//") + path; } #endif path.Replace(g_unixPathString, g_nativePathString); return wxFileName(path, wxPATH_NATIVE); } // Returns the file URL for a native path wxString wxFileSystem::FileNameToURL(const wxFileName& filename) { wxFileName fn = filename; fn.Normalize(wxPATH_NORM_DOTS | wxPATH_NORM_TILDE | wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE); wxString url = fn.GetFullPath(wxPATH_NATIVE); #ifndef __UNIX__ // unc notation, wxMSW if ( url.Find(wxT("\\\\")) == 0 ) { url = wxT("//") + url.Mid(2); } else { url = wxT("/") + url; #ifdef __WXMAC__ url = wxT("/") + url; #endif } #endif url.Replace(g_nativePathString, g_unixPathString); url.Replace(wxT("%"), wxT("%25")); // '%'s must be replaced first! url.Replace(wxT("#"), wxT("%23")); url.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT("%3A")); url = wxT("file:") + url; return url; } ///// Module: class wxFileSystemModule : public wxModule { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFileSystemModule) public: wxFileSystemModule() : wxModule(), m_handler(NULL) { } virtual bool OnInit() { m_handler = new wxLocalFSHandler; wxFileSystem::AddHandler(m_handler); return true; } virtual void OnExit() { delete wxFileSystem::RemoveHandler(m_handler); wxFileSystem::CleanUpHandlers(); } private: wxFileSystemHandler* m_handler; }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFileSystemModule, wxModule) #endif // wxUSE_FILESYSTEM