GETNAMEINFO(3) BSD Library Functions Manual GETNAMEINFO(3) NNAAMMEE ggeettnnaammeeiinnffoo - address-to-name translation in protocol-independent manner SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ##iinncclluuddee <> ##iinncclluuddee <> _i_n_t ggeettnnaammeeiinnffoo(_c_o_n_s_t _s_t_r_u_c_t _s_o_c_k_a_d_d_r _*_s_a, _s_o_c_k_l_e_n___t _s_a_l_e_n, _c_h_a_r _*_h_o_s_t, _s_i_z_e___t _h_o_s_t_l_e_n, _c_h_a_r _*_s_e_r_v, _s_i_z_e___t _s_e_r_v_l_e_n, _i_n_t _f_l_a_g_s); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ggeettnnaammeeiinnffoo() function is defined for protocol-independent address- to-nodename translation. It performs functionality of gethostbyaddr(3) and getservbyport(3) in more sophisticated manner. The _s_a arguement is a pointer to a generic socket address structure of size _s_a_l_e_n. The arguements _h_o_s_t and _s_e_r_v are pointers to buffers to hold the return values. Their sizes are specified by _h_o_s_t_l_e_n and _s_e_r_v_l_e_n repectively. Either _h_o_s_t or _s_e_r_v may be NULL if the hostname or service name is not required. The _f_l_a_g_s arguement modifies the behaviour of ggeettnnaammeeiinnffoo() as follows: If NI_NOFQDN is set only the unqualified hostname is returned for local fully qualified names. If NI_NUMERICHOST is set then the numeric form of the hostname is returned. If NI_NAMEREQD is set, then a error is returned if the hostname cannot be looked up. If NI_NUMERICSERV is set then the service is returned in numeric form. If NI_DGRAM is set then the service is UDP based rather than TCP based. SSEEEE AALLSSOO getaddrinfo(3), gethostbyaddr(3), getservbyport(3), hosts(5), services(5), hostname(7), R. Gilligan, S. Thomson, J. Bound, and W. Stevens, ‘‘Basic Socket Inter‐ face Extensions for IPv6,’’ RFC2133, April 1997. SSTTAANNDDAARRDDSS The ggeettaaddddrriinnffoo() function is defined IEEE POSIX 1003.1g draft specifica‐ tion, and documented in ‘‘Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6’’ (RFC2133). BSD January 11, 1999 BSD