/* mpfr_zeta -- compute the Riemann Zeta function Copyright 2003-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by the AriC and Caramba projects, INRIA. This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include /* for DBL_MAX */ #define MPFR_NEED_LONGLONG_H #include "mpfr-impl.h" /* Parameters: s - the input floating-point number n, p - parameters from the algorithm tc - an array of p floating-point numbers tc[1]..tc[p] Output: b is the result, i.e. sum(tc[i]*product((s+2j)*(s+2j-1)/n^2,j=1..i-1), i=1..p)*s*n^(-s-1) */ static void mpfr_zeta_part_b (mpfr_ptr b, mpfr_srcptr s, int n, int p, mpfr_t *tc) { mpfr_t s1, d, u; unsigned long n2; int l, t; MPFR_GROUP_DECL (group); if (p == 0) { MPFR_SET_ZERO (b); MPFR_SET_POS (b); return; } n2 = n * n; MPFR_GROUP_INIT_3 (group, MPFR_PREC (b), s1, d, u); /* t equals 2p-2, 2p-3, ... ; s1 equals s+t */ t = 2 * p - 2; mpfr_set (d, tc[p], MPFR_RNDN); for (l = 1; l < p; l++) { mpfr_add_ui (s1, s, t, MPFR_RNDN); /* s + (2p-2l) */ mpfr_mul (d, d, s1, MPFR_RNDN); t = t - 1; mpfr_add_ui (s1, s, t, MPFR_RNDN); /* s + (2p-2l-1) */ mpfr_mul (d, d, s1, MPFR_RNDN); t = t - 1; mpfr_div_ui (d, d, n2, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (d, d, tc[p-l], MPFR_RNDN); /* since s is positive and the tc[i] have alternate signs, the following is unlikely */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY (mpfr_cmpabs (d, tc[p-l]) > 0)) mpfr_set (d, tc[p-l], MPFR_RNDN); } mpfr_mul (d, d, s, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (s1, s, __gmpfr_one, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_neg (s1, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_ui_pow (u, n, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_mul (b, d, u, MPFR_RNDN); MPFR_GROUP_CLEAR (group); } /* Input: p - an integer Output: fills tc[1..p], tc[i] = bernoulli(2i)/(2i)! tc[1]=1/12, tc[2]=-1/720, tc[3]=1/30240, ... Assumes all the tc[i] have the same precision. Uses the recurrence (4.60) from the book "Modern Computer Arithmetic" by Brent and Zimmermann for C_k = bernoulli(2k)/(2k)!: sum(C_k/(2k+1-2j)!/4^(k-j), j=0..k) = 1/(2k)!/4^k If we put together the terms involving C_0 and C_1 we get: sum(D_k/(2k+1-2j)!/4^(k-j), j=1..k) = 0 with D_1 = C_0/4/(2k+1)/(2k)+C_1-1/(2k)/4=(k-1)/(12k+6), and D_k = C_k for k >= 2. FIXME: we have C_k = (-1)^(k-1) 2/(2pi)^(2k) * zeta(2k), see for example formula (4.65) from the above book, thus since |zeta(2k)-1| < 2^(1-2k) for k >= 2, we have: |C_k - E_k| < E_k * 2^(1-2k) for k >= 2 and E_k := (-1)^(k-1) 2/(2pi)^(2k). Then if 2k-1 >= prec we can evaluate E_k instead, which only requires one multiplication per term, instead of O(k) small divisions. */ static void mpfr_zeta_c (int p, mpfr_t *tc) { if (p > 0) { mpfr_t d; int k, l; mpfr_prec_t prec = MPFR_PREC (tc[1]); mpfr_init2 (d, prec); mpfr_div_ui (tc[1], __gmpfr_one, 12, MPFR_RNDN); for (k = 2; k <= p; k++) { mpfr_set_ui (d, k-1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_div_ui (d, d, 12*k+6, MPFR_RNDN); for (l=2; l < k; l++) { mpfr_div_ui (d, d, 4*(2*k-2*l+3)*(2*k-2*l+2), MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (d, d, tc[l], MPFR_RNDN); } mpfr_div_ui (tc[k], d, 24, MPFR_RNDN); MPFR_CHANGE_SIGN (tc[k]); } mpfr_clear (d); } } /* Input: s - a floating-point number n - an integer Output: sum - a floating-point number approximating sum(1/i^s, i=1..n-1) */ static void mpfr_zeta_part_a (mpfr_ptr sum, mpfr_srcptr s, int n) { mpfr_t u, s1; int i; MPFR_GROUP_DECL (group); MPFR_GROUP_INIT_2 (group, MPFR_PREC (sum), u, s1); mpfr_neg (s1, s, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_ui_pow (u, n, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_div_2ui (u, u, 1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_set (sum, u, MPFR_RNDN); for (i=n-1; i>1; i--) { mpfr_ui_pow (u, i, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (sum, sum, u, MPFR_RNDN); } mpfr_add (sum, sum, __gmpfr_one, MPFR_RNDN); MPFR_GROUP_CLEAR (group); } /* Input: s - a floating-point number >= 1/2. rnd_mode - a rounding mode. Assumes s is neither NaN nor Infinite. Output: z - Zeta(s) rounded to the precision of z with direction rnd_mode */ static int mpfr_zeta_pos (mpfr_ptr z, mpfr_srcptr s, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode) { mpfr_t b, c, z_pre, f, s1; double beta, sd, dnep; mpfr_t *tc1; mpfr_prec_t precz, precs, d, dint; int p, n, l, add; int inex; MPFR_GROUP_DECL (group); MPFR_ZIV_DECL (loop); MPFR_ASSERTD (MPFR_IS_POS (s) && MPFR_GET_EXP (s) >= 0); precz = MPFR_PREC (z); precs = MPFR_PREC (s); /* Zeta(x) = 1+1/2^x+1/3^x+1/4^x+1/5^x+O(1/6^x) so with 2^(EXP(x)-1) <= x < 2^EXP(x) So for x > 2^3, k^x > k^8, so 2/k^x < 2/k^8 Zeta(x) = 1 + 1/2^x*(1+(2/3)^x+(2/4)^x+...) = 1 + 1/2^x*(1+sum((2/k)^x,k=3..infinity)) <= 1 + 1/2^x*(1+sum((2/k)^8,k=3..infinity)) And sum((2/k)^8,k=3..infinity) = -257+128*Pi^8/4725 ~= 0.0438035 So Zeta(x) <= 1 + 1/2^x*2 for x >= 8 The error is < 2^(-x+1) <= 2^(-2^(EXP(x)-1)+1) */ if (MPFR_GET_EXP (s) > 3) { mpfr_exp_t err; err = MPFR_GET_EXP (s) - 1; if (err > (mpfr_exp_t) (sizeof (mpfr_exp_t)*CHAR_BIT-2)) err = MPFR_EMAX_MAX; else err = ((mpfr_exp_t)1) << err; err = 1 - (-err+1); /* GET_EXP(one) - (-err+1) = err :) */ MPFR_FAST_COMPUTE_IF_SMALL_INPUT (z, __gmpfr_one, err, 0, 1, rnd_mode, {}); } d = precz + MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2(precz) + 10; /* we want that s1 = s-1 is exact, i.e. we should have PREC(s1) >= EXP(s) */ dint = (mpfr_uexp_t) MPFR_GET_EXP (s); mpfr_init2 (s1, MAX (precs, dint)); inex = mpfr_sub (s1, s, __gmpfr_one, MPFR_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTD (inex == 0); /* case s=1 should have already been handled */ MPFR_ASSERTD (!MPFR_IS_ZERO (s1)); MPFR_GROUP_INIT_4 (group, MPFR_PREC_MIN, b, c, z_pre, f); MPFR_ZIV_INIT (loop, d); for (;;) { /* Principal loop: we compute, in z_pre, an approximation of Zeta(s), that we send to can_round */ if (MPFR_GET_EXP (s1) <= -(mpfr_exp_t) ((mpfr_prec_t) (d-3)/2)) /* Branch 1: when s-1 is very small, one uses the approximation Zeta(s)=1/(s-1)+gamma, where gamma is Euler's constant */ { dint = MAX (d + 3, precs); /* branch 1, with internal precision dint */ MPFR_GROUP_REPREC_4 (group, dint, b, c, z_pre, f); mpfr_div (z_pre, __gmpfr_one, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_const_euler (f, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (z_pre, z_pre, f, MPFR_RNDN); } else /* Branch 2 */ { size_t size; /* branch 2 */ /* Computation of parameters n, p and working precision */ dnep = (double) d * LOG2; sd = mpfr_get_d (s, MPFR_RNDN); /* beta = dnep + 0.61 + sd * log (6.2832 / sd); but a larger value is OK */ #define LOG6dot2832 1.83787940484160805532 beta = dnep + 0.61 + sd * (LOG6dot2832 - LOG2 * __gmpfr_floor_log2 (sd)); if (beta <= 0.0) { p = 0; /* n = 1 + (int) (exp ((dnep - LOG2) / sd)); */ n = 1 + (int) __gmpfr_ceil_exp2 ((d - 1.0) / sd); } else { p = 1 + (int) beta / 2; n = 1 + (int) ((sd + 2.0 * (double) p - 1.0) / 6.2832); } /* add = 4 + floor(1.5 * log(d) / log (2)). We should have add >= 10, which is always fulfilled since d = precz + 11 >= 12, thus ceil(log2(d)) >= 4 */ add = 4 + (3 * MPFR_INT_CEIL_LOG2 (d)) / 2; MPFR_ASSERTD(add >= 10); dint = d + add; if (dint < precs) dint = precs; /* internal precision is dint */ size = (p + 1) * sizeof(mpfr_t); tc1 = (mpfr_t*) mpfr_allocate_func (size); for (l=1; l<=p; l++) mpfr_init2 (tc1[l], dint); MPFR_GROUP_REPREC_4 (group, dint, b, c, z_pre, f); /* precision of z is precz */ /* Computation of the coefficients c_k */ mpfr_zeta_c (p, tc1); /* Computation of the 3 parts of the function Zeta. */ mpfr_zeta_part_a (z_pre, s, n); mpfr_zeta_part_b (b, s, n, p, tc1); /* s1 = s-1 is already computed above */ mpfr_div (c, __gmpfr_one, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_ui_pow (f, n, s1, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_div (c, c, f, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (z_pre, z_pre, c, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_add (z_pre, z_pre, b, MPFR_RNDN); for (l=1; l<=p; l++) mpfr_clear (tc1[l]); mpfr_free_func (tc1, size); /* End branch 2 */ } if (MPFR_LIKELY (MPFR_CAN_ROUND (z_pre, d-3, precz, rnd_mode))) break; MPFR_ZIV_NEXT (loop, d); } MPFR_ZIV_FREE (loop); inex = mpfr_set (z, z_pre, rnd_mode); MPFR_GROUP_CLEAR (group); mpfr_clear (s1); return inex; } /* TODO: Check the error analysis. The following (undocumented?) one does not take into account the replacement of sin(Pi*s/2) by sinpi(s/2) in commit fd5d811d81f6d1839d4099cc1bb2cde705981648, which could have reduced the error bound since the multiplication by Pi is now exact. */ /* return add = 1 + floor(log(c^3*(13+m1))/log(2)) where c = (1+eps)*(1+eps*max(8,m1)), m1 = 1 + max(1/eps,2*sd)*(1+eps), eps = 2^(-precz-14) sd = abs(s-1) */ static long compute_add (mpfr_srcptr s, mpfr_prec_t precz) { mpfr_t t, u, m1; long add; mpfr_inits2 (64, t, u, m1, (mpfr_ptr) 0); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (s, 1) >= 0) mpfr_sub_ui (t, s, 1, MPFR_RNDU); else mpfr_ui_sub (t, 1, s, MPFR_RNDU); /* now t = sd = abs(s-1), rounded up */ mpfr_set_ui_2exp (u, 1, - precz - 14, MPFR_RNDU); /* u = eps */ /* since 1/eps = 2^(precz+14), if EXP(sd) >= precz+14, then sd >= 1/2*2^(precz+14) thus 2*sd >= 2^(precz+14) >= 1/eps */ if (mpfr_get_exp (t) >= precz + 14) mpfr_mul_2ui (t, t, 1, MPFR_RNDU); else mpfr_set_ui_2exp (t, 