/* Implementation of std.regex IR, an intermediate representation of a regular expression pattern. This is a common ground between frontend regex component (parser) and backend components - generators, matchers and other "filters". */ module std.regex.internal.ir; package(std.regex): import std.exception, std.meta, std.range.primitives, std.traits, std.uni; debug(std_regex_parser) import std.stdio; // just a common trait, may be moved elsewhere alias BasicElementOf(Range) = Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range); enum privateUseStart = '\U000F0000', privateUseEnd ='\U000FFFFD'; // heuristic value determines maximum CodepointSet length suitable for linear search enum maxCharsetUsed = 6; // another variable to tweak behavior of caching generated Tries for character classes enum maxCachedMatchers = 8; alias Trie = CodepointSetTrie!(13, 8); alias makeTrie = codepointSetTrie!(13, 8); CharMatcher[CodepointSet] matcherCache; //accessor with caching @trusted CharMatcher getMatcher(CodepointSet set) {// @@@BUG@@@ 6357 almost all properties of AA are not @safe if (__ctfe || maxCachedMatchers == 0) return CharMatcher(set); else { auto p = set in matcherCache; if (p) return *p; if (matcherCache.length == maxCachedMatchers) { // flush enmatchers in trieCache matcherCache = null; } return (matcherCache[set] = CharMatcher(set)); } } @trusted auto memoizeExpr(string expr)() { if (__ctfe) return mixin(expr); alias T = typeof(mixin(expr)); static T slot; static bool initialized; if (!initialized) { slot = mixin(expr); initialized = true; } return slot; } //property for \w character class @property CodepointSet wordCharacter() { return memoizeExpr!("unicode.Alphabetic | unicode.Mn | unicode.Mc | unicode.Me | unicode.Nd | unicode.Pc")(); } @property CharMatcher wordMatcher() { return memoizeExpr!("CharMatcher(wordCharacter)")(); } // some special Unicode white space characters private enum NEL = '\u0085', LS = '\u2028', PS = '\u2029'; // Characters that need escaping in string posed as regular expressions alias Escapables = AliasSeq!('[', ']', '\\', '^', '$', '.', '|', '?', ',', '-', ';', ':', '#', '&', '%', '/', '<', '>', '`', '*', '+', '(', ')', '{', '}', '~'); //Regular expression engine/parser options: // global - search all nonoverlapping matches in input // casefold - case insensitive matching, do casefolding on match in unicode mode // freeform - ignore whitespace in pattern, to match space use [ ] or \s // multiline - switch ^, $ detect start and end of linesinstead of just start and end of input enum RegexOption: uint { global = 0x1, casefold = 0x2, freeform = 0x4, nonunicode = 0x8, multiline = 0x10, singleline = 0x20 } //do not reorder this list alias RegexOptionNames = AliasSeq!('g', 'i', 'x', 'U', 'm', 's'); static assert( RegexOption.max < 0x80); // flags that allow guide execution of engine enum RegexInfo : uint { oneShot = 0x80 } // IR bit pattern: 0b1_xxxxx_yy // where yy indicates class of instruction, xxxxx for actual operation code // 00: atom, a normal instruction // 01: open, opening of a group, has length of contained IR in the low bits // 10: close, closing of a group, has length of contained IR in the low bits // 11 unused // // Loops with Q (non-greedy, with ? mark) must have the same size / other properties as non Q version // Possible changes: //* merge group, option, infinite/repeat start (to never copy during parsing of (a|b){1,2}) //* reorganize groups to make n args easier to find, or simplify the check for groups of similar ops // (like lookaround), or make it easier to identify hotspots. enum IR:uint { Char = 0b1_00000_00, //a character Any = 0b1_00001_00, //any character CodepointSet = 0b1_00010_00, //a most generic CodepointSet [...] Trie = 0b1_00011_00, //CodepointSet implemented as Trie //match with any of a consecutive OrChar's in this sequence //(used for case insensitive match) //OrChar holds in upper two bits of data total number of OrChars in this _sequence_ //the drawback of this representation is that it is difficult // to detect a jump in the middle of it OrChar = 0b1_00100_00, Nop = 0b1_00101_00, //no