/* $NetBSD: sent.c,v 1.3 2020/03/18 19:05:16 christos Exp $ */ /*++ /* NAME /* sent 3 /* SUMMARY /* log that a message was or could be sent /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* /* int sent(flags, queue_id, stats, recipient, relay, dsn) /* int flags; /* const char *queue_id; /* MSG_STATS *stats; /* RECIPIENT *recipient; /* const char *relay; /* DSN *dsn; /* DESCRIPTION /* sent() logs that a message was successfully delivered, /* updates the address verification service, or updates a /* sender-requested message delivery record. The /* flags argument determines the action. /* /* Arguments: /* .IP flags /* Zero or more of the following: /* .RS /* .IP SENT_FLAG_NONE /* The message is a normal delivery request. /* .IP DEL_REQ_FLAG_MTA_VRFY /* The message is an MTA-requested address verification probe. /* Update the address verification database. /* .IP DEL_REQ_FLAG_USR_VRFY /* The message is a user-requested address expansion probe. /* Update the message delivery record. /* .IP DEL_REQ_FLAG_RECORD /* This is a normal message with logged delivery. Update the /* the message delivery record. /* .RE /* .IP queue_id /* The message queue id. /* .IP stats /* Time stamps from different message delivery stages /* and session reuse count. /* .IP recipient /* Recipient information. See recipient_list(3). /* .IP relay /* Name of the host we're talking to. /* .IP dsn /* Delivery status. See dsn(3). The action is ignored in case /* of a probe message. Otherwise, "delivered" is assumed when /* no action is specified. /* DIAGNOSTICS /* A non-zero result means the operation failed. /* /* Fatal: out of memory. /* BUGS /* Should be replaced by routines with an attribute-value based /* interface instead of an interface that uses a rigid argument list. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /* /* Wietse Venema /* Google, Inc. /* 111 8th Avenue /* New York, NY 10011, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include /* Global library. */ #define DSN_INTERN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Application-specific. */ /* sent - log that a message was or could be sent */ int sent(int flags, const char *id, MSG_STATS *stats, RECIPIENT *recipient, const char *relay, DSN *dsn) { DSN my_dsn = *dsn; DSN *dsn_res; int status; /* * Sanity check. */ if (my_dsn.status[0] != '2' || !dsn_valid(my_dsn.status)) { msg_warn("sent: ignoring dsn code \"%s\"", my_dsn.status); my_dsn.status = "2.0.0"; } /* * DSN filter (Postfix 3.0). */ if (delivery_status_filter != 0 && (dsn_res = dsn_filter_lookup(delivery_status_filter, &my_dsn)) != 0) my_dsn = *dsn_res; /* * MTA-requested address verification information is stored in the verify * service database. */ if (flags & DEL_REQ_FLAG_MTA_VRFY) { my_dsn.action = "deliverable"; status = verify_append(id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn, DEL_RCPT_STAT_OK); return (status); } /* * User-requested address verification information is logged and mailed * to the requesting user. */ if (flags & DEL_REQ_FLAG_USR_VRFY) { my_dsn.action = "deliverable"; status = trace_append(flags, id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn); return (status); } /* * Normal mail delivery. May also send a delivery record to the user. */ else { /* Readability macros: record all deliveries, or the delayed ones. */ #define REC_ALL_SENT(flags) (flags & DEL_REQ_FLAG_RECORD) #define REC_DLY_SENT(flags, rcpt) \ ((flags & DEL_REQ_FLAG_REC_DLY_SENT) \ && (rcpt->dsn_notify == 0 || (rcpt->dsn_notify & DSN_NOTIFY_DELAY))) if (my_dsn.action == 0 || my_dsn.action[0] == 0) my_dsn.action = "delivered"; if (((REC_ALL_SENT(flags) == 0 && REC_DLY_SENT(flags, recipient) == 0) || trace_append(flags, id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn) == 0) && ((recipient->dsn_notify & DSN_NOTIFY_SUCCESS) == 0 || trace_append(flags, id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn) == 0)) { log_adhoc(id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn, "sent"); status = 0; } else { VSTRING *junk = vstring_alloc(100); vstring_sprintf(junk, "%s: %s service failed", id, var_trace_service); my_dsn.reason = vstring_str(junk); my_dsn.status = "4.3.0"; status = defer_append(flags, id, stats, recipient, relay, &my_dsn); vstring_free(junk); } return (status); } }