// // This file is part of the aMule Project. // // Copyright (c) 2003-2011 aMule Team ( admin@amule.org / http://www.amule.org ) // Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Merkur ( devs@emule-project.net / http://www.emule-project.net ) // // Any parts of this program derived from the xMule, lMule or eMule project, // or contributed by third-party developers are copyrighted by their // respective authors. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // #include "amule.h" // Interface declarations. #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" // Needed for HAVE_GETRLIMIT, HAVE_SETRLIMIT, // HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H, HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H, VERSION // and ENABLE_NLS #endif #include #include // Needed for wxCmdLineParser #include // Do_not_auto_remove (win32) #include #include #include #include // Needed for CFormat #include "kademlia/kademlia/Kademlia.h" #include "kademlia/kademlia/Prefs.h" #include "kademlia/kademlia/UDPFirewallTester.h" #include "CanceledFileList.h" #include "ClientCreditsList.h" // Needed for CClientCreditsList #include "ClientList.h" // Needed for CClientList #include "ClientUDPSocket.h" // Needed for CClientUDPSocket & CMuleUDPSocket #include "ExternalConn.h" // Needed for ExternalConn & MuleConnection #include // Needed for CDirIterator #include "FriendList.h" // Needed for CFriendList #include "HTTPDownload.h" // Needed for CHTTPDownloadThread #include "InternalEvents.h" // Needed for CMuleInternalEvent #include "IPFilter.h" // Needed for CIPFilter #include "KnownFileList.h" // Needed for CKnownFileList #include "ListenSocket.h" // Needed for CListenSocket #include "Logger.h" // Needed for CLogger // Do_not_auto_remove #include "MagnetURI.h" // Needed for CMagnetURI #include "OtherFunctions.h" #include "PartFile.h" // Needed for CPartFile #include "PlatformSpecific.h" // Needed for PlatformSpecific::AllowSleepMode(); #include "Preferences.h" // Needed for CPreferences #include "SearchList.h" // Needed for CSearchList #include "Server.h" // Needed for GetListName #include "ServerList.h" // Needed for CServerList #include "ServerConnect.h" // Needed for CServerConnect #include "ServerUDPSocket.h" // Needed for CServerUDPSocket #include "Statistics.h" // Needed for CStatistics #include "TerminationProcessAmuleweb.h" // Needed for CTerminationProcessAmuleweb #include "ThreadTasks.h" #include "UploadQueue.h" // Needed for CUploadQueue #include "UploadBandwidthThrottler.h" #include "UserEvents.h" #include "ScopedPtr.h" #ifdef ENABLE_UPNP #include "UPnPBase.h" // Needed for UPnP #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include // Do_not_auto_remove #endif #ifndef AMULE_DAEMON #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include // Do_not_auto_remove #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0) #include // Do_not_auto_remove #else #include // Do_not_auto_remove #endif #endif #include #include "amuleDlg.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H #include // Do_not_auto_remove #endif #ifdef __GLIBC__ # define RLIMIT_RESOURCE __rlimit_resource #else # define RLIMIT_RESOURCE int #endif #ifdef AMULE_DAEMON CamuleDaemonApp *theApp; #else CamuleGuiApp *theApp; #endif static void UnlimitResource(RLIMIT_RESOURCE resType) { #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) struct rlimit rl; getrlimit(resType, &rl); rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max; setrlimit(resType, &rl); #endif } static void SetResourceLimits() { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H UnlimitResource(RLIMIT_DATA); #ifndef __UCLIBC__ UnlimitResource(RLIMIT_FSIZE); #endif UnlimitResource(RLIMIT_NOFILE); #ifdef RLIMIT_RSS UnlimitResource(RLIMIT_RSS); #endif #endif } // We store the received signal in order to avoid race-conditions // in the signal handler. bool g_shutdownSignal = false; void OnShutdownSignal( int /* sig */ ) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); g_shutdownSignal = true; #ifdef AMULE_DAEMON theApp->ExitMainLoop(); #endif } CamuleApp::CamuleApp() { // Madcat - Initialize timer as the VERY FIRST thing to avoid any issues later. // Kry - I love to init the vars on init, even before timer. StartTickTimer(); // Initialization m_app_state = APP_STATE_STARTING; theApp = &wxGetApp(); clientlist = NULL; searchlist = NULL; knownfiles = NULL; canceledfiles = NULL; serverlist = NULL; serverconnect = NULL; sharedfiles = NULL; listensocket = NULL; clientudp = NULL; clientcredits = NULL; friendlist = NULL; downloadqueue = NULL; uploadqueue = NULL; ipfilter = NULL; ECServerHandler = NULL; glob_prefs = NULL; m_statistics = NULL; uploadBandwidthThrottler = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_UPNP m_upnp = NULL; m_upnpMappings.resize(4); #endif core_timer = NULL; m_localip = 0; m_dwPublicIP = 0; webserver_pid = 0; enable_daemon_fork = false; strFullMuleVersion = NULL; strOSDescription = NULL; // Apprently needed for *BSD SetResourceLimits(); #ifdef _MSC_VER _CrtSetDbgFlag(0); // Disable useless memleak debugging #endif } CamuleApp::~CamuleApp() { // Closing the log-file as the very last thing, since // wxWidgets log-events are saved in it as well. theLogger.CloseLogfile(); if (strFullMuleVersion) { free(strFullMuleVersion); } if (strOSDescription) { free(strOSDescription); } } int CamuleApp::OnExit() { if (m_app_state!=APP_STATE_STARTING) { AddLogLineNS(_("Now, exiting main app...")); } // From wxWidgets docs, wxConfigBase: // ... // Note that you must delete this object (usually in wxApp::OnExit) // in order to avoid memory leaks, wxWidgets won't do it automatically. // // As it happens, you may even further simplify the procedure described // above: you may forget about calling Set(). When Get() is called and // there is no current object, it will create one using Create() function. // To disable this behaviour DontCreateOnDemand() is provided. delete wxConfigBase::Set((wxConfigBase *)NULL); // Save credits clientcredits->SaveList(); // Kill amuleweb if running if (webserver_pid) { AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Terminating amuleweb instance with pid '%ld' ... ")) % webserver_pid); wxKillError rc; if (wxKill(webserver_pid, wxSIGTERM, &rc) == -1) { AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Killing amuleweb instance with pid '%ld' ... ")) % webserver_pid); if (wxKill(webserver_pid, wxSIGKILL, &rc) == -1) { AddLogLineNS(_("Failed")); } } } if (m_app_state!