1, precz + 14, MPFR_RNDU); /* now t = max(1/eps,2*sd) */ mpfr_add_ui (u, u, 1, MPFR_RNDU); /* u = 1+eps, rounded up */ mpfr_mul (t, t, u, MPFR_RNDU); /* t = max(1/eps,2*sd)*(1+eps) */ mpfr_add_ui (m1, t, 1, MPFR_RNDU); if (mpfr_get_exp (m1) <= 3) mpfr_set_ui (t, 8, MPFR_RNDU); else mpfr_set (t, m1, MPFR_RNDU); /* now t = max(8,m1) */ mpfr_div_2ui (t, t, precz + 14, MPFR_RNDU); /* eps*max(8,m1) */ mpfr_add_ui (t, t, 1, MPFR_RNDU); /* 1+eps*max(8,m1) */ mpfr_mul (t, t, u, MPFR_RNDU); /* t = c */ mpfr_add_ui (u, m1, 13, MPFR_RNDU); /* 13+m1 */ mpfr_mul (u, u, t, MPFR_RNDU); /* c*(13+m1) */ mpfr_sqr (t, t, MPFR_RNDU); /* c^2 */ mpfr_mul (u, u, t, MPFR_RNDU); /* c^3*(13+m1) */ add = mpfr_get_exp (u); mpfr_clears (t, u, m1, (mpfr_ptr) 0); return add; } /* return in z a lower bound (for rnd = RNDD) or upper bound (for rnd = RNDU) of |zeta(s)|/2, using: log(|zeta(s)|/2) = (s-1)*log(2*Pi) + lngamma(1-s) + log(|sin(Pi*s/2)| * zeta(1-s)). Assumes s < 1/2 and s1 = 1-s exactly, thus s1 > 1/2. y and p are temporary variables. At input, p is Pi rounded down. The comments in the code are for rnd = RNDD. */ static void mpfr_reflection_overflow (mpfr_ptr z, mpfr_ptr s1, mpfr_srcptr s, mpfr_ptr y, mpfr_ptr p, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) { mpz_t sint; MPFR_ASSERTD (rnd == MPFR_RNDD || rnd == MPFR_RNDU); /* Since log is increasing, we want lower bounds on |sin(Pi*s/2)| and zeta(1-s). */ mpz_init (sint); mpfr_get_z (sint, s, MPFR_RNDD); /* sint = floor(s) */ /* We first compute a lower bound of |sin(Pi*s/2)|, which is a periodic function of period 2. Thus: if 2k < s < 2k+1, then |sin(Pi*s/2)| is increasing; if 2k-1 < s < 2k, then |sin(Pi*s/2)| is decreasing. These cases are distinguished by testing bit 0 of floor(s) as if represented in two's complement (or equivalently, as an unsigned integer mod 2): 0: sint = 0 mod 2, thus 2k < s < 2k+1 and |sin(Pi*s/2)| is increasing; 1: sint = 1 mod 2, thus 2k-1 < s < 2k and |sin(Pi*s/2)| is decreasing. Let's recall that the comments are for rnd = RNDD. */ if (mpz_tstbit (sint, 0) == 0) /* |sin(Pi*s/2)| is increasing: round down Pi*s to get a lower bound. */ { mpfr_mul (y, p, s, rnd); if (rnd == MPFR_RNDD) mpfr_nextabove (p); /* we will need p rounded above afterwards */ } else /* |sin(Pi*s/2)| is decreasing: round up Pi*s to get a lower bound. */ { if (rnd == MPFR_RNDD) mpfr_nextabove (p); mpfr_mul (y, p, s, MPFR_INVERT_RND(rnd)); } mpfr_div_2ui (y, y, 1, MPFR_RNDN); /* exact, rounding mode doesn't matter */ /* The rounding direction of sin depends on its sign. We have: if -4k-2 < s < -4k, then -2k-1 < s/2 < -2k, thus sin(Pi*s/2) < 0; if -4k < s < -4k+2, then -2k < s/2 < -2k+1, thus sin(Pi*s/2) > 0. These cases are distinguished by testing bit 1 of floor(s) as if represented in two's complement (or equivalently, as an unsigned integer mod 4): 0: sint = {0,1} mod 4, thus -2k < s/2 < -2k+1 and sin(Pi*s/2) > 0; 1: sint = {2,3} mod 4, thus -2k-1 < s/2 < -2k and sin(Pi*s/2) < 0. Let's recall that the comments are for rnd = RNDD. */ if (mpz_tstbit (sint, 1) == 0) /* -2k < s/2 < -2k+1; sin(Pi*s/2) > 0 */ { /* Round sin down to