/* $NetBSD$ */ /*++ /* NAME /* master_watch 3 /* SUMMARY /* Postfix master - monitor main.cf changes /* SYNOPSIS /* #include "master.h" /* /* void master_str_watch(str_watch_table) /* const MASTER_STR_WATCH *str_watch_table; /* /* void master_int_watch(int_watch_table) /* MASTER_INT_WATCH *int_watch_table; /* DESCRIPTION /* The Postfix master daemon is a long-running process. After /* main.cf is changed, some parameter changes may require that /* master data structures be recomputed. /* /* Unfortunately, some main.cf changes cannot be applied /* on-the-fly, either because they require killing off existing /* child processes and thus disrupt service, or because the /* necessary support for on-the-fly data structure update has /* not yet been implemented. Such main.cf changes trigger a /* warning that they require that Postfix be stopped and /* restarted. /* /* This module provides functions that monitor selected main.cf /* parameters for change. The operation of these functions is /* controlled by tables that specify the parameter name, the /* current parameter value, a historical parameter value, /* optional flags, and an optional notify call-back function. /* /* master_str_watch() monitors string-valued parameters for /* change, and master_int_watch() does the same for integer-valued /* parameters. Note that master_int_watch() needs read-write /* access to its argument table, while master_str_watch() needs /* read-only access only. /* /* The functions log a warning when a parameter value has /* changed after re-reading main.cf, but the parameter is not /* flagged in the MASTER_*_WATCH table as "updatable" with /* MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_UPDATABLE. /* /* If the parameter has a notify call-back function, then the /* function is called after main.cf is read for the first time. /* If the parameter is flagged as "updatable", then the function /* is also called when the parameter value changes after /* re-reading main.cf. /* LICENSE /* .ad /* .fi /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. /* AUTHOR(S) /* Wietse Venema /* IBM T.J. Watson Research /* P.O. Box 704 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA /*--*/ /* System library. */ #include #include #include /* Utility library. */ #include #include /* Application-specific. */ #include "master.h" /* master_str_watch - watch string-valued parameters for change */ void master_str_watch(const MASTER_STR_WATCH *str_watch_table) { const MASTER_STR_WATCH *wp; for (wp = str_watch_table; wp->name != 0; wp++) { /* * Detect changes to monitored parameter values. If a change is * supported, we discard the backed up value and update it to the * current value later. Otherwise we complain. */ if (wp->backup[0] != 0 && strcmp(wp->backup[0], wp->value[0]) != 0) { if ((wp->flags & MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_UPDATABLE) == 0) { msg_warn("ignoring %s parameter value change", wp->name); msg_warn("old value: \"%s\", new value: \"%s\"", wp->backup[0], wp->value[0]); msg_warn("to change %s, stop and start Postfix", wp->name); } else { myfree(wp->backup[0]); wp->backup[0] = 0; } } /* * Initialize the backed up parameter value, or update it if this * parameter supports updates after initialization. Optionally * notify the application that this parameter has changed. */ if (wp->backup[0] == 0) { if (wp->notify != 0) wp->notify(); wp->backup[0] = mystrdup(wp->value[0]); } } } /* master_int_watch - watch integer-valued parameters for change */ void master_int_watch(MASTER_INT_WATCH *int_watch_table) { MASTER_INT_WATCH *wp; for (wp = int_watch_table; wp->name != 0; wp++) { /* * Detect changes to monitored parameter values. If a change is * supported, we discard the backed up value and update it to the * current value later. Otherwise we complain. */ if ((wp->flags & MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_ISSET) != 0 && wp->backup != wp->value[0]) { if ((wp->flags & MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_UPDATABLE) == 0) { msg_warn("ignoring %s parameter value change", wp->name); msg_warn("old value: \"%d\", new value: \"%d\"", wp->backup, wp->value[0]); msg_warn("to change %s, stop and start Postfix", wp->name); } else { wp->flags &= ~MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_ISSET; } } /* * Initialize the backed up parameter value, or update if it this * parameter supports updates after initialization. Optionally * notify the application that this parameter has changed. */ if ((wp->flags & MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_ISSET) == 0) { if (wp->notify != 0) wp->notify(); wp->flags |= MASTER_WATCH_FLAG_ISSET; wp->backup = wp->value[0]; } } }