=APP_STATE_STARTING) { AddLogLineNS(_("aMule OnExit: Terminating core.")); } delete serverlist; serverlist = NULL; delete searchlist; searchlist = NULL; delete clientcredits; clientcredits = NULL; delete friendlist; friendlist = NULL; // Destroying CDownloadQueue calls destructor for CPartFile // calling CSharedFileList::SafeAddKFile occasionally. delete sharedfiles; sharedfiles = NULL; delete serverconnect; serverconnect = NULL; delete listensocket; listensocket = NULL; delete clientudp; clientudp = NULL; delete knownfiles; knownfiles = NULL; delete canceledfiles; canceledfiles = NULL; delete clientlist; clientlist = NULL; delete uploadqueue; uploadqueue = NULL; delete downloadqueue; downloadqueue = NULL; delete ipfilter; ipfilter = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_UPNP delete m_upnp; m_upnp = NULL; #endif delete ECServerHandler; ECServerHandler = NULL; delete m_statistics; m_statistics = NULL; delete glob_prefs; glob_prefs = NULL; CPreferences::EraseItemList(); delete uploadBandwidthThrottler; uploadBandwidthThrottler = NULL; if (m_app_state!=APP_STATE_STARTING) { AddLogLineNS(_("aMule shutdown completed.")); } #if wxUSE_MEMORY_TRACING AddLogLineNS(_("Memory debug results for aMule exit:")); // Log mem debug mesages to wxLogStderr wxLog* oldLog = wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr); //AddLogLineNS(wxT("**************Classes**************"); //wxDebugContext::PrintClasses(); //AddLogLineNS(wxT("***************Dump***************"); //wxDebugContext::Dump(); AddLogLineNS(wxT("***************Stats**************")); wxDebugContext::PrintStatistics(true); // Set back to wxLogGui delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(oldLog); #endif StopTickTimer(); // Return 0 for succesful program termination return AMULE_APP_BASE::OnExit(); } int CamuleApp::InitGui(bool, wxString &) { return 0; } // // Application initialization // bool CamuleApp::OnInit() { #if wxUSE_MEMORY_TRACING // any text before call of Localize_mule needs not to be translated. AddLogLineNS(wxT("Checkpoint set on app init for memory debug")); // debug output wxDebugContext::SetCheckpoint(); #endif // Forward wxLog events to CLogger wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new CLoggerTarget); m_localip = StringHosttoUint32(::wxGetFullHostName()); #ifndef __WXMSW__ // get rid of sigpipe signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #else // Handle CTRL-Break signal(SIGBREAK, OnShutdownSignal); #endif // Handle sigint and sigterm signal(SIGINT, OnShutdownSignal); signal(SIGTERM, OnShutdownSignal); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // For listctrl's to behave on Mac wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxT("mac.listctrl.always_use_generic"), 1); #endif // Handle uncaught exceptions InstallMuleExceptionHandler(); if (!InitCommon(AMULE_APP_BASE::argc, AMULE_APP_BASE::argv)) { return false; } glob_prefs = new CPreferences(); CPath outDir; if (CheckMuleDirectory(wxT("temp"), thePrefs::GetTempDir(), ConfigDir + wxT("Temp"), outDir)) { thePrefs::SetTempDir(outDir); } else { return false; } if (CheckMuleDirectory(wxT("incoming"), thePrefs::GetIncomingDir(), ConfigDir + wxT("Incoming"), outDir)) { thePrefs::SetIncomingDir(outDir); } else { return false; } // Some sanity check if (!thePrefs::UseTrayIcon()) { thePrefs::SetMinToTray(false); } // Build the filenames for the two OS files SetOSFiles(thePrefs::GetOSDir().GetRaw()); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS // Load localization settings Localize_mule(); #endif // Configure EC for amuled when invoked with ec-config if (ec_config) { AddLogLineNS(_("\nEC configuration")); thePrefs::SetECPass(GetPassword()); thePrefs::EnableExternalConnections(true); AddLogLineNS(_("Password set and external connections enabled.")); } #ifndef __WXMSW__ if (getuid() == 0) { wxString msg = wxT("Warning! You are running aMule as root.\n") wxT("Doing so is not recommended for security reasons,\n") wxT("and you are advised to run aMule as an normal\n") wxT("user instead."); ShowAlert(msg, _("WARNING"), wxCENTRE | wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); fprintf(stderr, "\n--------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s", (const char*)unicode2UTF8(msg)); fprintf(stderr, "\n--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } #endif // Display notification on new version or first run wxTextFile vfile( ConfigDir + wxT("lastversion") ); wxString newMule(wxT( VERSION )); if ( !wxFileExists( vfile.GetName() ) ) { vfile.Create(); } if ( vfile.Open() ) { // Check if this version has been run before bool found = false; for ( size_t i = 0; i < vfile.GetLineCount(); i++ ) { // Check if this version has been run before if ( vfile.GetLine(i) == newMule ) { found = true; break; } } // We havent run this version before? if ( !found ) { // Insert new at top to provide faster searches vfile.InsertLine( newMule, 0 ); Trigger_New_version( newMule ); } // Keep at most 10 entires while ( vfile.GetLineCount() > 10 ) vfile.RemoveLine( vfile.GetLineCount() - 1 ); vfile.Write(); vfile.Close(); } // Check if we have the old style locale config wxString langId = thePrefs::GetLanguageID(); if (!langId.IsEmpty() && (langId.GetChar(0) >= '0' && langId.GetChar(0) <= '9')) { wxString info(_("Your locale has been changed to System Default due to a configuration change. Sorry.")); thePrefs::SetLanguageID(wxLang2Str(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT)); ShowAlert(info, _("Info"), wxCENTRE | wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } m_statistics = new CStatistics(); clientlist = new CClientList(); friendlist = new CFriendList(); searchlist = new CSearchList(); knownfiles = new CKnownFileList(); canceledfiles = new CCanceledFileList; serverlist = new CServerList(); sharedfiles = new CSharedFileList(knownfiles); clientcredits = new CClientCreditsList(); // bugfix - do this before creating the uploadqueue downloadqueue = new CDownloadQueue(); uploadqueue = new CUploadQueue(); ipfilter = new CIPFilter(); // Creates all needed listening sockets wxString msg; if (!ReinitializeNetwork(&msg)) { AddLogLineNS(wxT("\n")); AddLogLineNS(msg); } // Test if there's any new version if (thePrefs::GetCheckNewVersion()) { // We use the thread base because I don't want a dialog to pop up. CHTTPDownloadThread* version_check = new CHTTPDownloadThread(wxT("http://amule.sourceforge.net/lastversion"), theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("last_version_check"), theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("last_version"), HTTP_VersionCheck, false, false); version_check->Create(); version_check->Run(); } // Create main dialog, or fork to background (daemon). InitGui(m_geometryEnabled, m_geometryString); #ifdef AMULE_DAEMON // Need to refresh wxSingleInstanceChecker after the daemon fork() ! if (enable_daemon_fork) { RefreshSingleInstanceChecker(); // No need to check IsAnotherRunning() - we've done it before. } #endif // Has to be created after the call to InitGui, as fork // (when using posix threads) only replicates the mainthread, // and the UBT constructor creates a thread. uploadBandwidthThrottler = new UploadBandwidthThrottler(); // Start performing background tasks // This will start loading the IP filter. It will start right away. // Log is confusing, because log entries