The upgrade to NetBSD _VER is a binary upgrade; it would be prohibitive to make users upgrade by compiling and installing the _VER sources, and it would be very difficult to even compile a set of instructions that allowed them to do so. Because of the many changes to the system, it is difficult and impractical to upgrade by recompiling from the sources and installing. There is no upgrade program for upgrading to release _VER for the NetBSD/mac68k architecture. The current procedure is basically to perform a new install from scratch. It is hoped that there will be a good upgrade procedure for future releases. Please feel free to volunteer to help replace these installation tools. The following steps outline the current upgrade procedure. These steps should help ease the upgrade process. Please read these instructions carefully and completely before proceeding: 1) Since upgrading involves replacing the kernel and most of the system binaries, it has the potential to cause data loss. You are strongly advised to BACK UP ANY IMPORTANT DATA ON YOUR DISK, whether on the NetBSD partition or on another operating system's partition, before beginning the upgrade process. Although the upgrade should not damage your filesystem(s) in any way, you never know what may happen. 2) Download the distribution sets you want from the "mac68k/binaries" subdirectory of the NetBSD _VER distribution. You will need the base set and the kernel at a minimum. Be sure to download the files in _binary_ mode. If you will be upgrading from within NetBSD, make sure that you place the distribution sets on a filesystem you will be able to reach from single-user mode. 3) Install the _VER kernel. You may either use the Installer utility (included in the utils subdirectory) or install from within NetBSD (the latter is recommended for speed reasons). If you choose the former, proceed as you normally would. If you choose to install from within NetBSD, then boot (or shutdown) into single-user mode and do the following: cd / tar -zxvpf netbsd13 (substitute the full path to archive here) There is no need to explicitly backup your old kernel since it will be incapable of running many the newer binaries you are about to install. 4) If you are installing using the Installer, skip to step 5. Otherwise, reboot into NetBSD in single-user mode. Run 'fsck -f' and then mount all local partitions read/write. Usually 'mount -a -t nonfs' should do the trick, but if you have several partitions on the same disk, take note of the fact that a change in partition numbering may have moved a few of your partitions around. You can do a 'disklabel sdX' (where X is a drive on which you have NetBSD partitions) to see how the partitions are currently layed out. It is likely that a partition has shifted into 'sdXd', a slot that was not available under previous releases of NetBSD. If this is the case, you will need to manually mount your root partition (via 'mount -w /') and edit your /etc/fstab file to reflect the new partition layout. Unless you are familiar with 'ex', the easiest way to fix your /etc/fstab file is probably to simply do a 'cat > /etc/fstab' and type in the corrected file in its entirety. 5) Install the distribution sets. Keep in mind that the NetBSD _VER distribution takes up a considerable amount more of disk space than did the 1.2 or 1.2.1 distributions. If you are using the Installer, proceed normally (remember that you will need to mount non-root partitions by hand using the MiniShell before installing). If you are installing from with NetBSD, do the following: cd / tar --unlink -zxvpf base13 (substitute the full path to the archive here) It is crucial that you use the '--unlink' flag when invoking tar or you will fail to correctly overwrite some files. Keep in mind that there is no going back once you have installed the base set short of a complete reinstall of an earlier distribution. Continue with the appropriate command line for each of the other packages you have installed except for the etc package. If you are in the Installer, open up the Minishell and do the following: cd /tmp exit Now, use the Installer to install the etc package (it will install into /tmp instead of the /etc/ directory). If you are in NetBSD, do the following instead: cd /tmp tar --unlink -zxvpf etc13 (substitute the full path to the archive here) 6) If you are in the Installer, quit it and boot into NetBSD in single-user mode. From there, 'cd' to the /tmp/etc directory and compare each file there with your old files in /etc. You will probably want to replace some of your system configuration files, or incorporate some of the changes in the new versions into yours. You should take note of the following when upgrading to the etc13 set: * The first file to pay attention to is /etc/rc.conf. This file did not exist under NetBSD 1.2, but it is used to configure the rc scripts under NetBSD _VER. Edit the file to your preferences, making sure that you change the line that says: rc_configured=NO to read: rc_configured=YES This will enable all of the options you have configured in /etc/rc.conf. * The next important item to take note of is the new networking configuration files. If you currently have an /etc/hostname.xxN file (fill in the xxN with either ae0 or sn0), you will need to convert it into an ifconfig.xxN file before networking automatically works. The format for the new file is simply the arguments which you would give to ifconfig on the command line. The following is an example of the minimal ifconfig.xxN file: inet hostname.domain.dom netmask 0xffffff00 Read the ifconfig(8) man page for more details on arguments to ifconfig. Be sure to set auto_ifconfig=YES in /etc/rc.conf to ensure that your network interfaces will be brought up automatically on boot. * Many of the options given to many of the file systems have changed, and some of the file systems have changed names. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU CHANGE ANY INSTANCES OF "ufs" IN /etc/fstab TO "ffs". To find out more about different filesystem options, read the man page for the associated mount command (e.g. mount_mfs(8) for MFS filesystems, note: FFS type filesystems are documented in the mount(8) man page). If you have not already done so, you may also need to correct /etc/fstab for a shift in the partition numbering scheme. See step (4) above for more details. * You will also probably want to upgrade your device nodes at this time as well. Make sure you have installed the latest MAKEDEV script (it should be included in the etc set) and perform the following commands: cd /dev sh MAKEDEV all 7) A number of binaries have changed their locations from NetBSD 1.2.1 to NetBSD _VER (most of these have moved from /sbin to /usr/sbin). A few binaries have been removed. It is probably best if you scan the modification dates of the files in the /sbin directory. If there are files in the directory which have newer counterparts in the /usr/sbin directory, it is a very good idea to remove the older files (you will probably run into difficulties later if you choose not to do this). You should also check the /sbin, /bin, /usr/bin/, and /usr/sbin directories for old binaries that are no longer part of the NetBSD distribution and delete them as well. In general, all the files in a particular distribution should have similar modification dates, so looking at these is a good way of determining a file's age. 8) Run 'fsck -f' to make sure that your filesystem is still consistent. If fsck reports any errors, fix them by answering 'y' to its suggested solutions (note: if there are a large number of errors, you may wish to stop and run 'fsck -fy' to automatically answer "yes" instead). 9) Exit from single-user mode and it should continue to boot into multi-user mode. At this point you have successfully upgraded to NetBSD _VER.