/* $NetBSD: scache.c,v 1.2 2017/02/14 01:16:45 christos Exp $ */ /*++ /* NAME /* scache 3 /* SUMMARY /* generic session cache API /* SYNOPSIS /* #include /* DESCRIPTION /* typedef struct { /* .in +4 /* int dest_count; /* int endp_count; /* int sess_count; /* .in -4 /* } SCACHE_SIZE; /* /* unsigned scache_size(scache, size) /* SCACHE *scache; /* SCACHE_SIZE *size; /* /* void scache_free(scache) /* SCACHE *scache; /* /* void scache_save_endp(scache, endp_ttl, endp_label, endp_prop, fd) /* SCACHE *scache; /* int endp_ttl; /* const char *endp_label; /* const char *endp_prop; /* int fd; /* /* int scache_find_endp(scache, endp_label, endp_prop) /* SCACHE *scache; /* const char *endp_label; /* VSTRING *endp_prop; /* /* void scache_save_dest(scache, dest_ttl, dest_label, /* dest_prop, endp_label) /* SCACHE *scache; /* int dest_ttl; /* const char *dest_label; /* const char *dest_prop; /* const char *endp_label; /* /* int scache_find_dest(dest_label, dest_prop, endp_prop) /* SCACHE *scache; /* const char *dest_label; /* VSTRING *dest_prop; /* VSTRING *endp_prop; /* DESCRIPTION /* This module implements a generic session cache interface. /* Specific cache types are described in scache_single(3), /* scache_clnt(3) and scache_multi(3). These documents also /* describe now to instantiate a specific session cache type. /* /* The code maintains two types of association: a) physical /* endpoint to file descriptor, and b) logical endpoint /* to physical endpoint. Physical endpoints are stored and /* looked up under their low-level session details such as /* numerical addresses, while logical endpoints are stored /* and looked up by the domain name that humans use. One logical /* endpoint can refer to multiple physical endpoints, one /* physical endpoint may be referenced by multiple logical /* endpoints, and one physical endpoint may have multiple /* sessions. /* /* scache_size() returns the number of logical destination /* names, physical endpoint addresses, and cached sessions. /* /* scache_free() destroys the specified session cache. /* /* scache_save_endp() stores an open session under the specified /* physical endpoint name. /* /* scache_find_endp() looks up a saved session under the /* specified physical endpoint name. /* /* scache_save_dest() associates the specified physical endpoint /* with the specified logical endpoint name. /* /* scache_find_dest() looks up a saved session under the /* specified physical endpoint name. /* /* Arguments: /* .IP endp_ttl /* How long the session should be cached. When information /* expires it is purged automatically. /* .IP endp_label /* The transport name and the physical endpoint name under /* which the session is stored and looked up. /* /* In the case of SMTP, the physical endpoint includes the numerical /* IP address, address family information, and the numerical TCP port. /* .IP endp_prop /* Application-specific data with endpoint attributes. It is up to /* the application to passivate (flatten) and re-activate this content /* upon storage and retrieval, respectively. /* .sp /* In the case of SMTP, the endpoint attributes specify the /* server hostname, IP address, numerical TCP port, as well /* as ESMTP features advertised by the server, and when information /* expires. All this in some application-specific format that is easy /* to unravel when re-activating a cached session. /* .IP dest_ttl /* How long the destination-to-endpoint binding should be /* cached. When information expires it is purged automatically. /* .IP dest_label /* The transport name and the logical destination under which the /* destination-to-endpoint binding is stored and looked up. /* /* In the case of SMTP, the logical destination is the DNS /* host or domain name with or without [], plus the numerical TCP port. /* .IP dest_prop /* Application-specific attributes that describe features of /* this logical to physical binding. It is up to the application /* to passivate (flatten) and re-activate this content. /* upon storage and retrieval, respectively /* .sp /* In case the of an SMTP logical destination to physical /* endpoint binding, the attributes specify the logical /* destination name, numerical port, whether the physical /* endpoint is best mx host with respect to a logical or /* fall-back destination, and when information expires. /* .IP fd /* File descriptor with session to be cached. /* DIAGNOSTICS /* scache_find_endp() and scache_find_dest() return -1 when /* the lookup fails, and a file descriptor upon success. /* /* Other diagnostics: fatal error: memory allocation problem; /* panic: internal consistency failure. /* SEE ALSO /* scache_single(3), single-session, in-memory cache /* scache_clnt(3), session cache client /* scache_multi(3), multi-session, in-memory cache /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Global library. */ #include #ifdef TEST /* * Driver program for cache regression tests. Although all variants are * relatively simple to