from background will only be printed // once foreground becomes idle, and that will only be after loading // of the partfiles has finished. CThreadScheduler::Start(); // These must be initialized after the gui is loaded. if (thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K()) { serverlist->Init(); } downloadqueue->LoadMetFiles(thePrefs::GetTempDir()); sharedfiles->Reload(); // Ensure that the up/down ratio is used CPreferences::CheckUlDlRatio(); // Load saved friendlist (now, so it can update in GUI right away) friendlist->LoadList(); // The user can start pressing buttons like mad if he feels like it. m_app_state = APP_STATE_RUNNING; if (!serverlist->GetServerCount() && thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K()) { // There are no servers and ED2K active -> ask for download. // As we cannot ask in amuled, we just update there // Kry TODO: Store server.met URL on preferences and use it here and in GUI. #ifndef AMULE_DAEMON if (wxYES == wxMessageBox( wxString( _("You don't have any server in the server list.\nDo you want aMule to download a new list now?")), wxString(_("Server list download")), wxYES_NO, static_cast(theApp->amuledlg))) #endif { // workaround amuled crash #ifndef AMULE_DAEMON serverlist->UpdateServerMetFromURL( wxT("http://gruk.org/server.met.gz")); #endif } } // Autoconnect if that option is enabled if (thePrefs::DoAutoConnect()) { // IP filter is still loading and will be finished on event. // Tell it to autoconnect. if (thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K()) { ipfilter->ConnectToAnyServerWhenReady(); } if (thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) { ipfilter->StartKADWhenReady(); } } // Enable GeoIP #ifdef ENABLE_IP2COUNTRY theApp->amuledlg->EnableIP2Country(); #endif // Run webserver? if (thePrefs::GetWSIsEnabled()) { wxString aMuleConfigFile = ConfigDir + m_configFile; wxString amulewebPath = thePrefs::GetWSPath(); #if defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(AMULE_DAEMON) // For the Mac GUI application, look for amuleweb in the bundle CFURLRef amulewebUrl = CFBundleCopyAuxiliaryExecutableURL( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("amuleweb")); if (amulewebUrl) { CFURLRef absoluteUrl = CFURLCopyAbsoluteURL(amulewebUrl); CFRelease(amulewebUrl); if (absoluteUrl) { CFStringRef amulewebCfstr = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(absoluteUrl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFRelease(absoluteUrl); #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0) amulewebPath = wxCFStringRef(amulewebCfstr).AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); #else amulewebPath = wxMacCFStringHolder(amulewebCfstr).AsString(wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding()); #endif } } #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ # define QUOTE wxT("\"") #else # define QUOTE wxT("\'") #endif wxString cmd = QUOTE + amulewebPath + QUOTE wxT(" ") QUOTE wxT("--amule-config-file=") + aMuleConfigFile + QUOTE; CTerminationProcessAmuleweb *p = new CTerminationProcessAmuleweb(cmd, &webserver_pid); webserver_pid = wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC, p); bool webserver_ok = webserver_pid > 0; if (webserver_ok) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("web server running on pid %d")) % webserver_pid); } else { delete p; ShowAlert(_( "You requested to run web server on startup, but the amuleweb binary cannot be run. Please install the package containing aMule web server, or compile aMule using --enable-webserver and run make install"), _("ERROR"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } } return true; } bool CamuleApp::ReinitializeNetwork(wxString* msg) { bool ok = true; static bool firstTime = true; if (!firstTime) { // TODO: Destroy previously created sockets } firstTime = false; // Some sanity checks first if (thePrefs::ECPort() == thePrefs::GetPort()) { // Select a random usable port in the range 1025 ... 2^16 - 1 uint16 port = thePrefs::ECPort(); while ( port < 1024 || port == thePrefs::GetPort() ) { port = (uint16)rand(); } thePrefs::SetECPort( port ); wxString err = wxT("Network configuration failed! You cannot use the same port\n") wxT("for the main TCP port and the External Connections port.\n") wxT("The EC port has been changed to avoid conflict, see the\n") wxT("preferences for the new value.\n"); *msg << err; AddLogLineN(wxEmptyString ); AddLogLineC(err ); AddLogLineN(wxEmptyString ); ok = false; } if (thePrefs::GetUDPPort() == thePrefs::GetPort() + 3) { // Select a random usable value in the range 1025 ... 2^16 - 1 uint16 port = thePrefs::GetUDPPort(); while ( port < 1024 || port == thePrefs::GetPort() + 3 ) { port = (uint16)rand(); } thePrefs::SetUDPPort( port ); wxString err = wxT("Network configuration failed! You set your UDP port to\n") wxT("the value of the main TCP port plus 3.\n") wxT("This port has been reserved for the Server-UDP port. The\n") wxT("port value has been changed to avoid conflict, see the\n") wxT("preferences for the new value\n"); *msg << err; AddLogLineN(wxEmptyString ); AddLogLineC(err ); AddLogLineN(wxEmptyString ); ok = false; } // Create the address where we are going to listen // TODO: read this from configuration file amuleIPV4Address myaddr[4]; // Create the External Connections Socket. // Default is 4712. // Get ready to handle connections from apps like amulecmd if (thePrefs::GetECAddress().IsEmpty() || !myaddr[0].Hostname(thePrefs::GetECAddress())) { myaddr[0].AnyAddress(); } myaddr[0].Service(thePrefs::ECPort()); ECServerHandler = new ExternalConn(myaddr[0], msg); // Create the UDP socket TCP+3. // Used for source asking on servers. if (thePrefs::GetAddress().IsEmpty()) { myaddr[1].AnyAddress(); } else if (!myaddr[1].Hostname(thePrefs::GetAddress())) { myaddr[1].AnyAddress(); AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Could not bind ports to the specified address: %s")) % thePrefs::GetAddress()); } wxString ip = myaddr[1].IPAddress(); myaddr[1].Service(thePrefs::GetPort()+3); serverconnect = new CServerConnect(serverlist, myaddr[1]); *msg << CFormat( wxT("*** Server UDP socket (TCP+3) at %s:%u\n") ) % ip % ((unsigned int)thePrefs::GetPort() + 3u); // Create the ListenSocket (aMule TCP socket). // Used for Client Port / Connections from other clients, // Client to Client Source Exchange. // Default is 4662. myaddr[2] = myaddr[1]; myaddr[2].Service(thePrefs::GetPort()); listensocket = new CListenSocket(myaddr[2]); *msg << CFormat( wxT("*** TCP socket (TCP) listening on %s:%u\n") ) % ip % (unsigned int)(thePrefs::GetPort()); // This command just sets a flag to control maximum number of connections. // Notify(true) has already been called to the ListenSocket, so events may // be already comming in. if (listensocket->Ok()) { listensocket->StartListening(); } else { // If we wern't able to start listening, we need to warn the user wxString err; err = CFormat(_("Port %u is not available. You will be LOWID\n")) % (unsigned int)(thePrefs::GetPort()); *msg << err; AddLogLineC(err); err.Clear(); err = CFormat( _("Port %u is not available!