///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: lines.h // Purpose: wxLineShape // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 12/07/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: lines.h 35650 2005-09-23 12:56:45Z MR $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _OGL_LINES_H_ #define _OGL_LINES_H_ class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxLabelShape; class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxPseudoMetaFile; class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxLineControlPoint; /* * Arcs with multiple arrowheads * */ // Types of arrowhead // (i) Built-in #define ARROW_HOLLOW_CIRCLE 1 #define ARROW_FILLED_CIRCLE 2 #define ARROW_ARROW 3 #define ARROW_SINGLE_OBLIQUE 4 #define ARROW_DOUBLE_OBLIQUE 5 // (ii) Custom #define ARROW_METAFILE 20 // Position of arrow on line #define ARROW_POSITION_START 0 #define ARROW_POSITION_END 1 #define ARROW_POSITION_MIDDLE 2 // Line alignment flags // Vertical by default #define LINE_ALIGNMENT_HORIZ 1 #define LINE_ALIGNMENT_VERT 0 #define LINE_ALIGNMENT_TO_NEXT_HANDLE 2 #define LINE_ALIGNMENT_NONE 0 class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxArrowHead: public wxObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxArrowHead) public: wxArrowHead(WXTYPE type = 0, int end = 0, double size = 0.0, double dist = 0.0, const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, wxPseudoMetaFile *mf = NULL, long arrowId = -1); ~wxArrowHead(); wxArrowHead(wxArrowHead& toCopy); inline WXTYPE _GetType() const { return m_arrowType; } inline int GetPosition() const { return m_arrowEnd; } inline void SetPosition(int pos) { m_arrowEnd = pos; } inline double GetXOffset() const { return m_xOffset; } inline double GetYOffset() const { return m_yOffset; } inline double GetSpacing() const { return m_spacing; } inline double GetSize() const { return m_arrowSize; } inline wxString GetName() const { return m_arrowName; } inline void SetXOffset(double x) { m_xOffset = x; } inline void SetYOffset(double y) { m_yOffset = y; } inline wxPseudoMetaFile *GetMetaFile() const { return m_metaFile; } inline long GetId() const { return m_id; } inline int GetArrowEnd() const { return m_arrowEnd; } inline double GetArrowSize() const { return m_arrowSize; } void SetSize(double size); inline void SetSpacing(double sp) { m_spacing = sp; } protected: WXTYPE m_arrowType; int m_arrowEnd; // Position on line double m_xOffset; // Distance from arc start or end, w.r.t. point on arrowhead // nearest start or end. If zero, use default spacing. double m_yOffset; // vertical offset (w.r.t. a horizontal line). Normally zero. double m_spacing; // Spacing from the last arrowhead double m_arrowSize; // Length of arrowhead wxString m_arrowName; // Name of arrow bool m_saveToFile; // true if we want to save custom arrowheads to file. wxPseudoMetaFile* m_metaFile; // Pseudo metafile if this is a custom arrowhead long m_id; // identifier }; // Line object class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxLabelShape; class WXDLLIMPEXP_OGL wxLineShape: public wxShape { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxLineShape) public: wxLineShape(); ~wxLineShape(); // Called when a connected object has moved, to move the link to // correct position // moveControlPoints must be disabled when a control point is being // dragged. void OnMoveLink(wxDC& dc, bool moveControlPoints = true); bool OnMovePre(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display = true); void OnDraw(wxDC& dc); void OnDrawContents(wxDC& dc); void OnDrawControlPoints(wxDC& dc); void OnEraseControlPoints(wxDC& dc); void OnErase(wxDC& dc); virtual bool OnMoveControlPoint(int WXUNUSED(which), double WXUNUSED(x), double WXUNUSED(y)) { return false; } virtual bool OnMoveMiddleControlPoint(wxDC& dc, wxLineControlPoint* lpt, const wxRealPoint& pt); virtual bool OnLabelMovePre(wxDC& dc, wxLabelShape* labelShape, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display); void OnDrawOutline(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double w, double h); void GetBoundingBoxMin(double *w, double *h); void FormatText(wxDC& dc, const wxString& s, int regionId = 0); virtual void SetEnds(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); virtual void GetEnds(double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2); inline virtual wxShape *GetFrom() { return m_from; } inline virtual wxShape *GetTo() { return m_to; } inline virtual int GetAttachmentFrom() { return m_attachmentFrom; } inline virtual int GetAttachmentTo() { return m_attachmentTo; } virtual void SetFrom(wxShape *object); virtual void SetTo(wxShape *object); virtual void DrawArrows(wxDC& dc); // Finds the x, y points at the two ends of the line. // This function can be used by e.g. line-routing routines to // get the actual points on the two node images where the lines will be drawn // to/from. void FindLineEndPoints(double *fromX, double *fromY, double *toX, double *toY); // Format one region at this position void DrawRegion(wxDC& dc, wxShapeRegion *region, double x, double y); // Erase one region at this position void EraseRegion(wxDC& dc, wxShapeRegion *region, double x, double y); // Get the reference point for a label. Region x and y // are offsets from this. // position is 0 (middle), 1 (start), 2 (end) void GetLabelPosition(int position, double *x, double *y); // Can override this to create a different class of label shape virtual wxLabelShape* OnCreateLabelShape(wxLineShape *parent = NULL, wxShapeRegion *region = NULL, double w = 0.0, double h = 0.0); // Straighten verticals and horizontals virtual void Straighten(wxDC* dc = NULL); // Not implemented inline void