// // This file is part of the aMule Project. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Angel Vidal ( kry@amule.org ) // Copyright (c) 2003-2011 aMule Team ( admin@amule.org / http://www.amule.org ) // Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Merkur ( devs@emule-project.net / http://www.emule-project.net ) // // Any parts of this program derived from the xMule, lMule or eMule project, // or contributed by third-party developers are copyrighted by their // respective authors. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // #include #include "SHAHashSet.h" #include "amule.h" #include "MemFile.h" #include "Preferences.h" #include "SHA.h" #include "updownclient.h" #include "DownloadQueue.h" #include "PartFile.h" #include "Logger.h" #include // for this version the limits are set very high, they might be lowered later // to make a hash trustworthy, at least 10 unique Ips ( must have sent it // and if we have received more than one hash for the file, one hash has to be sent by more than 95% of all unique IPs #define MINUNIQUEIPS_TOTRUST 10 // how many unique IPs have to send us a hash to make it trustworthy #define MINPERCENTAGE_TOTRUST 92 // how many percentage of clients have to send the same hash to make it trustworthy CAICHRequestedDataList CAICHHashSet::m_liRequestedData; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///CAICHHash wxString CAICHHash::GetString() const { return EncodeBase32(m_abyBuffer, HASHSIZE); } void CAICHHash::Read(CFileDataIO* file) { file->Read(m_abyBuffer,HASHSIZE); } void CAICHHash::Write(CFileDataIO* file) const { file->Write(m_abyBuffer,HASHSIZE); } unsigned int CAICHHash::DecodeBase32(const wxString &base32) { return ::DecodeBase32(base32, HASHSIZE, m_abyBuffer); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///CAICHHashTree CAICHHashTree::CAICHHashTree(uint64 nDataSize, bool bLeftBranch, uint64 nBaseSize) { m_nDataSize = nDataSize; m_nBaseSize = nBaseSize; m_bIsLeftBranch = bLeftBranch; m_pLeftTree = NULL; m_pRightTree = NULL; m_bHashValid = false; } CAICHHashTree::~CAICHHashTree() { delete m_pLeftTree; delete m_pRightTree; } // recursive CAICHHashTree* CAICHHashTree::FindHash(uint64 nStartPos, uint64 nSize, uint8* nLevel) { (*nLevel)++; wxCHECK(*nLevel <= 22, NULL); wxCHECK(nStartPos + nSize <= m_nDataSize, NULL); wxCHECK(nSize <= m_nDataSize, NULL); if (nStartPos == 0 && nSize == m_nDataSize) { // this is the searched hash return this; } else if (m_nDataSize <= m_nBaseSize) { // sanity // this is already the last level, cant go deeper wxFAIL; return NULL; } else { uint64 nBlocks = m_nDataSize / m_nBaseSize + ((m_nDataSize % m_nBaseSize != 0 )? 1:0); uint64 nLeft = (((m_bIsLeftBranch) ? nBlocks+1:nBlocks) / 2)* m_nBaseSize; uint64 nRight = m_nDataSize - nLeft; if (nStartPos < nLeft) { if (nStartPos + nSize > nLeft) { // sanity wxFAIL; return NULL; } if (m_pLeftTree == NULL) { m_pLeftTree = new CAICHHashTree(nLeft, true, (nLeft <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pLeftTree->m_nDataSize == nLeft ); } return m_pLeftTree->FindHash(nStartPos, nSize, nLevel); } else { nStartPos -= nLeft; if (nStartPos + nSize > nRight) { // sanity wxFAIL; return NULL; } if (m_pRightTree == NULL) { m_pRightTree = new CAICHHashTree(nRight, false, (nRight <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pRightTree->m_nDataSize == nRight ); } return m_pRightTree->FindHash(nStartPos, nSize, nLevel); } } } // recursive // calculates missing hash from the existing ones // overwrites existing hashs // fails if no hash is found for any branch bool CAICHHashTree::ReCalculateHash(CAICHHashAlgo* hashalg, bool bDontReplace) { if (m_pLeftTree && m_pRightTree) { if ( !m_pLeftTree->ReCalculateHash(hashalg, bDontReplace) || !m_pRightTree->ReCalculateHash(hashalg, bDontReplace) ) { return false; } if (bDontReplace && m_bHashValid) { return true; } if (m_pRightTree->m_bHashValid && m_pLeftTree->m_bHashValid) { hashalg->Reset(); hashalg->Add(m_pLeftTree->m_Hash.GetRawHash(), HASHSIZE); hashalg->Add(m_pRightTree->m_Hash.GetRawHash(), HASHSIZE); hashalg->Finish(m_Hash); m_bHashValid = true; return true; } else { return m_bHashValid; } } else if (m_pLeftTree == NULL && m_pRightTree == NULL) { return true; } else { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("ReCalculateHash failed - Hashtree incomplete")); return false; } } bool CAICHHashTree::VerifyHashTree(CAICHHashAlgo* hashalg, bool bDeleteBadTrees) { if (!m_bHashValid) { wxFAIL; if (bDeleteBadTrees) { if (m_pLeftTree) { delete m_pLeftTree; m_pLeftTree = NULL; } if (m_pRightTree) { delete m_pRightTree; m_pRightTree = NULL; } } AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("VerifyHashTree - No masterhash available")); return false; } // calculated missing hashs without overwriting anything if (m_pLeftTree && !m_pLeftTree->m_bHashValid) { m_pLeftTree->ReCalculateHash(hashalg, true); } if (m_pRightTree && !m_pRightTree->m_bHashValid) { m_pRightTree->ReCalculateHash(hashalg, true); } if ((m_pRightTree && m_pRightTree->m_bHashValid) ^ (m_pLeftTree && m_pLeftTree->m_bHashValid)) { // one branch can never be verified if (bDeleteBadTrees) { if (m_pLeftTree) { delete m_pLeftTree; m_pLeftTree = NULL; } if (m_pRightTree) { delete m_pRightTree; m_pRightTree = NULL; } } AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("VerifyHashSet failed - Hashtree incomplete")); return false; } if ((m_pRightTree && m_pRightTree->m_bHashValid) && (m_pLeftTree && m_pLeftTree->m_bHashValid)) { // check verify the hashs of both child nodes against my hash CAICHHash CmpHash; hashalg->Reset(); hashalg->Add(m_pLeftTree->m_Hash.GetRawHash(), HASHSIZE); hashalg->Add(m_pRightTree->m_Hash.GetRawHash(), HASHSIZE); hashalg->Finish(CmpHash); if (m_Hash != CmpHash) { if (bDeleteBadTrees) { if (m_pLeftTree) { delete m_pLeftTree; m_pLeftTree = NULL; } if (m_pRightTree) { delete m_pRightTree; m_pRightTree = NULL; } } return false; } return m_pLeftTree->VerifyHashTree(hashalg, bDeleteBadTrees) && m_pRightTree->VerifyHashTree(hashalg, bDeleteBadTrees); } else { // last hash in branch - nothing below to verify return true; } } void CAICHHashTree::SetBlockHash(uint64 nSize, uint64 nStartPos, CAICHHashAlgo* pHashAlg) { wxASSERT ( nSize <= EMBLOCKSIZE ); CAICHHashTree* pToInsert = FindHash(nStartPos, nSize); if (pToInsert == NULL) { // sanity wxFAIL; AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Critical Error: Failed to Insert SHA-HashBlock, FindHash() failed!")); return; } //sanity if (pToInsert->m_nBaseSize != EMBLOCKSIZE || pToInsert->m_nDataSize != nSize) { wxFAIL; AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Critical Error: Logical error on values in SetBlockHashFromData")); return; } pHashAlg->Finish(pToInsert->m_Hash); pToInsert->m_bHashValid = true; } bool CAICHHashTree::CreatePartRecoveryData(uint64 nStartPos, uint64 nSize, CFileDataIO* fileDataOut, uint32 wHashIdent, bool b32BitIdent) { wxCHECK(nStartPos + nSize <= m_nDataSize, false); wxCHECK(nSize <= m_nDataSize, false); if (nStartPos == 0 && nSize == m_nDataSize) { // this is the searched part, now write all blocks of this part // hashident for this level will be adjsuted by WriteLowestLevelHash return WriteLowestLevelHashs(fileDataOut, wHashIdent, false, b32BitIdent); } else if (m_nDataSize <= m_nBaseSize) { // sanity // this is already the last level, cant go deeper wxFAIL; return false; } else { wHashIdent <<= 1; wHashIdent |= (m_bIsLeftBranch) ? 1: 0; uint64 nBlocks = m_nDataSize / m_nBaseSize + ((m_nDataSize % m_nBaseSize != 0 )? 1:0); uint64 nLeft = ( ((m_bIsLeftBranch) ? nBlocks+1:nBlocks) / 2)* m_nBaseSize; uint64 nRight = m_nDataSize - nLeft; if (m_pLeftTree == NULL || m_pRightTree == NULL) { wxFAIL; return false; } if (nStartPos < nLeft) { if (nStartPos + nSize > nLeft || !m_pRightTree->m_bHashValid) { // sanity wxFAIL; return false; } m_pRightTree->WriteHash(fileDataOut, wHashIdent, b32BitIdent); return m_pLeftTree->CreatePartRecoveryData(nStartPos, nSize, fileDataOut, wHashIdent, b32BitIdent); } else { nStartPos -= nLeft; if (nStartPos + nSize > nRight || !m_pLeftTree->m_bHashValid) { // sanity wxFAIL; return false; } m_pLeftTree->WriteHash(fileDataOut, wHashIdent, b32BitIdent); return m_pRightTree->CreatePartRecoveryData(nStartPos, nSize, fileDataOut, wHashIdent, b32BitIdent); } } } void CAICHHashTree::WriteHash(CFileDataIO* fileDataOut, uint32 wHashIdent, bool b32BitIdent) const { wxASSERT( m_bHashValid ); wHashIdent <<= 1; wHashIdent |= (m_bIsLeftBranch) ? 