///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/dcbase.cpp // Purpose: generic methods of the wxDC Class // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 05/25/99 // RCS-ID: $Id: dcbase.cpp 56135 2008-10-06 21:04:02Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) wxWidgets team // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/dcbuffer.h" // for IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/math.h" #endif // bool wxDCBase::sm_cacheing = false; IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDCBase, wxObject) // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxBufferedDC, wxMemoryDC) IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxBufferedPaintDC, wxBufferedDC) #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6 void wxDCBase::BeginDrawing() { } void wxDCBase::EndDrawing() { } #endif // WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_2_6 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // special symbols // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxDCBase::DoDrawCheckMark(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord width, wxCoord height) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid window dc") ); wxCoord x2 = x1 + width, y2 = y1 + height; // the pen width is calibrated to give 3 for width == height == 10 wxDCPenChanger pen((wxDC&)*this, wxPen(GetTextForeground(), (width + height + 1)/7)); // we're drawing a scaled version of wx/generic/tick.xpm here wxCoord x3 = x1 + (4*width) / 10, // x of the tick bottom y3 = y1 + height / 2; // y of the left tick branch DoDrawLine(x1, y3, x3, y2); DoDrawLine(x3, y2, x2, y1); CalcBoundingBox(x1, y1); CalcBoundingBox(x2, y2); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // line/polygons // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxDCBase::DrawLines(const wxList *list, wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset) { int n = list->GetCount(); wxPoint *points = new wxPoint[n]; int i = 0; for ( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = list->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext(), i++ ) { wxPoint *point = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); points[i].x = point->x; points[i].y = point->y; } DoDrawLines(n, points, xoffset, yoffset); delete [] points; } void wxDCBase::DrawPolygon(const wxList *list, wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset, int fillStyle) { int n = list->GetCount(); wxPoint *points = new wxPoint[n]; int i = 0; for ( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = list->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext(), i++ ) { wxPoint *point = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); points[i].x = point->x; points[i].y = point->y; } DoDrawPolygon(n, points, xoffset, yoffset, fillStyle); delete [] points; } void wxDCBase::DoDrawPolyPolygon(int n, int count[], wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset, int fillStyle) { if ( n == 1 ) { DoDrawPolygon(count[0], points, xoffset, yoffset, fillStyle); return; } int i, j, lastOfs; wxPoint* pts; wxPen pen; for (i = j = lastOfs = 0; i < n; i++) { lastOfs = j; j += count[i]; } pts = new wxPoint[j+n-1]; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) pts[i] = points[i]; for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { lastOfs -= count[n-i]; pts[j++] = pts[lastOfs]; } pen = GetPen(); SetPen(wxPen(*wxBLACK, 0, wxTRANSPARENT)); DoDrawPolygon(j, pts, xoffset, yoffset, fillStyle); SetPen(pen); for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++) { DoDrawLines(count[i], pts+j, xoffset, yoffset); j += count[i]; } delete[] pts; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // splines // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_SPLINES // TODO: this API needs fixing (wxPointList, why (!const) "wxList *"?) void wxDCBase::DrawSpline(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2, wxCoord x3, wxCoord y3) { wxList point_list; wxPoint *point1 = new wxPoint; point1->x = x1; point1->y = y1; point_list.Append((wxObject*)point1); wxPoint *point2 = new wxPoint; point2->x = x2; point2->y = y2; point_list.Append((wxObject*)point2); wxPoint *point3 = new wxPoint; point3->x = x3; point3->y = y3; point_list.Append((wxObject*)point3); DrawSpline(&point_list); for( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = point_list.