/* $NetBSD: clock_ebus.c,v 1.5 2011/06/12 04:40:44 tsutsui Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code was written by Alessandro Forin and Neil Pittman * at Microsoft Research and contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Microsoft Corporation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include /* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */ __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: clock_ebus.c,v 1.5 2011/06/12 04:40:44 tsutsui Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Device softc */ struct eclock_softc { device_t sc_dev; struct _Tc *sc_dp; uint32_t sc_reload; struct timecounter sc_tc; struct todr_chip_handle sc_todr; }; static int eclock_ebus_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void eclock_ebus_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(eclock_ebus, sizeof (struct eclock_softc), eclock_ebus_match, eclock_ebus_attach, NULL, NULL); void eclock_init(device_t); static void __eclock_init(device_t); static int eclock_gettime(struct todr_chip_handle *, struct timeval *); static int eclock_settime(struct todr_chip_handle *, struct timeval *); static int eclock_ebus_intr(void *, void *); static u_int eclock_counter(struct timecounter *); /* BUGBUG resolve the gap between cpu_initclocks() and eclock_init(x) */ device_t clockdev = NULL; void eclock_init(device_t dev) { if (dev == NULL) dev = clockdev; if (dev == NULL) panic("eclock_init"); __eclock_init(dev); } static void __eclock_init(device_t dev) { struct eclock_softc *sc = device_private(dev); struct _Tc *tc = sc->sc_dp; uint32_t reload = 10 * 1000000; /* 1sec in 100ns units (10MHz clock) */ /* * Compute reload according to whatever value passed in, * Warn if fractional */ if (hz > 1) { uint32_t r = reload / hz; if ((r * hz) != reload) printf("%s: %d Hz clock will cause roundoffs" " with 10MHz xtal (%d)\n", device_xname(sc->sc_dev), hz, reload - (r * hz)); reload = r; } sc->sc_reload = reload; /* Start the counter */ tc->DownCounterHigh = 0; tc->DownCounter = sc->sc_reload; tc->Control = TCCT_ENABLE | TCCT_INT_ENABLE; } /* * Get the time of day, based on the clock's value and/or the base value. * NB: At 10MHz, our 64bits FreeRunning is worth 58,426 years. */ extern u_quad_t __qdivrem(u_quad_t uq, u_quad_t vq, u_quad_t *arq); static int eclock_gettime(struct todr_chip_handle *todr, struct timeval *tv) { struct eclock_softc *sc = todr->cookie; struct _Tc *tc = sc->sc_dp; uint64_t free; int s; /* * 32bit processor, guard against interrupts in the middle of * reading this 64bit entity */ /* BUGBUG Should read it "twice" to guard against rollover too. */ s = splhigh(); free = tc->FreeRunning; splx(s); /* * Big fight with the compiler here, it gets very confused by 64bits. */ #if 0 /* * This is in C: */ { uint64_t freeS, freeU; freeS = free / (10 * 1000 * 1000); freeU = free % (10 * 1000 * 1000); tv->tv_sec = freeS; tv->tv_usec = freeU / 10; #if 0 printf("egt: s x%" PRIx64 " u x%lx (fs %" PRId64 " fu %" PRId64 " f %" PRId64 ")\n", tv->tv_sec, tv->tv_usec, freeS, freeU, free); #endif } #else /* * And this is in assembly :-) */ { u_quad_t r; u_quad_t d = __qdivrem(free,(u_quad_t)10000000,&r); uint32_t su, uu; su = (uint32_t)d; uu = (uint32_t)r; uu = uu / 10; /* in usecs */ tv->tv_sec = su; tv->tv_usec = uu; #if 0 printf("egt: s x%" PRIx64 " u x%lx (fs %" PRId64 " fu %" PRId64 " f %" PRId64 ")\n", tv->tv_sec, tv->tv_usec, d, r, free); #endif } #endif return 0; } /* * Reset the TODR based on the time value. */ static int eclock_settime(struct todr_chip_handle *todr, struct timeval *tv) { struct eclock_softc *sc = todr->cookie; struct _Tc *tc = sc->sc_dp; uint64_t free, su; uint32_t uu; int s; /* Careful with what we do here, else