get a lower bound of |sin(Pi*s/2)|. */ mpfr_sin (y, y, rnd); } else /* -2k-1 < s/2 < -2k; sin(Pi*s/2) < 0 */ { /* Round sin up to get a lower bound of |sin(Pi*s/2)|. */ mpfr_sin (y, y, MPFR_INVERT_RND(rnd)); mpfr_abs (y, y, MPFR_RNDN); /* exact, rounding mode doesn't matter */ } mpz_clear (sint); /* now y <= |sin(Pi*s/2)| when rnd=RNDD, y >= |sin(Pi*s/2)| when rnd=RNDU */ mpfr_zeta_pos (z, s1, rnd); /* zeta(1-s) */ mpfr_mul (z, z, y, rnd); /* now z <= |sin(Pi*s/2)|*zeta(1-s) */ mpfr_log (z, z, rnd); /* now z <= log(|sin(Pi*s/2)|*zeta(1-s)) */ mpfr_lngamma (y, s1, rnd); mpfr_add (z, z, y, rnd); /* z <= lngamma(1-s) + log(|sin(Pi*s/2)|*zeta(1-s)) */ /* since s-1 < 0, we want to round log(2*pi) upwards */ mpfr_mul_2ui (y, p, 1, MPFR_INVERT_RND(rnd)); mpfr_log (y, y, MPFR_INVERT_RND(rnd)); mpfr_mul (y, y, s1, MPFR_INVERT_RND(rnd)); mpfr_sub (z, z, y, rnd); mpfr_exp (z, z, rnd); if (rnd == MPFR_RNDD) mpfr_nextbelow (p); /* restore original p */ } int mpfr_zeta (mpfr_ptr z, mpfr_srcptr s, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode) { mpfr_t z_pre, s1, y, p; long add; mpfr_prec_t precz, prec1, precs, precs1; int inex; MPFR_GROUP_DECL (group); MPFR_ZIV_DECL (loop); MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_DECL (expo); MPFR_LOG_FUNC ( ("s[%Pd]=%.*Rg rnd=%d", mpfr_get_prec (s), mpfr_log_prec, s, rnd_mode), ("z[%Pd]=%.*Rg inexact=%d", mpfr_get_prec (z), mpfr_log_prec, z, inex)); /* Zero, Nan or Inf ? */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY (MPFR_IS_SINGULAR (s))) { if (MPFR_IS_NAN (s)) { MPFR_SET_NAN (z); MPFR_RET_NAN; } else if (MPFR_IS_INF (s)) { if (MPFR_IS_POS (s)) return mpfr_set_ui (z, 1, MPFR_RNDN); /* Zeta(+Inf) = 1 */ MPFR_SET_NAN (z); /* Zeta(-Inf) = NaN */ MPFR_RET_NAN; } else /* s iz zero */ { MPFR_ASSERTD (MPFR_IS_ZERO (s)); return mpfr_set_si_2exp (z, -1, -1, rnd_mode); } } /* s is neither Nan, nor Inf, nor Zero */ /* check tiny s: we have zeta(s) = -1/2 - 1/2 log(2 Pi) s + ... around s=0, and for |s| <= 2^(-4), we have |zeta(s) + 1/2| <= |s|. EXP(s) + 1 < -PREC(z) is a sufficient condition to be able to round correctly, for any PREC(z) >= 1 (see algorithms.tex for details). */ if (MPFR_GET_EXP (s) + 1 < - (mpfr_exp_t) MPFR_PREC(z)) { int signs = MPFR_SIGN(s); MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_MARK (expo); mpfr_set_si_2exp (z, -1, -1, rnd_mode); /* -1/2 */ if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDA) rnd_mode = MPFR_RNDD; /* the result is around -1/2, thus negative */ if ((rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDU || rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ) && signs < 0) { mpfr_nextabove (z); /* z = -1/2 + epsilon */ inex = 1; } else if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDD && signs > 0) { mpfr_nextbelow (z); /* z = -1/2 - epsilon */ inex = -1; } else { if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDU) /* s > 0: z = -1/2 */ inex = 1; else if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDD) inex = -1; /* s < 0: z = -1/2 */ else /* (MPFR_RNDZ and s > 0) or MPFR_RNDN: z = -1/2 */ inex = (signs > 0) ? 