SetMaintainStraightLines(bool flag) { m_maintainStraightLines = flag; } inline bool GetMaintainStraightLines() const { return m_maintainStraightLines; } // Make handle control points void MakeControlPoints(); void ResetControlPoints(); // Make a given number of control points virtual void MakeLineControlPoints(int n); virtual wxNode *InsertLineControlPoint(wxDC* dc); virtual bool DeleteLineControlPoint(); virtual void Initialise(); inline wxList *GetLineControlPoints() { return m_lineControlPoints; } // Override dragging behaviour - don't want to be able to drag lines! void OnDragLeft(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); void OnBeginDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); void OnEndDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); // Control points ('handles') redirect control to the actual shape, to make it easier // to override sizing behaviour. virtual void OnSizingDragLeft(wxControlPoint* pt, bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); virtual void OnSizingBeginDragLeft(wxControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); virtual void OnSizingEndDragLeft(wxControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0); // Override select, to create/delete temporary label-moving objects void Select(bool select = true, wxDC* dc = NULL); // Set to spline (true) or line (false) inline void SetSpline(bool spl) { m_isSpline = spl; } inline bool IsSpline() const { return m_isSpline; } void Unlink(); void SetAttachments(int from_attach, int to_attach); inline void SetAttachmentFrom(int attach) { m_attachmentFrom = attach; } inline void SetAttachmentTo(int attach) { m_attachmentTo = attach; } bool HitTest(double x, double y, int *attachment, double *distance); #if wxUSE_PROLOGIO // I/O virtual void WriteAttributes(wxExpr *clause); virtual void ReadAttributes(wxExpr *clause); #endif virtual void FindNth(wxShape *image, int *nth, int *no_arcs, bool incoming); // Find which position we're talking about at this (x, y). // Returns ARROW_POSITION_START, ARROW_POSITION_MIDDLE, ARROW_POSITION_END int FindLinePosition(double x, double y); // This is really to distinguish between lines and other images. // For lines, want to pass drag to canvas, since lines tend to prevent // dragging on a canvas (they get in the way.) virtual bool Draggable() const { return false; } // Does the copying for this object void Copy(wxShape& copy); // Add an arrowhead. wxArrowHead *AddArrow(WXTYPE type, int end = ARROW_POSITION_END, double arrowSize = 10.0, double xOffset = 0.0, const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, wxPseudoMetaFile *mf = NULL, long arrowId = -1); // Add an arrowhead in the position indicated by the reference // list of arrowheads, which contains all legal arrowheads for this // line, in the correct order. // E.g. reference list: a b c d e // Current line list: a d // Add c, then line list is: a c d // If no legal arrowhead position, return false. // Assume reference list is for one end only, since it potentially defines // the ordering for any one of the 3 positions. So we don't check // the reference list for arrowhead position. bool AddArrowOrdered(wxArrowHead *arrow, wxList& referenceList, int end); // Delete arrowhead(s) void ClearArrowsAtPosition(int end = -1); bool ClearArrow(const wxString& name); wxArrowHead *FindArrowHead(int position, const wxString& name); wxArrowHead *FindArrowHead(long arrowId); bool DeleteArrowHead(int position, const wxString& name); bool DeleteArrowHead(long arrowId); void DrawArrow(wxDC& dc, wxArrowHead *arrow, double xOffset, bool proportionalOffset); inline void SetIgnoreOffsets(bool ignore) { m_ignoreArrowOffsets = ignore; } inline wxList& GetArrows() const { return (wxList&) m_arcArrows; } // Find horizontal width for drawing a line with // arrows in minimum space. Assume arrows at // END only double FindMinimumWidth(); // Set alignment flags. ALIGNMENT NOT IMPLEMENTED. void SetAlignmentOrientation(bool isEnd, bool isHoriz); void SetAlignmentType(bool isEnd, int alignType); bool GetAlignmentOrientation(bool isEnd); int GetAlignmentType(bool isEnd); int GetAlignmentStart() const { return m_alignmentStart; } int GetAlignmentEnd() const { return m_alignmentEnd; } // Find next control point in line after the start/end point // (depending on whether the node object is at start or end) wxRealPoint *GetNextControlPoint(wxShape *nodeObject); inline bool IsEnd(wxShape *nodeObject) const { return (m_to == nodeObject); } private: bool m_erasing; // flag to say whether we're erasing or drawing // this line (really so metafiles can draw a // blank rectangle) bool m_ignoreArrowOffsets; // Don't always want to draw arrowhead offsets // because they may not work on tool palettes (for example) bool m_isSpline; bool m_maintainStraightLines; protected: // Temporary list of line segment orientations // so we know what direction the line is supposed to be dog-legging // in. The values are integer: 0 for vertical, 1 for horizontal. wxList m_lineOrientations; // Temporary pointers for start, middle and end label editing objects // (active only when the line is selected) wxLabelShape* m_labelObjects[3]; // These define the segmented line - not to be confused with temporary control // points which appear when object is selected (although in this case they'll // probably be the same) wxList* m_lineControlPoints; double m_arrowSpacing; // Separation between adjacent arrows wxShape* m_to; wxShape* m_from; int m_attachmentTo; // Attachment point at one end int m_attachmentFrom; // Attachment point at other end // Alignment flags int m_alignmentStart; int m_alignmentEnd; wxList m_arcArrows; }; #endif // _OGL_LINES_H_