///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: dynamicsash.h // Purpose: A window which can be dynamically split to an arbitrary depth // and later reunified through the user interface // Author: Matt Kimball // Modified by: // Created: 7/15/2001 // RCS-ID: $Id: dynamicsash.h 33017 2005-03-24 10:27:27Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2001 Matt Kimball // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_DYNAMICSASH_H_ #define _WX_DYNAMICSASH_H_ #include "wx/gizmos/gizmos.h" /* wxDynamicSashWindow wxDynamicSashWindow widgets manages the way other widgets are viewed. When a wxDynamicSashWindow is first shown, it will contain one child view, a viewport for that child, and a pair of scrollbars to allow the user to navigate the child view area. Next to each scrollbar is a small tab. By clicking on either tab and dragging to the appropriate spot, a user can split the view area into two smaller views separated by a draggable sash. Later, when the user wishes to reunify the two subviews, the user simply drags the sash to the side of the window. wxDynamicSashWindow will automatically reparent the appropriate child view back up the window hierarchy, and the wxDynamicSashWindow will have only one child view once again. As an application developer, you will simply create a wxDynamicSashWindow using either the Create() function or the more complex constructor provided below, and then create a view window whose parent is the wxDynamicSashWindow. The child should respond to wxDynamicSashSplitEvents -- perhaps with an OnSplit() event handler -- by constructing a new view window whose parent is also the wxDynamicSashWindow. That's it! Now your users can dynamically split and reunify the view you provided. If you wish to handle the scrollbar events for your view, rather than allowing wxDynamicSashWindow to do it for you, things are a bit more complex. (You might want to handle scrollbar events yourself, if, for instance, you wish to scroll a subwindow of the view you add to your wxDynamicSashWindow object, rather than scrolling the whole view.) In this case, you will need to construct your wxDynamicSashWindow without the wxDS_MANAGE_SCROLLBARS style and you will need to use the GetHScrollBar() and GetVScrollBar() methods to retrieve the scrollbar controls and call SetEventHanler() on them to redirect the scrolling events whenever your window is reparented by wxDyanmicSashWindow. You will need to set the scrollbars' event handler at three times: * When your view is created * When your view receives a wxDynamicSashSplitEvent * When your view receives a wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent See the dynsash_switch sample application for an example which does this. */ #include "wx/event.h" #include "wx/window.h" class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxScrollBar; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dynamic sash styles // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* wxDS_MANAGE_SCROLLBARS is a default style of wxDynamicSashWindow which will cause it to respond to scrollbar events for your application by automatically scrolling the child view. */ #define wxDS_MANAGE_SCROLLBARS 0x0010 /* wxDS_DRAG_CORNER style indicates that the views can also be resized by dragging the corner piece between the scrollbars, and which is reflected up to the frame if necessary. */ #define wxDS_DRAG_CORNER 0x0020 /* Default style for wxDynamicSashWindow. */ #define wxDS_DEFAULT wxDS_MANAGE_SCROLLBARS | wxDS_DRAG_CORNER // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dynamic sash events // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS const wxEventType wxEVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_SPLIT; extern WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS const wxEventType wxEVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_UNIFY; #define EVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_SPLIT(id, func) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_SPLIT, id, \ wxDynamicSashSplitEventHandler(func)) #define EVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_UNIFY(id, func) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_DYNAMIC_SASH_UNIFY, id, \ wxDynamicSashUnifyEventHandler(func)) /* wxDynamicSashSplitEvents are sent to your view by wxDynamicSashWindow whenever your view is being split by the user. It is your responsibility to handle this event by creating a new view window as a child of the wxDynamicSashWindow. wxDynamicSashWindow will automatically reparent it to the proper place in its window hierarchy. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS wxDynamicSashSplitEvent : public wxCommandEvent { public: wxDynamicSashSplitEvent(); wxDynamicSashSplitEvent(const wxDynamicSashSplitEvent& event) : wxCommandEvent(event) { } wxDynamicSashSplitEvent(wxObject *target); virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxDynamicSashSplitEvent(*this); } private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDynamicSashSplitEvent) }; /* wxDynamicSashUnifyEvents are sent to your view by wxDynamicSashWindow whenever the sash which splits your view and its sibling is being reunified such that your view is expanding to replace its sibling. You needn't do anything with this event if you are allowing wxDynamicSashWindow to manage your view's scrollbars, but it is useful if you are managing the scrollbars yourself so that you can keep the scrollbars' event handlers connected to your view's event handler class. */ class WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent : public wxCommandEvent { public: wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent(); wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent(const wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent& event): wxCommandEvent(event) {} wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent(wxObject *target); virtual wxEvent* Clone() const { return new wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent(*this); } private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent) }; typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxDynamicSashSplitEventFunction)(wxDynamicSashSplitEvent&); typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxDynamicSashUnifyEventFunction)(wxDynamicSashUnifyEvent&); #define wxDynamicSashSplitEventHandler(func) \ (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction) \ wxStaticCastEvent(wxDynamicSashSplitEventFunction, &func) #define wxDynamicSashUnifyEventHandler(func) \ (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction) \ wxStaticCastEvent(wxDynamicSashUnifyEventFunction, &func) #define wx__DECLARE_TREEEVT(evt, id, fn) \ wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ ## evt, id, wxTreeEventHandler(fn)) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxDynamicSashWindow itself // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS extern const wxChar* wxDynamicSashWindowNameStr; class WXDLLIMPEXP_GIZMOS wxDynamicSashWindow : public wxWindow { public: wxDynamicSashWindow(); wxDynamicSashWindow(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDS_DEFAULT, const wxString& name = wxDynamicSashWindowNameStr); virtual ~wxDynamicSashWindow(); virtual bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDS_DEFAULT, const wxString& name = wxDynamicSashWindowNameStr); virtual wxScrollBar *GetHScrollBar(const wxWindow *child) const; virtual wxScrollBar *GetVScrollBar(const wxWindow *child) const; /* This is overloaded from wxWindowBase. It's not here for you to call directly. */ virtual void AddChild(wxWindowBase *child); private: class wxDynamicSashWindowImpl *m_impl; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDynamicSashWindow) }; #endif // _WX_DYNAMICSASH_H_