///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: No names yet. // Purpose: Contrib. demo // Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas // Modified by: Sebastian Haase (June 21, 2001) // Created: 04/11/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: fl_demo2.cpp 35650 2005-09-23 12:56:45Z MR $ // Copyright: (c) Aleksandras Gluchovas // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif // wxWidgets headers. #include "wx/treectrl.h" #include "wx/imaglist.h" #include "wx/notebook.h" // fl headers. #include "wx/fl/controlbar.h" #include "wx/fl/rowlayoutpl.h" #include "wx/fl/antiflickpl.h" #include "wx/fl/bardragpl.h" #include "wx/fl/cbcustom.h" #include "wx/fl/rowdragpl.h" // some extra fl plugins. #include "wx/fl/barhintspl.h" #include "wx/fl/hintanimpl.h" #include "wx/fl/dyntbar.h" #include "wx/fl/dyntbarhnd.h" // fl-dimension-handler for dynamic toolbar #include "fl_demo2.h" /***** Implementation for class MyApp *****/ // Create a new application object IMPLEMENT_APP (MyApp) // `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame bool MyApp::OnInit(void) { // Create the main frame window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(NULL, _("wxWidgets 2.0 wxFrameLayout demo"), 50, 50, 650, 540); // Give it an icon #ifdef __WINDOWS__ frame->SetIcon(wxIcon(wxT("mondrian"))); #endif #ifdef __X__ frame->SetIcon(wxIcon(wxT("aiai.xbm"))); #endif // Make a menubar wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu; wxMenu *active_menu = new wxMenu; file_menu->Append( ID_LOAD, _("&Load layouts") ); file_menu->Append( ID_STORE, _("&Store layouts") ); file_menu->AppendSeparator(); file_menu->Append( ID_AUTOSAVE, _("&Auto Save Layouts"), _("save layouts on exit"), wxITEM_CHECK ); file_menu->AppendSeparator(); file_menu->Append(MINIMAL_ABOUT, _("A&bout !")); file_menu->Append(MINIMAL_QUIT, _("E&xit\tTab")); //active_menu->Append( ID_SETTINGS, _("&Settings...\tCtrl") ); //active_menu->AppendSeparator(); active_menu->Append( ID_REMOVE, _("&Remove Active") ); active_menu->Append( ID_REMOVEALL, _("Remove &All") ); active_menu->Append( ID_RECREATE, _("Re&create") ); active_menu->AppendSeparator(); active_menu->Append( ID_FIRST, _("Activate f&irst layout \tF1"), _("activate it"), wxITEM_CHECK ); active_menu->Append( ID_SECOND, _("Activate &second layout\tF2"), _("activate it"), wxITEM_CHECK ); active_menu->Append( ID_THIRD, _("Activate &third layout\tF3"), _("activate it"), wxITEM_CHECK ); wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _("&File")); menu_bar->Append(active_menu, _("Active &Layout")); #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR frame->CreateStatusBar(3); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar); frame->SyncMenuBarItems(); // Show the frame frame->Show(true); SetTopWindow(frame); return true; } MyFrame::~MyFrame() { // frame-layouts is not a windows (objects), thus should // be cleaned up manually for( int i = 0; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) { if ( mLayouts[i] ) delete mLayouts[i]; } if ( mpNestedLayout ) delete mpNestedLayout; if ( mpAboutBoxLayout ) delete mpAboutBoxLayout; } /***** Implementation for class MyFrame *****/ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU( MINIMAL_QUIT, MyFrame::OnQuit ) EVT_MENU( MINIMAL_ABOUT, MyFrame::OnAbout ) EVT_MENU( ID_LOAD, MyFrame::OnLoad ) EVT_MENU( ID_STORE, MyFrame::OnStore ) EVT_MENU( ID_AUTOSAVE, MyFrame::OnAutoSave ) //EVT_MENU( ID_SETTINGS, MyFrame::OnSettings ) EVT_MENU( ID_REMOVE, MyFrame::OnRemove ) EVT_MENU( ID_REMOVEALL, MyFrame::OnRemoveAll ) EVT_MENU( ID_RECREATE, MyFrame::OnRecreate ) EVT_MENU( ID_FIRST, MyFrame::OnFirst ) EVT_MENU( ID_SECOND, MyFrame::OnSecond ) EVT_MENU( ID_THIRD, MyFrame::OnThird ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_SAY_ITSOK, MyFrame::OnSayItsOk ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_BTN_YES, MyFrame::OnBtnYes ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_BTN_NO, MyFrame::OnBtnNo ) EVT_BUTTON( ID_BTN_ESC, MyFrame::OnBtnEsc ) EVT_CHAR_HOOK( MyFrame::OnChar ) END_EVENT_TABLE() // My frame constructor MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxChar *title, int x, int y, int w, int h) : wxFrame(frame, wxID_ANY, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h)), mpNestedLayout( NULL ), mpAboutBoxLayout( NULL ), mActiveLayoutNo( FIRST_LAYOUT ), mAutoSave( true ), mSavedAlready( false ), mpClntWindow( NULL ), mImageList( 16,16, false, 2 ) { int i; mpInternalFrm = (wxPanel*)this; mAboutBox.Create( this, wxID_ANY, _T("About box in wxWidgets style..."), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 385,220), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); for( i = 0; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) mLayouts[i] = NULL; // image-list is one of the few objects which // currently cannot be serialized, create it first // and use it as initial reference (IR) wxBitmap bmp1,bmp2; if ( wxFileExists( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("folder_icon.bmp") ) ) bmp1.LoadFile( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("folder_icon.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ); if ( wxFileExists( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("class_icon1.bmp") ) ) bmp2.LoadFile( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("class_icon1.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ); mImageList.Add( bmp1 ); mImageList.Add( bmp2 ); InitAboutBox(); // create multiple layouts mpNestedLayout = 0; mpClntWindow = CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("client window")); // Create all layouts for( i = 0; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) { CreateLayout( i ); } // hide others for( i = SECOND_LAYOUT; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) { mLayouts[i]->HideBarWindows(); } // activate first one mLayouts[FIRST_LAYOUT]->Activate(); mActiveLayoutNo = FIRST_LAYOUT; } /*** event handlers ***/ bool MyFrame::OnClose(void) { // USEFUL TRICK:: avoids flickering of application's frame // when closing NN windows on exit: Show(false); if ( (mAutoSave && mSavedAlready) || !mAutoSave ) { } else { wxCommandEvent evt; OnStore(evt); } mAboutBox.Destroy(); Destroy(); return true; } void MyFrame::OnLoad( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxMessageBox(_("Hey - you found a BIG question-mark !!")); } void MyFrame::OnStore( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxMessageBox(_("Hey - you found another BIG question-mark !!")); } void MyFrame::OnAutoSave( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { mAutoSave = !mAutoSave; wxCommandEvent evt; OnStore(evt); SyncMenuBarItems(); } void MyFrame::OnRemove( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { RemoveLayout( mActiveLayoutNo ); Refresh(); } void MyFrame::OnRemoveAll( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { for( int i = 0; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) { RemoveLayout( i ); } Refresh(); } void MyFrame::OnRecreate( wxCommandEvent& event ) { OnRemove( event ); // first destroy active layout CreateLayout( mActiveLayoutNo ); mLayouts[mActiveLayoutNo]->Activate(); } void MyFrame::OnFirst( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { ActivateLayout( FIRST_LAYOUT ); } void MyFrame::OnSecond( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { ActivateLayout( SECOND_LAYOUT ); } void MyFrame::OnThird( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { ActivateLayout( THIRD_LAYOUT ); } void MyFrame::OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { // USEFUL TRICK:: avoids flickering of application's frame // when closing NN windows on exit: Show(false); if ( (mAutoSave && mSavedAlready) || !mAutoSave ) { } else { wxCommandEvent evt; OnStore(evt); } Destroy(); } void MyFrame::OnAbout( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxFont font; #ifdef __WXMSW__ font.SetFaceName(wxT("MS Sans