\section{\class{wxCriticalSectionLocker}}\label{wxcriticalsectionlocker} This is a small helper class to be used with \helpref{wxCriticalSection}{wxcriticalsection} objects. A wxCriticalSectionLocker enters the critical section in the constructor and leaves it in the destructor making it much more difficult to forget to leave a critical section (which, in general, will lead to serious and difficult to debug problems). Example of using it: \begin{verbatim} void Set Foo() { // gs_critSect is some (global) critical section guarding access to the // object "foo" wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(gs_critSect); if ( ... ) { // do something ... return; } // do something else ... return; } \end{verbatim} Without wxCriticalSectionLocker, you would need to remember to manually leave the critical section before each {\tt return}. \wxheading{Derived from} None. \wxheading{Include files} \wxheading{See also} \helpref{wxCriticalSection}{wxcriticalsection}, \helpref{wxMutexLocker}{wxmutexlocker} \latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Members}}} \membersection{wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker}\label{wxcriticalsectionlockerctor} \func{}{wxCriticalSectionLocker}{\param{wxCriticalSection\& }{criticalsection}} Constructs a wxCriticalSectionLocker object associated with given {\it criticalsection} and enters it. \membersection{wxCriticalSectionLocker::\destruct{wxCriticalSectionLocker}}\label{wxcriticalsectionlockerdtor} \func{}{\destruct{wxCriticalSectionLocker}}{\void} Destructor leaves the critical section.