%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Name: toolbook.tex %% Purpose: wxToolbook documentation %% Author: Julian Smart %% Modified by: %% Created: 2006-01-30 %% RCS-ID: $Id: toolbook.tex 44334 2007-01-31 14:27:31Z JS $ %% Copyright: (c) 2006 Julian Smart %% License: wxWindows license %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{\class{wxToolbook}}\label{wxtoolbook} wxToolbook is a class similar to \helpref{wxNotebook}{wxnotebook} but which uses a \helpref{wxToolBar}{wxtoolbar} to show the labels instead of the tabs. There is no documentation for this class yet but its usage is identical to wxNotebook (except for the features clearly related to tabs only), so please refer to that class documentation for now. You can also use the \helpref{notebook sample}{samplenotebook} to see wxToolbook in action. \wxheading{Derived from} wxBookCtrlBase\\ \helpref{wxControl}{wxcontrol}\\ \helpref{wxControl}{wxcontrol}\\ \helpref{wxWindow}{wxwindow}\\ \helpref{wxEvtHandler}{wxevthandler}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{Window styles} \twocolwidtha{5cm} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxBK\_DEFAULT}}{Choose the default location for the labels depending on the current platform (currently always the top).} \end{twocollist} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxBookCtrl}{wxbookctrloverview}, \helpref{wxNotebook}{wxnotebook}, \helpref{notebook sample}{samplenotebook}