Serif")); #else font.SetFamily( wxSWISS ); #endif font.SetStyle( wxSLANT ); font.SetWeight( wxNORMAL ); font.SetPointSize( 8 ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ font.RealizeResource(); #endif mAboutBox.Center( wxBOTH ); mAboutBox.Show(true); } void MyFrame::OnChar( wxKeyEvent& event ) { wxCommandEvent evt; if ( event.m_keyCode == WXK_F1 ) { OnFirst( evt ); } else { if ( event.m_keyCode == WXK_F2 ) { OnSecond( evt ); } else { if ( event.m_keyCode == WXK_F3 ) { OnThird( evt ); } if ( event.m_keyCode == WXK_F4 && !event.AltDown() ) { // "AI" :-) wxMessageBox(_("There are only 3 layouts in this demo :-(")); } else { if ( event.m_keyCode == WXK_TAB ) { // USEFUL TRICK:: avoids flickering of application's frame // when closing NN windows on exit: Show(false); if ( (mAutoSave && mSavedAlready) || !mAutoSave ) { } else { wxCommandEvent evt; OnStore(evt); } Destroy(); } else { event.Skip(); } } } } } void MyFrame::OnSayItsOk( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxMessageBox(_("It's OK :-)\n\n now click on the border around the button\n and try dragging it!") ); } void MyFrame::OnBtnYes( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { mAboutBox.Show(false); } void MyFrame::OnBtnNo( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { mAboutBox.Show(false); } void MyFrame::OnBtnEsc( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { mAboutBox.Show(false); } /*** helper methods ***/ void MyFrame::InitAboutBox() { wxPanel* pArea = new wxPanel(); pArea->Create( &mAboutBox, wxID_ANY ); new wxStaticText(pArea, wxID_ANY, _("This is wxFrameLayout contribution demo."), wxPoint(10, 10) ); new wxStaticText(pArea, wxID_ANY, _("Aleksandras Gluchovas (c) 1998"), wxPoint(10, 30) ); new wxStaticText(pArea, wxID_ANY, _(""), wxPoint(10, 50) ); mpAboutBoxLayout = new wxFrameLayout( &mAboutBox, pArea, true ); wxFrameLayout& layout = *mpAboutBoxLayout; cbDimInfo sizes( 90,40, // when docked horizontally 45,55, // when docked vertically 90,40, // when floated true, 4, 4 // true - bar is fixed-size ); wxButton* pYes = CreateButton(_("&Yes"), &mAboutBox, ID_SAY_ITSOK ); wxButton* pNo = CreateButton(_("&No"), &mAboutBox, ID_BTN_NO ); wxButton* pEsc = CreateButton(_("Cancel"), &mAboutBox, ID_BTN_ESC ); layout.AddBar( pEsc, sizes, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 20, _("cancel button")); layout.AddBar( pNo, sizes, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 20, _("no button")); layout.AddBar( pYes, sizes, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 20, _("yes button")); layout.mBorderPen.SetColour( 192, 192, 192 ); layout.SetMargins( 15, 15, 15, 15, wxALL_PANES ); cbCommonPaneProperties props; layout.GetPaneProperties( props, FL_ALIGN_TOP ); props.mShow3DPaneBorderOn = false; layout.SetPaneProperties( props, wxALL_PANES ); layout.Activate(); pYes->SetDefault(); pYes->SetFocus(); } wxTextCtrl* MyFrame::CreateTxtCtrl( const wxString& txt, wxWindow* parent ) { return new wxTextCtrl( (parent != NULL ) ? parent : mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY, txt, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE ); } wxButton* MyFrame::CreateButton( const wxString& label, wxWindow* pParent, long id ) { return new wxButton( (pParent)?pParent : mpInternalFrm, id, label, wxPoint( 0,0 ), wxSize( 0,0 ) ); } wxTreeCtrl* MyFrame::CreateTreeCtrl( const wxString& label ) { wxTreeCtrl* pTree = new wxTreeCtrl( mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY ); const wxTreeItemId rootid = pTree->AddRoot(label); if ( label.StartsWith(_T("X")) ) { pTree->AppendItem(rootid, _("Scully")); pTree->AppendItem(rootid, _("Mulder")); } else { pTree->AppendItem(rootid, _("Leaf1")); pTree->AppendItem(rootid, _("Leaf2")); } return pTree; } wxChoice* MyFrame::CreateChoice( const wxString& txt ) { wxString choice_strings[5]; choice_strings[0] = txt; choice_strings[1] = _("Julian"); choice_strings[2] = _("Hattie"); choice_strings[3] = _("Ken"); choice_strings[4] = _("Dick"); wxChoice *choice = new wxChoice( mpInternalFrm, 301, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, choice_strings); choice->SetSelection(0); return choice; } // helper void MyFrame::AddSearchToolbars( wxFrameLayout& layout, wxWindow* WXUNUSED(pParent) ) { cbDimInfo sizes2( 275,38, // when docked horizontally 45,275, // when docked vertically 80,30, // when floated true, // the bar is fixed-size 4, // vertical gap (bar border) 4, // horizontal gap (bar border) new cbDynToolBarDimHandler() ); cbDimInfo sizes3( 275,55, // when docked horizontally 275,60, // when docked vertically 45,130, // when floated true, // the bar is fixed-size 4, // vertical gap (bar border) 4, // horizontal gap (bar border) new cbDynToolBarDimHandler() ); cbDimInfo sizes4( 430,35, // when docked horizontally 44,375, // when docked vertically 80,100, // when floated true, // the bar is fixed-size 4, // vertical gap (bar border) 4, // horizontal gap (bar border) new cbDynToolBarDimHandler() ); wxDynamicToolBar* pTBar2 = new wxDynamicToolBar( mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY ); wxChoice* pChoice = new wxChoice( pTBar2, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 140,25 ) ); pTBar2->AddTool( 1, pChoice ); pTBar2->AddTool( 2, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("search.bmp") ); //pTBar2->AddSeparator(); pTBar2->AddTool( 3, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("bookmarks.bmp") ); pTBar2->AddTool( 4, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("nextmark.bmp") ); pTBar2->AddTool( 5, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("prevmark.bmp") ); wxDynamicToolBar* pTBar3 = new wxDynamicToolBar( mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY ); pTBar3->AddTool( 1, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("open.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Open ")) ); pTBar3->AddTool( 2, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("save.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Save ")) ); pTBar3->AddTool( 3, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("saveall.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Save All ")) ); //pTBar3->AddSeparator(); pTBar3->AddTool( 4, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("cut.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Open ")) ); pTBar3->AddTool( 5, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("copy.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Copy ")) ); pTBar3->AddTool( 6, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("paste.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_(" Paste ")) ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ pTBar3->EnableTool( 2, false ); #endif wxDynamicToolBar* pTBar4 = new wxDynamicToolBar( mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY ); pTBar4->AddTool( 1, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("bookmarks.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_("Bookmarks ")), true ); pTBar4->AddTool( 2, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("nextmark.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_("Next bookmark ")), true ); pTBar4->AddTool( 3, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("prevmark.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_("Prev bookmark ")), true ); //pTBar4->AddSeparator(); pTBar4->AddTool( 4, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("search.