#!/usr/bin/ruby # This file is part of the aMule project. # # Copyright (c) 2003-2011 aMule Team ( admin@amule.org / http://www.amule.org ) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # This function returns true if a file is filtered # and shound't be included in the sanity testing. def IsFiltered(filename) (["./config.h", "./configWIN32.h"].index(filename) != nil) or (filename =~ /^.\/intl\//) or (filename =~ /CryptoPP/) end # This class represents lines of code, with line-number and text # It is used to store the source-files once they have been read # and afterwards to store the lines returned by the filters. class Line def initialize( number, text ) @number = number @text = text end attr_reader :number attr_reader :text end class Result def initialize( type, file, line = nil ) @type = type @file = file @line = line end def file_name @file.slice( /[^\/]+$/ ) end def file_path @file.slice( /^.*\// ) end attr_reader :type attr_reader :file attr_reader :line end # Base class for Sanity Checkers # # This class represents the basic sanity-check, which returns all # files as positive results, regardless of the contents. class SanityCheck def initialize @name = "None" @title = nil @type = "None" @desc = "None" @results = Array.new end attr_reader :name attr_reader :type attr_reader :desc def title if @title then @title else @name end end def results @results end # This function will be called for each file, with the argument "file" as the # name of the file and the argument "lines" being an array of Line objects for # each line of the file. # def parse_file(file, lines) raise "Missing parse_file() implementation for Filter: #{@name}" end private def add_results( file, lines = [nil] ) lines.each do |line| @results << Result.new( self, file, line ) end end end class CompareAgainstEmptyString < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "CmpEmptyString" @title = "Comparing With Empty String" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "Comparisons with empty strings, such as wxT(\"\"), wxEmptyString and " @desc += "_(\"\") should be avoided since they force the creation of a temporary " @desc += "string object. The proper method is to use the IsEmpty() member-function " @desc += "of wxString." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /[!=]=\s*(wxEmptyString|wxT\(""\)|_\(""\))/ or line.text =~ /(wxEmptyString|wxT\(""\)|_\(""\))\s*[!=]=/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class AssignmentToEmptyString < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "EmptyStringAssignment" @title = "Assigning The Empty String" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "Assigning an empty string such as wxT(\"\"), wxEmptyString and _(\"\") " @desc += "to a wxString should be avoided, since it forces the creation of a " @desc += "temporary object which is assigned to the string. The proper way to " @desc += "clear a string is to use the Clear() member-function of wxString." end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.cpp$/ results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /[^=!]=\s*(wxEmptyString|wxT\(""\)|_\(""\))/ end add_results( file, results ) end end end class NoIfNDef < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "NoIfNDef" @title = "No #ifndef in headerfile" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "All header files should contain a #ifndef ____. The purpose is to ensure " @desc += "that the header can't be included twice, which would introduce a number of problems." end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.h$/ then if not lines.find { |x| x.text =~ /^#ifndef.*_H/ } then add_results( file ) end end end end class ThisDeference < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "ThisDeference" @title = "Dereference of \"this\"" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "In all but the case of templates, using \"this->\" is unnecessary and " @desc += "only decreases the readability of the code." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /\bthis->/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class Assert < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "Assert" @type = "Consistency" @desc = "wxASSERT()s should be used rather than normal assert()s " @desc += "for the sake of consistency." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /assert\s*\(/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class WxFailUsage < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "WxFailUsagesy" @title = "Always failing wxASSERT()" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "Use wxFAIL instead of an always failing wxASSERT()." