/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/fileconf.cpp // Purpose: implementation of wxFileConfig derivation of wxConfig // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 07.04.98 (adapted from appconf.cpp) // RCS-ID: $Id: fileconf.cpp 50711 2007-12-15 02:57:58Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 1997 Karsten Ballueder & Vadim Zeitlin // Ballueder@usa.net // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif //__BORLANDC__ #if wxUSE_CONFIG && wxUSE_FILECONFIG #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/dynarray.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/utils.h" // for wxGetHomeDir #if wxUSE_STREAMS #include "wx/stream.h" #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS #endif //WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/file.h" #include "wx/textfile.h" #include "wx/memtext.h" #include "wx/config.h" #include "wx/fileconf.h" #include "wx/filefn.h" #if defined(__WXMAC__) #include "wx/mac/private.h" // includes mac headers #include "wx/filename.h" // for MacSetTypeAndCreator #endif #if defined(__WXMSW__) #include "wx/msw/private.h" #endif //windows.h #if defined(__WXPM__) #define INCL_DOS #include #endif #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CONST_CAST ((wxFileConfig *)this)-> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 512 #endif #define FILECONF_TRACE_MASK _T("fileconf") // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global functions declarations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compare functions for sorting the arrays static int LINKAGEMODE CompareEntries(wxFileConfigEntry *p1, wxFileConfigEntry *p2); static int LINKAGEMODE CompareGroups(wxFileConfigGroup *p1, wxFileConfigGroup *p2); // filter strings static wxString FilterInValue(const wxString& str); static wxString FilterOutValue(const wxString& str); static wxString FilterInEntryName(const wxString& str); static wxString FilterOutEntryName(const wxString& str); // get the name to use in wxFileConfig ctor static wxString GetAppName(const wxString& appname); // ============================================================================ // private classes // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "template" array types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef WXMAKINGDLL_BASE WX_DEFINE_SORTED_USER_EXPORTED_ARRAY(wxFileConfigEntry *, ArrayEntries, WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE); WX_DEFINE_SORTED_USER_EXPORTED_ARRAY(wxFileConfigGroup *, ArrayGroups, WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE); #else WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(wxFileConfigEntry *, ArrayEntries); WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(wxFileConfigGroup *, ArrayGroups); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileConfigLineList // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we store all lines of the local config file as a linked list in memory class wxFileConfigLineList { public: void SetNext(wxFileConfigLineList *pNext) { m_pNext = pNext; } void SetPrev(wxFileConfigLineList *pPrev) { m_pPrev = pPrev; } // ctor wxFileConfigLineList(const wxString& str, wxFileConfigLineList *pNext = NULL) : m_strLine(str) { SetNext(pNext); SetPrev(NULL); } // next/prev nodes in the linked list wxFileConfigLineList *Next() const { return m_pNext; } wxFileConfigLineList *Prev() const { return m_pPrev; } // get/change lines text void SetText(const wxString& str) { m_strLine = str; } const wxString& Text() const { return m_strLine; } private: wxString m_strLine; // line contents wxFileConfigLineList *m_pNext, // next node *m_pPrev; // previous one DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxFileConfigLineList) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileConfigEntry: a name/value pair // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxFileConfigEntry { private: wxFileConfigGroup *m_pParent; // group that contains us wxString m_strName, // entry name m_strValue; // value bool m_bImmutable:1, // can be overriden locally? m_bHasValue:1; // set after first call to SetValue() int m_nLine; // used if m_pLine == NULL only // pointer to our line in the linked list or NULL if it was found in global // file (which we don't modify) wxFileConfigLineList *m_pLine; public: wxFileConfigEntry(wxFileConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, int nLine); // simple accessors const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; } const wxString& Value() const { return m_strValue; } wxFileConfigGroup *Group() const { return m_pParent; } bool IsImmutable() const { return m_bImmutable; } bool IsLocal() const { return m_pLine != 0; } int Line() const { return m_nLine; } wxFileConfigLineList * GetLine() const { return m_pLine; } // modify entry attributes void SetValue(const wxString& strValue, bool bUser = true); void SetLine(wxFileConfigLineList *pLine); DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxFileConfigEntry) }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxFileConfigGroup: container of entries and other groups // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxFileConfigGroup { private: wxFileConfig *m_pConfig; // config object we belong to wxFileConfigGroup *m_pParent; // parent group (NULL for root group) ArrayEntries m_aEntries; // entries in this group ArrayGroups m_aSubgroups; // subgroups wxString m_strName; // group's name wxFileConfigLineList *m_pLine; // pointer to our line in the linked list wxFileConfigEntry *m_pLastEntry; // last entry/subgroup of this group in the wxFileConfigGroup *m_pLastGroup; // local file (we insert new ones after it) // DeleteSubgroupByName helper bool DeleteSubgroup(wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup); // used by Rename() void UpdateGroupAndSubgroupsLines(); public: // ctor wxFileConfigGroup(wxFileConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, wxFileConfig *); // dtor deletes all entries and subgroups also ~wxFileConfigGroup(); // simple accessors const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; } wxFileConfigGroup *Parent() const { return m_pParent; } wxFileConfig *Config() const { return m_pConfig; } const ArrayEntries& Entries() const { return m_aEntries; } const ArrayGroups& Groups() const { return m_aSubgroups; } bool IsEmpty() const { return Entries().IsEmpty() && Groups().IsEmpty(); } // find entry/subgroup (NULL if not found) wxFileConfigGroup *FindSubgroup(const wxChar *szName) const; wxFileConfigEntry *FindEntry (const wxChar *szName) const; // delete entry/subgroup, return false if doesn't exist bool DeleteSubgroupByName(const wxChar *szName); bool DeleteEntry(const wxChar *szName); // create new entry/subgroup returning pointer to newly created element wxFileConfigGroup *AddSubgroup(const wxString& strName); wxFileConfigEntry *AddEntry (const wxString& strName, int nLine = wxNOT_FOUND); void SetLine(wxFileConfigLineList *pLine); // rename: no checks are done to ensure that the name is unique! void Rename(const wxString& newName); // wxString GetFullName() const; // get the last line belonging to an entry/subgroup of this group wxFileConfigLineList *GetGroupLine(); // line which contains [group] // may be NULL for "/" only wxFileConfigLineList *GetLastEntryLine(); // after which our subgroups start wxFileConfigLineList *GetLastGroupLine(); // after which the next group starts // called by entries/subgroups when they're created/deleted void SetLastEntry(wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry); void SetLastGroup(wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup) { m_pLastGroup = pGroup; } DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxFileConfigGroup) }; // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxString wxFileConfig::GetGlobalDir() { wxString strDir; #ifdef __VMS__ // Note if __VMS is defined __UNIX is also defined strDir = wxT("sys$manager:"); #elif defined(__WXMAC__) strDir = wxMacFindFolder( (short) kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kDontCreateFolder ) ; #elif defined( __UNIX__ ) strDir = wxT("/etc/"); #elif defined(__OS2__) ULONG aulSysInfo[QSV_MAX] = {0}; UINT drive; APIRET rc; rc = DosQuerySysInfo( 1L, QSV_MAX, (PVOID)aulSysInfo, sizeof(ULONG)*QSV_MAX); if (rc == 0) { drive = aulSysInfo[QSV_BOOT_DRIVE - 1]; strDir.Printf(wxT("%c:\\OS2\\"), 'A'+drive-1); } #elif defined(__WXSTUBS__) wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("TODO") ); #elif defined(__DOS__) // There's no such thing as global cfg dir in MS-DOS, let's return // current directory (FIXME_MGL?) strDir = wxT(".\\"); #elif defined(__WXWINCE__) strDir = wxT("\\Windows\\"); #else // Windows wxChar szWinDir[MAX_PATH]; ::GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, MAX_PATH); strDir = szWinDir; strDir << wxT('\\'); #endif // Unix/Windows return strDir; } wxString wxFileConfig::GetLocalDir() { wxString strDir; #if defined(__WXMAC__) || defined(__DOS__) // no local dir concept on Mac OS 9 or MS-DOS strDir << GetGlobalDir() ; #else wxGetHomeDir(&strDir); #ifdef __UNIX__ if ( (strDir.Last() != wxT('/')) #ifdef __VMS && (strDir.Last() != wxT(']')) #endif ) strDir << wxT('/'); #else if (strDir.Last() != wxT('\\')) strDir << wxT('\\'); #endif #endif return strDir; } wxString wxFileConfig::GetGlobalFileName(const wxChar *szFile) { wxString str = GetGlobalDir(); str << szFile; if ( wxStrchr(szFile, wxT('.')) == NULL ) #if defined( __WXMAC__ ) str << wxT(" Preferences") ; #elif defined( __UNIX__ ) str << wxT(".conf"); #else // Windows str << wxT(".ini"); #endif // UNIX/Win return str; } wxString wxFileConfig::GetLocalFileName(const wxChar *szFile) { #ifdef __VMS__ // On VMS I saw the problem that the home directory was appended // twice for the configuration file. Does that also happen for // other platforms? wxString str = wxT( '.' ); #else wxString str = GetLocalDir(); #endif #if defined( __UNIX__ ) && !defined( __VMS ) && !defined( __WXMAC__ ) str << wxT('.'); #endif str << szFile; #if defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__DOS__) if ( wxStrchr(szFile, wxT('.')) == NULL ) str << wxT(".ini"); #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ str << wxT(" Preferences") ; #endif return str; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfig::Init() { m_pCurrentGroup = m_pRootGroup = new wxFileConfigGroup(NULL, wxEmptyString, this); m_linesHead = m_linesTail = NULL; // It's not an error if (one of the) file(s) doesn't exist. // parse the global file if ( !m_strGlobalFile.empty() && wxFile::Exists(m_strGlobalFile) ) { wxTextFile fileGlobal(m_strGlobalFile); if ( fileGlobal.Open(*m_conv/*ignored in ANSI build*/) ) { Parse(fileGlobal, false /* global */); SetRootPath(); } else { wxLogWarning(_("can't open global configuration file '%s'."), m_strGlobalFile.c_str()); } } // parse the local file if ( !m_strLocalFile.empty() && wxFile::Exists(m_strLocalFile) ) { wxTextFile fileLocal(m_strLocalFile); if ( fileLocal.Open(*m_conv/*ignored in ANSI build*/) ) { Parse(fileLocal, true /* local */); SetRootPath(); } else { wxLogWarning(_("can't open user configuration file '%s'."), m_strLocalFile.c_str() ); } } m_isDirty = false; } // constructor supports creation of wxFileConfig objects of any type wxFileConfig::wxFileConfig(const wxString& appName, const wxString& vendorName, const wxString& strLocal, const wxString& strGlobal, long style, const wxMBConv& conv) : wxConfigBase(::GetAppName(appName), vendorName, strLocal, strGlobal, style), m_strLocalFile(strLocal), m_strGlobalFile(strGlobal), m_conv(conv.Clone()) { // Make up names for files if empty if ( m_strLocalFile.empty() && (style & wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE) ) { m_strLocalFile = GetLocalFileName(GetAppName()); #if defined(__UNIX__) && !defined(__VMS) if ( style & wxCONFIG_USE_SUBDIR ) m_strLocalFile << wxFILE_SEP_PATH << GetAppName() << _T(".conf"); #endif } if ( m_strGlobalFile.empty() && (style & wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE) ) m_strGlobalFile = GetGlobalFileName(GetAppName()); // Check if styles are not supplied, but filenames are, in which case // add the correct styles. if ( !m_strLocalFile.empty() ) SetStyle(GetStyle() | wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); if ( !m_strGlobalFile.empty() ) SetStyle(GetStyle() | wxCONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE); // if the path is not absolute, prepend the standard directory to it // UNLESS wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH style is set if ( !