\documentstyle[a4,makeidx,verbatim,texhelp,fancyhea,mysober,mytitle]{report}% \twocolwidtha{4cm}% \input{psbox.tex} \newcommand{\commandref}[2]{\helpref{{\tt $\backslash$#1}}{#2}}% \newcommand{\commandrefn}[2]{\helprefn{{\tt $\backslash$#1}}{#2}\index{#1}}% \newcommand{\commandpageref}[2]{\latexignore{\helprefn{{\tt $\backslash$#1}}{#2}}\latexonly{{\tt $\backslash$#1} {\it page \pageref{#2}}}\index{#1}}% \newcommand{\indexit}[1]{#1\index{#1}}% \newcommand{\inioption}[1]{{\tt #1}\index{#1}}% \parskip=10pt% \parindent=0pt% \title{Manual for OGL Studio}% \author{by Julian Smart}% \makeindex% \begin{document}% \maketitle% \pagestyle{fancyplain}% \bibliographystyle{plain}% \pagenumbering{arabic}% \setheader{{\it CONTENTS}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CONTENTS}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \tableofcontents% \chapter{Welcome to OGL Studio}% \setheader{{\it Welcome}}{}{}{}{}{{\it Welcome}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% Welcome to OGL Studio, an extended sample for the Object Graphics Library. For release information, please see the \helpref{Read Me}{readme} section. \chapter{Read Me}\label{readme}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \section{Change log} Version 1, February 7th, 1999 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item First release. \end{itemize} \section{Bugs} There are no known bugs. \begin{comment} \chapter{Getting Started}\label{gettingstarted}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \end{comment} \chapter{Working with the diagram window}\label{schedule}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% This section describes how you work in the diagram window. In addition, you may wish to refer to the following sections: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item \helpref{How To}{howto} %\item \helpref{Getting started}{gettingstarted} \item \helpref{Using Menu Commands}{menucommands} \item \helpref{Using Toolbar Commands}{toolbarcommands} \end{itemize} When you first run OGL Studio, there is a menubar, a single toolbar with commonly-used functionality such as loading and saving, a project window to the left, and an MDI (Multiple Document Interface) area to the right, which will contain documents. \section{Creating a diagram} To create a new diagram, click on "File|New" or the New tool. A blank document and two new toolbars will appear. The first new toolbar is the \helpref{diagramming formatting toolbar}{diagramformattingtoolbar}, and contains icons and controls for: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item alignment and size cloning; \item arrow toggling; \item point size; \item zoom level. \end{itemize} The second new toolbar is called the \helpref{diagram palette}{diagrampalette} and contains: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item a pointer tool used for selecting, moving and sizing objects; \item a text tool used for editing text or creating new text boxes; \item a tool for each of the symbols. \end{itemize} \section{Basic editing} To add a symbol, left-click on the symbol in the diagram palette, and then left-click on the document. The currently selected tool will revert to the pointer tool, so to add another object, click on the symbol again, then on the document. To draw a line between two objects, right-drag between the two objects, starting at the attachment point area you wish to start the line with, and ending at another appropriate attachment point area. The initial ordering of the lines may not be correct (lines may overlap, for example) so to reorder lines on a particular side of a object, select a line, then left-drag the desired end to a new position (tip: keep within the object perimeter). Left-dragging the line end can also be used to change the attachment point of that end of the line, to a new side or vertex (depending on the object). To select or deselect a object, left click the object. To select several objects at once, keep the shift key pressed down when left-clicking, or left-drag a 'lassoo' around several objects. To delete a object or line, select it and press the Delete key, or use "Edit|Clear", or right-click on the object to show a menu and choose the "Cut" item. If you are deleting a object which has one ore more lines attached, the lines are deleted prior to the object deletion. Shapes can be rotated by right-clicking and selecting "Rotate clockwise" or "Rotate anticlockwise". Line arrows can be added (pointing in the direction in which you created the line) by selecting the line and pressing the "Toggle arrow" tool on the formatting toolbar. \section{Adding text} Select the text tool (on the symbol palette) and left-click on a object. If you click outside a object on the document, you are prompted to add a new free-floating text box. Alternatively, you can select a object and press Return (or select the "Edit|Edit label" menu item); or right-click and select "Edit label" from the object menu. Change the point size using the combobox on the formatting toolbar. \section{Aligning objects} Select several objects and click on an alignment tool on the formatting toolbar. The alignment will be done with respect to the first object you select. You can also copy the size of a object to other objects with the "Copy size" tool. \section{Adding segments to lines and straightening them} To make a line have more than one segment, select the line, then press the "New line point" tool. Create