operation (padding) End = 0b1_00110_00, //end of program Bol = 0b1_00111_00, //beginning of a line ^ Eol = 0b1_01000_00, //end of a line $ Wordboundary = 0b1_01001_00, //boundary of a word Notwordboundary = 0b1_01010_00, //not a word boundary Backref = 0b1_01011_00, //backreference to a group (that has to be pinned, i.e. locally unique) (group index) GroupStart = 0b1_01100_00, //start of a group (x) (groupIndex+groupPinning(1bit)) GroupEnd = 0b1_01101_00, //end of a group (x) (groupIndex+groupPinning(1bit)) Option = 0b1_01110_00, //start of an option within an alternation x | y (length) GotoEndOr = 0b1_01111_00, //end of an option (length of the rest) Bof = 0b1_10000_00, //begining of "file" (string) ^ Eof = 0b1_10001_00, //end of "file" (string) $ //... any additional atoms here OrStart = 0b1_00000_01, //start of alternation group (length) OrEnd = 0b1_00000_10, //end of the or group (length,mergeIndex) //with this instruction order //bit mask 0b1_00001_00 could be used to test/set greediness InfiniteStart = 0b1_00001_01, //start of an infinite repetition x* (length) InfiniteEnd = 0b1_00001_10, //end of infinite repetition x* (length,mergeIndex) InfiniteQStart = 0b1_00010_01, //start of a non eager infinite repetition x*? (length) InfiniteQEnd = 0b1_00010_10, //end of non eager infinite repetition x*? (length,mergeIndex) InfiniteBloomStart = 0b1_00011_01, //start of an filtered infinite repetition x* (length) InfiniteBloomEnd = 0b1_00011_10, //end of filtered infinite repetition x* (length,mergeIndex) RepeatStart = 0b1_00100_01, //start of a {n,m} repetition (length) RepeatEnd = 0b1_00100_10, //end of x{n,m} repetition (length,step,minRep,maxRep) RepeatQStart = 0b1_00101_01, //start of a non eager x{n,m}? repetition (length) RepeatQEnd = 0b1_00101_10, //end of non eager x{n,m}? repetition (length,step,minRep,maxRep) // LookaheadStart = 0b1_00110_01, //begin of the lookahead group (length) LookaheadEnd = 0b1_00110_10, //end of a lookahead group (length) NeglookaheadStart = 0b1_00111_01, //start of a negative lookahead (length) NeglookaheadEnd = 0b1_00111_10, //end of a negative lookahead (length) LookbehindStart = 0b1_01000_01, //start of a lookbehind (length) LookbehindEnd = 0b1_01000_10, //end of a lookbehind (length) NeglookbehindStart = 0b1_01001_01, //start of a negative lookbehind (length) NeglookbehindEnd = 0b1_01001_10, //end of negative lookbehind (length) } //a shorthand for IR length - full length of specific opcode evaluated at compile time template IRL(IR code) { enum uint IRL = lengthOfIR(code); } static assert(IRL!(IR.LookaheadStart) == 3); //how many parameters follow the IR, should be optimized fixing some IR bits int immediateParamsIR(IR i){ switch (i) { case IR.OrEnd,IR.InfiniteEnd,IR.InfiniteQEnd: return 1; // merge table index case IR.InfiniteBloomEnd: return 2; // bloom filter index + merge table index case IR.RepeatEnd, IR.RepeatQEnd: return 4; case IR.LookaheadStart, IR.NeglookaheadStart, IR.LookbehindStart, IR.NeglookbehindStart: return 2; // start-end of captures used default: return 0; } } //full length of IR instruction inlcuding all parameters that might follow it int lengthOfIR(IR i) { return 1 + immediateParamsIR(i); } //full length of the paired IR instruction inlcuding all parameters that might follow it int lengthOfPairedIR(IR i) { return 1 + immediateParamsIR(pairedIR(i)); } //if the operation has a merge point (this relies on the order of the ops) bool hasMerge(IR i) { return (i&0b11)==0b10 && i <= IR.RepeatQEnd; } //is an IR that opens a "group" bool isStartIR(IR i) { return (i&0b11)==0b01; } //is an IR that ends a "group" bool isEndIR(IR i) { return (i&0b11)==0b10; } //is a standalone IR bool isAtomIR(IR i) { return (i&0b11)==0b00; } //makes respective pair out of IR i, swapping start/end bits of instruction IR pairedIR(IR i) { assert(isStartIR(i) || isEndIR(i)); return cast(IR)(i ^ 0b11); } //encoded IR instruction struct Bytecode { uint raw; //natural constraints enum maxSequence = 2+4; enum maxData = 1 << 22; enum maxRaw = 1 << 31; this(IR code, uint data) { assert(data < (1 << 22) && code < 