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxPoint *p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); delete p; } } void wxDCBase::DrawSpline(int n, wxPoint points[]) { wxList list; for (int i =0; i < n; i++) { list.Append((wxObject*)&points[i]); } DrawSpline(&list); } // ----------------------------------- spline code ---------------------------------------- void wx_quadratic_spline(double a1, double b1, double a2, double b2, double a3, double b3, double a4, double b4); void wx_clear_stack(); int wx_spline_pop(double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2, double *x3, double *y3, double *x4, double *y4); void wx_spline_push(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4); static bool wx_spline_add_point(double x, double y); static void wx_spline_draw_point_array(wxDCBase *dc); wxList wx_spline_point_list; #define half(z1, z2) ((z1+z2)/2.0) #define THRESHOLD 5 /* iterative version */ void wx_quadratic_spline(double a1, double b1, double a2, double b2, double a3, double b3, double a4, double b4) { register double xmid, ymid; double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; wx_clear_stack(); wx_spline_push(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4); while (wx_spline_pop(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3, &x4, &y4)) { xmid = (double)half(x2, x3); ymid = (double)half(y2, y3); if (fabs(x1 - xmid) < THRESHOLD && fabs(y1 - ymid) < THRESHOLD && fabs(xmid - x4) < THRESHOLD && fabs(ymid - y4) < THRESHOLD) { wx_spline_add_point( x1, y1 ); wx_spline_add_point( xmid, ymid ); } else { wx_spline_push(xmid, ymid, (double)half(xmid, x3), (double)half(ymid, y3), (double)half(x3, x4), (double)half(y3, y4), x4, y4); wx_spline_push(x1, y1, (double)half(x1, x2), (double)half(y1, y2), (double)half(x2, xmid), (double)half(y2, ymid), xmid, ymid); } } } /* utilities used by spline drawing routines */ typedef struct wx_spline_stack_struct { double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4; } Stack; #define SPLINE_STACK_DEPTH 20 static Stack wx_spline_stack[SPLINE_STACK_DEPTH]; static Stack *wx_stack_top; static int wx_stack_count; void wx_clear_stack() { wx_stack_top = wx_spline_stack; wx_stack_count = 0; } void wx_spline_push(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) { wx_stack_top->x1 = x1; wx_stack_top->y1 = y1; wx_stack_top->x2 = x2; wx_stack_top->y2 = y2; wx_stack_top->x3 = x3; wx_stack_top->y3 = y3; wx_stack_top->x4 = x4; wx_stack_top->y4 = y4; wx_stack_top++; wx_stack_count++; } int wx_spline_pop(double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2, double *x3, double *y3, double *x4, double *y4) { if (wx_stack_count == 0) return (0); wx_stack_top--; wx_stack_count--; *x1 = wx_stack_top->x1; *y1 = wx_stack_top->y1; *x2 = wx_stack_top->x2; *y2 = wx_stack_top->y2; *x3 = wx_stack_top->x3; *y3 = wx_stack_top->y3; *x4 = wx_stack_top->x4; *y4 = wx_stack_top->y4; return (1); } static bool wx_spline_add_point(double x, double y) { wxPoint *point = new wxPoint ; point->x = (int) x; point->y = (int) y; wx_spline_point_list.Append((wxObject*)point); return true; } static void wx_spline_draw_point_array(wxDCBase *dc) { dc->DrawLines(&wx_spline_point_list, 0, 0 ); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = wx_spline_point_list.GetFirst(); while (node) { wxPoint *point = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); delete point; wx_spline_point_list.Erase(node); node = wx_spline_point_list.GetFirst(); } } void wxDCBase::DoDrawSpline( wxList *points ) { wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid window dc") ); wxPoint *p; double cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3, cx4, cy4; double x1, y1, x2, y2; wxList::compatibility_iterator node = points->GetFirst(); if (!node) // empty list