/* $NetBSD: wskbdmap_amiga.c,v 1.8 2005/12/11 12:16:28 christos Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Juergen Hannken-Illjes. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Amiga keyboard maps for wscons. */ /* * Keymaps: us, de, fr, es, sv converted from the old ite keymaps * which were created by Markus Wild, Eric Delcamp, Inaki Saez * and Stefan Pedersen. * * Copyright (c) 1993 Markus Wild * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Markus Wild. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: wskbdmap_amiga.c,v 1.8 2005/12/11 12:16:28 christos Exp $"); #include #include #include #define KC(n) KS_KEYCODE(n) static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_us[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(0), KS_grave, KS_asciitilde, KC(1), KS_1, KS_exclam, KS_onesuperior, KS_exclam, KC(2), KS_2, KS_at, KS_twosuperior, KS_at, KC(3), KS_3, KS_numbersign, KS_threesuperior,KS_numbersign, KC(4), KS_4, KS_dollar, KS_cent, KS_dollar, KC(5), KS_5, KS_percent, KS_onequarter, KS_percent, KC(6), KS_6, KS_asciicircum, KS_onehalf, KS_asciicircum, KC(7), KS_7, KS_ampersand, KS_threequarters,KS_ampersand, KC(8), KS_8, KS_asterisk, KS_periodcentered,KS_asterisk, KC(9), KS_9, KS_parenleft, KS_guillemotleft,KS_parenleft, KC(10), KS_0, KS_parenright,KS_guillemotright,KS_parenright, KC(11), KS_minus, KS_underscore, KC(12), KS_equal, KS_plus, KC(13), KS_backslash, KS_bar, KC(15), KS_KP_0, KC(16), KS_q, KS_Q, KS_aring, KS_Aring, KC(17), KS_w, KS_W, KS_degree, KC(18), KS_e, KS_E, KS_copyright, KC(19), KS_r, KS_R, KS_registered, KC(20), KS_t, KS_T, KS_thorn, KC(21), KS_y, KS_Y, KS_currency, KS_yen, KC(22), KS_u, KS_U, KS_mu, KC(23), KS_i, KS_I, KS_exclamdown, KS_brokenbar, KC(24), KS_o, KS_O, KS_oslash, KS_Ooblique, KC(25), KS_p, KS_P, KS_paragraph, KC(26), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright, KC(29), KS_KP_1, KS_KP_End, KC(30), KS_KP_2, KS_KP_Down, KC(31), KS_KP_3, KS_KP_Next, KC(32), KS_a, KS_A, KS_ae, KS_AE, KC(33), KS_s, KS_S, KS_ssharp, KS_section, KC(34), KS_d, KS_D, KS_eth, KS_ETH, KC(35), KS_f, KS_F, KS_dead_acute, KC(36), KS_g, KS_G, KS_dead_grave, KC(37), KS_h, KS_H, KS_dead_circumflex, KC(38), KS_j, KS_J, KS_dead_tilde, KC(39), KS_k, KS_K, KS_dead_diaeresis, KC(40), KS_l, KS_L, KS_sterling, KC(41), KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KC(45), KS_KP_4, KS_KP_Left, KC(46), KS_KP_5, KS_KP_Begin, KC(47), KS_KP_6, KS_KP_Right, KC(49), KS_z, KS_Z, KS_plusminus, KC(50), KS_x, KS_X, KS_multiply, KC(51), KS_c, KS_C, KS_ccedilla, KC(52), KS_v, KS_V, KS_ordfeminine, KC(53), KS_b, KS_B, KS_masculine, KC(54), KS_n, KS_N, KS_hyphen, KC(55), KS_m, KS_M, KS_cedilla, KC(56), KS_comma, KS_less, KC(57), KS_period, KS_greater, KC(58), KS_slash, KS_question, KC(60), KS_KP_Decimal, KS_KP_Delete, KC(61), KS_KP_7, KS_KP_Home, KC(62), KS_KP_8, KS_KP_Up, KC(63), KS_KP_9, KS_KP_Prior, KC(64), KS_space, KS_space, KS_nobreakspace,KS_nobreakspace, /* keycode command normal */ KC(65), KS_Cmd_ResetEmul, KS_Delete, KC(66), KS_Tab, KC(67), KS_KP_Enter, KC(68), KS_Return, KC(69), KS_Cmd_Debugger, KS_Escape, KC(70), KS_BackSpace, KC(74), KS_KP_Subtract, KC(76), KS_Up, KC(77), KS_Down, KC(78), KS_Right, KC(79), KS_Left, KC(80), KS_Cmd_Screen0, KS_f1, KC(81), KS_Cmd_Screen1, KS_f2, KC(82), KS_Cmd_Screen2, KS_f3, KC(83), KS_Cmd_Screen3, KS_f4, KC(84), KS_Cmd_Screen4, KS_f5, KC(85), KS_Cmd_Screen5, KS_f6, KC(86), KS_Cmd_Screen6, KS_f7, KC(87), KS_Cmd_Screen7, KS_f8, KC(88), KS_Cmd_Screen8, KS_f9, KC(89), KS_Cmd_Screen9, KS_f10, KC(90), KS_parenleft, KC(91), KS_parenright, KC(92), KS_KP_Divide, KC(93), KS_KP_Multiply, KC(94), KS_KP_Add, KC(95), KS_Help, KC(96), KS_Shift_L, KC(97), KS_Shift_R, KC(99), KS_Cmd1, KS_Control_L, KC(100), KS_Cmd2, KS_Mode_switch, KC(101), KS_Mode_switch, KC(102), KS_Cmd, KS_Alt_L, KC(103), KS_Multi_key, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_de[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(2), KS_2, KS_quotedbl, KS_at, KS_twosuperior, KC(3), KS_3, KS_section, KS_threesuperior,KS_numbersign, KC(4), KS_4, KS_dollar, KS_degree, KS_cent, KC(6), KS_6, KS_ampersand, KS_onehalf, KS_asciicircum, KC(7), KS_7, KS_slash, KS_threequarters,KS_ampersand, KC(8), KS_8, KS_parenleft, KS_periodcentered,KS_asterisk, KC(9), KS_9, KS_parenright, KS_guillemotleft,KS_parenleft, KC(10), KS_0, KS_equal, KS_guillemotright,KS_parenright, KC(11), KS_ssharp, KS_question, KS_minus, KS_underscore, KC(12), KS_dead_acute, KS_dead_grave, KS_equal, KS_plus, KC(21), KS_z, KS_Z, KS_currency, KS_yen, KC(26), KS_udiaeresis, KS_Udiaeresis, KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_plus, KS_asterisk, KS_bracketright,KS_braceright, KC(41), KS_odiaeresis, KS_Odiaeresis, KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_adiaeresis, KS_Adiaeresis, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KC(43), KS_numbersign, KS_asciicircum, KC(48), KS_less, KS_greater, KC(49), KS_y, KS_Y, KS_plusminus, KS_notsign, KC(50), KS_x, KS_X, KS_multiply, KS_division, KC(51), KS_c, KS_C, KS_ccedilla, KS_Ccedilla, KC(54), KS_n, KS_N, KS_hyphen, KS_macron, KC(55), KS_m, KS_M, KS_cedilla, KS_questiondown, KC(56), KS_comma, KS_semicolon, KS_comma, KS_less, KC(57), KS_period, KS_colon, KS_period, KS_greater, KC(58), KS_minus, KS_underscore, KS_slash, KS_question, KC(90), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(91), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_de_nodead[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(12), KS_apostrophe, KS_grave, KS_equal, KS_plus, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_pl[] = { /* pos normal shifted altgr shift-altgr */ KC(18), KS_e, KS_E, KS_ecircumflex, KS_Ecircumflex, KC(24), KS_o, KS_O, KS_oacute, KS_Oacute, KC(32), KS_a, KS_A, KS_plusminus, KS_exclamdown, KC(33), KS_s, KS_S, KS_paragraph, KS_brokenbar, KC(40), KS_l, KS_L, KS_threesuperior, KS_sterling, KC(49), KS_z, KS_Z, KS_questiondown, KS_macron, KC(50), KS_x, KS_X, KS_onequarter, KS_notsign, KC(51), KS_c, KS_C, KS_ae, KS_AE, KC(54), KS_n, KS_N, KS_ntilde, KS_Ntilde, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_fr[