256); raw = code << 24 | data; } this(IR code, uint data, uint seq) { assert(data < (1 << 22) && code < 256 ); assert(seq >= 2 && seq < maxSequence); raw = code << 24 | (seq - 2)<<22 | data; } //store raw data static Bytecode fromRaw(uint data) { Bytecode t; t.raw = data; return t; } //bit twiddling helpers //0-arg template due to @@@BUG@@@ 10985 @property uint data()() const { return raw & 0x003f_ffff; } @property void data()(uint val) { raw = (raw & ~0x003f_ffff) | (val & 0x003f_ffff); } //ditto //0-arg template due to @@@BUG@@@ 10985 @property uint sequence()() const { return 2 + (raw >> 22 & 0x3); } //ditto //0-arg template due to @@@BUG@@@ 10985 @property IR code()() const { return cast(IR)(raw >> 24); } //ditto @property bool hotspot() const { return hasMerge(code); } //test the class of this instruction @property bool isAtom() const { return isAtomIR(code); } //ditto @property bool isStart() const { return isStartIR(code); } //ditto @property bool isEnd() const { return isEndIR(code); } //number of arguments for this instruction @property int args() const { return immediateParamsIR(code); } //mark this GroupStart or GroupEnd as referenced in backreference void setBackrefence() { assert(code == IR.GroupStart || code == IR.GroupEnd); raw = raw | 1 << 23; } //is referenced @property bool backreference() const { assert(code == IR.GroupStart || code == IR.GroupEnd); return cast(bool)(raw & 1 << 23); } //mark as local reference (for backrefs in lookarounds) void setLocalRef() { assert(code == IR.Backref); raw = raw | 1 << 23; } //is a local ref @property bool localRef() const { assert(code == IR.Backref); return cast(bool)(raw & 1 << 23); } //human readable name of instruction @trusted @property string mnemonic()() const {//@@@BUG@@@ to is @system import std.conv : to; return to!string(code); } //full length of instruction @property uint length() const { return lengthOfIR(code); } //full length of respective start/end of this instruction @property uint pairedLength() const { return lengthOfPairedIR(code); } //returns bytecode of paired instruction (assuming this one is start or end) @property Bytecode paired() const {//depends on bit and struct layout order assert(isStart || isEnd); return Bytecode.fromRaw(raw ^ 0b11 << 24); } //gets an index into IR block of the respective pair uint indexOfPair(uint pc) const { assert(isStart || isEnd); return isStart ? pc + data + length : pc - data - lengthOfPairedIR(code); } } static assert(Bytecode.sizeof == 4); //index entry structure for name --> number of submatch struct NamedGroup { string name; uint group; } //holds pair of start-end markers for a submatch struct Group(DataIndex) { DataIndex begin, end; @trusted string toString()() const { import std.array : appender; import std.format : formattedWrite; auto a = appender!string(); formattedWrite(a, "%s..%s", begin, end); return a.data; } } //debugging tool, prints out instruction along with opcodes @trusted string disassemble(in Bytecode[] irb, uint pc, in NamedGroup[] dict=[]) { import std.array : appender; import std.format : formattedWrite; auto output = appender!string(); formattedWrite(output,"%s", irb[pc].mnemonic); switch (irb[pc].code) { case IR.Char: formattedWrite(output, " %s (0x%x)",cast(dchar) irb[pc].data, irb[pc].data); break; case IR.OrChar: formattedWrite(output, " %s (0x%x) seq=%d", cast(dchar) irb[pc].data, irb[pc].data, irb[pc].sequence); break; case IR.RepeatStart, IR.InfiniteStart, IR.InfiniteBloomStart, IR.Option, IR.GotoEndOr, IR.OrStart: //forward-jump instructions uint len = irb[pc].data; formattedWrite(output, " pc=>%u", pc+len+IRL!(IR.RepeatStart)); break; case IR.RepeatEnd, IR.RepeatQEnd: //backward-jump instructions uint len = irb[pc].data; formattedWrite(output, " pc=>%u min=%u max=%u step=%u", pc - len, irb[pc + 3].raw, irb[pc + 4].raw, irb[pc + 2].raw); break; case IR.InfiniteEnd, IR.InfiniteQEnd, IR.InfiniteBloomEnd, IR.OrEnd: //ditto uint len = irb[pc].data; formattedWrite(output, " pc=>%u", pc-len); break; case IR.LookaheadEnd, IR.NeglookaheadEnd: //ditto uint len = irb[pc].data; formattedWrite(output, " pc=>%u", pc-len); break; case IR.GroupStart, IR.GroupEnd: uint n = irb[pc].data; string name; foreach (v;dict) if (v.group == n) { name = "'"~v.name~"'"; break; } formattedWrite(output, " %s #%u " ~ (irb[pc].backreference ? "referenced" : ""), name, n); break; case IR.LookaheadStart, IR.NeglookaheadStart, IR.LookbehindStart, IR.NeglookbehindStart: uint len = irb[pc].data; uint start = irb[pc+1].raw, end = irb[pc+2].raw; formattedWrite(output, " pc=>%u [%u..