///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/dynload.cpp // Purpose: Dynamic loading framework // Author: Ron Lee, David Falkinder, Vadim Zeitlin and a cast of 1000's // (derived in part from dynlib.cpp (c) 1998 Guilhem Lavaux) // Modified by: // Created: 03/12/01 // RCS-ID: $Id: dynload.cpp 40943 2006-08-31 19:31:43Z ABX $ // Copyright: (c) 2001 Ron Lee // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_DYNAMIC_LOADER #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include "wx/msw/private.h" #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/hash.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/module.h" #endif #include "wx/strconv.h" #include "wx/dynload.h" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxPluginLibrary // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDLImports* wxPluginLibrary::ms_classes = NULL; class wxPluginLibraryModule : public wxModule { public: wxPluginLibraryModule() { } // TODO: create ms_classes on demand, why always preallocate it? virtual bool OnInit() { wxPluginLibrary::ms_classes = new wxDLImports; wxPluginManager::CreateManifest(); return true; } virtual void OnExit() { delete wxPluginLibrary::ms_classes; wxPluginLibrary::ms_classes = NULL; wxPluginManager::ClearManifest(); } private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPluginLibraryModule ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPluginLibraryModule, wxModule) wxPluginLibrary::wxPluginLibrary(const wxString &libname, int flags) : m_linkcount(1) , m_objcount(0) { m_before = wxClassInfo::sm_first; Load( libname, flags ); m_after = wxClassInfo::sm_first; if( m_handle != 0 ) { UpdateClasses(); RegisterModules(); } else { // Flag us for deletion --m_linkcount; } } wxPluginLibrary::~wxPluginLibrary() { if( m_handle != 0 ) { UnregisterModules(); RestoreClasses(); } } wxPluginLibrary *wxPluginLibrary::RefLib() { wxCHECK_MSG( m_linkcount > 0, NULL, _T("Library had been already deleted!") ); ++m_linkcount; return this; } bool wxPluginLibrary::UnrefLib() { wxASSERT_MSG( m_objcount == 0, _T("Library unloaded before all objects were destroyed") ); if ( m_linkcount == 0 || --m_linkcount == 0 ) { delete this; return true; } return false; } // ------------------------ // Private methods // ------------------------ void wxPluginLibrary::UpdateClasses() { for (wxClassInfo *info = m_after; info != m_before; info = info->m_next) { if( info->GetClassName() ) { // Hash all the class names into a local table too so // we can quickly find the entry they correspond to. (*ms_classes)[info->GetClassName()] = this; } } } void wxPluginLibrary::RestoreClasses() { // Check if there is a need to restore classes. if (!ms_classes) return; for(wxClassInfo *info = m_after; info != m_before; info = info->m_next) { ms_classes->erase(ms_classes->find(info->GetClassName())); } } void wxPluginLibrary::RegisterModules() { // Plugin libraries might have wxModules, Register and initialise them if // they do. // // Note that these classes are NOT included in the reference counting since // it's implicit that they will be unloaded if and when the last handle to // the library is. We do have to keep a copy of the module's pointer // though, as there is currently no way to Unregister it without it. wxASSERT_MSG( m_linkcount == 1, _T("RegisterModules should only be called for the first load") ); for ( wxClassInfo *info = m_after; info != m_before; info = info->m_next) { if( info->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxModule)) ) { wxModule *m = wxDynamicCast(info->CreateObject(), wxModule); wxASSERT_MSG( m, _T("wxDynamicCast of wxModule failed") ); m_wxmodules.push_back(m); wxModule::RegisterModule(m); } } // FIXME: Likewise this is (well was) very similar to InitializeModules() for ( wxModuleList::iterator it = m_wxmodules.begin(); it != m_wxmodules.end(); ++it) { if( !(*it)->Init() ) { wxLogDebug(_T("wxModule::Init() failed for wxPluginLibrary")); // XXX: Watch this, a different hash implementation might break it, // a good hash implementation would let us fix it though. // The name of the game is to remove any uninitialised modules and // let the dtor Exit the rest on shutdown, (which we'll initiate // shortly). wxModuleList::iterator oldNode = m_wxmodules.end(); do { ++it; if( oldNode != m_wxmodules.end() ) m_wxmodules.erase(oldNode); wxModule::UnregisterModule( *it ); oldNode = it; } while( it != m_wxmodules.end() ); --m_linkcount; // Flag us for deletion break; } } } void wxPluginLibrary::UnregisterModules() { wxModuleList::iterator it; for ( it = m_wxmodules.begin(); it != m_wxmodules.end(); ++it ) (*it)->Exit(); for ( it = m_wxmodules.begin(); it != m_wxmodules.end(); ++it ) wxModule::UnregisterModule( *it ); // NB: content of the list was deleted by UnregisterModule calls above: m_wxmodules.clear(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxPluginManager // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxDLManifest* wxPluginManager::ms_manifest = NULL; // ------------------------ // Static accessors // ------------------------ wxPluginLibrary * wxPluginManager::LoadLibrary(const wxString &libname, int flags) { wxString realname(libname); if( !(flags & wxDL_VERBATIM) ) realname += wxDynamicLibrary::GetDllExt(); wxPluginLibrary *entry; if ( flags & wxDL_NOSHARE ) { entry = NULL; } else { entry = FindByName(realname); } if ( entry ) { wxLogTrace(_T("dll"), _T("LoadLibrary(%s): already loaded."), realname.c_str()); entry->RefLib(); } else { entry = new wxPluginLibrary( libname, flags ); if ( entry->IsLoaded() ) { (*ms_manifest)[realname] = entry; wxLogTrace(_T("dll"), _T("LoadLibrary(%s): loaded ok."), realname.c_str()); } else { wxLogTrace(_T("dll"), _T("LoadLibrary(%s): failed to load."), realname.c_str()); // we have created entry just above if ( !entry->UnrefLib() ) { // ... so UnrefLib() is supposed to delete it wxFAIL_MSG( _T("Currently linked library is not loaded?") ); } entry = NULL; } } return entry; } bool wxPluginManager::UnloadLibrary(const wxString& libname) { wxString realname = libname; wxPluginLibrary *entry = FindByName(realname); if ( !entry ) { realname += wxDynamicLibrary::GetDllExt(); entry = FindByName(realname); } if ( !entry ) { wxLogDebug(_T("Attempt to unload library '%s' which is not loaded."), libname.c_str()); return false; } wxLogTrace(_T("dll"), _T("UnloadLibrary(%s)"), realname.c_str()); if ( !entry->UnrefLib() ) { // not really unloaded yet return false; } ms_manifest->erase(ms_manifest->find(realname)); return true; } // ------------------------ // Class implementation // ------------------------ bool wxPluginManager::Load(const wxString &libname, int flags) { m_entry = wxPluginManager::LoadLibrary(libname, flags); return IsLoaded(); } void wxPluginManager::Unload() { wxCHECK_RET( m_entry, _T("unloading an invalid wxPluginManager?") ); for ( wxDLManifest::iterator i = ms_manifest->begin(); i != ms_manifest->end(); ++i ) { if ( i->second == m_entry ) { ms_manifest->erase(i); break; } } m_entry->UnrefLib(); m_entry = NULL; } #endif // wxUSE_DYNAMIC_LOADER