\n\nThis means that you will be LOWID.\n\nCheck your network to make sure the port is open for output and input.")) % (unsigned int)(thePrefs::GetPort()); ShowAlert(err, _("ERROR"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } // Create the UDP socket. // Used for extended eMule protocol, Queue Rating, File Reask Ping. // Also used for Kademlia. // Default is port 4672. myaddr[3] = myaddr[1]; myaddr[3].Service(thePrefs::GetUDPPort()); clientudp = new CClientUDPSocket(myaddr[3], thePrefs::GetProxyData()); if (!thePrefs::IsUDPDisabled()) { *msg << CFormat( wxT("*** Client UDP socket (extended eMule) at %s:%u") ) % ip % thePrefs::GetUDPPort(); } else { *msg << wxT("*** Client UDP socket (extended eMule) disabled on preferences"); } #ifdef ENABLE_UPNP if (thePrefs::GetUPnPEnabled()) { try { m_upnpMappings[0] = CUPnPPortMapping( myaddr[0].Service(), "TCP", thePrefs::GetUPnPECEnabled(), "aMule TCP External Connections Socket"); m_upnpMappings[1] = CUPnPPortMapping( myaddr[1].Service(), "UDP", thePrefs::GetUPnPEnabled(), "aMule UDP socket (TCP+3)"); m_upnpMappings[2] = CUPnPPortMapping( myaddr[2].Service(), "TCP", thePrefs::GetUPnPEnabled(), "aMule TCP Listen Socket"); m_upnpMappings[3] = CUPnPPortMapping( myaddr[3].Service(), "UDP", thePrefs::GetUPnPEnabled(), "aMule UDP Extended eMule Socket"); m_upnp = new CUPnPControlPoint(thePrefs::GetUPnPTCPPort()); m_upnp->AddPortMappings(m_upnpMappings); } catch(CUPnPException &e) { wxString error_msg; error_msg << e.what(); AddLogLineC(error_msg); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", (const char *)unicode2char(error_msg)); } } #endif return ok; } /* Original implementation by Bouc7 of the eMule Project. aMule Signature idea was designed by BigBob and implemented by Un-Thesis, with design inputs and suggestions from bothie. */ void CamuleApp::OnlineSig(bool zero /* reset stats (used on shutdown) */) { // Do not do anything if online signature is disabled in Preferences if (!thePrefs::IsOnlineSignatureEnabled() || m_emulesig_path.IsEmpty()) { // We do not need to check m_amulesig_path because if m_emulesig_path is empty, // that means m_amulesig_path is empty too. return; } // Remove old signature files if ( wxFileExists( m_emulesig_path ) ) { wxRemoveFile( m_emulesig_path ); } if ( wxFileExists( m_amulesig_path ) ) { wxRemoveFile( m_amulesig_path ); } wxTextFile amulesig_out; wxTextFile emulesig_out; // Open both files if needed if ( !emulesig_out.Create( m_emulesig_path) ) { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to create OnlineSig File")); // Will never try again. m_amulesig_path.Clear(); m_emulesig_path.Clear(); return; } if ( !amulesig_out.Create(m_amulesig_path) ) { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to create aMule OnlineSig File")); // Will never try again. m_amulesig_path.Clear(); m_emulesig_path.Clear(); return; } wxString emulesig_string; wxString temp; if (zero) { emulesig_string = wxT("0\xA0.0|0.0|0"); amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0.0\n0.0\n0\n0")); } else { if (IsConnectedED2K()) { temp = CFormat(wxT("%d")) % serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetPort(); // We are online emulesig_string = // Connected wxT("1|") //Server name + serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetListName() + wxT("|") // IP and port of the server + serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetFullIP() + wxT("|") + temp; // Now for amule sig // Connected. State 1, full info amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("1")); // Server Name amulesig_out.AddLine(serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetListName()); // Server IP amulesig_out.AddLine(serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetFullIP()); // Server Port amulesig_out.AddLine(temp); if (serverconnect->IsLowID()) { amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("L")); } else { amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("H")); } } else if (serverconnect->IsConnecting()) { emulesig_string = wxT("0"); // Connecting. State 2, No info. amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("2\n0\n0\n0\n0")); } else { // Not connected to a server emulesig_string = wxT("0"); // Not connected, state 0, no info amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0\n0\n0\n0\n0")); } if (IsConnectedKad()) { if(Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled()) { // Connected. Firewalled. State 1. amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("1")); } else { // Connected. State 2. amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("2")); } } else { // Not connected.State 0. amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0")); } emulesig_string += wxT("\xA"); // Datarate for downloads temp = CFormat(wxT("%.1f")) % (theStats::GetDownloadRate() / 1024.0); emulesig_string += temp + wxT("|"); amulesig_out.AddLine(temp); // Datarate for uploads temp = CFormat(wxT("%.1f")) % (theStats::GetUploadRate() / 1024.0); emulesig_string += temp + wxT("|"); amulesig_out.AddLine(temp); // Number of users waiting for upload temp = CFormat(wxT("%d")) % theStats::GetWaitingUserCount(); emulesig_string += temp; amulesig_out.AddLine(temp); // Number of shared files (not on eMule) amulesig_out.AddLine(CFormat(wxT("%d")) % theStats::GetSharedFileCount()); } // eMule signature finished here. Write the line to the wxTextFile. emulesig_out.AddLine(emulesig_string); // Now for aMule signature extras // Nick on the network amulesig_out.AddLine(thePrefs::GetUserNick()); // Total received in bytes amulesig_out.AddLine(CFormat(wxT("%llu")) % theStats::GetTotalReceivedBytes()); // Total sent in bytes amulesig_out.AddLine(CFormat(wxT("%llu")) % theStats::GetTotalSentBytes()); // amule version #ifdef SVNDATE amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT(VERSION) wxT(" ") wxT(SVNDATE)); #else amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT(VERSION)); #endif if (zero) { amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0")); amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0")); amulesig_out.AddLine(wxT("0")); } else { // Total received bytes in session amulesig_out.AddLine( CFormat( wxT("%llu") ) % theStats::GetSessionReceivedBytes() ); // Total sent bytes in session amulesig_out.AddLine( CFormat( wxT("%llu") ) % theStats::GetSessionSentBytes() ); // Uptime amulesig_out.AddLine(CFormat(wxT("%llu")) % theStats::GetUptimeSeconds()); } // Flush the files emulesig_out.Write(); amulesig_out.Write(); } //End Added By Bouc7 #if wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION // Gracefully handle fatal exceptions and print backtrace if possible void CamuleApp::OnFatalException() { /* Print the backtrace */ fprintf(stderr, "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "A fatal error has occurred and aMule has crashed.