verify by hand for single session storage, more * sophisticated instrumentation is needed to demonstrate that the * multi-session cache manager properly handles collisions in the time * domain and in all the name space domains. */ static SCACHE *scache; static VSTRING *endp_prop; static VSTRING *dest_prop; static int verbose_level = 3; /* * Cache mode lookup table. We don't do the client-server variant because * that drags in a ton of configuration junk; the client-server protocol is * relatively easy to verify manually. */ struct cache_type { char *mode; SCACHE *(*create) (void); }; static struct cache_type cache_types[] = { "single", scache_single_create, "multi", scache_multi_create, 0, }; #define STR(x) vstring_str(x) /* cache_type - select session cache type */ static void cache_type(ARGV *argv) { struct cache_type *cp; if (argv->argc != 2) { msg_error("usage: %s mode", argv->argv[0]); return; } if (scache != 0) scache_free(scache); for (cp = cache_types; cp->mode != 0; cp++) { if (strcmp(cp->mode, argv->argv[1]) == 0) { scache = cp->create(); return; } } msg_error("unknown cache type: %s", argv->argv[1]); } /* handle_events - handle events while time advances */ static void handle_events(ARGV *argv) { int delay; time_t before; time_t after; if (argv->argc != 2 || (delay = atoi(argv->argv[1])) <= 0) { msg_error("usage: %s time", argv->argv[0]); return; } before = event_time(); event_drain(delay); after = event_time(); if (after < before + delay) sleep(before + delay - after); } /* save_endp - save endpoint->session binding */ static void save_endp(ARGV *argv) { int ttl; int fd; if (argv->argc != 5 || (ttl = atoi(argv->argv[1])) <= 0 || (fd = atoi(argv->argv[4])) <= 0) { msg_error("usage: save_endp ttl endpoint endp_props fd"); return; } if (DUP2(0, fd) < 0) msg_fatal("dup2(0, %d): %m", fd); scache_save_endp(scache, ttl, argv->argv[2], argv->argv[3], fd); } /* find_endp - find endpoint->session binding */ static void find_endp(ARGV *argv) { int fd; if (argv->argc != 2) { msg_error("usage: find_endp endpoint"); return; } if ((fd = scache_find_endp(scache, argv->argv[1], endp_prop)) >= 0) close(fd); } /* save_dest - save destination->endpoint binding */ static void save_dest(ARGV *argv) { int ttl; if (argv->argc != 5 || (ttl = atoi(argv->argv[1])) <= 0) { msg_error("usage: save_dest ttl destination dest_props endpoint"); return; } scache_save_dest(scache, ttl, argv->argv[2], argv->argv[3], argv->argv[4]); } /* find_dest - find destination->endpoint->session binding */ static void find_dest(ARGV *argv) { int fd; if (argv->argc != 2) { msg_error("usage: find_dest destination"); return; } if ((fd = scache_find_dest(scache, argv->argv[1], dest_prop, endp_prop)) >= 0) close(fd); } /* verbose - adjust noise level during cache manipulation */ static void verbose(ARGV *argv) { int level; if (argv->argc != 2 || (level = atoi(argv->argv[1])) < 0) { msg_error("usage: verbose level"); return; } verbose_level = level; } /* * The command lookup table. */ struct action { char *command; void (*action) (ARGV *); int flags; }; #define FLAG_NEED_CACHE (1<<0) static void help(ARGV *); static struct action actions[] = { "cache_type", cache_type, 0, "save_endp", save_endp, FLAG_NEED_CACHE, "find_endp", find_endp, FLAG_NEED_CACHE, "save_dest", save_dest, FLAG_NEED_CACHE, "find_dest", find_dest, FLAG_NEED_CACHE, "sleep", handle_events, 0, "verbose", verbose, 0, "?", help, 0, 0, }; /* help - list commands */ static void help(ARGV *argv) { struct action *ap; vstream_printf("commands:"); for (ap = actions; ap->command != 0; ap++) vstream_printf(" %s", ap->command); vstream_printf("\n"); vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT); } /* get_buffer - prompt for input or log input */ static int get_buffer(VSTRING *buf, VSTREAM *fp, int interactive) { int status; if (interactive) { vstream_printf("> "); vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT); } if ((status = vstring_get_nonl(buf, fp)) != VSTREAM_EOF) { if (!interactive) { vstream_printf(">>> %s\n", STR(buf)); vstream_fflush(VSTREAM_OUT); } } return (status); } /* at last, the main program */ int main(int unused_argc, char **unused_argv) { VSTRING *buf = vstring_alloc(1); ARGV *argv; struct action *ap; int interactive = isatty(0); endp_prop = vstring_alloc(1); dest_prop = vstring_alloc(1); vstream_fileno(VSTREAM_ERR) = 1; while (get_buffer(buf, VSTREAM_IN, interactive) != VSTREAM_EOF) { argv = argv_split(STR(buf), CHARS_SPACE); if (argv->argc > 0 && argv->argv[0][0] != '#') { msg_verbose = verbose_level; for (ap = actions; ap->command != 0; ap++) { if (strcmp(ap->command, argv->argv[0]) == 0) { if ((ap->flags & FLAG_NEED_CACHE) != 0 && scache == 0) msg_error("no session cache"); else ap->action(argv); break; } } msg_verbose = 0; if (ap->command == 0) msg_error("bad command: %s", argv->argv[0]); } argv_free(argv); } scache_free(scache); vstring_free(endp_prop); vstring_free(dest_prop); vstring_free(buf); exit(0); } #endif