%u]", pc + len + IRL!(IR.LookaheadStart), start, end); break; case IR.Backref: case IR.CodepointSet: case IR.Trie: uint n = irb[pc].data; formattedWrite(output, " %u", n); if (irb[pc].code == IR.Backref) formattedWrite(output, " %s", irb[pc].localRef ? "local" : "global"); break; default://all data-free instructions } if (irb[pc].hotspot) formattedWrite(output, " Hotspot %u", irb[pc+1].raw); return output.data; } //disassemble the whole chunk @trusted void printBytecode()(in Bytecode[] slice, in NamedGroup[] dict=[]) { import std.stdio : writeln; for (uint pc=0; pc= end; } @property size_t length() { return end - start; } alias opDollar = length; @property NamedGroupRange save() { return NamedGroupRange(groups, start, end); } void popFront() { assert(!empty); start++; } void popBack() { assert(!empty); end--; } string opIndex()(size_t i) { assert(start + i < end, "Requested named group is out of range."); return groups[start+i].name; } NamedGroupRange opSlice(size_t low, size_t high) { assert(low <= high); assert(start + high <= end); return NamedGroupRange(groups, start + low, start + high); } NamedGroupRange opSlice() { return this.save; } } return NamedGroupRange(dict, 0, dict.length); } package(std.regex): import std.regex.internal.kickstart : Kickstart; //TODO: get rid of this dependency NamedGroup[] dict; // maps name -> user group number uint ngroup; // number of internal groups uint maxCounterDepth; // max depth of nested {n,m} repetitions uint hotspotTableSize; // number of entries in merge table uint threadCount; // upper bound on number of Thompson VM threads uint flags; // global regex flags public const(CharMatcher)[] matchers; // tables that represent character sets public const(BitTable)[] filters; // bloom filters for conditional loops uint[] backrefed; // bit array of backreferenced submatches Kickstart!Char kickstart; //bit access helper uint isBackref(uint n) { if (n/32 >= backrefed.length) return 0; return backrefed[n / 32] & (1 << (n & 31)); } //check if searching is not needed void checkIfOneShot() { L_CheckLoop: for (uint i = 0; i < ir.length; i += ir[i].length) { switch (ir[i].code) { case IR.Bof: flags |= RegexInfo.oneShot; break L_CheckLoop; case IR.GroupStart, IR.GroupEnd, IR.Bol, IR.Eol, IR.Eof, IR.Wordboundary, IR.Notwordboundary: break; default: break L_CheckLoop; } } } //print out disassembly a program's IR @trusted debug(std_regex_parser) void print() const {//@@@BUG@@@ write is system for (uint i = 0; i < ir.length; i += ir[i].length) { writefln("%d\t%s ", i, disassemble(ir, i, dict)); } writeln("Total merge table size: ", hotspotTableSize); writeln("Max counter nesting depth: ", maxCounterDepth); } } //@@@BUG@@@ (unreduced) - public makes it inaccessible in std.regex.package (!) /*public*/ struct StaticRegex(Char) { package(std.regex): import std.regex.internal.backtracking : BacktrackingMatcher; alias Matcher = BacktrackingMatcher!(true); alias MatchFn = bool function(ref Matcher!Char) @trusted; MatchFn nativeFn; public: Regex!Char _regex; alias _regex this; this(Regex!Char re, MatchFn fn) { _regex = re; nativeFn = fn; } } // The stuff below this point is temporarrily part of IR module // but may need better place in the future (all internals) package(std.regex): //Simple UTF-string abstraction compatible with stream interface struct Input(Char) if (is(Char :dchar)) { import std.utf : decode; alias DataIndex = size_t; enum bool isLoopback = false; alias String = const(Char)[]; String _origin; size_t _index; //constructs Input object out of plain string this(String input, size_t idx = 0) { _origin = input; _index = idx; } //codepoint at current stream position pragma(inline, true) bool nextChar(ref dchar res, ref size_t pos) { pos = _index; // DMD's inliner hates multiple return functions // but can live with single statement if/else bodies bool n = !