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /\bwxASSERT\s*\(\s*(0|false)\s*\)/ or line.text =~ /\bwxASSERT_MSG\s*\(\s*(0|false)\s*,/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class PassByValue < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "PassByValue" @title = "Pass By Value" @type = "Good Practice" @desc = "Passing objects by value means an extra overhead for large datatypes. " @desc += "Therefore these should always be passed by const reference when possible. " @desc += "Non-const references should only be used for functions where the function is " @desc += "supposed to change the actual value of the argument and return another or no value." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = Array.new # Only handle header files if file =~ /\.h$/ # Items that should not be passed by value items = [ "wxString", "wxRect", "wxPoint", "CMD4Hash", "CPath" ] lines.each do |line| # Try to identify function definitions if line.text =~ /^\s*(virtual|static|inline|)\s*\w+\s+\w+\s*\(.*\)/ # Split by arguments if line.text =~ /\(.*\)\s*\{/ args = line.text.match(/\(.*\)\s*\{/)[0] else args = line.text.match(/\(.*\)/)[0] end args.split(",").each do |str| items.each do |item| if str =~ /#{item}\s*[^\s\&\*\(]/ results.push( line ) end end end end end end add_results( file, results ) end end class CStr < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "CStr" @title = "C_Str or GetData" @type = "Unicoding" @desc = "Checks for usage of c_str() or GetData(). Using c_str will often result in " @desc += "problems on Unicoded builds and should therefore be avoided. " @desc += "Please note that the GetData check isn't that precise, because many other " @desc += "classes have GetData members, so it does some crude filtering." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| if line.text =~ /c_str\(\)/ and line.text !~ /char2unicode\(/ true else line.text =~ /GetData\(\)/ and line.text =~ /(wxT\(|wxString|_\()/ end end add_results( file, results ) end end class IfNotDefined < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "IfDefined" @title = "#if (!)defined" @type = "Consistency" @desc = "Use #ifndef or #ifdef instead for reasons of simplicity." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| if line.text =~ /^#if.*[\!]?defined\(/ not line.text =~ /(\&\&|\|\|)/ end end add_results( file, results ) end end class GPLLicense < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "MissingGPL" @title = "Missing GPL License" @type = "License" @desc = "All header files should contain the proper GPL blorb." end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.h$/ if lines.find { |x| x.text =~ /This (program|library) is free software;/ } == nil add_results( file ) end end end end class Copyright < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "MissingCopyright" @title = "Missing Copyright Notice" @type = "License" @desc = "All files should contain the proper Copyright notice." end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.h$/ found = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /Copyright\s*\([cC]\)\s*[-\d,]+ aMule (Project|Team)/ end if found.empty? then add_results( file ) end end end end class PartOfAmule < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "aMuleNotice" @title = "Missing aMule notice" @type = "License" @desc = "All files should contain a notice that they are part of the aMule project." end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.h$/ found = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /This file is part of the aMule Project/ or line.text =~ /This file is part of aMule/ end if found.empty? then add_results( file ) end end end end class MissingBody < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "MissingBody" @title = "Missing Body in Loop" @type = "Garbage" @desc = "This check looks for loops without any body. For example \"while(true);\" " @desc += "In most cases this is a sign of either useless code or bugs. Only in a few " @desc += "cases is it valid code, and in those it can often be represented clearer " @desc += "in other ways." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| if line.text =~ /^[^}]*while\s*\(.*\)\s*;/ or line.text =~ /^\s*for\s*\(.