return; p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); x1 = p->x; y1 = p->y; node = node->GetNext(); p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); x2 = p->x; y2 = p->y; cx1 = (double)((x1 + x2) / 2); cy1 = (double)((y1 + y2) / 2); cx2 = (double)((cx1 + x2) / 2); cy2 = (double)((cy1 + y2) / 2); wx_spline_add_point(x1, y1); while ((node = node->GetNext()) #if !wxUSE_STL != NULL #endif // !wxUSE_STL ) { p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = p->x; y2 = p->y; cx4 = (double)(x1 + x2) / 2; cy4 = (double)(y1 + y2) / 2; cx3 = (double)(x1 + cx4) / 2; cy3 = (double)(y1 + cy4) / 2; wx_quadratic_spline(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3, cx4, cy4); cx1 = cx4; cy1 = cy4; cx2 = (double)(cx1 + x2) / 2; cy2 = (double)(cy1 + y2) / 2; } wx_spline_add_point( cx1, cy1 ); wx_spline_add_point( x2, y2 ); wx_spline_draw_point_array( this ); } #endif // wxUSE_SPLINES // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Partial Text Extents // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Each element of the widths array will be the width of the string up to and // including the corresponding character in text. This is the generic // implementation, the port-specific classes should do this with native APIs // if available and if faster. Note: pango_layout_index_to_pos is much slower // than calling GetTextExtent!! #define FWC_SIZE 256 class FontWidthCache { public: FontWidthCache() : m_scaleX(1), m_widths(NULL) { } ~FontWidthCache() { delete []m_widths; } void Reset() { if (!m_widths) m_widths = new int[FWC_SIZE]; memset(m_widths, 0, sizeof(int)*FWC_SIZE); } wxFont m_font; double m_scaleX; int *m_widths; }; static FontWidthCache s_fontWidthCache; bool wxDCBase::DoGetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayInt& widths) const { int totalWidth = 0; const size_t len = text.length(); widths.Empty(); widths.Add(0, len); // reset the cache if font or horizontal scale have changed if ( !s_fontWidthCache.m_widths || !wxIsSameDouble(s_fontWidthCache.m_scaleX, m_scaleX) || (s_fontWidthCache.m_font != GetFont()) ) { s_fontWidthCache.Reset(); s_fontWidthCache.m_font = GetFont(); s_fontWidthCache.m_scaleX = m_scaleX; } // Calculate the position of each character based on the widths of // the previous characters int w, h; for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { const wxChar c = text[i]; unsigned int c_int = (unsigned int)c; if ((c_int < FWC_SIZE) && (s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int] != 0)) { w = s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int]; } else { GetTextExtent(c, &w, &h); if (c_int < FWC_SIZE) s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int] = w; } totalWidth += w; widths[i] = totalWidth; } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enhanced text drawing // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxDCBase::GetMultiLineTextExtent(const wxString& text, wxCoord *x, wxCoord *y, wxCoord *h, wxFont *font) const { wxCoord widthTextMax = 0, widthLine, heightTextTotal = 0, heightLineDefault = 0, heightLine = 0; wxString curLine; for ( const wxChar *pc = text; ; pc++ ) { if ( *pc == _T('\n') || *pc == _T('\0') ) { if ( curLine.empty() ) { // we can't use GetTextExtent - it will return 0 for both width // and height and an empty line should count in height // calculation // assume that this line has the same height as the previous // one if ( !heightLineDefault ) heightLineDefault = heightLine; if ( !heightLineDefault ) { // but we don't know it yet - choose something reasonable GetTextExtent(_T("W"), NULL, &heightLineDefault, NULL, NULL, font); } heightTextTotal += heightLineDefault; } else { GetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, &heightLine, NULL, NULL, font); if ( widthLine > widthTextMax ) widthTextMax = widthLine; heightTextTotal += heightLine; } if ( *pc == _T('\n') ) { curLine.clear(); } else { // the end of string break; } } else { curLine += *pc; } } if ( x ) *x = widthTextMax; if ( y ) *y = heightTextTotal; if ( h ) *h = heightLine; } void wxDCBase::DrawLabel(const