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please assist us in fixing this problem by posting the backtrace below in our\n"); fprintf(stderr, "'aMule Crashes' forum and include as much information as possible regarding the\n"); fprintf(stderr, "circumstances of this crash. The forum is located here:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " http://forum.amule.org/index.php?board=67.0\n"); fprintf(stderr, "If possible, please try to generate a real backtrace of this crash:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " http://wiki.amule.org/index.php/Backtraces\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "----------------------------=| BACKTRACE FOLLOWS: |=----------------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Current version is: %s\n", strFullMuleVersion); fprintf(stderr, "Running on: %s\n\n", strOSDescription); print_backtrace(1); // 1 == skip this function. fprintf(stderr, "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } #endif // Sets the localization of aMule void CamuleApp::Localize_mule() { InitCustomLanguages(); InitLocale(m_locale, StrLang2wx(thePrefs::GetLanguageID())); if (!m_locale.IsOk()) { AddLogLineN(_("The selected locale seems not to be installed on your box. (Note: I'll try to set it anyway)")); } } // Displays information related to important changes in aMule. // Is called when the user runs a new version of aMule void CamuleApp::Trigger_New_version(wxString new_version) { wxString info = wxT(" --- ") + CFormat(_("This is the first time you run aMule %s")) % new_version + wxT(" ---\n\n"); if (new_version == wxT("SVN")) { info += _("This version is a testing version, updated daily, and\n"); info += _("we give no warranty it won't break anything, burn your house,\n"); info += _("or kill your dog. But it *should* be safe to use anyway.\n"); } // General info info += wxT("\n"); info += _("More information, support and new releases can found at our homepage,\n"); info += _("at www.aMule.org, or in our IRC channel #aMule at irc.freenode.net.\n"); info += wxT("\n"); info += _("Feel free to report any bugs to http://forum.amule.org"); ShowAlert(info, _("Info"), wxCENTRE | wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } void CamuleApp::SetOSFiles(const wxString new_path) { if ( thePrefs::IsOnlineSignatureEnabled() ) { if ( ::wxDirExists(new_path) ) { m_emulesig_path = JoinPaths(new_path, wxT("onlinesig.dat")); m_amulesig_path = JoinPaths(new_path, wxT("amulesig.dat")); } else { ShowAlert(_("The folder for Online Signature files you specified is INVALID!\n OnlineSignature will be DISABLED until you fix it on preferences."), _("ERROR"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); m_emulesig_path.Clear(); m_amulesig_path.Clear(); } } else { m_emulesig_path.Clear(); m_amulesig_path.Clear(); } } #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ #ifndef wxUSE_STACKWALKER #define wxUSE_STACKWALKER 0 #endif void CamuleApp::OnAssertFailure(const wxChar* file, int line, const wxChar* func, const wxChar* cond, const wxChar* msg) { if (!wxUSE_STACKWALKER || !wxThread::IsMain() || !IsRunning()) { wxString errmsg = CFormat( wxT("%s:%s:%d: Assertion '%s' failed. %s") ) % file % func % line % cond % ( msg ? msg : wxT("") ); fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: %s\n", (const char*)unicode2char(errmsg)); // Skip the function-calls directly related to the assert call. fprintf(stderr, "\nBacktrace follows:\n"); print_backtrace(3); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (wxThread::IsMain() && IsRunning()) { AMULE_APP_BASE::OnAssertFailure(file, line, func, cond, msg); } else { // Abort, allows gdb to catch the assertion raise( SIGABRT ); } } #endif void CamuleApp::OnUDPDnsDone(CMuleInternalEvent& evt) { CServerUDPSocket* socket =(CServerUDPSocket*)evt.GetClientData(); socket->OnHostnameResolved(evt.GetExtraLong()); } void CamuleApp::OnSourceDnsDone(CMuleInternalEvent& evt) { downloadqueue->OnHostnameResolved(evt.GetExtraLong()); } void CamuleApp::OnServerDnsDone(CMuleInternalEvent& evt) { AddLogLineNS(_("Server hostname notified")); serverconnect->OnServerHostnameResolved(evt.GetClientData(), evt.GetExtraLong()); } void CamuleApp::OnTCPTimer(CTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { if(!IsRunning()) { return; } serverconnect->StopConnectionTry(); if (IsConnectedED2K() ) { return; } serverconnect->ConnectToAnyServer(); } void CamuleApp::OnCoreTimer(CTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { // Former TimerProc section static uint64 msPrev1, msPrev5, msPrevSave, msPrevHist, msPrevOS, msPrevKnownMet; uint64 msCur = theStats::GetUptimeMillis(); TheTime = msCur / 1000; if (!IsRunning()) { return; } #ifndef AMULE_DAEMON // Check if we should terminate the app if ( g_shutdownSignal ) { wxWindow* top = GetTopWindow(); if ( top ) { top->Close(true); } else { // No top-window, have to force termination. wxExit(); } } #endif // There is a theoretical chance that the core time function can recurse: // if an event function gets blocked on a mutex (communicating with the // UploadBandwidthThrottler) wx spawns a new event loop and processes more events. // If CPU load gets high a new core timer event could be generated before the last // one was finished and so recursion could occur, which would be bad. // Detect this and do an early return then. static bool recurse = false; if (recurse) { return; } recurse = true; uploadqueue->Process(); downloadqueue->Process(); //theApp->clientcredits->Process(); theStats::CalculateRates(); if (msCur-msPrevHist > 1000) { // unlike the other loop counters in this function this one will sometimes // produce two calls in quick succession (if there was a gap of more than one // second between calls to TimerProc) - this is intentional! This way the // history list keeps an average of one node per second and gets thinned out // correctly as time progresses. msPrevHist += 1000; m_statistics->RecordHistory(); } if (msCur-msPrev1 > 1000) { // approximately every second msPrev1 = msCur; clientcredits->Process(); clientlist->Process(); // Publish files to server if needed. sharedfiles->Process(); if( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning() ) { Kademlia::CKademlia::Process(); if(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->HasLostConnection()) { StopKad(); clientudp->Close(); clientudp->Open(); if (thePrefs::Reconnect()) { StartKad(); } } } if( serverconnect->IsConnecting() && !serverconnect->IsSingleConnect() ) { serverconnect->TryAnotherConnectionrequest(); } if (serverconnect->IsConnecting()) { serverconnect->CheckForTimeout(); } listensocket->UpdateConnectionsStatus(); } if (msCur-msPrev5 > 5000) { // every 5 seconds msPrev5 = msCur; listensocket->Process(); } if (msCur-msPrevSave >= 60000) { msPrevSave = msCur; theStats::Save(); } // Special