as many new control points (and therefore segments) as you like. Then arrange the points into a rough approximation of how they should be laid out horizontally and vertically. Click on "Straighten lines" to tidy up the layout. To delete a line control point, select the line and click on "Cut line point" tool. An arbitrary point will be deleted. \section{Undo/Redo} Every operation can be undone, and then redone, back until the time at which you last saved your document. Use "Edit|Undo" and "Edit|Redo"; or the shortcuts Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y. \section{Loading and saving files} Load and save files using the main toolbar, or "File|Open...", "File|Save", "File|Save As..." menu items. \section{Copy and paste} OGL Studio has a diagram clipboard, into which you can copy selections. You can then paste the contents of clipboard into the same or another diagram window. Use "Edit|Copy" (or the toolbar copy button) to copy the selection. Use "Edit|Cut" (or the toolbar cut button) to copy and then delete the selection. Use "Edit|Paste" (or the toolbar paste button) to copy the selection to the current diagram window. Under Windows, copy and cutting also copies the selection to the Windows clipboard into metafile (vector) format, and Windows bitmap format. Note that not all Windows applications can accept the vector format. If the application seems to be pasting the wrong format into the document, try using that application's "Edit|Paste Special..." menu item, if one exists. \section{Keyboard shortcuts} The following keyboard shortcuts are available. {\bf Note:} The OGL Studio menus indicate which shortcuts are available. \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{Delete}{Clear selected object(s)} \twocolitem{Enter}{Edit text for selected object} \twocolitem{Ctrl-A}{Select all} \twocolitem{Ctrl-C}{Copy the selection to the clipboard} \twocolitem{Ctrl-D}{Duplicate the selection} \twocolitem{Ctrl-O}{Open a diagram} \twocolitem{Ctrl-N}{Create a new diagram} \twocolitem{Ctrl-P}{Print (not implemented)} \twocolitem{Ctrl-S}{Save the diagram file without prompting} \twocolitem{Ctrl-V}{Paste the selection} \twocolitem{Ctrl-W}{Close the current window} \twocolitem{Ctrl-X}{Cut the selection} \twocolitem{Ctrl-Z}{Undo last action} \twocolitem{Ctrl-Y}{Redo current action on the undo stack} \twocolitem{Ctrl-Enter}{Confirm the label editing operation (dismisses the dialog)} \twocolitem{Esc}{Cancel the label editing dialog} \twocolitem{F1}{Invoke the manual} \twocolitem{F12}{Save the diagram file, prompting for a filename} \end{twocollist} \chapter{Menu commands}\label{menucommands}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% This section describes the menu commands. \section{File} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf New...}}{Creates a new diagram window.} \twocolitem{{\bf Open...}}{Opens a diagram file.} \twocolitem{{\bf Close}}{Closes the current window.} \twocolitem{{\bf Save}}{Saves the current diagram without prompting.} \twocolitem{{\bf Save As...}}{Saves the current diagram, prompting for a filename.} \twocolitem{{\bf Print...}}{Prints the current diagram (not implemented).} \twocolitem{{\bf Print Setup...}}{Invokes the printer setup dialog.} \twocolitem{{\bf Print Preview}}{Invokes print preview for this diagram (not implemented).} \twocolitem{{\bf Exit}}{Exits the program.} \end{twocollist} Further menu items appended to the end of the File menu allow you to load previously-saved diagram files quickly. \section{Edit} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf Undo}}{Undoes the previous action.} \twocolitem{{\bf Redo}}{Redoes the previously undone action.} \twocolitem{{\bf Cut}}{Deletes the current selection and places it on the clipboard.} \twocolitem{{\bf Copy}}{Copies the current selection onto the clipboard, both to the internal diagram clipboard and under Windows, to the Windows clipboard, in metafile and bitmap formats.} \twocolitem{{\bf Paste}}{Pastes from the internal diagram clipboard to the currently active window.} \twocolitem{{\bf Duplicate}}{Duplicates the current selection, placing the objects further down and to the right.} \twocolitem{{\bf Clear}}{Clears the current selection without placing it on the clipboard.} \twocolitem{{\bf Select All}}{Selects all objects.} \twocolitem{{\bf Edit Label...}}{Invokes a dialog to edit the label of the currently selected object.} \end{twocollist} \begin{comment}% \section{View} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf Toolbar}}{Toggles the toolbar on and off.} \twocolitem{{\bf Status Bar}}{Toggles the status bar on and off.} \twocolitem{{\bf Settings}}{Invokes the \helpref{Settings dialog}{settings} to allow you to adjust a variety of settings.} \end{twocollist} \end{comment}% \section{Window} The Window menu is shown when one or more child window is active. \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf Cascade}}{Arranges the child windows in a cascade.} \twocolitem{{\bf Tile}}{Arranges the child windows in a tiled formation.} \twocolitem{{\bf Arrange Icons}}{Arranges the minimized icons.} \twocolitem{{\bf Next}}{Activates the next MDI window.} \end{twocollist} Further menu items appended to the end of the Window menu allow you to restore and activate any child window. \section{Help} \begin{twocollist}\itemsep=0pt \twocolitem{{\bf Help Contents}}{Invokes the on-line help, showing the contents page.