(_index == _origin.length); if (n) res = decode(_origin, _index); return n; } @property bool atEnd(){ return _index == _origin.length; } bool search(Kickstart)(ref Kickstart kick, ref dchar res, ref size_t pos) { size_t idx = kick.search(_origin, _index); _index = idx; return nextChar(res, pos); } //index of at End position @property size_t lastIndex(){ return _origin.length; } //support for backtracker engine, might not be present void reset(size_t index){ _index = index; } String opSlice(size_t start, size_t end){ return _origin[start .. end]; } auto loopBack(size_t index){ return BackLooper!Input(this, index); } } struct BackLooperImpl(Input) { import std.utf : strideBack; alias DataIndex = size_t; alias String = Input.String; enum bool isLoopback = true; String _origin; size_t _index; this(Input input, size_t index) { _origin = input._origin; _index = index; } @trusted bool nextChar(ref dchar res,ref size_t pos) { pos = _index; if (_index == 0) return false; res = _origin[0.._index].back; _index -= strideBack(_origin, _index); return true; } @property atEnd(){ return _index == 0 || _index == strideBack(_origin, _index); } auto loopBack(size_t index){ return Input(_origin, index); } //support for backtracker engine, might not be present //void reset(size_t index){ _index = index ? index-std.utf.strideBack(_origin, index) : 0; } void reset(size_t index){ _index = index; } String opSlice(size_t start, size_t end){ return _origin[end .. start]; } //index of at End position @property size_t lastIndex(){ return 0; } } template BackLooper(E) { static if (is(E : BackLooperImpl!U, U)) { alias BackLooper = U; } else { alias BackLooper = BackLooperImpl!E; } } //both helpers below are internal, on its own are quite "explosive" //unsafe, no initialization of elements @system T[] mallocArray(T)(size_t len) { import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc; return (cast(T*) malloc(len * T.sizeof))[0 .. len]; } //very unsafe, no initialization @system T[] arrayInChunk(T)(size_t len, ref void[] chunk) { auto ret = (cast(T*) chunk.ptr)[0 .. len]; chunk = chunk[len * T.sizeof .. $]; return ret; } // @trusted uint lookupNamedGroup(String)(NamedGroup[] dict, String name) {//equal is @system? import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; import std.algorithm.iteration : map; import std.conv : text; import std.range : assumeSorted; auto fnd = assumeSorted!"cmp(a,b) < 0"(map!"a.name"(dict)).lowerBound(name).length; enforce(fnd < dict.length && equal(dict[fnd].name, name), text("no submatch named ", name)); return dict[fnd].group; } //whether ch is one of unicode newline sequences //0-arg template due to @@@BUG@@@ 10985 bool endOfLine()(dchar front, bool seenCr) { return ((front == '\n') ^ seenCr) || front == '\r' || front == NEL || front == LS || front == PS; } // //0-arg template due to @@@BUG@@@ 10985 bool startOfLine()(dchar back, bool seenNl) { return ((back == '\r') ^ seenNl) || back == '\n' || back == NEL || back == LS || back == PS; } ///Exception object thrown in case of errors during regex compilation. public class RegexException : Exception { mixin basicExceptionCtors; } // simple 128-entry bit-table used with a hash function struct BitTable { uint[4] filter; this(CodepointSet set){ foreach (iv; set.byInterval) { foreach (v; iv.a .. iv.b) add(v); } } void add()(dchar ch){ immutable i = index(ch); filter[i >> 5] |= 1<<(i & 31); } // non-zero -> might be present, 0 -> absent bool opIndex()(dchar ch) const{ immutable i = index(ch); return (filter[i >> 5]>>(i & 31)) & 1; } static uint index()(dchar ch){ return ((ch >> 7) ^ ch) & 0x7F; } } struct CharMatcher { BitTable ascii; // fast path for ASCII Trie trie; // slow path for Unicode this(CodepointSet set) { auto asciiSet = set & unicode.ASCII; ascii = BitTable(asciiSet); trie = makeTrie(set); } bool opIndex()(dchar ch) const { if (ch < 0x80) return ascii[ch]; else return trie[ch]; } }