///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: doc.cpp // Purpose: Implements document functionality // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 04/01/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: doc.cpp 56679 2008-11-04 17:47:07Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #if !wxUSE_DOC_VIEW_ARCHITECTURE #error You must set wxUSE_DOC_VIEW_ARCHITECTURE to 1 in setup.h! #endif #if wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM #include "wx/ioswrap.h" #else #include "wx/txtstrm.h" #endif #include "doc.h" #include "view.h" IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(DrawingDocument, wxDocument) DrawingDocument::~DrawingDocument(void) { WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxList, doodleSegments); } #if wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM wxSTD ostream& DrawingDocument::SaveObject(wxSTD ostream& stream) { wxDocument::SaveObject(stream); wxInt32 n = doodleSegments.GetCount(); stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = doodleSegments.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleSegment *segment = (DoodleSegment *)node->GetData(); segment->SaveObject(stream); stream << _T('\n'); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; } #else wxOutputStream& DrawingDocument::SaveObject(wxOutputStream& stream) { wxDocument::SaveObject(stream); wxTextOutputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = doodleSegments.GetCount(); text_stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = doodleSegments.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleSegment *segment = (DoodleSegment *)node->GetData(); segment->SaveObject(stream); text_stream << _T('\n'); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; } #endif #if wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM wxSTD istream& DrawingDocument::LoadObject(wxSTD istream& stream) { wxDocument::LoadObject(stream); wxInt32 n = 0; stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleSegment *segment = new DoodleSegment; segment->LoadObject(stream); doodleSegments.Append(segment); } return stream; } #else wxInputStream& DrawingDocument::LoadObject(wxInputStream& stream) { wxDocument::LoadObject(stream); wxTextInputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = 0; text_stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleSegment *segment = new DoodleSegment; segment->LoadObject(stream); doodleSegments.Append(segment); } return stream; } #endif DoodleSegment::DoodleSegment(const DoodleSegment& seg) :wxObject() { wxList::compatibility_iterator node = seg.lines.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleLine *line = (DoodleLine *)node->GetData(); DoodleLine *newLine = new DoodleLine; newLine->x1 = line->x1; newLine->y1 = line->y1; newLine->x2 = line->x2; newLine->y2 = line->y2; lines.Append(newLine); node = node->GetNext(); } } DoodleSegment::~DoodleSegment(void) { WX_CLEAR_LIST(wxList, lines); } #if wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM wxSTD ostream& DoodleSegment::SaveObject(wxSTD ostream& stream) { wxInt32 n = lines.GetCount(); stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = lines.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleLine *line = (DoodleLine *)node->GetData(); stream << line->x1 << _T(" ") << line->y1 << _T(" ") << line->x2 << _T(" ") << line->y2 << _T("\n"); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; } #else wxOutputStream &DoodleSegment::SaveObject(wxOutputStream& stream) { wxTextOutputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = lines.GetCount(); text_stream << n << _T('\n'); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = lines.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleLine *line = (DoodleLine *)node->GetData(); text_stream << line->x1 << _T(" ") << line->y1 << _T(" ") << line->x2 << _T(" ") << line->y2 << _T("\n"); node = node->GetNext(); } return stream; } #endif #if wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM wxSTD istream& DoodleSegment::LoadObject(wxSTD istream& stream) { wxInt32 n = 0; stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleLine *line = new DoodleLine; stream >> line->x1 >> line->y1 >> line->x2 >> line->y2; lines.Append(line); } return stream; } #else wxInputStream &DoodleSegment::LoadObject(wxInputStream& stream) { wxTextInputStream text_stream( stream ); wxInt32 n = 0; text_stream >> n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { DoodleLine *line = new DoodleLine; text_stream >> line->x1 >> line->y1 >> line->x2 >> line->y2; lines.Append(line); } return stream; } #endif void DoodleSegment::Draw(wxDC *dc) { wxList::compatibility_iterator node = lines.GetFirst(); while (node) { DoodleLine *line = (DoodleLine *)node->GetData(); dc->DrawLine(line->x1, line->y1, line->x2, line->y2); node = node->GetNext(); } } /* * Implementation of drawing command */ DrawingCommand::DrawingCommand(const wxString& name, int command, DrawingDocument *ddoc, DoodleSegment *seg): wxCommand(true, name) { doc = ddoc; segment = seg; cmd = command; } DrawingCommand::~DrawingCommand(void) { if (segment) delete segment; } bool DrawingCommand::Do(void) { switch (cmd) { case DOODLE_CUT: { // Cut the last segment if (doc->GetDoodleSegments().GetCount() > 0) { wxList::compatibility_iterator node = doc->GetDoodleSegments().GetLast(); if (segment) delete segment; segment = (DoodleSegment *)node->GetData(); doc->GetDoodleSegments().Erase(node); doc->Modify(true); doc->UpdateAllViews(); } break; } case DOODLE_ADD: { doc->GetDoodleSegments().Append(new DoodleSegment(*segment)); doc->Modify(true); doc->UpdateAllViews(); break; } } return true; } bool DrawingCommand::Undo(void) { switch (cmd) { case DOODLE_CUT: { // Paste the segment if (segment) { doc->GetDoodleSegments().Append(segment); doc->Modify(true); doc->UpdateAllViews(); segment = (DoodleSegment *) NULL; } doc->Modify(true); doc->UpdateAllViews(); break; } case DOODLE_ADD: { // Cut the last segment if (doc->GetDoodleSegments().GetCount() > 0) { wxList::compatibility_iterator node = doc->GetDoodleSegments().GetLast(); DoodleSegment *seg = (DoodleSegment *)node->GetData(); delete seg; doc->GetDoodleSegments().Erase(node); doc->Modify(true); doc->UpdateAllViews(); } } } return true; } IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(TextEditDocument, wxDocument) // Since text windows have their own method for saving to/loading from files, // we override DoSave/OpenDocument instead of Save/LoadObject bool TextEditDocument::DoSaveDocument(const wxString& filename) { TextEditView *view = (TextEditView *)GetFirstView(); return view->textsw->SaveFile(filename); } bool TextEditDocument::DoOpenDocument(const wxString& filename) { TextEditView *view = (TextEditView *)GetFirstView(); return view->textsw->LoadFile(filename); } bool TextEditDocument::IsModified(void) const { TextEditView *view = (TextEditView *)GetFirstView(); if (view) { return (wxDocument::IsModified() || view->textsw->IsModified()); } else return wxDocument::IsModified(); } void TextEditDocument::Modify(bool mod) { TextEditView *view = (TextEditView *)GetFirstView(); wxDocument::Modify(mod); if (!mod && view && view->textsw) view->textsw->DiscardEdits(); }