1: 0; if (!b32BitIdent) { wxASSERT( wHashIdent <= 0xFFFF ); fileDataOut->WriteUInt16((uint16)wHashIdent); } else { fileDataOut->WriteUInt32(wHashIdent); } m_Hash.Write(fileDataOut); } // write lowest level hashs into file, ordered from left to right optional without identifier bool CAICHHashTree::WriteLowestLevelHashs(CFileDataIO* fileDataOut, uint32 wHashIdent, bool bNoIdent, bool b32BitIdent) const { wHashIdent <<= 1; wHashIdent |= (m_bIsLeftBranch) ? 1: 0; if (m_pLeftTree == NULL && m_pRightTree == NULL) { if (m_nDataSize <= m_nBaseSize && m_bHashValid ) { if (!bNoIdent && !b32BitIdent) { wxASSERT( wHashIdent <= 0xFFFF ); fileDataOut->WriteUInt16((uint16)wHashIdent); } else if (!bNoIdent && b32BitIdent) { fileDataOut->WriteUInt32(wHashIdent); } m_Hash.Write(fileDataOut); return true; } else { wxFAIL; return false; } } else if (m_pLeftTree == NULL || m_pRightTree == NULL) { wxFAIL; return false; } else { return m_pLeftTree->WriteLowestLevelHashs(fileDataOut, wHashIdent, bNoIdent, b32BitIdent) && m_pRightTree->WriteLowestLevelHashs(fileDataOut, wHashIdent, bNoIdent, b32BitIdent); } } // recover all low level hashs from given data. hashs are assumed to be ordered in left to right - no identifier used bool CAICHHashTree::LoadLowestLevelHashs(CFileDataIO* fileInput) { if (m_nDataSize <= m_nBaseSize) { // sanity // lowest level, read hash m_Hash.Read(fileInput); m_bHashValid = true; return true; } else { uint64 nBlocks = m_nDataSize / m_nBaseSize + ((m_nDataSize % m_nBaseSize != 0 )? 1:0); uint64 nLeft = ( ((m_bIsLeftBranch) ? nBlocks+1:nBlocks) / 2)* m_nBaseSize; uint64 nRight = m_nDataSize - nLeft; if (m_pLeftTree == NULL) { m_pLeftTree = new CAICHHashTree(nLeft, true, (nLeft <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pLeftTree->m_nDataSize == nLeft ); } if (m_pRightTree == NULL) { m_pRightTree = new CAICHHashTree(nRight, false, (nRight <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pRightTree->m_nDataSize == nRight ); } return m_pLeftTree->LoadLowestLevelHashs(fileInput) && m_pRightTree->LoadLowestLevelHashs(fileInput); } } // write the hash, specified by wHashIdent, with Data from fileInput. bool CAICHHashTree::SetHash(CFileDataIO* fileInput, uint32 wHashIdent, sint8 nLevel, bool bAllowOverwrite) { if (nLevel == (-1)) { // first call, check how many level we need to go uint8 i = 0; for (; i != 32 && (wHashIdent & 0x80000000) == 0; ++i) { wHashIdent <<= 1; } if (i > 31) { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, wxT("CAICHHashTree::SetHash - found invalid HashIdent (0)")); return false; } else { nLevel = 31 - i; } } if (nLevel == 0) { // this is the searched hash if (m_bHashValid && !bAllowOverwrite) { // not allowed to overwrite this hash, however move the filepointer by reading a hash CAICHHash(file); return true; } m_Hash.Read(fileInput); m_bHashValid = true; return true; } else if (m_nDataSize <= m_nBaseSize) { // sanity // this is already the last level, cant go deeper wxFAIL; return false; } else { // adjust ident to point the path to the next node wHashIdent <<= 1; nLevel--; uint64 nBlocks = m_nDataSize / m_nBaseSize + ((m_nDataSize % m_nBaseSize != 0 )? 1:0); uint64 nLeft = ( ((m_bIsLeftBranch) ? nBlocks+1:nBlocks) / 2)* m_nBaseSize; uint64 nRight = m_nDataSize - nLeft; if ((wHashIdent & 0x80000000) > 0) { if (m_pLeftTree == NULL) { m_pLeftTree = new CAICHHashTree(nLeft, true, (nLeft <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pLeftTree->m_nDataSize == nLeft ); } return m_pLeftTree->SetHash(fileInput, wHashIdent, nLevel); } else { if (m_pRightTree == NULL) { m_pRightTree = new CAICHHashTree(nRight, false, (nRight <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE); } else { wxASSERT( m_pRightTree->m_nDataSize == nRight ); } return m_pRightTree->SetHash(fileInput, wHashIdent, nLevel); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///CAICHUntrustedHash bool CAICHUntrustedHash::AddSigningIP(uint32 dwIP) { dwIP &= 0x00F0FFFF; // we use only the 20 most significant bytes for unique IPs return m_adwIpsSigning.insert(dwIP).second; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///CAICHHashSet CAICHHashSet::CAICHHashSet(CKnownFile* pOwner) : m_pHashTree(0, true, PARTSIZE) { m_eStatus = AICH_EMPTY; m_pOwner = pOwner; } CAICHHashSet::~CAICHHashSet(void) { FreeHashSet(); } bool CAICHHashSet::CreatePartRecoveryData(uint64 nPartStartPos, CFileDataIO* fileDataOut, bool bDbgDontLoad) { wxASSERT( m_pOwner ); if (m_pOwner->IsPartFile() || m_eStatus != AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) { wxFAIL; return false; } if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize <= EMBLOCKSIZE) { wxFAIL; return false; } if (!bDbgDontLoad) { if (!LoadHashSet()) { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Created RecoveryData error: failed to load hashset. File: %s")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); SetStatus(AICH_ERROR); return false; } } bool bResult; uint8 nLevel = 0; uint32 nPartSize = min(PARTSIZE, m_pOwner->GetFileSize()-nPartStartPos); m_pHashTree.FindHash(nPartStartPos, nPartSize,&nLevel); uint16 nHashsToWrite = (nLevel-1) + nPartSize/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((nPartSize % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0 )? 1:0); const bool bUse32BitIdentifier = m_pOwner->IsLargeFile(); if (bUse32BitIdentifier) { fileDataOut->WriteUInt16(0); // no 16bit hashs to write } fileDataOut->WriteUInt16(nHashsToWrite); uint64 nCheckFilePos = fileDataOut->GetPosition(); if (m_pHashTree.CreatePartRecoveryData(nPartStartPos, nPartSize, fileDataOut, 0, bUse32BitIdentifier)) { if (nHashsToWrite*(HASHSIZE+(bUse32BitIdentifier? 4u:2u)) != fileDataOut->GetPosition() - nCheckFilePos) { wxFAIL; AddDebugLogLineN( logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Created RecoveryData has wrong length. File: %s")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName() ); bResult = false; SetStatus(AICH_ERROR); } else { bResult = true; } } else { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Failed to create RecoveryData for '%s'")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); bResult = false; SetStatus(AICH_ERROR); } if (!bUse32BitIdentifier) { fileDataOut->WriteUInt16(0); // no 32bit hashs to write } if (!bDbgDontLoad) { FreeHashSet(); } return bResult; } bool CAICHHashSet::ReadRecoveryData(uint64 nPartStartPos, CMemFile* fileDataIn) { if (/*eMule TODO !m_pOwner->IsPartFile() ||*/ !(m_eStatus == AICH_VERIFIED || m_eStatus == AICH_TRUSTED) ) { wxFAIL; return false; } /* V2 AICH Hash Packet: 16bit-hashs-to-read ()[count1] AICH hashs 32bit-hashs-to-read ()[count2] AICH hashs */ // at this time we check the recoverydata for the correct ammounts of hashs only // all hash are then taken into the tree, depending on there hashidentifier (except the masterhash) uint8 nLevel = 0; uint32 nPartSize = min(PARTSIZE, m_pOwner->GetFileSize()-nPartStartPos); m_pHashTree.FindHash(nPartStartPos, nPartSize,&nLevel); uint16 nHashsToRead = (nLevel-1) + nPartSize/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((nPartSize % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0 )? 1:0); // read hashs with 16 bit identifier uint16 nHashsAvailable = fileDataIn->ReadUInt16(); if (fileDataIn->GetLength()-fileDataIn->GetPosition() < nHashsToRead*(HASHSIZE+2u) || (nHashsToRead != nHashsAvailable && nHashsAvailable != 0)) { // this check is redunant, CSafememfile would catch such an error too AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Failed to read RecoveryData for '%s' - Received datasize/amounts of hashs was invalid")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); return false; } for (uint32 i = 0; i != nHashsAvailable; i++) { uint16 wHashIdent = fileDataIn->ReadUInt16(); if (wHashIdent == 1 /*never allow masterhash to be overwritten*/ || !m_pHashTree.SetHash(fileDataIn, wHashIdent,(-1), false)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Failed to read RecoveryData for '%s' - Error when trying to read hash into tree")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); VerifyHashTree(true); // remove invalid hashes which we have already written return false; } } // read hashs with 32bit identifier if (nHashsAvailable == 0 && fileDataIn->GetLength() - fileDataIn->GetPosition() >= 2) { nHashsAvailable = fileDataIn->ReadUInt16(); if (fileDataIn->GetLength()-fileDataIn->GetPosition() < nHashsToRead*(HASHSIZE+4u) || (nHashsToRead != nHashsAvailable && nHashsAvailable != 0)) { // this check