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(1), KS_ampersand, KS_1, KS_onesuperior, KS_exclam, KC(2), KS_eacute, KS_2, KS_twosuperior, KS_at, KC(3), KS_quotedbl, KS_3, KS_threesuperior,KS_numbersign, KC(4), KS_apostrophe, KS_4, KS_cent, KS_dollar, KC(5), KS_parenleft, KS_5, KS_onequarter, KS_percent, KC(6), KS_section, KS_6, KS_onehalf, KS_asciicircum, KC(7), KS_egrave, KS_7, KS_threequarters,KS_ampersand, KC(8), KS_exclam, KS_8, KS_periodcentered,KS_asterisk, KC(9), KS_ccedilla, KS_9, KS_guillemotleft,KS_parenleft, KC(10), KS_agrave, KS_0, KS_guillemotright,KS_parenright, KC(11), KS_parenright, KS_degree, KS_minus, KS_underscore, KC(12), KS_minus, KS_underscore, KS_equal, KS_plus, KC(16), KS_a, KS_A, KS_aring, KS_Aring, KC(17), KS_z, KS_Z, KS_degree, KS_degree, KC(26), KS_dead_circumflex,KS_dead_diaeresis,KS_bracketleft,KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_dollar, KS_asterisk, KS_bracketright,KS_braceright, KC(32), KS_q, KS_Q, KS_ae, KS_AE, KC(41), KS_m, KS_M, KS_semicolon, KS_semicolon, KC(42), KS_Ugrave, KS_percent, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KC(43), KS_mu, KS_sterling, KS_mu, KS_sterling, KC(48), KS_less, KS_greater, KS_less, KS_greater, KC(49), KS_w, KS_W, KS_plusminus, KS_notsign, KC(50), KS_x, KS_X, KS_multiply, KS_division, KC(54), KS_n, KS_N, KS_hyphen, KS_macron, KC(55), KS_comma, KS_question, KS_cedilla, KS_questiondown, KC(56), KS_semicolon, KS_period, KS_comma, KS_less, KC(57), KS_colon, KS_slash, KS_period, KS_greater, KC(58), KS_equal, KS_plus, KS_slash, KS_question, KC(90), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(91), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_fr_nodead[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(26), KS_asciicircum, KS_diaeresis, KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_dk[] = { /* pos normal shifted altgr shift-altgr */ KC(3), KS_3, KS_numbersign, KS_threesuperior,KS_numbersign, KC(4), KS_4, KS_currency, KS_cent, KS_dollar, KC(41), KS_ae, KS_AE, KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_oslash, KS_Ooblique, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_sv[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(2), KS_2, KS_quotedbl, KS_twosuperior, KS_at, KC(3), KS_3, KS_sterling, KS_threesuperior,KS_numbersign, KC(6), KS_6, KS_ampersand, KS_onehalf, KS_asciicircum, KC(7), KS_7, KS_slash, KS_threequarters,KS_ampersand, KC(8), KS_8, KS_parenleft, KS_periodcentered,KS_asterisk, KC(9), KS_9, KS_parenright, KS_guillemotleft,KS_parenleft, KC(10), KS_0, KS_equal, KS_guillemotright,KS_parenright, KC(11), KS_plus, KS_question, KS_minus, KS_underscore, KC(12), KS_dead_acute, KS_dead_grave, KS_equal, KS_plus, KC(26), KS_acircumflex, KS_Acircumflex, KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_dead_diaeresis,KS_dead_circumflex,KS_bracketright,KS_braceright, KC(41), KS_odiaeresis, KS_Odiaeresis, KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_adiaeresis, KS_Adiaeresis, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KC(43), KS_apostrophe, KS_asterisk, KC(48), KS_less, KS_greater, KC(56), KS_comma, KS_semicolon, KS_comma, KS_less, KC(57), KS_period, KS_colon, KS_period, KS_greater, KC(58), KS_minus, KS_underscore, KS_slash, KS_question, KC(90), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(91), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_sv_nodead[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(12), KS_apostrophe, KS_grave, KS_equal, KS_plus, KC(27), KS_diaeresis, KS_asciicircum, KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_no[] = { /* pos normal shifted altgr shift-altgr */ KC(41), KS_oslash, KS_Ooblique, KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_ae, KS_AE, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_es[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(1), KS_1, KS_exclamdown, KS_onesuperior, KS_exclam, KC(2), KS_2, KS_questiondown,KS_twosuperior, KS_at, KC(4), KS_4, KS_dollar, KS_cent, KS_degree, KC(5), KS_5, KS_percent, KS_onequarter, KS_percent, KC(6), KS_6, KS_slash, KS_onehalf, KS_asciicircum, KC(26), KS_dead_acute, KS_dead_diaeresis,KS_bracketleft,KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_dead_grave,KS_dead_circumflex,KS_bracketright,KS_braceright, KC(41), KS_ntilde, KS_Ntilde, KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KC(42), KS_semicolon, KS_colon, KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KC(43), KS_ccedilla, KS_Ccedilla, KS_ordfeminine, KS_masculine, KC(48), KS_less, KS_greater,KS_guillemotleft,KS_guillemotright, KC(49), KS_z, KS_Z, KS_plusminus, KS_notsign, KC(50), KS_x, KS_X, KS_multiply, KS_division, KC(54), KS_n, KS_N, KS_hyphen, KS_macron, KC(55), KS_m, KS_M, KS_cedilla, KS_questiondown, KC(56), KS_comma, KS_question, KS_comma, KS_less, KC(57), KS_period, KS_exclam, KS_period, KS_greater, KC(58), KS_apostrophe, KS_quotedbl, KS_slash, KS_question, KC(90), KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(91), KS_bracketright, KS_braceright, }; static const keysym_t amikbd_keydesc_es_nodead[] = { /* keycode normal shift alt shift-alt */ KC(26), KS_apostrophe, KS_diaeresis, KS_bracketleft, KS_braceleft, KC(27), KS_grave, KS_asciicircum, KS_bracketright,KS_braceright, }; #define KBD_MAP(name, base, map) \ { name, base, sizeof(map)/sizeof(keysym_t), map } const struct wscons_keydesc amigakbd_keydesctab[] = { KBD_MAP(KB_US, 0, amikbd_keydesc_us), KBD_MAP(KB_DE, KB_US, amikbd_keydesc_de), KBD_MAP(KB_DE | KB_NODEAD, KB_DE, amikbd_keydesc_de_nodead), KBD_MAP(KB_FR, KB_US, amikbd_keydesc_fr), KBD_MAP(KB_FR | KB_NODEAD, KB_FR, amikbd_keydesc_fr_nodead), KBD_MAP(KB_DK, KB_SV, amikbd_keydesc_dk), KBD_MAP(KB_DK | KB_NODEAD, KB_DK, amikbd_keydesc_sv_nodead), KBD_MAP(KB_PL, KB_US, amikbd_keydesc_pl), KBD_MAP(KB_SV, KB_US, amikbd_keydesc_sv), KBD_MAP(KB_SV | KB_NODEAD, KB_SV, amikbd_keydesc_sv_nodead), KBD_MAP(KB_NO, KB_SV, amikbd_keydesc_no), KBD_MAP(KB_NO | KB_NODEAD, KB_NO, amikbd_keydesc_sv_nodead), KBD_MAP(KB_ES, KB_US, amikbd_keydesc_es), KBD_MAP(KB_ES | KB_NODEAD, KB_ES, amikbd_keydesc_es_nodead), { 0, 0, 0, 0} }; #undef KBD_MAP #undef KC