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP, wxString(_("Search ")), true ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ pTBar4->EnableTool( 4, false ); #endif layout.AddBar( pTBar2, sizes2, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 0, wxT("Search"), true ); layout.AddBar( pTBar3, sizes3, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 0, wxT("Titled"), true ); layout.AddBar( pTBar4, sizes4, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, 0, wxT("Bookmarks"), true ); } wxWindow* MyFrame::CreateDevLayout( wxFrameLayout& layout, wxWindow* pParent ) { bool isNested = (pParent != mpInternalFrm); // check if we're creating nested layout if ( isNested ) { layout.mBorderPen.SetColour( 128,255,128 ); // if so, than make border smaller for( int i = 0; i != MAX_PANES; ++i ) { cbDockPane& pane = *layout.GetPane( i ); pane.mTopMargin = 5; pane.mBottomMargin = 5; pane.mLeftMargin = 5; pane.mRightMargin = 5; } } int cbWidth = 200; int cbHeight = ( isNested ) ? 50 : 150; cbDimInfo sizes4( cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, false ); cbWidth = 75; cbHeight = 31; cbDimInfo sizes5( cbWidth,cbHeight, 42,65, cbWidth,cbHeight, true, 3, // vertical gap (bar border) 3 // horizontal gap (bar border) ); // create "workplace" window in the third layout // SEB: originally here was a wxpp (wxWorkshop) class demotrated // wxTabbedWindow* pMiniTabArea = new wxTabbedWindow(); // pMiniTabArea->Create( pParent, wxID_ANY ); wxTreeCtrl* pClassView = new wxTreeCtrl( pParent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_EDIT_LABELS ); pClassView->SetImageList( &mImageList ); wxTreeItemId rootId = pClassView->AddRoot( wxT("wxWidgets 2.0 classes"), 0 ); pClassView->AppendItem( rootId, _("wxWin Dynamic classes (grabbed at run-time)"), 0 ); pClassView->AppendItem( rootId, _("serializer-classes (grabbed at run-time)"), 0 ); // now create "output" window wxNotebook* pTabbedArea = new wxNotebook(pParent, wxID_ANY); // SEB: originally here was a wxpp (wxWorkshop) class used // wxPaggedWindow* pTabbedArea = new wxPaggedWindow(); // pTabbedArea->Create( pParent, wxID_ANY ); wxPanel* pSheet3 = new wxPanel(); pSheet3->Create( pTabbedArea, wxID_ANY ); pSheet3->Show(false); pTabbedArea->AddPage( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("build"), pTabbedArea), wxT("Build")); pTabbedArea->AddPage( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("debug"), pTabbedArea), wxT("Debug")); pTabbedArea->AddPage( pSheet3, wxT("is THIS recursive - or what !?")); pTabbedArea->AddPage( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("profile"), pTabbedArea), wxT("Profile")); layout.AddBar( new StartButton95(pParent), sizes5, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 0, wxT("Start...") ); layout.AddBar( pClassView, sizes4, FL_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 0, wxT("Project Workplace") ); layout.AddBar( pTabbedArea, sizes4, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 50, wxT("Output") ); return pSheet3; } void MyFrame::DropInSomeBars( int layoutNo ) { /* create once... and forget! */ // setup dimension infos for various bar shapes int cbWidth = 90; int cbHeight = 30; if ( layoutNo == SECOND_LAYOUT ) cbHeight = 60; wxFrameLayout& layout = *mLayouts[layoutNo]; cbDimInfo sizes( cbWidth,cbHeight, // when docked horizontally cbWidth,cbHeight, // when docked vertically cbWidth,cbHeight, // when floated true // true - bar is fixed-size ); cbWidth = 120; cbDimInfo sizes1( cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, false ); // false - bar is "flexible" cbWidth = 120; cbHeight = 40; cbDimInfo sizes3( cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, true ); // -/- cbWidth = 200; cbHeight = 150; cbDimInfo sizes4( cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, cbWidth,cbHeight, false ); // -/- cbWidth = 63; cbHeight = 31; cbDimInfo sizes5( cbWidth,cbHeight, cbHeight,cbWidth, cbWidth,cbHeight, true, 3, // vertical gap (bar border) 3 // horizontal gap (bar border) ); // -/- if ( layoutNo == FIRST_LAYOUT ) { // add 4 fixed-size bars (`sizes' dim-info) and one "flexible" (with `sizes1' dim-info) wxWindow* pGreenOne = new MyTestPanel(mpInternalFrm); pGreenOne->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour(128,255,128) ); layout.AddBar( pGreenOne, sizes, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("Bar1"), true ); layout.AddBar( new