if (msCur - msPrevOS >= thePrefs::GetOSUpdate() * 1000ull) { OnlineSig(); // Added By Bouc7 msPrevOS = msCur; } if (msCur - msPrevKnownMet >= 30*60*1000/*There must be a prefs option for this*/) { // Save Shared Files data knownfiles->Save(); msPrevKnownMet = msCur; } // Recomended by lugdunummaster himself - from emule 0.30c serverconnect->KeepConnectionAlive(); // Disarm recursion protection recurse = false; } void CamuleApp::OnFinishedHashing(CHashingEvent& evt) { wxCHECK_RET(evt.GetResult(), wxT("No result of hashing")); CKnownFile* owner = const_cast(evt.GetOwner()); CKnownFile* result = evt.GetResult(); if (owner) { // Check if the partfile still exists, as it might have // been deleted in the mean time. if (downloadqueue->IsPartFile(owner)) { // This cast must not be done before the IsPartFile // call, as dynamic_cast will barf on dangling pointers. dynamic_cast(owner)->PartFileHashFinished(result); } } else { static uint64 bytecount = 0; if (knownfiles->SafeAddKFile(result, true)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Safe adding file to sharedlist: %s")) % result->GetFileName()); sharedfiles->SafeAddKFile(result); bytecount += result->GetFileSize(); // If we have added files with a total size of ~300mb if (bytecount >= 314572800) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, wxT("Failsafe for crash on file hashing creation")); if ( m_app_state != APP_STATE_SHUTTINGDOWN ) { knownfiles->Save(); bytecount = 0; } } } else { AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("File not added to sharedlist: %s")) % result->GetFileName()); delete result; } } } void CamuleApp::OnFinishedAICHHashing(CHashingEvent& evt) { wxCHECK_RET(evt.GetResult(), wxT("No result of AICH-hashing")); CKnownFile* owner = const_cast(evt.GetOwner()); CScopedPtr result(evt.GetResult()); if (result->GetAICHHashset()->GetStatus() == AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) { CAICHHashSet* oldSet = owner->GetAICHHashset(); CAICHHashSet* newSet = result->GetAICHHashset(); owner->SetAICHHashset(newSet); newSet->SetOwner(owner); result->SetAICHHashset(oldSet); oldSet->SetOwner(result.get()); } } void CamuleApp::OnFinishedCompletion(CCompletionEvent& evt) { CPartFile* completed = const_cast(evt.GetOwner()); wxCHECK_RET(completed, wxT("Completion event sent for unspecified file")); wxASSERT_MSG(downloadqueue->IsPartFile(completed), wxT("CCompletionEvent for unknown partfile.")); completed->CompleteFileEnded(evt.ErrorOccured(), evt.GetFullPath()); if (evt.ErrorOccured()) { CUserEvents::ProcessEvent(CUserEvents::ErrorOnCompletion, completed); } // Check if we should execute an script/app/whatever. CUserEvents::ProcessEvent(CUserEvents::DownloadCompleted, completed); } void CamuleApp::OnFinishedAllocation(CAllocFinishedEvent& evt) { CPartFile *file = evt.GetFile(); wxCHECK_RET(file, wxT("Allocation finished event sent for unspecified file")); wxASSERT_MSG(downloadqueue->IsPartFile(file), wxT("CAllocFinishedEvent for unknown partfile")); file->SetStatus(PS_EMPTY); if (evt.Succeeded()) { if (evt.IsPaused()) { file->StopFile(); } else { file->ResumeFile(); } } else { AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Disk space preallocation for file '%s' failed: %s")) % file->GetFileName() % wxString(UTF82unicode(std::strerror(evt.GetResult())))); file->StopFile(); } file->AllocationFinished(); }; void CamuleApp::OnNotifyEvent(CMuleGUIEvent& evt) { #ifdef AMULE_DAEMON evt.Notify(); #else if (theApp->amuledlg) { evt.Notify(); } #endif } void CamuleApp::ShutDown() { // Just in case PlatformSpecific::AllowSleepMode(); // Log AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("CamuleApp::ShutDown() has started.")); // Signal the hashing thread to terminate m_app_state = APP_STATE_SHUTTINGDOWN; StopKad(); // Kry - Save the sources seeds on app exit if (thePrefs::GetSrcSeedsOn()) { downloadqueue->SaveSourceSeeds(); } OnlineSig(true); // Added By Bouc7 // Exit HTTP downloads CHTTPDownloadThread::StopAll(); // Exit thread scheduler and upload thread CThreadScheduler::Terminate(); AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("Terminate upload thread.")); uploadBandwidthThrottler->EndThread(); // Close sockets to avoid new clients coming in if (listensocket) { listensocket->Close(); listensocket->KillAllSockets(); } if (serverconnect) { serverconnect->Disconnect(); } ECServerHandler->KillAllSockets(); #ifdef ENABLE_UPNP if (thePrefs::GetUPnPEnabled()) { if (m_upnp) { m_upnp->DeletePortMappings(m_upnpMappings); } } #endif // saving data & stuff if (knownfiles) { knownfiles->Save(); } theStats::Save(); CPath configFileName = CPath(ConfigDir + m_configFile); CPath::BackupFile(configFileName, wxT(".bak")); if (clientlist) { clientlist->DeleteAll(); } // Log AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxT("CamuleApp::ShutDown() has ended.")); } bool CamuleApp::AddServer(CServer *srv, bool fromUser) { if ( serverlist->AddServer(srv, fromUser) ) { Notify_ServerAdd(srv); return true; } return false; } uint32 CamuleApp::GetPublicIP(bool ignorelocal) const { if (m_dwPublicIP == 0) { if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() && Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIPAddress() ) { return wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIPAddress()); } else { return ignorelocal ? 0 : m_localip; } } return m_dwPublicIP; } void CamuleApp::SetPublicIP(const uint32 dwIP) { wxASSERT((dwIP == 0) || !IsLowID(dwIP)); if (dwIP != 0 && dwIP != m_dwPublicIP && serverlist != NULL) { m_dwPublicIP = dwIP; serverlist->CheckForExpiredUDPKeys(); } else { m_dwPublicIP = dwIP; } } wxString CamuleApp::GetLog(bool reset) { wxFile logfile; logfile.Open(ConfigDir + wxT("logfile")); if ( !logfile.IsOpened() ) { return _("ERROR: can't open logfile"); } int len = logfile.Length(); if ( len == 0 ) { return _("WARNING: logfile is empty. Something is wrong."); } char *tmp_buffer = new char[len + sizeof(wxChar)]; logfile.Read(tmp_buffer, len); memset(tmp_buffer + len, 0, sizeof(wxChar)); // try to guess file format wxString str; if (tmp_buffer[0] && tmp_buffer[1]) { str = wxString(UTF82unicode(tmp_buffer)); } else { str = wxWCharBuffer((wchar_t *)tmp_buffer); } delete [] tmp_buffer; if ( reset ) { theLogger.CloseLogfile(); if (theLogger.OpenLogfile(ConfigDir + wxT("logfile"))) { AddLogLineN(_("Log has been reset")); } ECServerHandler->ResetAllLogs(); } return str; } wxString CamuleApp::GetServerLog(bool reset) { wxString ret = server_msg; if ( reset ) { server_msg.Clear(); } return ret; } wxString CamuleApp::GetDebugLog(bool reset) { return GetLog(reset); } void CamuleApp::AddServerMessageLine(wxString &msg) { server_msg += msg + wxT("\n"); AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("ServerMessage: %s")) % msg); } void CamuleApp::OnFinishedHTTPDownload(CMuleInternalEvent& event) { switch (event.GetInt()) { case HTTP_IPFilter: ipfilter->DownloadFinished(event.GetExtraLong()); break; case