is redunant, CSafememfile would catch such an error too // TODO: theApp->QueueDebugLogLine(/*DLP_VERYHIGH,*/ false, _T("Failed to read RecoveryData for %s - Received datasize/amounts of hashs was invalid (2)"), m_pOwner->GetFileName() ); return false; } // TODO: DEBUG_ONLY( theApp->QueueDebugLogLine(/*DLP_VERYHIGH,*/ false, _T("read RecoveryData for %s - Received packet with %u 32bit hash identifiers)"), m_pOwner->GetFileName(), nHashsAvailable ) ); for (uint32 i = 0; i != nHashsToRead; i++) { uint32 wHashIdent = fileDataIn->ReadUInt32(); if (wHashIdent == 1 /*never allow masterhash to be overwritten*/ || wHashIdent > 0x400000 || !m_pHashTree.SetHash(fileDataIn, wHashIdent,(-1), false)) { // TODO: theApp->QueueDebugLogLine(/*DLP_VERYHIGH,*/ false, _T("Failed to read RecoveryData for %s - Error when trying to read hash into tree (2)"), m_pOwner->GetFileName() ); VerifyHashTree(true); // remove invalid hashes which we have already written return false; } } } if (nHashsAvailable == 0) { // TODO: theApp->QueueDebugLogLine(/*DLP_VERYHIGH,*/ false, _T("Failed to read RecoveryData for %s - Packet didn't contained any hashs"), m_pOwner->GetFileName() ); return false; } if (VerifyHashTree(true)) { // some final check if all hashs we wanted are there for (uint32 nPartPos = 0; nPartPos < nPartSize; nPartPos += EMBLOCKSIZE) { CAICHHashTree* phtToCheck = m_pHashTree.FindHash(nPartStartPos+nPartPos, min(EMBLOCKSIZE, nPartSize-nPartPos)); if (phtToCheck == NULL || !phtToCheck->m_bHashValid) { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Failed to read RecoveryData for '%s' - Error while verifying presence of all lowest level hashes")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); return false; } } // all done return true; } else { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Failed to read RecoveryData for '%s' - Verifying received hashtree failed")) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); return false; } } // this function is only allowed to be called right after successfully calculating the hashset (!) // will delete the hashset, after saving to free the memory bool CAICHHashSet::SaveHashSet() { if (m_eStatus != AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) { wxFAIL; return false; } if ( !m_pHashTree.m_bHashValid || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize != m_pOwner->GetFileSize()) { wxFAIL; return false; } try { const wxString fullpath = theApp->ConfigDir + KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME; const bool exists = wxFile::Exists(fullpath); CFile file(fullpath, exists ? CFile::read_write : CFile::write); if (!file.IsOpened()) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: opening met file failed!")); return false; } uint64 nExistingSize = file.GetLength(); if (nExistingSize) { uint8 header = file.ReadUInt8(); if (header != KNOWN2_MET_VERSION) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: Current file is not a met-file!")); return false; } AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Met file is version 0x%2.2x.")) % header); } else { file.WriteUInt8(KNOWN2_MET_VERSION); // Update the recorded size, in order for the sanity check below to work. nExistingSize += 1; } // first we check if the hashset we want to write is already stored CAICHHash CurrentHash; while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize) { CurrentHash.Read(&file); if (m_pHashTree.m_Hash == CurrentHash) { // this hashset if already available, no need to save it again return true; } uint32 nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32(); if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*HASHSIZE > nExistingSize) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: File contains fewer entries than specified!")); return false; } // skip the rest of this hashset file.Seek(nHashCount*HASHSIZE, wxFromCurrent); } // write hashset m_pHashTree.m_Hash.Write(&file); uint32 nHashCount = (PARTSIZE/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((PARTSIZE % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0)) * (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize/PARTSIZE); if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE != 0) { nHashCount += (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE)/EMBLOCKSIZE + (((m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE) % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0); } file.WriteUInt32(nHashCount); if (!m_pHashTree.WriteLowestLevelHashs(&file, 0, true, true)) { // thats bad... really file.SetLength(nExistingSize); AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: WriteLowestLevelHashs() failed!")); return false; } if (file.GetLength() != nExistingSize + (nHashCount+1)*HASHSIZE + 4) { // thats even worse file.SetLength(nExistingSize); AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to save HashSet: Calculated and real size of hashset differ!")); return false; } AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("Successfully saved eMuleAC Hashset, %u Hashs + 1 Masterhash written")) % nHashCount); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("IO error while saving AICH HashSet: ") + e.what()); return false; } FreeHashSet(); return true; } bool CAICHHashSet::LoadHashSet() { if (m_eStatus != AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) { wxFAIL; return false; } if ( !m_pHashTree.m_bHashValid || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize != m_pOwner->GetFileSize() || m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize == 0) { wxFAIL; return false; } wxString fullpath = theApp->ConfigDir + KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME; CFile file(fullpath, CFile::read); if (!file.IsOpened()) { if (wxFileExists(fullpath)) { wxString strError(wxT("Failed to load ") KNOWN2_MET_FILENAME wxT(" file")); AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, strError); } return false; } try { uint8 header = file.ReadUInt8(); if (header != KNOWN2_MET_VERSION) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Loading failed: Current file is not a met-file!")); return false; } CAICHHash CurrentHash; uint64 nExistingSize = file.GetLength(); uint32 nHashCount; while (file.GetPosition() < nExistingSize) { CurrentHash.Read(&file); if (m_pHashTree.m_Hash == CurrentHash) { // found Hashset uint32 nExpectedCount = (PARTSIZE/EMBLOCKSIZE + ((PARTSIZE % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0)) * (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize/PARTSIZE); if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE != 0) { nExpectedCount += (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE)/EMBLOCKSIZE + (((m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize % PARTSIZE) % EMBLOCKSIZE != 0)? 1 : 0); } nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32(); if (nHashCount != nExpectedCount) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Available Hashs and expected hashcount differ!")); return false; } if (!m_pHashTree.LoadLowestLevelHashs(&file)) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: LoadLowestLevelHashs failed!")); return false; } if (!ReCalculateHash(false)) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Calculating loaded hashs failed!")); return false; } if (CurrentHash != m_pHashTree.m_Hash) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: Calculated Masterhash differs from given Masterhash - hashset corrupt!")); return false; } return true; } nHashCount = file.ReadUInt32(); if (file.GetPosition() + nHashCount*HASHSIZE > nExistingSize) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Saving failed: File contains fewer entries than specified!")); return false; } // skip the rest of this hashset file.Seek(nHashCount*HASHSIZE, wxFromCurrent); } AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("Failed to load HashSet: HashSet not found!")); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logSHAHashSet, wxT("IO error while loading AICH HashSet: ") + e.what()); } return false; } // delete the hashset except the masterhash (we dont keep aich hashsets in memory to save ressources) void CAICHHashSet::FreeHashSet() { if (m_pHashTree.m_pLeftTree) { delete m_pHashTree.m_pLeftTree; m_pHashTree.m_pLeftTree = NULL; } if (m_pHashTree.m_pRightTree) { delete m_pHashTree.m_pRightTree; m_pHashTree.m_pRightTree = NULL; } } void CAICHHashSet::SetMasterHash(const CAICHHash& Hash, EAICHStatus eNewStatus) { m_pHashTree.m_Hash = Hash; m_pHashTree.m_bHashValid = true; SetStatus(eNewStatus); } CAICHHashAlgo* CAICHHashSet::GetNewHashAlgo() { return new CSHA(); } bool CAICHHashSet::ReCalculateHash(bool bDontReplace) { CAICHHashAlgo* hashalg = GetNewHashAlgo(); bool bResult = m_pHashTree.ReCalculateHash(hashalg, bDontReplace); delete hashalg; return bResult; } bool CAICHHashSet::VerifyHashTree(bool bDeleteBadTrees) { CAICHHashAlgo* hashalg = GetNewHashAlgo(); bool bResult = m_pHashTree.VerifyHashTree(hashalg, bDeleteBadTrees); delete hashalg; return bResult; } void CAICHHashSet::SetFileSize(uint64 nSize) { m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize = nSize; m_pHashTree.m_nBaseSize = (nSize <= PARTSIZE) ? EMBLOCKSIZE : PARTSIZE; } void CAICHHashSet::UntrustedHashReceived(const CAICHHash& Hash, uint32 dwFromIP) { switch(GetStatus()) { case AICH_EMPTY: case AICH_UNTRUSTED: case AICH_TRUSTED: break; default: return; } bool bFound = false; bool bAdded = false; for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_aUntrustedHashs.size(); ++i) { if (m_aUntrustedHashs[i].m_Hash == Hash) { bAdded = m_aUntrustedHashs[i].AddSigningIP(dwFromIP); bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound) { bAdded = true; CAICHUntrustedHash uhToAdd; uhToAdd.m_Hash = Hash; uhToAdd.AddSigningIP(dwFromIP); m_aUntrustedHashs.push_back(uhToAdd); } uint32 nSigningIPsTotal = 0; // unique clients who send us a hash int nMostTrustedPos = (-1); // the hash which most clients send us uint32 nMostTrustedIPs = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < (uint32)m_aUntrustedHashs.size(); ++i) { nSigningIPsTotal += m_aUntrustedHashs[i].m_adwIpsSigning.size(); if ((uint32)m_aUntrustedHashs[i].m_adwIpsSigning.size() > nMostTrustedIPs) { nMostTrustedIPs = m_aUntrustedHashs[i].m_adwIpsSigning.size(); nMostTrustedPos = i; } } if (nMostTrustedPos == (-1) || nSigningIPsTotal == 0) { wxFAIL; return; } // the check if we trust any hash if ( thePrefs::IsTrustingEveryHash() || (nMostTrustedIPs >= MINUNIQUEIPS_TOTRUST && (100 * nMostTrustedIPs)/nSigningIPsTotal >= MINPERCENTAGE_TOTRUST)) { //trusted AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("AICH Hash received (%sadded), We have now %u hash(es) from %u unique IP(s). ") wxT("We trust the Hash %s from %u client(s) (%u%%). File: %s")) % (bAdded ? wxT("") : wxT("not ")) % m_aUntrustedHashs.size() % nSigningIPsTotal % m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash.GetString() % nMostTrustedIPs % ((100 * nMostTrustedIPs) / nSigningIPsTotal) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); SetStatus(AICH_TRUSTED); if (!HasValidMasterHash() || GetMasterHash() != m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash) { SetMasterHash(m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash, AICH_TRUSTED); FreeHashSet(); } } else { // untrusted AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("AICH Hash received (%sadded), We have now %u hash(es) from %u unique IP(s). ") wxT("Best Hash %s from %u clients (%u%%) - but we don't trust it yet. File: %s")) % (bAdded ? wxT(""): wxT("not ")) % m_aUntrustedHashs.size() % nSigningIPsTotal % m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash.GetString() % nMostTrustedIPs % ((100 * nMostTrustedIPs) / nSigningIPsTotal) % m_pOwner->GetFileName()); SetStatus(AICH_UNTRUSTED); if (!HasValidMasterHash() || GetMasterHash() != m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash) { SetMasterHash(m_aUntrustedHashs[nMostTrustedPos].m_Hash, AICH_UNTRUSTED); FreeHashSet(); } } if (bAdded) {} // get rid of unused variable warning } void CAICHHashSet::ClientAICHRequestFailed(CUpDownClient* pClient) { pClient->SetReqFileAICHHash(NULL); CAICHRequestedData data = GetAICHReqDetails(pClient); RemoveClientAICHRequest(pClient); if (data.m_pClient.GetClient() != pClient) { return; } if( theApp->downloadqueue->IsPartFile(data.m_pPartFile)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logSHAHashSet, CFormat(wxT("AICH Request failed, Trying to ask another client (File: '%s', Part: %u, Client '%s'")) % data.m_pPartFile->GetFileName() % data.m_nPart % pClient->GetClientFullInfo()); data.m_pPartFile->RequestAICHRecovery(data.m_nPart); } } void CAICHHashSet::RemoveClientAICHRequest(const CUpDownClient* pClient) { for (CAICHRequestedDataList::iterator it = m_liRequestedData.begin();it != m_liRequestedData.