*\)\s*;[^\)]*$/ # Avoid returning "for" spanning multiple lines # TODO A better way to count instances line.text.split("(").size == line.text.split(")").size else false end end add_results( file, results ) end end class Translation < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "Translation" @type = "Consistency" @desc = "Calls to AddLogLine should translate the message, whereas " @desc += "calls to AddDebugLogLine shouldn't. This is because the user " @desc += "is meant to see normal log lines, whereas the the debug-lines " @desc += "are only meant for the developers and I don't know about you, but " @desc += "I don't plan on learning every language we choose to translate " @desc += "aMule to. :P" end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| if line.text =~ /\"/ line.text =~ /AddLogLine.?.?\(.*wxT\(/ or line.text =~ /AddDebugLogLine.?\(.*_\(/ else false end end add_results( file, results ) end end class IfZero < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "PreIfConstant" @title = "#if 0-9" @type = "Garbage" @desc = "Disabled code should be removed as soon as possible. If you wish to disable code " @desc += "for only a short period, then please add a comment before the #if. Code with #if [1-9] " @desc += "should be left, but the #ifs removed unless there is a pressing need for them." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /#if\s+[0-9]/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class InlinedIfTrue < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "InlinedIf" @title = "Inlined If true/false" @type = "Garbage" @desc = "Using variations of (x ? true : false) or (x ? false : true) is just plain stupid." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /\?\s*(true|false)\s*:\s*(true|false)/i end add_results( file, results ) end end class LoopOnConstant < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "LoopingOnConstant" @title = "Looping On Constant" @type = "Garbage" @desc = "This checks detects loops that evaluate constant values " @desc += "(true,false,0..) or \"for\" loops with no conditionals. all " @desc += "are often a sign of poor code and in most cases can be avoided " @desc += "or replaced with more elegant code." end def parse_file(file, lines) results = lines.select do |line| line.text =~ /while\s*\(\s*([0-9]+|true|false)\s*\)/i or line.text =~ /for\s*\([^;]*;\s*;[^;]*\)/ end add_results( file, results ) end end class MissingImplementation < SanityCheck def initialize super @name = "MissingImplementation" @title = "Missing Function Implementation" @type = "Garbage" @desc = "Forgetting to remove a function-definition after having removed it " @desc += "from the .cpp file only leads to cluttered header files. The only " @desc += "case where non-implemented functions should be used is when it is " @desc += "necessary to prevent usage of for instance assignment between " @desc += "instances of a class." @declarations = Array.new @definitions = Array.new end def results @definitions.each do |definition| @declarations.delete_if do |pair| pair.first == definition end end return @declarations.map do |pair| Result.new( self, pair.last.first, pair.last.last ) end end def parse_file(file, lines) if file =~ /\.h$/ then level = 0 tree = Array.new lines.each do |line| level += line.text.count( "{" ) - line.text.count( "}" ) tree.delete_if do |struct| struct.first > level end if line.text !~ /^\s*\/\// and line.text !~ /^\s*#/ and line.text !~ /typedef/ then if line.text =~ /^\s*(class|struct)\s+/ and line.text.count( ";" ) == 0 then cur_level = level; if line.text.count( "{" ) == 0 then cur_level += 1 end name = line.text.scan( /^\s*(class|struct)\s+([^\:{;]+)/ ) if name != [] then name = name.first.last.strip else name = "Unknown at line " + line.number.to_s + " in " + file end tree << [ cur_level, name ] elsif line.text =~ /;\s*$/ and line.text.count( "{" ) == 0 then # No pure virtual functions and no return(blah) calls (which otherwise can fit the requirements) if line.text !~ /=\s*0\s*;\s*$/ and line.text !~ /return/ then re = /^\s*(virtual\s+|static\s+|inline\s+|)\w+(\s+[\*\&]?|[\*\&]\s+)(\w+)\(/.match( line.text ) if re and level > 0 and tree.last then @declarations << [ tree.last.last + "::" + re[ re.length - 1 ], [ file, line ] ] end end end end end else lines.each do |line| if line.text =~ /\b\w+::\w+\s*\([^;]+$/ @definitions << line.text.scan( /\b(\w+::\w+)\s*\([^;]+$/ ).first.first end end end end end # List of enabled filters filterList = Array.new filterList.push CompareAgainstEmptyString.new filterList.push AssignmentToEmptyString.new filterList.push NoIfNDef.new filterList.push ThisDeference.new filterList.push Assert.new filterList.push PassByValue.new filterList.push CStr.new filterList.push IfNotDefined.new filterList.push GPLLicense.new filterList.push Copyright.new filterList.push PartOfAmule.new filterList.push MissingBody.new filterList.push Translation.new filterList.push IfZero.new filterList.push InlinedIfTrue.new filterList.push LoopOnConstant.new filterList.push MissingImplementation.new filterList.push WxFailUsage.new # Sort enabled filters by type and name. The reason why this is done here is # because it's much easier than manually resorting every time I add a filter # or change the name or type of an existing filter. filterList.sort! do |x,y| cmp = x.type <=> y.type if cmp == 0 then x.title <=> y.title else cmp end end def parse_files( path, filters ) filters = filters.dup require "find" Find.find( path ) do |filename| if filename =~ /\.