wxString& text, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxRect& rect, int alignment, int indexAccel, wxRect *rectBounding) { // find the text position wxCoord widthText, heightText, heightLine; GetMultiLineTextExtent(text, &widthText, &heightText, &heightLine); wxCoord width, height; if ( bitmap.Ok() ) { width = widthText + bitmap.GetWidth(); height = bitmap.GetHeight(); } else // no bitmap { width = widthText; height = heightText; } wxCoord x, y; if ( alignment & wxALIGN_RIGHT ) { x = rect.GetRight() - width; } else if ( alignment & wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL ) { x = (rect.GetLeft() + rect.GetRight() + 1 - width) / 2; } else // alignment & wxALIGN_LEFT { x = rect.GetLeft(); } if ( alignment & wxALIGN_BOTTOM ) { y = rect.GetBottom() - height; } else if ( alignment & wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL ) { y = (rect.GetTop() + rect.GetBottom() + 1 - height) / 2; } else // alignment & wxALIGN_TOP { y = rect.GetTop(); } // draw the bitmap first wxCoord x0 = x, y0 = y, width0 = width; if ( bitmap.Ok() ) { DrawBitmap(bitmap, x, y, true /* use mask */); wxCoord offset = bitmap.GetWidth() + 4; x += offset; width -= offset; y += (height - heightText) / 2; } // we will draw the underscore under the accel char later wxCoord startUnderscore = 0, endUnderscore = 0, yUnderscore = 0; // split the string into lines and draw each of them separately wxString curLine; for ( const wxChar *pc = text; ; pc++ ) { if ( *pc == _T('\n') || *pc == _T('\0') ) { int xRealStart = x; // init it here to avoid compielr warnings if ( !curLine.empty() ) { // NB: can't test for !(alignment & wxALIGN_LEFT) because // wxALIGN_LEFT is 0 if ( alignment & (wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL) ) { wxCoord widthLine; GetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, NULL); if ( alignment & wxALIGN_RIGHT ) { xRealStart += width - widthLine; } else // if ( alignment & wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL ) { xRealStart += (width - widthLine) / 2; } } //else: left aligned, nothing to do DrawText(curLine, xRealStart, y); } y += heightLine; // do we have underscore in this line? we can check yUnderscore // because it is set below to just y + heightLine if we do if ( y == yUnderscore ) { // adjust the horz positions to account for the shift startUnderscore += xRealStart; endUnderscore += xRealStart; } if ( *pc == _T('\0') ) break; curLine.clear(); } else // not end of line { if ( pc - text.c_str() == indexAccel ) { // remeber to draw underscore here GetTextExtent(curLine, &startUnderscore, NULL); curLine += *pc; GetTextExtent(curLine, &endUnderscore, NULL); yUnderscore = y + heightLine; } else { curLine += *pc; } } } // draw the underscore if found if ( startUnderscore != endUnderscore ) { // it should be of the same colour as text SetPen(wxPen(GetTextForeground(), 0, wxSOLID)); yUnderscore--; DrawLine(startUnderscore, yUnderscore, endUnderscore, yUnderscore); } // return bounding rect if requested if ( rectBounding ) { *rectBounding = wxRect(x, y - heightText, widthText, heightText); } CalcBoundingBox(x0, y0); CalcBoundingBox(x0 + width0, y0 + height); } void wxDCBase::DoGradientFillLinear(const wxRect& rect, const wxColour& initialColour, const wxColour& destColour, wxDirection nDirection) { // save old pen wxPen oldPen = m_pen; wxBrush oldBrush = m_brush; wxUint8 nR1 = initialColour.Red(); wxUint8 nG1 = initialColour.Green(); wxUint8 nB1 = initialColour.Blue(); wxUint8 nR2 = destColour.Red(); wxUint8 nG2 = destColour.Green(); wxUint8 nB2 = destColour.Blue(); wxUint8 nR, nG, nB; if ( nDirection == wxEAST || nDirection == wxWEST ) { wxInt32 x = rect.GetWidth(); wxInt32 w = x; // width of area to shade wxInt32 xDelta = w/256; // height of one shade bend if (xDelta < 1) xDelta = 1; while (x >= xDelta) { x -= xDelta; if (nR1 > nR2) nR = nR1 - (nR1-nR2)*(w-x)/w; else nR = nR1 + (nR2-nR1)*(w-x)/w; if (nG1 > nG2) nG = nG1 - (nG1-nG2)*(w-x)/w; else nG = nG1 + (nG2-nG1)*(w-x)/w; if (nB1 > nB2) nB = nB1 - (nB1-nB2)*(w-x)/w; else nB = nB1 + (nB2-nB1)*(w-x)/w; wxColour colour(nR,nG,nB); SetPen(wxPen(colour, 