/* $NetBSD: .indent.pro,v 1.4 2023/05/15 09:22:53 rillig Exp $ */ -l78 /* Keep 2 columns distance from the 80-column margin. */ -di0 /* Do not indent variable names in global declarations. */ /* XXX: -eei does not work; the expressions are indented only a single level. */ -eei /* Indent expressions in 'if' and 'while' once more. */ -nfc1 /* Do not format CVS Id comments. */ -i4 /* Indent by 4 spaces, for traditional reasons. */ -ldi0 /* Do not indent variable names in local declarations. */ -nlp /* Do not indent function arguments. */ -ta /* Identifiers ending in '_t' are considered type names. */ -TFILE /* Additional types, for proper formatting of '*'. */ -Tlexer_symbol -Tparen_level_props -Tparser_symbol -Tkeyword_kind