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_pClient.GetClient() == pClient) { m_liRequestedData.erase(it); return; } } wxFAIL; } bool CAICHHashSet::IsClientRequestPending(const CPartFile* pForFile, uint16 nPart) { for (CAICHRequestedDataList::iterator it = m_liRequestedData.begin();it != m_liRequestedData.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_pPartFile == pForFile && it->m_nPart == nPart) { return true; } } return false; } CAICHRequestedData CAICHHashSet::GetAICHReqDetails(const CUpDownClient* pClient) { for (CAICHRequestedDataList::iterator it = m_liRequestedData.begin();it != m_liRequestedData.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_pClient.GetClient() == pClient) { return *(it); } } wxFAIL; CAICHRequestedData empty; return empty; } bool CAICHHashSet::IsPartDataAvailable(uint64 nPartStartPos) { if (!(m_eStatus == AICH_VERIFIED || m_eStatus == AICH_TRUSTED || m_eStatus == AICH_HASHSETCOMPLETE) ) { wxFAIL; return false; } uint64 nPartSize = min(PARTSIZE, m_pOwner->GetFileSize()-nPartStartPos); for (uint64 nPartPos = 0; nPartPos < nPartSize; nPartPos += EMBLOCKSIZE) { CAICHHashTree* phtToCheck = m_pHashTree.FindHash(nPartStartPos+nPartPos, min(EMBLOCKSIZE, nPartSize-nPartPos)); if (phtToCheck == NULL || !phtToCheck->m_bHashValid) { return false; } } return true; } // VC++ defines Assert as ASSERT. VC++ also defines VERIFY MACRO, which is the equivalent of ASSERT but also works in Released builds. #define VERIFY(x) wxASSERT(x) void CAICHHashSet::DbgTest() { #ifdef _DEBUG //define TESTSIZE 4294567295 uint8 maxLevel = 0; uint32 cHash = 1; uint8 curLevel = 0; //uint32 cParts = 0; maxLevel = 0; /* CAICHHashTree* pTest = new CAICHHashTree(TESTSIZE, true, 9728000); for (uint64 i = 0; i+9728000 < TESTSIZE; i += 9728000) { CAICHHashTree* pTest2 = new CAICHHashTree(9728000, true, EMBLOCKSIZE); pTest->ReplaceHashTree(i, 9728000, &pTest2); cParts++; } CAICHHashTree* pTest2 = new CAICHHashTree(TESTSIZE-i, true, EMBLOCKSIZE); pTest->ReplaceHashTree(i, (TESTSIZE-i), &pTest2); cParts++; */ #define TESTSIZE m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize if (m_pHashTree.m_nDataSize <= EMBLOCKSIZE) { return; } CAICHHashSet TestHashSet(m_pOwner); TestHashSet.SetFileSize(m_pOwner->GetFileSize()); TestHashSet.SetMasterHash(GetMasterHash(), AICH_VERIFIED); CMemFile file; uint64 i; for (i = 0; i+9728000 < TESTSIZE; i += 9728000) { VERIFY( CreatePartRecoveryData(i, &file) ); /*uint32 nRandomCorruption = (rand() * rand()) % (file.GetLength()-4); file.Seek(nRandomCorruption, CFile::begin); file.Write(&nRandomCorruption, 4);*/ file.Seek(0,wxFromStart); VERIFY( TestHashSet.ReadRecoveryData(i, &file) ); file.Seek(0,wxFromStart); TestHashSet.FreeHashSet(); uint32 j; for (j = 0; j+EMBLOCKSIZE < 9728000; j += EMBLOCKSIZE) { VERIFY( m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, EMBLOCKSIZE, &curLevel) ); //TRACE(wxT("%u - %s\r\n"), cHash, m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, EMBLOCKSIZE, &curLevel)->m_Hash.GetString()); maxLevel = max(curLevel, maxLevel); curLevel = 0; cHash++; } VERIFY( m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, 9728000-j, &curLevel) ); //TRACE(wxT("%u - %s\r\n"), cHash, m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, 9728000-j, &curLevel)->m_Hash.GetString()); maxLevel = max(curLevel, maxLevel); curLevel = 0; cHash++; } VERIFY( CreatePartRecoveryData(i, &file) ); file.Seek(0,wxFromStart); VERIFY( TestHashSet.ReadRecoveryData(i, &file) ); file.Seek(0,wxFromStart); TestHashSet.FreeHashSet(); for (uint64 j = 0; j+EMBLOCKSIZE < TESTSIZE-i; j += EMBLOCKSIZE) { VERIFY( m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, EMBLOCKSIZE, &curLevel) ); //TRACE(wxT("%u - %s\r\n"), cHash,m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, EMBLOCKSIZE, &curLevel)->m_Hash.GetString()); maxLevel = max(curLevel, maxLevel); curLevel = 0; cHash++; } //VERIFY( m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, (TESTSIZE-i)-j, &curLevel) ); //TRACE(wxT("%u - %s\r\n"), cHash,m_pHashTree.FindHash(i+j, (TESTSIZE-i)-j, &curLevel)->m_Hash.GetString()); maxLevel = max(curLevel, maxLevel); #endif } // File_checked_for_headers