1, wxSOLID)); SetBrush(wxBrush(colour)); if(nDirection == wxEAST) DrawRectangle(rect.GetRight()-x-xDelta+1, rect.GetTop(), xDelta, rect.GetHeight()); else //nDirection == wxWEST DrawRectangle(rect.GetLeft()+x, rect.GetTop(), xDelta, rect.GetHeight()); } } else // nDirection == wxNORTH || nDirection == wxSOUTH { wxInt32 y = rect.GetHeight(); wxInt32 w = y; // height of area to shade wxInt32 yDelta = w/255; // height of one shade bend if (yDelta < 1) yDelta = 1; while (y > 0) { y -= yDelta; if (nR1 > nR2) nR = nR1 - (nR1-nR2)*(w-y)/w; else nR = nR1 + (nR2-nR1)*(w-y)/w; if (nG1 > nG2) nG = nG1 - (nG1-nG2)*(w-y)/w; else nG = nG1 + (nG2-nG1)*(w-y)/w; if (nB1 > nB2) nB = nB1 - (nB1-nB2)*(w-y)/w; else nB = nB1 + (nB2-nB1)*(w-y)/w; wxColour colour(nR,nG,nB); SetPen(wxPen(colour, 1, wxSOLID)); SetBrush(wxBrush(colour)); if(nDirection == wxNORTH) DrawRectangle(rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetTop()+y, rect.GetWidth(), yDelta); else //nDirection == wxSOUTH DrawRectangle(rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetBottom()-y-yDelta+1, rect.GetWidth(), yDelta); } } SetPen(oldPen); SetBrush(oldBrush); } void wxDCBase::DoGradientFillConcentric(const wxRect& rect, const wxColour& initialColour, const wxColour& destColour, const wxPoint& circleCenter) { //save the old pen color wxColour oldPenColour = m_pen.GetColour(); wxUint8 nR1 = destColour.Red(); wxUint8 nG1 = destColour.Green(); wxUint8 nB1 = destColour.Blue(); wxUint8 nR2 = initialColour.Red(); wxUint8 nG2 = initialColour.Green(); wxUint8 nB2 = initialColour.Blue(); wxUint8 nR, nG, nB; //Radius wxInt32 cx = rect.GetWidth() / 2; wxInt32 cy = rect.GetHeight() / 2; wxInt32 nRadius; if (cx < cy) nRadius = cx; else nRadius = cy; //Offset of circle wxInt32 nCircleOffX = circleCenter.x - (rect.GetWidth() / 2); wxInt32 nCircleOffY = circleCenter.y - (rect.GetHeight() / 2); for ( wxInt32 x = 0; x < rect.GetWidth(); x++ ) { for ( wxInt32 y = 0; y < rect.GetHeight(); y++ ) { //get color difference wxInt32 nGradient = ((nRadius - (wxInt32)sqrt( pow((double)(x - cx - nCircleOffX), 2) + pow((double)(y - cy - nCircleOffY), 2) )) * 100) / nRadius; //normalize Gradient if (nGradient < 0 ) nGradient = 0; //get dest colors nR = (wxUint8)(nR1 + ((nR2 - nR1) * nGradient / 100)); nG = (wxUint8)(nG1 + ((nG2 - nG1) * nGradient / 100)); nB = (wxUint8)(nB1 + ((nB2 - nB1) * nGradient / 100)); //set the pixel m_pen.SetColour(wxColour(nR,nG,nB)); DrawPoint(wxPoint(x + rect.GetLeft(), y + rect.GetTop())); } } //return old pen color m_pen.SetColour(oldPenColour); } /* Notes for wxWidgets DrawEllipticArcRot(...) wxDCBase::DrawEllipticArcRot(...) draws a rotated elliptic arc or an ellipse. It uses wxDCBase::CalculateEllipticPoints(...) and wxDCBase::Rotate(...), which are also new. All methods are generic, so they can be implemented in wxDCBase. DoDrawEllipticArcRot(...) is virtual, so it can be called from deeper methods like (WinCE) wxDC::DoDrawArc(...). CalculateEllipticPoints(...) fills a given list of wxPoints with some points of an elliptic arc. The algorithm is pixel-based: In every row (in flat parts) or every column (in steep parts) only one pixel is calculated. Trigonometric calculation (sin, cos, tan, atan) is only done if the starting angle is not equal to the ending angle. The calculation of the pixels is done using simple arithmetic only and should perform not too bad even on devices without floating point processor. I didn't test this yet. Rotate(...) rotates a list of point pixel-based, you will see rounding errors. For instance: an ellipse rotated 180 degrees is drawn slightly different from the original. The points are then moved to an array and used to draw a polyline and/or polygon (with center added, the pie). The result looks quite similar to the native ellipse, only e few pixels differ. The performance on a desktop system (Athlon 1800, WinXP) is about 7 times slower as DrawEllipse(...), which calls the native API. An rotated ellipse outside the clipping region takes nearly the same time, while an native ellipse outside takes nearly no time to draw. If you draw an arc with this new method, you will see the starting and ending angles are calculated properly. If you use DrawEllipticArc(...), you will see they are only correct for circles and not properly calculated for ellipses. Peter Lenhard p.lenhard@t-online.de */ #ifdef __WXWINCE__ void wxDCBase::DoDrawEllipticArcRot( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h, double sa, double ea, double angle ) { wxList list; CalculateEllipticPoints( &list, x, y, w, h, sa, ea ); Rotate( &list, angle, wxPoint( x+w/2, y+h/2 ) ); // Add center (for polygon/pie) list.Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( x+w/2, y+h/2 ) ); // copy list into array and delete list elements int n = list.GetCount(); wxPoint *points = new wxPoint[n]; int i = 0; wxNode* node = 0; for ( node = list.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext(), i++ ) { wxPoint *point = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); points[i].x = point->x; points[i].y = point->y; delete point; } // first draw the pie without pen, if necessary if( GetBrush() != *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH ) { wxPen tempPen( GetPen() ); SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN ); DoDrawPolygon( n, points, 0, 0 ); SetPen( tempPen ); } // then draw the arc without brush, if necessary if( GetPen() != *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN ) { // without center DoDrawLines( n-1, points, 0, 0 ); } delete [] points; } // DrawEllipticArcRot void wxDCBase::Rotate( wxList* points, double angle, wxPoint center ) { if( angle != 0.0 ) { double pi(M_PI); double dSinA = -sin(angle*2.0*pi/360.0); double dCosA = cos(angle*2.0*pi/360.0); for ( wxNode* node = points->GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxPoint* point = (wxPoint*)node->GetData(); // transform coordinates, if necessary if( center.x ) point->x -= center.x; if( center.y ) point->y -= center.y; // calculate rotation, rounding simply by implicit cast to integer int xTemp = point->x * dCosA - point->y * dSinA; point->y = point->x * dSinA + point->y * dCosA; point->x = xTemp; // back transform coordinates, if necessary if( center.x ) point->x += center.x; if( center.y ) point->y += center.y; } } } void wxDCBase::CalculateEllipticPoints( wxList* points, wxCoord xStart, wxCoord yStart, wxCoord w, wxCoord h, double sa, double ea ) { double pi = M_PI; double sar = 0; double ear = 0; int xsa = 0; int ysa = 0; int xea = 0; int yea = 0; int sq = 0; int eq = 0; bool bUseAngles = false; if( w<0 ) w = -w; if( h<0 ) h = -h; // half-axes wxCoord a = w/2; wxCoord b = h/2; // decrement 1 pixel if ellipse is smaller than 2*a, 2*b int decrX = 0; if( 2*a == w ) decrX = 1; int decrY = 0; if( 2*b == h ) decrY = 1; // center wxCoord xCenter = xStart + a; wxCoord yCenter = yStart + b; // calculate data for start and end, if necessary if( sa != ea ) { bUseAngles = true; // normalisation of angles while( sa<0 ) sa += 360; while( ea<0 ) ea += 360; while( sa>=360 ) sa -= 360; while( ea>=360 ) ea -= 360; // calculate quadrant numbers if( sa > 270 ) sq = 3; else if( sa > 180 ) sq = 2; else if( sa > 90 ) sq = 1; if( ea > 270 ) eq = 3; else if( ea > 180 ) eq = 2; else if( ea > 90 ) eq = 1; sar = sa * pi / 180.0; ear = ea * pi / 180.0; // correct angle circle -> ellipse sar = atan( -a/(double)b * tan( sar ) ); if ( sq == 1 || sq == 2 ) sar += pi; ear = atan( -a/(double)b * tan( ear ) ); if ( eq == 1 || eq == 2 ) ear += pi; // coordinates of points xsa = xCenter + a * cos( sar ); if( sq == 0 || sq == 3 ) xsa -= decrX; ysa = yCenter + b * sin( sar ); if( sq == 2 || sq == 3 ) ysa -= decrY; xea = xCenter + a * cos( ear ); if( eq == 0 || eq == 3 ) xea -= decrX; yea = yCenter + b * sin( ear ); if( eq == 2 || eq == 3 ) yea -= decrY; } // if iUseAngles // calculate c1 = b^2, c2 = b^2/a^2 with a = w/2, b = h/2 double c1 = b * b; double c2 = 2.0 / w; c2 *= c2; c2 *= c1; wxCoord x = 0; wxCoord y = b; long x2 = 1; long y2 = y*y; long y2_old = 0; long y_old = 0; // Lists for quadrant 1 to 4 wxList pointsarray[4]; // Calculate points for first quadrant and set in all quadrants for( x = 0; x <= a; ++x ) { x2 = x2+x+x-1; y2_old = y2; y_old = y; bool bNewPoint = false; while( y2 > c1 - c2 * x2 && y > 0 ) { bNewPoint = true; y2 = y2-y-y+1; --y; } // old y now to big: set point with old y, old x if( bNewPoint && x>1) { int x1 = x - 1; // remove points on the same line pointsarray[0].Insert( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter + x1 - decrX, yCenter - y_old ) ); pointsarray[1].