HTTP_ServerMet: serverlist->DownloadFinished(event.GetExtraLong()); break; case HTTP_ServerMetAuto: serverlist->AutoDownloadFinished(event.GetExtraLong()); break; case HTTP_VersionCheck: CheckNewVersion(event.GetExtraLong()); break; case HTTP_NodesDat: if (event.GetExtraLong() == HTTP_Success) { wxString file = ConfigDir + wxT("nodes.dat"); if (wxFileExists(file)) { wxRemoveFile(file); } if ( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning() ) { Kademlia::CKademlia::Stop(); } wxRenameFile(file + wxT(".download"),file); Kademlia::CKademlia::Start(); theApp->ShowConnectionState(); } else if (event.GetExtraLong() == HTTP_Skipped) { AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Skipped download of %s, because requested file is not newer.")) % wxT("nodes.dat")); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to download the nodes list.")); } break; #ifdef ENABLE_IP2COUNTRY case HTTP_GeoIP: theApp->amuledlg->IP2CountryDownloadFinished(event.GetExtraLong()); // If we updated, the dialog is already up. Redraw it to show the flags. theApp->amuledlg->Refresh(); break; #endif } } void CamuleApp::CheckNewVersion(uint32 result) { if (result == HTTP_Success) { wxString filename = ConfigDir + wxT("last_version_check"); wxTextFile file; if (!file.Open(filename)) { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to open the downloaded version check file") ); return; } else if (!file.GetLineCount()) { AddLogLineC(_("Corrupted version check file")); } else { wxString versionLine = file.GetFirstLine(); wxStringTokenizer tkz(versionLine, wxT(".")); AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, wxString(wxT("Running: ")) + wxT(VERSION) + wxT(", Version check: ") + versionLine); long fields[] = {0, 0, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (!tkz.HasMoreTokens()) { AddLogLineC(_("Corrupted version check file")); return; } else { wxString token = tkz.GetNextToken(); if (!token.ToLong(&fields[i])) { AddLogLineC(_("Corrupted version check file")); return; } } } long curVer = make_full_ed2k_version(VERSION_MJR, VERSION_MIN, VERSION_UPDATE); long newVer = make_full_ed2k_version(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); if (curVer < newVer) { AddLogLineC(_("You are using an outdated version of aMule!")); AddLogLineN(CFormat(_("Your aMule version is %i.%i.%i and the latest version is %li.%li.%li")) % VERSION_MJR % VERSION_MIN % VERSION_UPDATE % fields[0] % fields[1] % fields[2]); AddLogLineN(_("The latest version can always be found at http://www.amule.org")); #ifdef AMULE_DAEMON AddLogLineCS(CFormat(_("WARNING: Your aMuled version is outdated: %i.%i.%i < %li.%li.%li")) % VERSION_MJR % VERSION_MIN % VERSION_UPDATE % fields[0] % fields[1] % fields[2]); #endif } else { AddLogLineN(_("Your copy of aMule is up to date.")); } } file.Close(); wxRemoveFile(filename); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to download the version check file")); } } bool CamuleApp::IsConnected() const { return (IsConnectedED2K() || IsConnectedKad()); } bool CamuleApp::IsConnectedED2K() const { return serverconnect && serverconnect->IsConnected(); } bool CamuleApp::IsConnectedKad() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected(); } bool CamuleApp::IsFirewalled() const { if (theApp->IsConnectedED2K() && !theApp->serverconnect->IsLowID()) { return false; // we have an eD2K HighID -> not firewalled } return IsFirewalledKad(); // If kad says ok, it's ok. } bool CamuleApp::IsFirewalledKad() const { return !Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() // not connected counts as firewalled || Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled(); } bool CamuleApp::IsFirewalledKadUDP() const { return !Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() // not connected counts as firewalled || Kademlia::CUDPFirewallTester::IsFirewalledUDP(true); } bool CamuleApp::IsKadRunning() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning(); } bool CamuleApp::IsKadRunningInLanMode() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunningInLANMode(); } // Kad stats uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadUsers() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaUsers(); } uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadFiles() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaFiles(); } uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadIndexedSources() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIndexed()->m_totalIndexSource; } uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadIndexedKeywords() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIndexed()->m_totalIndexKeyword; } uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadIndexedNotes() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIndexed()->m_totalIndexNotes; } uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadIndexedLoad() const { return Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIndexed()->m_totalIndexLoad; } // True IP of machine uint32 CamuleApp::GetKadIPAdress() const { return wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetPrefs()->GetIPAddress()); } // Buddy status uint8 CamuleApp::GetBuddyStatus() const { return clientlist->GetBuddyStatus(); } uint32 CamuleApp::GetBuddyIP() const { return clientlist->GetBuddyIP(); } uint32 CamuleApp::GetBuddyPort() const { return clientlist->GetBuddyPort(); } bool CamuleApp::CanDoCallback(uint32 clientServerIP, uint16 clientServerPort) { if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected()) { if (IsConnectedED2K()) { if (serverconnect->IsLowID()) { if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled()) { //Both Connected - Both Firewalled return false; } else { if (clientServerIP == theApp->serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetIP() && clientServerPort == theApp->serverconnect->GetCurrentServer()->GetPort()) { // Both Connected - Server lowID, Kad Open - Client on same server // We prevent a callback to the server as this breaks the protocol // and will get you banned. return false; } else { // Both Connected - Server lowID, Kad Open - Client on remote server return true; } } } else { //Both Connected - Server HighID, Kad don't care return true; } } else { if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled()) { //Only Kad Connected - Kad Firewalled return false; } else { //Only Kad Conected - Kad Open return true; } } } else { if (IsConnectedED2K()) { if (serverconnect->IsLowID()) { //Only Server Connected - Server LowID return false; } else { //Only Server Connected - Server HighID return true; } } else { //We are not connected at all! return false; } } } void CamuleApp::ShowUserCount() { uint32 totaluser = 0, totalfile = 0; theApp->serverlist->GetUserFileStatus( totaluser, totalfile ); wxString buffer; static const wxString s_singlenetstatusformat = _("Users: %s | Files: %s"); static const wxString