(style & wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH) ) { if ( !m_strLocalFile.empty() && !wxIsAbsolutePath(m_strLocalFile) ) { const wxString strLocalOrig = m_strLocalFile; m_strLocalFile = GetLocalDir(); m_strLocalFile << strLocalOrig; } if ( !m_strGlobalFile.empty() && !wxIsAbsolutePath(m_strGlobalFile) ) { const wxString strGlobalOrig = m_strGlobalFile; m_strGlobalFile = GetGlobalDir(); m_strGlobalFile << strGlobalOrig; } } SetUmask(-1); Init(); } #if wxUSE_STREAMS wxFileConfig::wxFileConfig(wxInputStream &inStream, const wxMBConv& conv) : m_conv(conv.Clone()) { // always local_file when this constructor is called (?) SetStyle(GetStyle() | wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE); m_pCurrentGroup = m_pRootGroup = new wxFileConfigGroup(NULL, wxEmptyString, this); m_linesHead = m_linesTail = NULL; // read the entire stream contents in memory wxString str; { static const size_t chunkLen = 1024; wxMemoryBuffer buf(chunkLen); do { inStream.Read(buf.GetAppendBuf(chunkLen), chunkLen); buf.UngetAppendBuf(inStream.LastRead()); const wxStreamError err = inStream.GetLastError(); if ( err != wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR && err != wxSTREAM_EOF ) { wxLogError(_("Error reading config options.")); break; } } while ( !inStream.Eof() ); #if wxUSE_UNICODE size_t len; str = conv.cMB2WC((char *)buf.GetData(), buf.GetDataLen(), &len); if ( !len && buf.GetDataLen() ) { wxLogError(_("Failed to read config options.")); } #else // !wxUSE_UNICODE // no need for conversion str.assign((char *)buf.GetData(), buf.GetDataLen()); #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE/!wxUSE_UNICODE } // translate everything to the current (platform-dependent) line // termination character str = wxTextBuffer::Translate(str); wxMemoryText memText; // Now we can add the text to the memory text. To do this we extract line // by line from the translated string, until we've reached the end. // // VZ: all this is horribly inefficient, we should do the translation on // the fly in one pass saving both memory and time (TODO) const wxChar *pEOL = wxTextBuffer::GetEOL(wxTextBuffer::typeDefault); const size_t EOLLen = wxStrlen(pEOL); int posLineStart = str.Find(pEOL); while ( posLineStart != -1 ) { wxString line(str.Left(posLineStart)); memText.AddLine(line); str = str.Mid(posLineStart + EOLLen); posLineStart = str.Find(pEOL); } // also add whatever we have left in the translated string. if ( !str.empty() ) memText.AddLine(str); // Finally we can parse it all. Parse(memText, true /* local */); SetRootPath(); ResetDirty(); } #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS void wxFileConfig::CleanUp() { delete m_pRootGroup; wxFileConfigLineList *pCur = m_linesHead; while ( pCur != NULL ) { wxFileConfigLineList *pNext = pCur->Next(); delete pCur; pCur = pNext; } } wxFileConfig::~wxFileConfig() { Flush(); CleanUp(); delete m_conv; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parse a config file // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfig::Parse(const wxTextBuffer& buffer, bool bLocal) { const wxChar *pStart; const wxChar *pEnd; wxString strLine; size_t nLineCount = buffer.GetLineCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < nLineCount; n++ ) { strLine = buffer[n]; // add the line to linked list if ( bLocal ) LineListAppend(strLine); // skip leading spaces for ( pStart = strLine; wxIsspace(*pStart); pStart++ ) ; // skip blank/comment lines if ( *pStart == wxT('\0')|| *pStart == wxT(';') || *pStart == wxT('#') ) continue; if ( *pStart == wxT('[') ) { // a new group pEnd = pStart; while ( *++pEnd != wxT(']') ) { if ( *pEnd == wxT('\\') ) { // the next char is escaped, so skip it even if it is ']' pEnd++; } if ( *pEnd == wxT('\n') || *pEnd == wxT('\0') ) { // we reached the end of line, break out of the loop break; } } if ( *pEnd != wxT(']') ) { wxLogError(_("file '%s': unexpected character %c at line %d."), buffer.GetName(), *pEnd, n + 1); continue; // skip this line } // group name here is always considered as abs path wxString strGroup; pStart++; strGroup << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << FilterInEntryName(wxString(pStart, pEnd - pStart)); // will create it if doesn't yet exist SetPath(strGroup); if ( bLocal ) { if ( m_pCurrentGroup->Parent() ) m_pCurrentGroup->Parent()->SetLastGroup(m_pCurrentGroup); m_pCurrentGroup->SetLine(m_linesTail); } // check that there is nothing except comments left on this line bool bCont = true; while ( *++pEnd != wxT('\0') && bCont ) { switch ( *pEnd ) { case wxT('#'): case wxT(';'): bCont = false; break; case wxT(' '): case wxT('\t'): // ignore whitespace ('\n' impossible here) break; default: wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: '%s' ignored after group header."), buffer.GetName(), n + 1, pEnd); bCont = false; } } } else { // a key pEnd = pStart; while ( *pEnd && *pEnd != wxT('=') /* && !wxIsspace(*pEnd)*/ ) { if ( *pEnd == wxT('\\') ) { // next character may be space or not - still take it because it's // quoted (unless there is nothing) pEnd++; if ( !*pEnd ) { // the error message will be given below anyhow break; } } pEnd++; } wxString strKey(FilterInEntryName(wxString(pStart, pEnd).Trim())); // skip whitespace while ( wxIsspace(*pEnd) ) pEnd++; if ( *pEnd++ != wxT('=') ) { wxLogError(_("file '%s', line %d: '=' expected."), buffer.GetName(), n + 1); } else { wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(strKey); if ( pEntry == NULL ) { // new entry pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->AddEntry(strKey, n); } else { if ( bLocal && pEntry->IsImmutable() ) { // immutable keys can't be changed by user wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: value for immutable key '%s' ignored."), buffer.GetName(), n + 1, strKey.c_str()); continue; } // the condition below catches the cases (a) and (b) but not (c): // (a) global key found second time in global file // (b) key found second (or more) time in local file // (c) key from global file now found in local one // which is exactly what we want. else if ( !bLocal || pEntry->IsLocal() ) { wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: key '%s' was first found at line %d."), buffer.GetName(), n + 1, strKey.c_str(), pEntry->Line()); } } if ( bLocal ) pEntry->SetLine(m_linesTail); // skip whitespace while ( wxIsspace(*pEnd) ) pEnd++; wxString value = pEnd; if ( !