%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Name: datectrl.tex %% Purpose: wxDatePickerCtrl documentation %% Author: Vadim Zeitlin %% Created: 2005-01-15 %% RCS-ID: $Id: datectrl.tex 43742 2006-12-02 12:50:24Z VZ $ %% Copyright: (c) 2005 Vadim Zeitlin %% License: wxWindows license %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{\class{wxDatePickerCtrl}}\label{wxdatepickerctrl} This control allows the user to select a date. Unlike \helpref{wxCalendarCtrl}{wxcalendarctrl}, which is a relatively big control, wxDatePickerCtrl is implemented as a small window showing the currently selected date. The control can be edited using the keyboard, and can also display a popup window for more user-friendly date selection, depending on the styles used and the platform, except PalmOS where date is selected using native dialog. It is only available if \texttt{wxUSE\_DATEPICKCTRL} is set to $1$. \wxheading{Derived from} \helpref{wxControl}{wxcontrol}\\ \helpref{wxWindow}{wxwindow}\\ \helpref{wxEvtHandler}{wxevthandler}\\ \helpref{wxObject}{wxobject} \wxheading{Include files} (only available if \texttt{wxUSE\_DATEPICKCTRL} is set to $1$) \wxheading{Window styles} \twocolwidtha{5cm}% \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDP\_SPIN}}{Creates a control without a month calendar drop down but with spin-control-like arrows to change individual date components. This style is not supported by the generic version.} \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDP\_DROPDOWN}}{Creates a control with a month calendar drop-down part from which the user can select a date.} \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDP\_DEFAULT}}{Creates a control with the style that is best supported for the current platform (currently wxDP\_SPIN under Windows and wxDP\_DROPDOWN elsewhere).} \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDP\_ALLOWNONE}}{With this style, the control allows the user to not enter any valid date at all. Without it - the default - the control always has some valid date.} \twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDP\_SHOWCENTURY}}{Forces display of the century in the default date format. Without this style the century could be displayed, or not, depending on the default date representation in the system.} \end{twocollist} \wxheading{Event handling} \twocolwidtha{7cm}% \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_DATE\_CHANGED(id, func)}}{This event fires when the user changes the current selection in the control.} \end{twocollist} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxCalendarCtrl}{wxcalendarctrl},\\ \helpref{wxDateEvent}{wxdateevent} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::wxDatePickerCtrl}\label{wxdatepickerctrlctor} \func{}{wxDatePickerCtrl}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent},\rtfsp \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp \param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt = wxDefaultDateTime},\rtfsp \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos = wxDefaultPosition},\rtfsp \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp \param{long}{ style = wxDP\_DEFAULT | wxDP\_SHOWCENTURY},\rtfsp \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator = wxDefaultValidator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``datectrl"}} Initializes the object and calls \helpref{Create}{wxdatepickerctrlcreate} with all the parameters. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::Create}\label{wxdatepickerctrlcreate} \func{bool}{Create}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent},\rtfsp \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp \param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt = wxDefaultDateTime},\rtfsp \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos = wxDefaultPosition},\rtfsp \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp \param{long}{ style = wxDP\_DEFAULT | wxDP\_SHOWCENTURY},\rtfsp \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator = wxDefaultValidator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``datectrl"}} \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{parent}{Parent window, must not be non-\texttt{NULL}.} \docparam{id}{The identifier for the control.} \docparam{dt}{The initial value of the control, if an invalid date (such as the default value) is used, the control is set to today.} \docparam{pos}{Initial position.} \docparam{size}{Initial size. If left at default value, the control chooses its own best size by using the height approximately equal to a text control and width large enough to show the date string fully.} \docparam{style}{The window style, should be left at $0$ as there are no special styles for this control in this version.} \docparam{validator}{Validator which can be used for additional date checks.} \docparam{name}{Control name.} \wxheading{Return value} \true if the control was successfully created or \false if creation failed. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::GetRange}\label{wxdatepickerctrlgetrange} \constfunc{bool}{GetRange}{\param{wxDateTime *}{dt1}, \param{wxDateTime }{*dt2}} If the control had been previously limited to a range of dates using \helpref{SetRange()}{wxdatepickerctrlsetrange}, returns the lower and upper bounds of this range. If no range is set (or only one of the bounds is set), \arg{dt1} and/or \arg{dt2} are set to be invalid. \wxheading{Parameters} \docparam{dt1}{Pointer to the object which receives the lower range limit or becomes invalid if it is not set. May be \texttt{NULL} if the caller is not interested in lower limit} \docparam{dt2}{Same as above but for the upper limit} \wxheading{Return value} \false if no range limits are currently set, \true if at least one bound is set. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::GetValue}\label{wxdatepickerctrlgetvalue} \constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetValue}{\void} Returns the currently selected. If there is no selection or the selection is outside of the current range, an invalid object is returned. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::SetFormat}\label{wxdatepickerctrlsetformat} \func{void}{SetFormat}{\param{const wxChar*}{ format}} Please note that this function is only available in the generic version of this control. The native version always uses the current system locale. Sets the display format for the date in the control. See wxDateTime for the meaning of format strings. \wxheading{Remarks} If the format parameter is invalid, the behaviour is undefined. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::SetRange}\label{wxdatepickerctrlsetrange} \func{void}{SetRange}{\param{const wxDateTime\&}{ dt1}, \param{const wxDateTime\&}{ dt2}} Sets the valid range for the date selection. If \arg{dt1} is valid, it becomes the earliest date (inclusive) accepted by the control. If \arg{dt2} is valid, it becomes the latest possible date. \wxheading{Remarks} If the current value of the control is outside of the newly set range bounds, the behaviour is undefined. \membersection{wxDatePickerCtrl::SetValue}\label{wxdatepickerctrlsetvalue} \func{void}{SetValue}{\param{const wxDateTime\&}{ dt}} Changes the current value of the control. The date should be valid and included in the currently selected range, if any. Calling this method does not result in a date change event.