(cpp|h)$/ and not IsFiltered(filename) then File.open(filename, "r") do |aFile| # Read lines and add line-numbers lines = Array.new aFile.each_line do |line| lines.push( Line.new( aFile.lineno, line ) ) end lines.freeze # Check the file against each filter filters.each do |filter| # Process the file with this filter filter.parse_file( filename, lines ) end end end end results = Array.new filters.each do |filter| results += filter.results end results end # Helper-function def get_val( key, list ) if not list.last or list.last.first != key then list << [ key, Array.new ] end list.last.last end def create_result_tree( path, filters ) # Gather the results results = parse_files( path, filters ) # Sort the results by the following sequence of variables: Path -> File -> Filter -> Line results.sort! do |a, b| if (a.file_path <=> b.file_path) == 0 then if (a.file_name <=> b.file_name) == 0 then if (a.type.title <=> b.type.title) == 0 then a.line.number <=> b.line.number else a.type.title <=> b.type.title end else a.file_name <=> b.file_name end else a.file_path <=> b.file_path end end # Create a tree of results: [ Path, [ File, [ Filter, [ Line ] ] ] ] result_tree = Array.new results.each do |result| get_val( result.type, get_val( result.file_name, get_val( result.file_path, result_tree ) ) ) << result end result_tree end def create_filter_tree( filters ) # Change the filterList to a tree: [ Type, [ Filter ] ] filter_tree = Array.new filters.each do |filter| get_val( filter.type, filter_tree ) << filter end filter_tree end # Converts a number to a string and pads with zeros so that length becomes at least 5 def PadNum( number ) num = number.to_s if ( num.size < 5 ) ( "0" * ( 5 - num.size ) ) + num else num end end # Helper-function that escapes some chars to HTML codes def HTMLEsc( str ) str.gsub!( /\&/, "&" ) str.gsub!( /\"/, """ ) str.gsub!( //, ">" ) str.gsub!( /\n/, "
" ) str.gsub( /\t/, " " ) end # Fugly output code goes here # ... Abandon hope, yee who read past here # TODO Enable use of templates. # TODO Abandon hope. def OutputHTML( filters, results ) text = "


" # List the filters filters.each do |filterType| text += "
" filterType.last.each do |filter| text += "

" end text += "
" end text += "



" results.each do |dir| text += "


" dir.last.each do |file| text += "


    " file.last.each do |filter| text += "
  • #{filter.first.title}
      " filter.last.each do |result| if result.line then text += "
    • #{PadNum(result.line.number)}: #{HTMLEsc(result.line.text.strip)}
    • " end end text += "
  • " end text += "
" end text += "

" end text += " " return text; end # Columnizing, using the http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?UsingTestUnit example because I'm lazy # TODO Rewrite it to better support newlines and stuff def Columnize( text, width, indent ) return indent + text.scan(/(.{1,#{width}})(?: |$)/).join("\n#{indent}") end # Fugly output code also goes here, this is a bit more sparse than the HTML stuff def OutputTEXT( filters, results ) # List the filters text = "Filters\n" filters.each do |filterType| text += "\t* #{filterType.first}\n" filterType.last.each do |filter| text += "\t\t- #{filter.title}\n" text += Columnize( filter.desc, 80, "\t\t\t" ) + "\n\n" end end # List the directories text += "\n\nDirectories\n" results.each do |dir| text += "\t#{dir.first}\n" end text += "\n\nResults\n" # To avoid bad readability, I only use fullpaths here instead of sections per dir results.each do |dir| dir.last.each do |file| text += "\t#{dir.first}#{file.first}\n" file.last.each do |filter| text += "\t\t* #{filter.first.title}\n" filter.last.each do |result| if result.line then text += "\t\t\t#{PadNum(result.line.number)}: #{result.line.text.strip}\n" end end end text += "\n" end end return text; end #TODO Improved parameter-handling, add = for the outputing to a file ARGV.each do |param| case param when "--text" then puts OutputTEXT( create_filter_tree( filterList ), create_result_tree( ".", filterList ) ) when "--html" then puts OutputHTML( create_filter_tree( filterList ), create_result_tree( ".", filterList ) ) end end