the compilerbugs hit hard */ s = splhigh(); su = (uint64_t)tv->tv_sec; /* 0(tv) */ uu = (uint32_t)tv->tv_usec; /* 8(tv) */ free = su * 10 * 1000 * 1000; free += uu * 10; tc->FreeRunning = free; splx(s); #if 0 /* Should compile to something like this: 80260c84 : 80260c84: 27bdffc0 addiu sp,sp,-64 80260c88: afbf0038 sw ra,56(sp) 80260c8c: afb40030 sw s4,48(sp) 80260c90: afb3002c sw s3,44(sp) 80260c94: afb20028 sw s2,40(sp) 80260c98: afb10024 sw s1,36(sp) 80260c9c: afb00020 sw s0,32(sp) 80260ca0: afb50034 sw s5,52(sp) 80260ca4: 8c820000 lw v0,0(a0) 80260ca8: 00a09021 move s2,a1 80260cac: 8c55003c lw s5,60(v0) //s5=tc 80260cb0: 0c004122 jal 80010488 <_splraise> 80260cb4: 3404ff00 li a0,0xff00 80260cb8: 8e540000 lw s4,0(s2) //s4=tv->tv_sec=us 80260cbc: 3c060098 lui a2,0x98 80260cc0: 34c69680 ori a2,a2,0x9680 //a2=10000000 80260cc4: 02860019 multu s4,a2 //free=us*10000000 80260cc8: 8e530004 lw s3,4(s2) //s3=uu 80260ccc: 00402021 move a0,v0 //s=splhigh() 80260cd0: 001328c0 sll a1,s3,0x3 80260cd4: 00131040 sll v0,s3,0x1 80260cd8: 00451021 addu v0,v0,a1 80260cdc: 00401821 move v1,v0 //v1 = uu*10 80260ce0: 00001021 move v0,zero 80260ce4: 00003812 mflo a3 //a3=low(free) 80260ce8: 00e38821 addu s1,a3,v1 //s1=low(free)+(uu*10) 80260cec: 0227282b sltu a1,s1,a3 //a1=overflow bit 80260cf0: 00003010 mfhi a2 //a2=high(free) 80260cf4: 00c28021 addu s0,a2,v0 //s0=a2=high(free) [useless, v0=0] 80260cf8: 00b08021 addu s0,a1,s0 //s0+=overflow bit 80260cfc: aeb1000c sw s1,12(s5) 80260d00: aeb00008 sw s0,8(s5) 80260d04: 0c00413f jal 800104fc <_splset> 80260d08: 00000000 nop */ #endif #if 0 printf("est: s x%" PRIx64 " u x%lx (%d %d), free %" PRId64 "\n", tv->tv_sec, tv->tv_usec, su, uu, free); #endif return 0; } static int eclock_ebus_intr(void *cookie, void *f) { struct eclock_softc *sc = cookie; struct _Tc *tc = sc->sc_dp; struct clockframe *cf = f; volatile uint32_t x; x = tc->Control; tc->DownCounterHigh = 0; tc->DownCounter = sc->sc_reload; hardclock(cf); emips_clock_evcnt.ev_count++; return 0; } static u_int eclock_counter(struct timecounter *tc) { struct eclock_softc *sc = tc->tc_priv; struct _Tc *Tc = sc->sc_dp; return (u_int)Tc->FreeRunning; /* NB: chops to 32bits */ } static int eclock_ebus_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct ebus_attach_args *ia = aux; struct _Tc *mc = (struct _Tc *)ia->ia_vaddr; if (strcmp("eclock", ia->ia_name) != 0) return 0; if ((mc == NULL) || (mc->Tag != PMTTAG_TIMER)) return 0; return 1; } static void eclock_ebus_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct eclock_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct ebus_attach_args *ia = aux; sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_dp = (struct _Tc *)ia->ia_vaddr; /* NB: We are chopping our 64bit free-running down to 32bits */ sc->sc_tc.tc_get_timecount = eclock_counter; sc->sc_tc.tc_poll_pps = 0; sc->sc_tc.tc_counter_mask = 0xffffffff; sc->sc_tc.tc_frequency = 10 * 1000 * 1000; /* 10 MHz */ sc->sc_tc.tc_name = "eclock"; /* BUGBUG is it unique per instance?? */ sc->sc_tc.tc_quality = 2000; /* uhu? */ sc->sc_tc.tc_priv = sc; sc->sc_tc.tc_next = NULL; #if DEBUG printf(" virt=%p ", (void *)sc->sc_dp); #endif printf(": eMIPS clock\n"); /* Turn interrupts off, just in case. */ sc->sc_dp->Control &= ~(TCCT_INT_ENABLE|TCCT_INTERRUPT); ebus_intr_establish(parent, (void *)ia->ia_cookie, IPL_CLOCK, eclock_ebus_intr, sc); #ifdef EVCNT_COUNTERS evcnt_attach_dynamic(&clock_intr_evcnt, EVCNT_TYPE_INTR, NULL, device_xname(self), "intr"); #endif clockdev = self; memset(&sc->sc_todr, 0, sizeof sc->sc_todr); sc->sc_todr.cookie = sc; sc->sc_todr.todr_gettime = eclock_gettime; sc->sc_todr.todr_settime = eclock_settime; todr_attach(&sc->sc_todr); tc_init(&sc->sc_tc); }