} \twocolitem{{\bf About}}{Displays a small dialog giving copyright and version information.} \end{twocollist} \chapter{Toolbar commands}\label{toolbarcommands}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% This section describes the commands associated with the various toolbars and diagram palette. \section{Main toolbar}\label{maintoolbar} The main toolbar is active all the time, with buttons greyed out if not appropriate to the current context. \begin{twocollist} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{new.bmp}}{{\bf New} Creates a new diagram window.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{open.bmp}}{{\bf Open} Opens a diagram file.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{save.bmp}}{{\bf Save} Saves the current diagram without prompting.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{print.bmp}}{{\bf Print} Prints the current diagram (not implemented).} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{copy.bmp}}{{\bf Copy} Copies the current selection onto the internal clipboard, and under Windows, into the Windows clipboard in metafile and bitmap formats.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{cut.bmp}}{{\bf Cut} Deletes the current selection and puts it on the clipboard.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{paste.bmp}}{{\bf Paste} Pastes the contents of the internal diagram clipboard onto the current diagram window.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{undo.bmp}}{{\bf Undo} Undoes the last command.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{redo.bmp}}{{\bf Redo} Redoes the last command.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{help.bmp}}{{\bf Help button} Invokes on-line help.} \end{twocollist} \section{Diagram formatting toolbar}\label{diagramformattingtoolbar} The diagram toolbar is visible only when a diagram window is active. \begin{twocollist} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{alignl.bmp}}{{\bf Align left} Aligns the selected objects to the left side of the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{alignr.bmp}}{{\bf Align right} Aligns the selected objects to the right side of the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{alignt.bmp}}{{\bf Align top} Aligns the selected objects to the top side of the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{alignb.bmp}}{{\bf Align bottom} Aligns the selected objects to the bottom side of the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{horiz.bmp}}{{\bf Align horizontally} Aligns the selected objects to be centered horizontally with respect to the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{vert.bmp}}{{\bf Align vertically} Aligns the selected objects to be centered vertically with respect to the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{copysize.bmp}}{{\bf Copy size} Makes the selected objects the same size as the last selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{linearrow.bmp}}{{\bf Line arrow} Toggles an arrow on or off for the selected objects.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{newpoint.bmp}}{{\bf New point} Inserts a control point into the selected line(s).} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{cutpoint.bmp}}{{\bf Cut point} Deletes a control point from the selected line(s).} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{straight.bmp}}{{\bf Straighten} Straightens line segments that are nearly horizontal or vertical.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{pointsize.bmp}}{{\bf Point size} Allows selection of the point size for the current selection.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{zoom.bmp}}{{\bf Zoom control} Allows selection of the zoom level for the current diagram.} \end{twocollist} \section{Diagram palette}\label{diagrampalette} The diagram palette is visible only when a diagram window is active. It contains the tools for adding objects and text to a diagram. \begin{twocollist} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{arrow.bmp}}{{\bf Pointer tool} Click on this to allow dragging and selection of objects.} \twocolitem{\image{1cm;0cm}{texttool.bmp}}{{\bf Text tool} Click on this, then click on objects or the diagram background to edit object or free-floating text labels.} \end{twocollist} The other tools on this palette represent demo objects. To place an object on a diagram, click on its symbol, then left-click on the diagram. You will need to click on the palette symbol each time you wish to create an object, since the palette selection reverts to the pointer tool after each object is created. \chapter{Dialogs}\label{dialogs}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% To be written. \chapter{How To}\label{howto}% \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \section{Create a new object} Create a new diagram window if you have not already. Then: \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt \item Left-click on the required object on the palette, then left-click on the diagram window. \end{itemize} % This section commented out \begin{comment} \bibliography{refs} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} \setheader{{\it REFERENCES}}{}{}{}{}{{\it REFERENCES}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \end{comment} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} \printindex% \setheader{{\it INDEX}}{}{}{}{}{{\it INDEX}}% \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}% \end{document}