%{ // // This file is part of the aMule Project. // // Copyright (c) 2009-2011 aMule Team ( admin@amule.org / http://www.amule.org ) // Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Stu Redman ( sturedman@amule.org ) // // Any parts of this program derived from the xMule, lMule or eMule project, // or contributed by third-party developers are copyrighted by their // respective authors. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA // // // Read IP filters // // These have a silly "grammar". For example: //,100,Duh: // Now - which format is it, and what range should it take? // // So just use the lexer to read the file and assure the line format. // The actual IP reading is done with the ScanIP() function. // #include #include "Types.h" #include "Logger.h" #define IPFS_EXTERN #include "IPFilterScanner.h" #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define isatty(DUMMY) 0 #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H #pragma warning(disable:4003) #endif #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 // When we get here the IP has been lexed nicely, // so we can blaze through without any checks. // The total lexing time is more than twice as fast // with this than when using sscanf. static bool ScanIP(const char * buf, uint32 & ip) { while (*buf < '0') { buf++; // skip whitespace } ip = 0; int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; buf++) { if (*buf < '0' || *buf > '9') { // finished a number, check it and add to the ip if (a > 255) { return false; } ip = (ip << 8) | a; a = 0; i++; } else { // build number a = a * 10 + *buf - '0'; } } return true; } static bool ScanInt(const char * buf, uint32 & a) { while (*buf < '0') { buf++; // skip whitespace } a = 0; while (*buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9') { a = a * 10 + *buf - '0'; if (a > 255) { return false; } buf++; } return true; } %} %option noyywrap NO [0-9]{1,3} IP {NO}"."{NO}"."{NO}"."{NO} WS [ \t\r]* %% ^{WS}{IP}{WS}-{WS}{IP}{WS},{WS}{NO}{WS},.* { /* PeerGuardian filter line - , , */ char * ip1 = yytext; char * ip2 = strchr(ip1 + 7, '-') + 1; char * acc = strchr(ip2 + 7, ',') + 1; char * dsc = strchr(acc + 1, ',') + 1; if (!ScanIP(ip1, IPStart) || !ScanIP(ip2, IPEnd) || !ScanInt(acc, IPLevel)) { yyip_Bad++; } else { IPDescription = dsc; return 1; } } ^{WS}#.* { /* Comment */ } ^.*:{WS}{IP}{WS}-{WS}{IP}{WS} { /* AntiP2P filter line : - */ char * ip1 = strrchr(yytext, ':'); *ip1++ = 0; // remove : and terminate comment char * ip2 = strchr(ip1 + 7, '-') + 1; if (!ScanIP(ip1, IPStart) || !ScanIP(ip2, IPEnd)) { yyip_Bad++; } else { IPLevel = 0; IPDescription = yytext; return 1; } } {WS}"\n" { yyip_Line++; } ^. { /* Bad line */ yyip_Bad++; AddDebugLogLineN(logIPFilter, CFormat(wxT("error in line %d: %s")) % yyip_Line % wxString(char2unicode(yytext))); } %%