%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Name: size.tex %% Purpose: wxSize documentation %% Author: wxTeam %% Created: %% RCS-ID: $Id: size.tex 44115 2007-01-07 14:55:15Z VZ $ %% Copyright: (c) wxTeam %% License: wxWindows license %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{\class{wxSize}}\label{wxsize} A {\bf wxSize} is a useful data structure for graphics operations. It simply contains integer {\it width} and {\it height} members. wxSize is used throughout wxWidgets as well as wxPoint which, although almost equivalent to wxSize, has a different meaning: wxPoint represents a position while wxSize - the size. \pythonnote{wxPython defines aliases for the {\tt x} and {\tt y} members named {\tt width} and {\tt height} since it makes much more sense for sizes. } \wxheading{Derived from} None \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxPoint}{wxpoint}, \helpref{wxRealPoint}{wxrealpoint} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxSize::wxSize}\label{wxsizector} \func{}{wxSize}{\void} \func{}{wxSize}{\param{int}{ width}, \param{int}{ height}} Creates a size object. \membersection{wxSize::DecBy}\label{wxsizedecby} \func{void}{DecBy}{\param{const wxSize\& }{size}} \func{void}{DecBy}{\param{int }{dx}, \param{int }{dy}} \func{void}{DecBy}{\param{int }{d}} Decreases the size in x- and y- directions \begin{enumerate} \item By \arg{size.x} and \arg{size.y} for the first overload \item By \arg{dx} and \arg{dy} for the second one \item By \arg{d} and \arg{d} for the third one \end{enumerate} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{IncBy}{wxsizeincby} \membersection{wxSize::DecTo}\label{wxsizedecto} \func{void}{DecTo}{\param{const wxSize\& }{size}} Decrements this object so that both of its dimensions are not greater than the corresponding dimensions of the \arg{size}. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{IncTo}{wxsizeincto} \membersection{wxSize::IsFullySpecified}\label{wxsizeisfullyspecified} \constfunc{bool}{IsFullySpecified}{\void} Returns \true if neither of the size object components is equal to $-1$, which is used as default for the size values in wxWidgets (hence the predefined \texttt{wxDefaultSize} has both of its components equal to $-1$). This method is typically used before calling \helpref{SetDefaults}{wxsizesetdefaults}. \membersection{wxSize::GetWidth}\label{wxsizegetwidth} \constfunc{int}{GetWidth}{\void} Gets the width member. \membersection{wxSize::GetHeight}\label{wxsizegetheight} \constfunc{int}{GetHeight}{\void} Gets the height member. \membersection{wxSize::IncBy}\label{wxsizeincby} \func{void}{IncBy}{\param{const wxSize\& }{size}} \func{void}{IncBy}{\param{int }{dx}, \param{int }{dy}} \func{void}{IncBy}{\param{int }{d}} Increases the size in x- and y- directions \begin{enumerate} \item By \arg{size.x} and \arg{size.y} for the first overload \item By \arg{dx} and \arg{dy} for the second one \item By \arg{d} and \arg{d} for the third one \end{enumerate} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{DecBy}{wxsizedecby} \membersection{wxSize::IncTo}\label{wxsizeincto} \func{void}{IncTo}{\param{const wxSize\& }{size}} Increments this object so that both of its dimensions are not less than the corresponding dimensions of the \arg{size}. \wxheading{See also} \helpref{DecTo}{wxsizedecto} \membersection{wxSize::Scale}\label{wxsizescale} \func{wxSize\&}{Scale}{\param{float}{ xscale}, \param{float}{ yscale}} Scales the dimensions of this object by the given factors. If you want to scale both dimensions by the same factor you can also use the \helpref{operator *=}{wxsizeoperators} Returns a reference to this object (so that you can concatenate other operations in the same line). \membersection{wxSize::Set}\label{wxsizeset} \func{void}{Set}{\param{int}{ width}, \param{int}{ height}} Sets the width and height members. \membersection{wxSize::SetDefaults}\label{wxsizesetdefaults} \func{void}{SetDefaults}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sizeDefault}} Combine this size object with another one replacing the default (i.e. equal to $-1$) components of this object with those of the other. It is typically used like this: \begin{verbatim} if ( !size.IsFullySpecified() ) { size.SetDefaults(GetDefaultSize()); } \end{verbatim} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{IsFullySpecified}{wxsizeisfullyspecified} \membersection{wxSize::SetHeight}\label{wxsizesetheight} \func{void}{SetHeight}{\param{int}{ height}} Sets the height. \membersection{wxSize::SetWidth}\label{wxsizesetwidth} \func{void}{SetWidth}{\param{int}{ width}} Sets the width. \membersection{Operators}\label{wxsizeoperators} \func{void}{operator $=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} Assignment operator. \constfunc{bool}{operator $==$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} \constfunc{bool}{operator $!=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} \func{wxSize}{operator $+$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} \func{wxSize}{operator $-$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} \func{wxSize\&}{operator $+=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} \func{wxSize\&}{operator $-=$}{\param{const wxSize\& }{sz}} Operators for comparison, sum and subtraction between \helpref{wxSize}{wxsize} objects. \func{wxSize}{operator $/$}{\param{int }{factor}} \func{wxSize}{operator $*$}{\param{int }{factor}} \func{wxSize\&}{operator $/=$}{\param{int }{factor}} \func{wxSize\&}{operator $*=$}{\param{int }{factor}} Operators for division and multiplication between a \helpref{wxSize}{wxsize} object and an integer.