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter - x1, yCenter - y_old ) ); pointsarray[2].Insert( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter - x1, yCenter + y_old - decrY ) ); pointsarray[3].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter + x1 - decrX, yCenter + y_old - decrY ) ); } // set point } // calculate point // Starting and/or ending points for the quadrants, first quadrant gets both. pointsarray[0].Insert( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter + a - decrX, yCenter ) ); pointsarray[0].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter, yCenter - b ) ); pointsarray[1].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter - a, yCenter ) ); pointsarray[2].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter, yCenter + b - decrY ) ); pointsarray[3].Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xCenter + a - decrX, yCenter ) ); // copy quadrants in original list if( bUseAngles ) { // Copy the right part of the points in the lists // and delete the wxPoints, because they do not leave this method. points->Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xsa, ysa ) ); int q = sq; bool bStarted = false; bool bReady = false; bool bForceTurn = ( sq == eq && sa > ea ); while( !bReady ) { for( wxNode *node = pointsarray[q].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { // once: go to starting point in start quadrant if( !bStarted && ( ( (wxPoint*) node->GetData() )->x < xsa+1 && q <= 1 || ( (wxPoint*) node->GetData() )->x > xsa-1 && q >= 2 ) ) { bStarted = true; } // copy point, if not at ending point if( bStarted ) { if( q != eq || bForceTurn || ( (wxPoint*) node->GetData() )->x > xea+1 && q <= 1 || ( (wxPoint*) node->GetData() )->x < xea-1 && q >= 2 ) { // copy point wxPoint* pPoint = new wxPoint( *((wxPoint*) node->GetData() ) ); points->Append( (wxObject*) pPoint ); } else if( q == eq && !bForceTurn || ( (wxPoint*) node->GetData() )->x == xea) { bReady = true; } } } // for node ++q; if( q > 3 ) q = 0; bForceTurn = false; bStarted = true; } // while not bReady points->Append( (wxObject*) new wxPoint( xea, yea ) ); // delete points for( q = 0; q < 4; ++q ) { for( wxNode *node = pointsarray[q].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxPoint *p = (wxPoint *)node->GetData(); delete p; } } } else { wxNode* node; // copy whole ellipse, wxPoints will be deleted outside for( node = pointsarray[0].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxObject *p = node->GetData(); points->Append( p ); } for( node = pointsarray[1].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxObject *p = node->GetData(); points->Append( p ); } for( node = pointsarray[2].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxObject *p = node->GetData(); points->Append( p ); } for( node = pointsarray[3].GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxObject *p = node->GetData(); points->Append( p ); } } // not iUseAngles } // CalculateEllipticPoints #endif float wxDCBase::GetFontPointSizeAdjustment(float dpi) { // wxMSW has long-standing bug where wxFont point size is interpreted as // "pixel size corresponding to given point size *on screen*". In other // words, on a typical 600dpi printer and a typical 96dpi screen, fonts // are ~6 times smaller when printing. Unfortunately, this bug is so severe // that *all* printing code has to account for it and consequently, other // ports need to emulate this bug too: const wxSize screenPixels = wxGetDisplaySize(); const wxSize screenMM = wxGetDisplaySizeMM(); const float screenPPI_y = (screenPixels.y * 25.4) / screenMM.y; return screenPPI_y / dpi; }