MyTestPanel(mpInternalFrm), sizes, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 2, 50, wxT("Bar2"), true ); layout.AddBar( new MyTestPanel(mpInternalFrm), sizes, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 2, 50, wxT("Bar3"), true ); layout.AddBar( new MyTestPanel(mpInternalFrm), sizes, FL_ALIGN_LEFT, 2, 50, wxT("Bar4"), true ); layout.AddBar( new MyTestPanel(mpInternalFrm), sizes1, wxCBAR_HIDDEN, 2, 50, wxT("Super-Bar"), true ); } else { if ( layoutNo == SECOND_LAYOUT ) { // show off various wx-controls in the second layout layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(), sizes, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area&0") ); layout.AddBar( CreateButton(wxT("OK")), sizes, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 100, wxT("First Button") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(), sizes1, FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 0, 50, wxT("First Tree") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTreeCtrl(wxT("Root")), sizes1, FL_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 0, wxT("TreeCtrl Window") ); layout.AddBar( CreateChoice(wxT("Choice 1")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 0, wxT("Choice 1 (buggy)"), false, wxCBAR_HIDDEN ); layout.AddBar( CreateChoice(wxT("Choice 2")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 0, wxT("Choice 2 (buggy)"), false, wxCBAR_HIDDEN ); layout.AddBar( CreateTreeCtrl(wxT("X-Files")), sizes1, FL_ALIGN_RIGHT, 0, 100, wxT("X-Files") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("smaller1")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("smaller Area1") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("smaller2")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("sm&ller Area2") ); } else { if ( layoutNo == THIRD_LAYOUT ) { #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXX11__) cbCommonPaneProperties props; layout.GetPaneProperties( props ); props.mRealTimeUpdatesOn = false; // real-time OFF for gtk!!! layout.SetPaneProperties( props, wxALL_PANES ); #endif layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool1")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area1") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool2")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area2") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool3")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 0, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area3") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool4")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area4") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool5")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area5") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool6")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 50, wxT("Fixed text Area6") ); layout.AddBar( CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("Tool7")), sizes3, FL_ALIGN_TOP, 2,250, wxT("Fixed text Area7") ); cbDimInfo sizes10( 175,35, // when docked horizontally 175,38, // when docked vertically 170,35, // when floated true, // the bar is not fixed-size 4, // vertical gap (bar border) 4, // horizontal gap (bar border) new cbDynToolBarDimHandler() ); wxDynamicToolBar* pToolBar = new wxDynamicToolBar(); pToolBar->Create( mpInternalFrm, wxID_ANY ); // 1001-1006 ids of command events fired by added tool-buttons pToolBar->AddTool( 1001, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("new.bmp") ); pToolBar->AddTool( 1002, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("open.bmp") ); pToolBar->AddTool( 1003, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("save.bmp") ); pToolBar->AddTool( 1004, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("cut.bmp") ); pToolBar->AddTool( 1005, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("copy.bmp") ); pToolBar->AddTool( 1006, wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("paste.bmp") ); layout.AddBar( pToolBar, // bar