(GetStyle() & wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS) ) value = FilterInValue(value); pEntry->SetValue(value, false); } } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set/retrieve path // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfig::SetRootPath() { m_strPath.Empty(); m_pCurrentGroup = m_pRootGroup; } bool wxFileConfig::DoSetPath(const wxString& strPath, bool createMissingComponents) { wxArrayString aParts; if ( strPath.empty() ) { SetRootPath(); return true; } if ( strPath[0] == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { // absolute path wxSplitPath(aParts, strPath); } else { // relative path, combine with current one wxString strFullPath = m_strPath; strFullPath << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << strPath; wxSplitPath(aParts, strFullPath); } // change current group size_t n; m_pCurrentGroup = m_pRootGroup; for ( n = 0; n < aParts.Count(); n++ ) { wxFileConfigGroup *pNextGroup = m_pCurrentGroup->FindSubgroup(aParts[n]); if ( pNextGroup == NULL ) { if ( !createMissingComponents ) return false; pNextGroup = m_pCurrentGroup->AddSubgroup(aParts[n]); } m_pCurrentGroup = pNextGroup; } // recombine path parts in one variable m_strPath.Empty(); for ( n = 0; n < aParts.Count(); n++ ) { m_strPath << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR << aParts[n]; } return true; } void wxFileConfig::SetPath(const wxString& strPath) { DoSetPath(strPath, true /* create missing path components */); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enumeration // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileConfig::GetFirstGroup(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const { lIndex = 0; return GetNextGroup(str, lIndex); } bool wxFileConfig::GetNextGroup (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const { if ( size_t(lIndex) < m_pCurrentGroup->Groups().Count() ) { str = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups()[(size_t)lIndex++]->Name(); return true; } else return false; } bool wxFileConfig::GetFirstEntry(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const { lIndex = 0; return GetNextEntry(str, lIndex); } bool wxFileConfig::GetNextEntry (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const { if ( size_t(lIndex) < m_pCurrentGroup->Entries().Count() ) { str = m_pCurrentGroup->Entries()[(size_t)lIndex++]->Name(); return true; } else return false; } size_t wxFileConfig::GetNumberOfEntries(bool bRecursive) const { size_t n = m_pCurrentGroup->Entries().Count(); if ( bRecursive ) { wxFileConfigGroup *pOldCurrentGroup = m_pCurrentGroup; size_t nSubgroups = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups().Count(); for ( size_t nGroup = 0; nGroup < nSubgroups; nGroup++ ) { CONST_CAST m_pCurrentGroup = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups()[nGroup]; n += GetNumberOfEntries(true); CONST_CAST m_pCurrentGroup = pOldCurrentGroup; } } return n; } size_t wxFileConfig::GetNumberOfGroups(bool bRecursive) const { size_t n = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups().Count(); if ( bRecursive ) { wxFileConfigGroup *pOldCurrentGroup = m_pCurrentGroup; size_t nSubgroups = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups().Count(); for ( size_t nGroup = 0; nGroup < nSubgroups; nGroup++ ) { CONST_CAST m_pCurrentGroup = m_pCurrentGroup->Groups()[nGroup]; n += GetNumberOfGroups(true); CONST_CAST m_pCurrentGroup = pOldCurrentGroup; } } return n; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tests for existence // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileConfig::HasGroup(const wxString& strName) const { // special case: DoSetPath("") does work as it's equivalent to DoSetPath("/") // but there is no group with empty name so treat this separately if ( strName.empty() ) return false; const wxString pathOld = GetPath(); wxFileConfig *self = wx_const_cast(wxFileConfig *, this); const bool rc = self->DoSetPath(strName, false /* don't create missing components */); self->SetPath(pathOld); return rc; } bool wxFileConfig::HasEntry(const wxString& entry) const { // path is the part before the last "/" wxString path = entry.BeforeLast(wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR); // except in the special case of "/keyname" when there is nothing before "/" if ( path.empty() && *entry.c_str() == wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR ) { path = wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR; } // change to the path of the entry if necessary and remember the old path // to restore it later wxString pathOld; wxFileConfig * const self = wx_const_cast(wxFileConfig *, this); if ( !path.empty() ) { pathOld = GetPath(); if ( pathOld.empty() ) pathOld = wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR; if ( !self->DoSetPath(path, false /* don't create if doesn't exist */) ) { return false; } } // check if the entry exists in this group const bool exists = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry( entry.AfterLast(wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR)) != NULL; // restore the old path if we changed it above if ( !pathOld.empty() ) { self->SetPath(pathOld); } return exists; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read/write values // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileConfig::DoReadString(const wxString& key, wxString* pStr) const { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key); wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(path.Name()); if (pEntry == NULL) { return false; } *pStr = pEntry->Value(); return true; } bool wxFileConfig::DoReadLong(const wxString& key, long *pl) const { wxString str; if ( !Read(key, &str) ) return false; // extra spaces shouldn't prevent us from reading numeric values str.Trim(); return str.ToLong(pl); } bool wxFileConfig::DoWriteString(const wxString& key, const wxString& szValue) { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key); wxString strName = path.Name(); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Writing String '%s' = '%s' to Group '%s'"), strName.c_str(), szValue.c_str(), GetPath().c_str() ); if ( strName.empty() ) { // setting the value of a group is an error wxASSERT_MSG( szValue.empty(), wxT("can't set value of a group!") ); // ... except if it's empty in which case it's a way to force it's creation wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Creating group %s"), m_pCurrentGroup->Name().c_str() ); SetDirty(); // this will add a line for this group if it didn't have it before (or // do nothing for the root but it's ok as it always exists anyhow) (void)m_pCurrentGroup->GetGroupLine(); } else { // writing an entry check that the name is reasonable if ( strName[0u] == wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX ) { wxLogError( _("Config entry name cannot start with '%c'."), wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX); return false; } wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(strName); if ( pEntry == 0 ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Adding Entry %s"), strName.c_str() ); pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->AddEntry(strName); } wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Setting value %s"), szValue.c_str() ); pEntry->SetValue(szValue); SetDirty(); } return true; } bool wxFileConfig::DoWriteLong(const wxString& key, long lValue) { return Write(key, wxString::Format(_T("%ld"), lValue)); } bool wxFileConfig::Flush(bool /* bCurrentOnly */) { if ( !IsDirty() || !m_strLocalFile ) return true; // set the umask if needed wxCHANGE_UMASK(m_umask); wxTempFile file(m_strLocalFile); if ( !file.IsOpened() ) { wxLogError(_("can't open user configuration file.")); return false; } // write all strings to file wxString filetext; filetext.reserve(4096); for ( wxFileConfigLineList *p = m_linesHead; p != NULL; p = p->Next() ) { filetext << p->Text() << wxTextFile::GetEOL(); } if ( !file.Write(filetext, *m_conv) ) { wxLogError(_("can't write user configuration file.")); return false; } if ( !file.Commit() ) { wxLogError(_("Failed to update user configuration file.")); return false; } ResetDirty(); #if defined(__WXMAC__) wxFileName(m_strLocalFile).MacSetTypeAndCreator('TEXT', 'ttxt'); #endif // __WXMAC__ return true; } #if wxUSE_STREAMS bool wxFileConfig::Save(wxOutputStream& os, const wxMBConv& conv) { // save unconditionally, even if not dirty for ( wxFileConfigLineList *p = m_linesHead; p != NULL; p = p->Next() ) { wxString line = p->Text(); line += wxTextFile::GetEOL(); wxCharBuffer buf(line.mb_str(conv)); if ( !os.Write(buf, strlen(buf)) ) { wxLogError(_("Error saving user configuration data.")); return false; } } ResetDirty(); return true; } #endif // wxUSE_STREAMS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // renaming groups/entries // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileConfig::RenameEntry(const wxString& oldName, const wxString& newName) { wxASSERT_MSG( !wxStrchr(oldName, wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR), _T("RenameEntry(): paths are not supported") ); // check that the entry exists wxFileConfigEntry *oldEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(oldName); if ( !oldEntry ) return false; // check that the new entry doesn't already exist if ( m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(newName) ) return false; // delete the old entry, create the new one wxString value = oldEntry->Value(); if ( !m_pCurrentGroup->DeleteEntry(oldName) ) return false; SetDirty(); wxFileConfigEntry *newEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->AddEntry(newName); newEntry->SetValue(value); return true; } bool wxFileConfig::RenameGroup(const wxString& oldName, const wxString& newName) { // check that the group exists wxFileConfigGroup *group = m_pCurrentGroup->FindSubgroup(oldName); if ( !group ) return false; // check that the new group doesn't already exist if ( m_pCurrentGroup->FindSubgroup(newName) ) return false; group->Rename(newName); SetDirty(); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // delete groups/entries // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxFileConfig::DeleteEntry(const wxString& key, bool bGroupIfEmptyAlso) { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, key); if ( !m_pCurrentGroup->DeleteEntry(path.Name()) ) return false; SetDirty(); if ( bGroupIfEmptyAlso && m_pCurrentGroup->IsEmpty() ) { if ( m_pCurrentGroup != m_pRootGroup ) { wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup = m_pCurrentGroup; SetPath(wxT("..")); // changes m_pCurrentGroup! m_pCurrentGroup->DeleteSubgroupByName(pGroup->Name()); } //else: never delete the root group } return true; } bool wxFileConfig::DeleteGroup(const wxString& key) { wxConfigPathChanger path(this, RemoveTrailingSeparator(key)); if ( !m_pCurrentGroup->DeleteSubgroupByName(path.Name()) ) return false; path.UpdateIfDeleted(); SetDirty(); return true; } bool wxFileConfig::DeleteAll() { CleanUp(); if ( !m_strLocalFile.empty() ) { if ( wxFile::Exists(m_strLocalFile) && wxRemove(m_strLocalFile) == -1 ) { wxLogSysError(_("can't delete user configuration file '%s'"), m_strLocalFile.c_str()); return false; } } Init(); return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // linked list functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // append a new line to the end of the list wxFileConfigLineList *wxFileConfig::LineListAppend(const wxString& str) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" ** Adding Line '%s'"), str.c_str() ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = new wxFileConfigLineList(str); if ( m_linesTail == NULL ) { // list is empty m_linesHead = pLine; } else { // adjust pointers m_linesTail->SetNext(pLine); pLine->SetPrev(m_linesTail); } m_linesTail = pLine; wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); return m_linesTail; } // insert a new line after the given one or in the very beginning if !pLine wxFileConfigLineList *wxFileConfig::LineListInsert(const wxString& str, wxFileConfigLineList *pLine) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" ** Inserting Line '%s' after '%s'"), str.c_str(), ((pLine) ? pLine->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); if ( pLine == m_linesTail ) return LineListAppend(str); wxFileConfigLineList *pNewLine = new wxFileConfigLineList(str); if ( pLine == NULL ) { // prepend to the list pNewLine->SetNext(m_linesHead); m_linesHead->SetPrev(pNewLine); m_linesHead = pNewLine; } else { // insert before pLine wxFileConfigLineList *pNext = pLine->Next(); pNewLine->SetNext(pNext); pNewLine->SetPrev(pLine); pNext->SetPrev(pNewLine); pLine->SetNext(pNewLine); } wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); return pNewLine; } void wxFileConfig::LineListRemove(wxFileConfigLineList *pLine) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" ** Removing Line '%s'"), pLine->Text().c_str() ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxFileConfigLineList *pPrev = pLine->Prev(), *pNext = pLine->Next(); // first entry? if ( pPrev == NULL ) m_linesHead = pNext; else pPrev->SetNext(pNext); // last entry? if ( pNext == NULL ) m_linesTail = pPrev; else pNext->SetPrev(pPrev); if ( m_pRootGroup->GetGroupLine() == pLine ) m_pRootGroup->SetLine(m_linesHead); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" head: %s"), ((m_linesHead) ? m_linesHead->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" tail: %s"), ((m_linesTail) ? m_linesTail->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); delete pLine; } bool wxFileConfig::LineListIsEmpty() { return m_linesHead == NULL; } // ============================================================================ // wxFileConfig::wxFileConfigGroup // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor/dtor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor wxFileConfigGroup::wxFileConfigGroup(wxFileConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, wxFileConfig *pConfig) : m_aEntries(CompareEntries), m_aSubgroups(CompareGroups), m_strName(strName) { m_pConfig = pConfig; m_pParent = pParent; m_pLine = NULL; m_pLastEntry = NULL; m_pLastGroup = NULL; } // dtor deletes all children wxFileConfigGroup::~wxFileConfigGroup() { // entries size_t n, nCount = m_aEntries.Count(); for ( n = 0; n < nCount; n++ ) delete m_aEntries[n]; // subgroups nCount = m_aSubgroups.Count(); for ( n = 0; n < nCount; n++ ) delete m_aSubgroups[n]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // line // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfigGroup::SetLine(wxFileConfigLineList *pLine) { // for a normal (i.e. not root) group this method shouldn't be called twice // unless we are resetting the line wxASSERT_MSG( !m_pParent || !m_pLine || !pLine, _T("changing line for a non-root group?") ); m_pLine = pLine; } /* This is a bit complicated, so let me explain it in details. All lines that were read from the local file (the only one we will ever modify) are stored in a (doubly) linked list. Our problem is to know at which position in this list should we insert the new entries/subgroups. To solve it we keep three variables for each group: m_pLine, m_pLastEntry and m_pLastGroup. m_pLine points to the line containing "[group_name]" m_pLastEntry points to the last entry of this group in the local file. m_pLastGroup subgroup Initially, they're NULL all three. When the group (an entry/subgroup) is read from the local file, the corresponding variable is set. However, if the group was read from the global file and then modified or created by the application these variables are still NULL and we need to create the corresponding lines. See the following functions (and comments preceding them) for the details of how we do it. Also, when our last entry/group are deleted we need to find the new last element - the code in DeleteEntry/Subgroup does this by backtracking the list of lines until it either founds an entry/subgroup (and this is the new last element) or the m_pLine of the group, in which case there are no more entries (or subgroups) left and m_pLast becomes NULL. NB: This last problem could be avoided for entries if we added new entries immediately after m_pLine, but in this case the entries would appear backwards in the config file (OTOH, it's not that important) and as we would still need to do it for the subgroups the code wouldn't have been significantly less complicated. */ // Return the line which contains "[our name]". If we're still not in the list, // add our line to it immediately after the last line of our parent group if we // have it or in the very beginning if we're the root group. wxFileConfigLineList *wxFileConfigGroup::GetGroupLine() { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" GetGroupLine() for Group '%s'"), Name().c_str() ); if ( !m_pLine ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Getting Line item pointer") ); wxFileConfigGroup *pParent = Parent(); // this group wasn't present in local config file, add it now if ( pParent ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" checking parent '%s'"), pParent->Name().c_str() ); wxString strFullName; // add 1 to the name because we don't want to start with '/' strFullName << wxT("[") << FilterOutEntryName(GetFullName().c_str() + 1) << wxT("]"); m_pLine = m_pConfig->LineListInsert(strFullName, pParent->GetLastGroupLine()); pParent->SetLastGroup(this); // we're surely after all the others } //else: this is the root group and so we return NULL because we don't // have any group line } return m_pLine; } // Return the last line belonging to the subgroups of this group (after which // we can add a new subgroup), if we don't have any subgroups or entries our // last line is the group line (m_pLine) itself. wxFileConfigLineList *wxFileConfigGroup::GetLastGroupLine() { // if we have any subgroups, our last line is the last line of the last // subgroup if ( m_pLastGroup ) { wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = m_pLastGroup->GetLastGroupLine(); wxASSERT_MSG( pLine, _T("last group must have !NULL associated line") ); return pLine; } // no subgroups, so the last line is the line of thelast entry (if any) return GetLastEntryLine(); } // return the last line belonging to the entries of this group (after which // we can add a new entry), if we don't have any entries we will add the new // one immediately after the group line itself. wxFileConfigLineList *wxFileConfigGroup::GetLastEntryLine() { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" GetLastEntryLine() for Group '%s'"), Name().c_str() ); if ( m_pLastEntry ) { wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = m_pLastEntry->GetLine(); wxASSERT_MSG( pLine, _T("last entry must have !NULL associated line") ); return pLine; } // no entries: insert after the group header, if any return GetGroupLine(); } void wxFileConfigGroup::SetLastEntry(wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry) { m_pLastEntry = pEntry; if ( !m_pLine ) { // the only situation in which a group without its own line can have // an entry is when the first entry is added to the initially empty // root pseudo-group wxASSERT_MSG( !m_pParent, _T("unexpected for non root group") ); // let the group know that it does have a line in the file now m_pLine = pEntry->GetLine(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // group name // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfigGroup::UpdateGroupAndSubgroupsLines() { // update the line of this group wxFileConfigLineList *line = GetGroupLine(); wxCHECK_RET( line, _T("a non root group must have a corresponding line!") ); // +1: skip the leading '/' line->SetText(wxString::Format(_T("[%s]"), GetFullName().c_str() + 1)); // also update all subgroups as they have this groups name in their lines const size_t nCount = m_aSubgroups.Count(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < nCount; n++ ) { m_aSubgroups[n]->UpdateGroupAndSubgroupsLines(); } } void wxFileConfigGroup::Rename(const wxString& newName) { wxCHECK_RET( m_pParent, _T("the root group can't be renamed") ); if ( newName == m_strName ) return; // we need to remove the group from the parent and it back under