# $NetBSD: job-output-long-lines.mk,v 1.2 2020/09/29 18:16:24 rillig Exp $ # # The jobs may produce long lines of output. A practical case are the echoed # command lines from compiler invocations, with their many -D options. # # Each of these lines must be written atomically to the actual output. # The markers for switching jobs must always be written at the beginning of # the line, to make them clearly visible in large log files. # # As of 2020-09-27, the default job buffer size is 1024. When a job produces # output lines that are longer than this buffer size, these output pieces are # not terminated by a newline. Because of this missing newline, the job # markers "--- job-a ---" and "--- job-b ---" are not always written at the # beginning of a line, even though this is expected by anyone reading the log # files. .MAKEFLAGS: -j2 100:= ${:U1:S,1,2222222222,g:S,2,3333333333,g} 10000:= ${100:S,3,4444444444,g:S,4,xxxxxxxxxx,g} all: job-a job-b job-a: .for i in ${:U:range=100} @echo ${10000:S,x,a,g} .endfor job-b: .for i in ${:U:range=100} @echo ${10000:S,x,b,g} .endfor