s_bothnetstatusformat = _("Users: E: %s K: %s | Files: E: %s K: %s"); if (thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K() && thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) { buffer = CFormat(s_bothnetstatusformat) % CastItoIShort(totaluser) % CastItoIShort(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaUsers()) % CastItoIShort(totalfile) % CastItoIShort(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaFiles()); } else if (thePrefs::GetNetworkED2K()) { buffer = CFormat(s_singlenetstatusformat) % CastItoIShort(totaluser) % CastItoIShort(totalfile); } else if (thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) { buffer = CFormat(s_singlenetstatusformat) % CastItoIShort(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaUsers()) % CastItoIShort(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetKademliaFiles()); } else { buffer = _("No networks selected"); } Notify_ShowUserCount(buffer); } void CamuleApp::ListenSocketHandler(wxSocketEvent& event) { { wxCHECK_RET(listensocket, wxT("Connection-event for NULL'd listen-socket")); } { wxCHECK_RET(event.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_CONNECTION, wxT("Invalid event received for listen-socket")); } if (m_app_state == APP_STATE_RUNNING) { listensocket->OnAccept(0); } else if (m_app_state == APP_STATE_STARTING) { // When starting up, connection may be made before we are able // to handle them. However, if these are ignored, no futher // connection-events will be triggered, so we have to accept it. wxSocketBase* socket = listensocket->Accept(false); wxCHECK_RET(socket, wxT("NULL returned by Accept() during startup")); socket->Destroy(); } } void CamuleApp::ShowConnectionState(bool forceUpdate) { static uint8 old_state = (1<<7); // This flag doesn't exist uint8 state = 0; if (theApp->serverconnect->IsConnected()) { state |= CONNECTED_ED2K; } if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning()) { if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected()) { if (!Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled()) { state |= CONNECTED_KAD_OK; } else { state |= CONNECTED_KAD_FIREWALLED; } } else { state |= CONNECTED_KAD_NOT; } } if (old_state != state) { // Get the changed value int changed_flags = old_state ^ state; if (changed_flags & CONNECTED_ED2K) { // ED2K status changed wxString connected_server; CServer* ed2k_server = theApp->serverconnect->GetCurrentServer(); if (ed2k_server) { connected_server = ed2k_server->GetListName(); } if (state & CONNECTED_ED2K) { // We connected to some server const wxString id = theApp->serverconnect->IsLowID() ? _("with LowID") : _("with HighID"); AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Connected to %s %s")) % connected_server % id); } else { if ( theApp->serverconnect->IsConnecting() ) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("Connecting to %s")) % connected_server); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Disconnected from eD2k")); } } } if (changed_flags & CONNECTED_KAD_NOT) { if (state & CONNECTED_KAD_NOT) { AddLogLineC(_("Kad started.")); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Kad stopped.")); } } if (changed_flags & (CONNECTED_KAD_OK | CONNECTED_KAD_FIREWALLED)) { if (state & (CONNECTED_KAD_OK | CONNECTED_KAD_FIREWALLED)) { if (state & CONNECTED_KAD_OK) { AddLogLineC(_("Connected to Kad (ok)")); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Connected to Kad (firewalled)")); } } else { AddLogLineC(_("Disconnected from Kad")); } } old_state = state; theApp->downloadqueue->OnConnectionState(IsConnected()); } ShowUserCount(); Notify_ShowConnState(forceUpdate); } void CamuleApp::UDPSocketHandler(wxSocketEvent& event) { CMuleUDPSocket* socket = (CMuleUDPSocket*)(event.GetClientData()); wxCHECK_RET(socket, wxT("No socket owner specified.")); if (IsOnShutDown() || thePrefs::IsUDPDisabled()) return; if (!IsRunning()) { if (event.GetSocketEvent() == wxSOCKET_INPUT) { // Back to the queue! theApp->AddPendingEvent(event); return; } } switch (event.GetSocketEvent()) { case wxSOCKET_INPUT: socket->OnReceive(0); break; case wxSOCKET_OUTPUT: socket->OnSend(0); break; case wxSOCKET_LOST: socket->OnDisconnected(0); break; default: wxFAIL; break; } } void CamuleApp::OnUnhandledException() { // Call the generic exception-handler. fprintf(stderr, "\taMule Version: %s\n", (const char*)unicode2char(GetFullMuleVersion())); ::OnUnhandledException(); } void CamuleApp::StartKad() { if (!Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning() && thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) { // Kad makes no sense without the Client-UDP socket. if (!thePrefs::IsUDPDisabled()) { if (ipfilter->IsReady()) { Kademlia::CKademlia::Start(); } else { ipfilter->StartKADWhenReady(); } } else { AddLogLineC(_("Kad network cannot be used if UDP port is disabled on preferences, not starting.")); } } else if (!thePrefs::GetNetworkKademlia()) { AddLogLineC(_("Kad network disabled on preferences, not connecting.")); } } void CamuleApp::StopKad() { // Stop Kad if it's running if (Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning()) { Kademlia::CKademlia::Stop(); } } void CamuleApp::BootstrapKad(uint32 ip, uint16 port) { if (!Kademlia::CKademlia::IsRunning()) { Kademlia::CKademlia::Start(); theApp->ShowConnectionState(); } Kademlia::CKademlia::Bootstrap(ip, port); } void CamuleApp::UpdateNotesDat(const wxString& url) { wxString strTempFilename(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("nodes.dat.download")); CHTTPDownloadThread *downloader = new CHTTPDownloadThread(url, strTempFilename, theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("nodes.dat"), HTTP_NodesDat, true, false); downloader->Create(); downloader->Run(); } void CamuleApp::DisconnectED2K() { // Stop ED2K if it's running if (IsConnectedED2K()) { serverconnect->Disconnect(); } } bool CamuleApp::CryptoAvailable() const { return clientcredits && clientcredits->CryptoAvailable(); } uint32 CamuleApp::GetED2KID() const { return serverconnect ? serverconnect->GetClientID() : 0; } uint32 CamuleApp::GetID() const { uint32 ID; if( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() && !Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled() ) { // We trust Kad above ED2K ID = ENDIAN_NTOHL(Kademlia::CKademlia::GetIPAddress()); } else if( theApp->serverconnect->IsConnected() ) { ID = theApp->serverconnect->GetClientID(); } else if ( Kademlia::CKademlia::IsConnected() && Kademlia::CKademlia::IsFirewalled() ) { // A firewalled Kad client get's a "1" ID = 1; } else { ID = 0; } return ID; } DEFINE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CORE_FINISHED_HTTP_DOWNLOAD) DEFINE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CORE_SOURCE_DNS_DONE) DEFINE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CORE_UDP_DNS_DONE) DEFINE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_CORE_SERVER_DNS_DONE) // File_checked_for_headers