the new // name to keep the parents array of subgroups alphabetically sorted m_pParent->m_aSubgroups.Remove(this); m_strName = newName; m_pParent->m_aSubgroups.Add(this); // update the group lines recursively UpdateGroupAndSubgroupsLines(); } wxString wxFileConfigGroup::GetFullName() const { wxString fullname; if ( Parent() ) fullname = Parent()->GetFullName() + wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR + Name(); return fullname; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // find an item // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // use binary search because the array is sorted wxFileConfigEntry * wxFileConfigGroup::FindEntry(const wxChar *szName) const { size_t i, lo = 0, hi = m_aEntries.Count(); int res; wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry; while ( lo < hi ) { i = (lo + hi)/2; pEntry = m_aEntries[i]; #if wxCONFIG_CASE_SENSITIVE res = wxStrcmp(pEntry->Name(), szName); #else res = wxStricmp(pEntry->Name(), szName); #endif if ( res > 0 ) hi = i; else if ( res < 0 ) lo = i + 1; else return pEntry; } return NULL; } wxFileConfigGroup * wxFileConfigGroup::FindSubgroup(const wxChar *szName) const { size_t i, lo = 0, hi = m_aSubgroups.Count(); int res; wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup; while ( lo < hi ) { i = (lo + hi)/2; pGroup = m_aSubgroups[i]; #if wxCONFIG_CASE_SENSITIVE res = wxStrcmp(pGroup->Name(), szName); #else res = wxStricmp(pGroup->Name(), szName); #endif if ( res > 0 ) hi = i; else if ( res < 0 ) lo = i + 1; else return pGroup; } return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // create a new item // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // create a new entry and add it to the current group wxFileConfigEntry *wxFileConfigGroup::AddEntry(const wxString& strName, int nLine) { wxASSERT( FindEntry(strName) == 0 ); wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry = new wxFileConfigEntry(this, strName, nLine); m_aEntries.Add(pEntry); return pEntry; } // create a new group and add it to the current group wxFileConfigGroup *wxFileConfigGroup::AddSubgroup(const wxString& strName) { wxASSERT( FindSubgroup(strName) == 0 ); wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup = new wxFileConfigGroup(this, strName, m_pConfig); m_aSubgroups.Add(pGroup); return pGroup; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // delete an item // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The delete operations are _very_ slow if we delete the last item of this group (see comments before GetXXXLineXXX functions for more details), so it's much better to start with the first entry/group if we want to delete several of them. */ bool wxFileConfigGroup::DeleteSubgroupByName(const wxChar *szName) { wxFileConfigGroup * const pGroup = FindSubgroup(szName); return pGroup ? DeleteSubgroup(pGroup) : false; } // Delete the subgroup and remove all references to it from // other data structures. bool wxFileConfigGroup::DeleteSubgroup(wxFileConfigGroup *pGroup) { wxCHECK_MSG( pGroup, false, _T("deleting non existing group?") ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T("Deleting group '%s' from '%s'"), pGroup->Name().c_str(), Name().c_str() ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" (m_pLine) = prev: %p, this %p, next %p"), m_pLine ? wx_static_cast(void*, m_pLine->Prev()) : 0, wx_static_cast(void*, m_pLine), m_pLine ? wx_static_cast(void*, m_pLine->Next()) : 0 ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" text: '%s'"), m_pLine ? m_pLine->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString ); // delete all entries... size_t nCount = pGroup->m_aEntries.Count(); wxLogTrace(FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T("Removing %lu entries"), (unsigned long)nCount ); for ( size_t nEntry = 0; nEntry < nCount; nEntry++ ) { wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = pGroup->m_aEntries[nEntry]->GetLine(); if ( pLine ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" '%s'"), pLine->Text().c_str() ); m_pConfig->LineListRemove(pLine); } } // ...and subgroups of this subgroup nCount = pGroup->m_aSubgroups.Count(); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T("Removing %lu subgroups"), (unsigned long)nCount ); for ( size_t nGroup = 0; nGroup < nCount; nGroup++ ) { pGroup->DeleteSubgroup(pGroup->m_aSubgroups[0]); } // and then finally the group itself wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = pGroup->m_pLine; if ( pLine ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Removing line for group '%s' : '%s'"), pGroup->Name().c_str(), pLine->Text().c_str() ); wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Removing from group '%s' : '%s'"), Name().c_str(), ((m_pLine) ? m_pLine->Text().c_str() : wxEmptyString) ); // notice that we may do this test inside the previous "if" // because the last entry's line is surely !NULL if ( pGroup == m_pLastGroup ) { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" Removing last group") ); // our last entry is being deleted, so find the last one which // stays by going back until we find a subgroup or reach the // group line const size_t nSubgroups = m_aSubgroups.Count(); m_pLastGroup = NULL; for ( wxFileConfigLineList *pl = pLine->Prev(); pl && !m_pLastGroup; pl = pl->Prev() ) { // does this line belong to our subgroup? for ( size_t n = 0; n < nSubgroups; n++ ) { // do _not_ call GetGroupLine! we don't want to add it to // the local file if it's not already there if ( m_aSubgroups[n]->m_pLine == pl ) { m_pLastGroup = m_aSubgroups[n]; break; } } if ( pl == m_pLine ) break; } } m_pConfig->LineListRemove(pLine); } else { wxLogTrace( FILECONF_TRACE_MASK, _T(" No line entry for Group '%s'?"), pGroup->Name().c_str() ); } m_aSubgroups.Remove(pGroup); delete pGroup; return true; } bool wxFileConfigGroup::DeleteEntry(const wxChar *szName) { wxFileConfigEntry *pEntry = FindEntry(szName); if ( !pEntry ) { // entry doesn't exist, nothing to do return false; } wxFileConfigLineList *pLine = pEntry->GetLine(); if ( pLine != NULL ) { // notice that we may do this test inside the previous "if" because the // last entry's line is surely !NULL if ( pEntry == m_pLastEntry ) { // our last entry is being deleted - find the last one which stays wxASSERT( m_pLine != NULL ); // if we have an entry with !NULL pLine... // find the previous entry (if any) wxFileConfigEntry *pNewLast = NULL; const wxFileConfigLineList * const pNewLastLine = m_pLastEntry->GetLine()->Prev(); const size_t nEntries = m_aEntries.GetCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < nEntries; n++ ) { if ( m_aEntries[n]->GetLine() == pNewLastLine ) { pNewLast = m_aEntries[n]; break; } } // pNewLast can be NULL here -- it's ok and can happen if we have no // entries left m_pLastEntry = pNewLast; } m_pConfig->LineListRemove(pLine); } m_aEntries.Remove(pEntry); delete pEntry; return true; } // ============================================================================ // wxFileConfig::wxFileConfigEntry // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxFileConfigEntry::wxFileConfigEntry(wxFileConfigGroup *pParent, const wxString& strName, int nLine) : m_strName(strName) { wxASSERT( !strName.empty() ); m_pParent = pParent; m_nLine = nLine; m_pLine = NULL; m_bHasValue = false; m_bImmutable = strName[0] == wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX; if ( m_bImmutable ) m_strName.erase(0, 1); // remove first character } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set value // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxFileConfigEntry::SetLine(wxFileConfigLineList *pLine) { if ( m_pLine != NULL ) { wxLogWarning(_("entry '%s' appears more than once in group '%s'"), Name().c_str(), m_pParent->GetFullName().c_str()); } m_pLine = pLine; Group()->SetLastEntry(this); } // second parameter is false if we read the value from file and prevents the // entry from being marked as 'dirty' void wxFileConfigEntry::SetValue(const wxString& strValue, bool bUser) { if ( bUser && IsImmutable() ) { wxLogWarning( _("attempt to change immutable key '%s' ignored."), Name().c_str()); return; } // do nothing if it's the same value: but don't test for it if m_bHasValue // hadn't been set yet or we'd never write empty values to the file if ( m_bHasValue && strValue == m_strValue ) return; m_bHasValue = true; m_strValue = strValue; if ( bUser ) { wxString strValFiltered; if ( Group()->Config()->GetStyle() & wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS ) { strValFiltered = strValue; } else { strValFiltered = FilterOutValue(strValue); } wxString strLine; strLine << FilterOutEntryName(m_strName) << wxT('=') << strValFiltered; if ( m_pLine ) { // entry was read from the local config file, just modify the line m_pLine->SetText(strLine); } else // this entry didn't exist in the local file { // add a new line to the file: note that line returned by // GetLastEntryLine() may be NULL if we're in the root group and it // doesn't have any entries yet, but this is ok as passing NULL // line to LineListInsert() means to prepend new line to the list wxFileConfigLineList *line = Group()->GetLastEntryLine(); m_pLine = Group()->Config()->LineListInsert(strLine, line); Group()->SetLastEntry(this); } } } // ============================================================================ // global functions // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // compare functions for array sorting // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CompareEntries(wxFileConfigEntry *p1, wxFileConfigEntry *p2) { #if wxCONFIG_CASE_SENSITIVE return wxStrcmp(p1->Name(), p2->Name()); #else return wxStricmp(p1->Name(), p2->Name()); #endif } int CompareGroups(wxFileConfigGroup *p1, wxFileConfigGroup *p2) { #if wxCONFIG_CASE_SENSITIVE return wxStrcmp(p1->Name(), p2->Name()); #else return wxStricmp(p1->Name(), p2->Name()); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // filter functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // undo FilterOutValue static wxString FilterInValue(const wxString& str) { wxString strResult; strResult.Alloc(str.Len()); bool bQuoted = !str.empty() && str[0] == '"'; for ( size_t n = bQuoted ? 1 : 0; n < str.Len(); n++ ) { if ( str[n] == wxT('\\') ) { switch ( str[++n] ) { case wxT('n'): strResult += wxT('\n'); break; case wxT('r'): strResult += wxT('\r'); break; case wxT('t'): strResult += wxT('\t'); break; case wxT('\\'): strResult += wxT('\\'); break; case wxT('"'): strResult += wxT('"'); break; } } else { if ( str[n] != wxT('"') || !bQuoted ) strResult += str[n]; else if ( n != str.Len() - 1 ) { wxLogWarning(_("unexpected \" at position %d in '%s'."), n, str.c_str()); } //else: it's the last quote of a quoted string, ok } } return strResult; } // quote the string before writing it to file static wxString FilterOutValue(const wxString& str) { if ( !str ) return str; wxString strResult; strResult.Alloc(str.Len()); // quoting is necessary to preserve spaces in the beginning of the string bool bQuote = wxIsspace(str[0]) || str[0] == wxT('"'); if ( bQuote ) strResult += wxT('"'); wxChar c; for ( size_t n = 0; n < str.Len(); n++ ) { switch ( str[n] ) { case wxT('\n'): c = wxT('n'); break; case wxT('\r'): c = wxT('r'); break; case wxT('\t'): c = wxT('t'); break; case wxT('\\'): c = wxT('\\'); break; case wxT('"'): if ( bQuote ) { c = wxT('"'); break; } //else: fall through default: strResult += str[n]; continue; // nothing special to do } // we get here only for special characters strResult << wxT('\\') << c; } if ( bQuote ) strResult += wxT('"'); return strResult; } // undo FilterOutEntryName static wxString FilterInEntryName(const wxString& str) { wxString strResult; strResult.Alloc(str.Len()); for ( const wxChar *pc = str.c_str(); *pc != '\0'; pc++ ) { if ( *pc == wxT('\\') ) { // we need to test it here or we'd skip past the NUL in the loop line if ( *++pc == _T('\0') ) break; } strResult += *pc; } return strResult; } // sanitize entry or group name: insert '\\' before any special characters static wxString FilterOutEntryName(const wxString& str) { wxString strResult; strResult.Alloc(str.Len()); for ( const wxChar *pc = str.c_str(); *pc != wxT('\0'); pc++ ) { const wxChar c = *pc; // we explicitly allow some of "safe" chars and 8bit ASCII characters // which will probably never have special meaning and with which we can't // use isalnum() anyhow (in ASCII built, in Unicode it's just fine) // // NB: note that wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX and wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR // should *not* be quoted if ( #if !wxUSE_UNICODE ((unsigned char)c < 127) && #endif // ANSI !wxIsalnum(c) && !wxStrchr(wxT("@_/-!.*%"), c) ) { strResult += wxT('\\'); } strResult += c; } return strResult; } // we can't put ?: in the ctor initializer list because it confuses some // broken compilers (Borland C++) static wxString GetAppName(const wxString& appName) { if ( !appName && wxTheApp ) return wxTheApp->GetAppName(); else return appName; } #endif // wxUSE_CONFIG