// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: vidwin.h // Purpose: wxMMedia // Author: Guilhem Lavaux // Created: February 1998 // Updated: // Copyright: (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Guilhem Lavaux // License: wxWindows license // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #if defined(__WINDOWS__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) // versions of Open Watcom and MinGW tested against this source does not // deliver "digitalv.h" required in this feature #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "wx/stream.h" #include "wx/wfstream.h" #define WXMMEDIA_INTERNAL #include #include #include #include "wx/mmedia/vidwin.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxVideoWindows, wxVideoBaseDriver) wxVideoWindows::wxVideoWindows() { } wxVideoWindows::wxVideoWindows(wxInputStream& str) : wxVideoBaseDriver(str) { m_internal = new wxVIDWinternal; m_remove_file = true; m_filename = wxGetTempFileName(_T("wxvid")); m_paused = false; m_stopped = true; m_frameRate = 1.0; wxFileOutputStream temp_file(m_filename); temp_file << str; OpenFile(); } wxVideoWindows::wxVideoWindows(const wxString& filename) : wxVideoBaseDriver(filename) { m_internal = new wxVIDWinternal; m_remove_file = false; m_filename = filename; m_paused = false; m_stopped = true; m_frameRate = 1.0; OpenFile(); } wxVideoWindows::~wxVideoWindows(void) { mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_CLOSE, 0, 0); if (m_internal) delete m_internal; } void wxVideoWindows::OpenFile() { MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMS openStruct; MCI_DGV_SET_PARMS setStruct; MCI_STATUS_PARMS statusStruct; openStruct.lpstrDeviceType = _T("avivideo"); openStruct.lpstrElementName = (wxChar *)m_filename.c_str(); openStruct.hWndParent = 0; mciSendCommand(0, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT|MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARENT|MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_DGV_OPEN_32BIT, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&openStruct); m_internal->m_dev_id = openStruct.wDeviceID; setStruct.dwCallback = 0; setStruct.dwTimeFormat = MCI_FORMAT_FRAMES; mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_SET, MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&setStruct); statusStruct.dwCallback = 0; statusStruct.dwItem = MCI_DGV_STATUS_FRAME_RATE; mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&statusStruct); m_frameRate = ((double)statusStruct.dwReturn) / 1000; statusStruct.dwItem = MCI_DGV_STATUS_BITSPERSAMPLE; mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&statusStruct); m_bps = statusStruct.dwReturn; } bool wxVideoWindows::Pause() { if (m_paused || m_stopped) return true; m_paused = true; return (mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_PAUSE, MCI_WAIT, 0) == 0); } bool wxVideoWindows::Resume() { if (!m_paused || m_stopped) return true; m_paused = false; return (mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_RESUME, 0, 0) == 0); } bool wxVideoWindows::IsPaused() const { return m_paused; } bool wxVideoWindows::IsStopped() const { return m_stopped; } bool wxVideoWindows::GetSize(wxSize& size) const { size.SetWidth(200); size.SetHeight(200); return true; } bool wxVideoWindows::SetSize(wxSize WXUNUSED(size)) { return true; } bool wxVideoWindows::IsCapable(wxVideoType v_type) const { return (v_type == wxVIDEO_MSAVI); } bool wxVideoWindows::AttachOutput(wxWindow& output) { MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMS win_struct; if (!wxVideoBaseDriver::AttachOutput(output)) return false; win_struct.hWnd = (HWND)output.GetHWND(); mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_WINDOW, MCI_DGV_WINDOW_HWND, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&win_struct); return true; } void wxVideoWindows::DetachOutput() { MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMS win_struct; wxVideoBaseDriver::DetachOutput(); win_struct.hWnd = 0; mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_WINDOW, MCI_DGV_WINDOW_HWND, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&win_struct); } bool wxVideoWindows::Play() { if (!m_stopped) return false; m_stopped = false; return (mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_PLAY, 0, NULL) == 0); } bool wxVideoWindows::Stop() { MCI_SEEK_PARMS seekStruct; if (m_stopped) return false; m_stopped = true; if (::mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_STOP, MCI_WAIT, NULL) != 0) return false; seekStruct.dwCallback = 0; seekStruct.dwTo = 0; return (::mciSendCommand(m_internal->m_dev_id, MCI_SEEK, MCI_SEEK_TO_START|MCI_WAIT, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&seekStruct) == 0); } // TODO TODO // I hate windows :-(. The doc says MCI_STATUS should return all info I want but when I call it // it returns to me with an UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION error. I will have to do all by myself. Grrrr ! wxString wxVideoWindows::GetMovieCodec() const { return wxT("No info"); } wxString wxVideoWindows::GetAudioCodec() const { return wxT("No info"); } wxUint32 wxVideoWindows::GetSampleRate() const { return 22500; } wxUint8 wxVideoWindows::GetChannels() const { return 1; } wxUint8 wxVideoWindows::GetBPS() const { return m_bps; } double wxVideoWindows::GetFrameRate() const { return m_frameRate; } wxUint32 wxVideoWindows::GetNbFrames() const { return 0; } #endif // __WINDOWS__