1 : -1; } MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE (expo); return mpfr_check_range (z, inex, rnd_mode); } /* Check for case s= -2n */ if (MPFR_IS_NEG (s)) { mpfr_t tmp; tmp[0] = *s; MPFR_EXP (tmp) = MPFR_GET_EXP (s) - 1; if (mpfr_integer_p (tmp)) { MPFR_SET_ZERO (z); MPFR_SET_POS (z); MPFR_RET (0); } } /* Check for case s=1 before changing the exponent range */ if (mpfr_equal_p (s, __gmpfr_one)) { MPFR_SET_INF (z); MPFR_SET_POS (z); MPFR_SET_DIVBY0 (); MPFR_RET (0); } MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_MARK (expo); /* Compute Zeta */ if (MPFR_IS_POS (s) && MPFR_GET_EXP (s) >= 0) /* Case s >= 1/2 */ inex = mpfr_zeta_pos (z, s, rnd_mode); else /* use reflection formula zeta(s) = 2^s*Pi^(s-1)*sin(Pi*s/2)*gamma(1-s)*zeta(1-s) */ { int overflow = 0; precz = MPFR_PREC (z); precs = MPFR_PREC (s); /* Precision precs1 needed to represent 1 - s, and s + 2, without any truncation */ precs1 = precs + 2 + MAX (0, - MPFR_GET_EXP (s)); /* Precision prec1 is the precision on elementary computations; it ensures a final precision prec1 - add for zeta(s) */ add = compute_add (s, precz); prec1 = precz + add; /* FIXME: To avoid that the working precision (prec1) depends on the input precision, one would need to take into account the error made when s1 is not exactly 1-s when computing zeta(s1) and gamma(s1) below, and also in the case y=Inf (i.e. when gamma(s1) overflows). Make sure that underflows do not occur in intermediate computations. Due to the limited precision, they are probably not possible in practice; add some MPFR_ASSERTN's to be sure that problems do not remain undetected? */ prec1 = MAX (prec1, precs1) + 10; MPFR_GROUP_INIT_4 (group, prec1, z_pre, s1, y, p); MPFR_ZIV_INIT (loop, prec1); for (;;) { mpfr_t z_up; mpfr_const_pi (p, MPFR_RNDD); /* p is Pi */ mpfr_sub (s1, __gmpfr_one, s, MPFR_RNDN); /* s1 = 1-s */ mpfr_gamma (y, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* gamma(1-s) */ if (MPFR_IS_INF (y)) /* zeta(s) < 0 for -4k-2 < s < -4k, zeta(s) > 0 for -4k < s < -4k+2 */ { /* FIXME: An overflow in gamma(s1) does not imply that zeta(s) will overflow. A solution: 1. Compute log(|zeta(s)|/2) = (s-1)*log(2*pi) + lngamma(1-s) + log(abs(sin(Pi*s/2)) * zeta(1-s)) (possibly sharing computations with the normal case) with a rather good accuracy (see (2)). Memorize the sign of sin(...) for the final sign. 2. Take the exponential, ~= |zeta(s)|/2. If there is an overflow, then this means an overflow on the final result (due to the multiplication by 2, which has not been done yet). 3. Ziv test. 4. Correct the sign from the sign of sin(...). 5. Round then multiply by 2. Here, an overflow in either operation means a real overflow. */ mpfr_reflection_overflow (z_pre, s1, s, y, p, MPFR_RNDD); /* z_pre is a lower bound of |zeta(s)|/2, thus if it overflows, or has exponent emax, then |zeta(s)| overflows too. */ if (MPFR_IS_INF (z_pre) || MPFR_GET_EXP(z_pre) == __gmpfr_emax) { /* determine the sign of overflow */ mpfr_div_2ui (s1, s, 2, MPFR_RNDN); /* s/4, exact */ mpfr_frac (s1, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* exact, -1 < s1 < 0 */ overflow = (mpfr_cmp_si_2exp (s1, -1, -1) > 0) ? -1 : 1; break; } else /* EXP(z_pre) < __gmpfr_emax */ { int ok = 0; mpfr_t z_down; mpfr_init2 (z_up, mpfr_get_prec (z_pre)); mpfr_reflection_overflow (z_up, s1, s, y, p, MPFR_RNDU); /* if the lower approximation z_pre does not overflow, but z_up does, we need more precision */ if (MPFR_IS_INF (z_up) || MPFR_GET_EXP(z_up) == __gmpfr_emax) goto next_loop; /* check if z_pre and z_up round to the same number */ mpfr_init2 (z_down, precz); mpfr_set (z_down, z_pre, rnd_mode); /* Note: it might be that EXP(z_down) = emax here, in that case we will have overflow below when we multiply by 2 */ mpfr_prec_round (z_up, precz, rnd_mode); ok = mpfr_equal_p (z_down, z_up); mpfr_clear (z_up); mpfr_clear (z_down); if (ok) { /* get correct sign and multiply by 2 */ mpfr_div_2ui (s1, s, 2, MPFR_RNDN); /* s/4, exact */ mpfr_frac (s1, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* exact, -1 < s1 < 0 */ if (mpfr_cmp_si_2exp (s1, -1, -1) > 0) mpfr_neg (z_pre, z_pre, rnd_mode); mpfr_mul_2ui (z_pre, z_pre, 1, rnd_mode); break; } else goto next_loop; } } mpfr_zeta_pos (z_pre, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* zeta(1-s) */ mpfr_mul (z_pre, z_pre, y, MPFR_RNDN); /* gamma(1-s)*zeta(1-s) */ /* multiply z_pre by 2^s*Pi^(s-1) where p=Pi, s1=1-s */ mpfr_mul_2ui (y, p, 1, MPFR_RNDN); /* 2*Pi */ mpfr_neg (s1, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* s-1 */ mpfr_pow (y, y, s1, MPFR_RNDN); /* (2*Pi)^(s-1) */ mpfr_mul (z_pre, z_pre, y, MPFR_RNDN); mpfr_mul_2ui (z_pre, z_pre, 1, MPFR_RNDN); /* multiply z_pre by sin(Pi*s/2) */ mpfr_div_2ui (p, s, 1, MPFR_RNDN); /* p = s/2 */ /* Can mpfr_sinpi underflow? While with mpfr_sin, we could not answer in any precision without a theoretical study (though an underflow would have been very unlikely as we have a huge exponent range), with mpfr_sinpi, an underflow could occur only in a huge, unsupported precision. Indeed, if mpfr_sinpi underflows, this means that 0 < |sinpi(s/2)| < m, where m is the minimum representable positive number, and in this case, r being the reduced argument such that |r| <= 1/2, one has |sinpi(r)| > |2r|, so that |2r| < m; this can be possible only if |s/2| > 1/2 (otherwise |s| = |2r| < m and s would not be representable as an MPFR number) and s has non-zero bits of exponent less than the minimum exponent (s/2 - r being an integer), i.e. the precision is at least MPFR_EMAX_MAX + 2. With such a huge precision, there would probably be failures before reaching this point. */ mpfr_sinpi (y, p, MPFR_RNDN); /* y = sin(Pi*s/2) */ mpfr_mul (z_pre, z_pre, y, MPFR_RNDN); if (MPFR_LIKELY (MPFR_CAN_ROUND (z_pre, prec1 - add, precz, rnd_mode))) break; next_loop: MPFR_ZIV_NEXT (loop, prec1); MPFR_GROUP_REPREC_4 (group, prec1, z_pre, s1, y, p); } MPFR_ZIV_FREE (loop); if (overflow != 0) { inex = mpfr_overflow (z, rnd_mode, overflow); MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_UPDATE_FLAGS (expo, MPFR_FLAGS_OVERFLOW); } else inex = mpfr_set (z, z_pre, rnd_mode); MPFR_GROUP_CLEAR (group); } MPFR_SAVE_EXPO_FREE (expo); return mpfr_check_range (z, inex, rnd_mode); }