window (can be NULL) sizes10, FL_ALIGN_TOP, // alignment ( 0-top,1-bottom, etc) 0, // insert into 0th row (vert. position) 0, // offset from the start of row (in pixels) wxT("Real-Toolbar"), // name to refere in customization pop-ups false ); // create first "developement" layout AddSearchToolbars( layout, mpInternalFrm); wxWindow* pSheet3 = CreateDevLayout( layout, mpInternalFrm); // create another ***secreat developement*** layout inside // the third sheet of the outter one's output bar mpNestedLayout = new wxFrameLayout( pSheet3, CreateTxtCtrl(wxT("\"Mobils in Mobile\" --C.Nemo"),pSheet3), false ); CreateDevLayout( *mpNestedLayout, pSheet3 ); mpNestedLayout->Activate(); } } } } void MyFrame::CreateLayout( int layoutNo ) { wxFrameLayout* pLayout = new wxFrameLayout( mpInternalFrm, mpClntWindow, false ); if ( layoutNo == THIRD_LAYOUT ) { pLayout->PushDefaultPlugins(); pLayout->AddPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbBarHintsPlugin ) ); // facny "X"es and beveal for bars #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXX11__) pLayout->AddPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbHintAnimationPlugin ) ); #endif pLayout->AddPlugin( CLASSINFO( cbRowDragPlugin ) ); } mLayouts[layoutNo] = pLayout; DropInSomeBars( layoutNo ); } void MyFrame::RemoveLayout( int layoutNo ) { wxFrameLayout* pLayout = mLayouts[layoutNo]; if ( !pLayout ) return; pLayout->HideBarWindows(); // destroy nested layout first if ( layoutNo == THIRD_LAYOUT ) { if ( mpNestedLayout ) delete mpNestedLayout; mpNestedLayout = NULL; } // NOTE:: bar windows are NOT destroyed automatically by frame-layout pLayout->DestroyBarWindows(); delete pLayout; mLayouts[layoutNo] = NULL; Refresh(); } void MyFrame::SyncMenuBarItems() { for( int i = 0; i != MAX_LAYOUTS; ++i ) { GetMenuBar()->Check( ID_FIRST+i, mActiveLayoutNo == FIRST_LAYOUT+i ); } GetMenuBar()->Check( ID_AUTOSAVE, mAutoSave ); } void MyFrame::ActivateLayout( int layoutNo ) { if ( layoutNo == mActiveLayoutNo ) return; if ( mLayouts[mActiveLayoutNo] ) mLayouts[mActiveLayoutNo]->Deactivate(); mActiveLayoutNo = layoutNo; if ( mLayouts[mActiveLayoutNo] ) mLayouts[mActiveLayoutNo]->Activate(); else Refresh(); SyncMenuBarItems(); } /***** Implementation for class StartButton95 (just for fun) *****/ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( StartButton95, wxPanel ) BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( StartButton95, wxPanel ) EVT_LEFT_DOWN( StartButton95::OnMouseDown ) EVT_LEFT_UP ( StartButton95::OnMouseUp ) EVT_PAINT ( StartButton95::OnPaint ) END_EVENT_TABLE() void StartButton95::OnMouseDown( wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { m_bPressed = true; Refresh(); CaptureMouse(); } void StartButton95::OnMouseUp( wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { // "this is not a bug" SetCursor( wxCURSOR_WAIT ); GetParent()->SetCursor( wxCURSOR_WAIT ); ::wxSetCursor( wxCURSOR_WAIT ); wxSleep(1); for( int i = 1; i != 6; ++i ) { m_bPressed = (i % 2) != 0; Refresh(); wxSleep(1); } GetParent()->Close(); //*((char*)(i)-3) = 'X'; // Aleks what's the meaning of this??? } void StartButton95::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxBitmap* pBmp; if ( m_bPressed ) { if ( !m_PBmp.Ok() && wxFileExists( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("start95_pr.bmp") ) ) m_PBmp.LoadFile( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("start95_pr.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ); pBmp = &m_PBmp; } else { if ( !m_DBmp.Ok() && wxFileExists( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("start95_dp.bmp") ) ) m_DBmp.LoadFile( wxString(wxT(BMP_DIR)) + wxT("start95_dp.bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP ); pBmp = &m_DBmp; } if (!pBmp) return; wxMemoryDC mdc; wxPaintDC dc(this); mdc.SelectObject( *pBmp ); dc.Blit( 0,0, pBmp->GetWidth(), pBmp->GetHeight(), &mdc, 0,0, wxCOPY ); mdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap ); }