
Almost Nothing

Or as close as it gets: freestanding. This is a minimal configuration, with only partial support for the standard library. Assume only the following header files can be used:

  • cstdarg

  • cstddef

  • cstdlib

  • exception

  • limits

  • new

  • exception

  • typeinfo

In addition, throw in

  • cxxabi.h.

In the C++0x dialect add

  • initializer_list

  • type_traits

There exists a library that offers runtime support for just these headers, and it is called libsupc++.a. To use it, compile with gcc instead of g++, like so:

gcc -lsupc++

No attempt is made to verify that only the minimal subset identified above is actually used at compile time. Violations are diagnosed as undefined symbols at link time.

Finding Dynamic or Shared Libraries

If the only library built is the static library (libstdc++.a), or if specifying static linking, this section is can be skipped. But if building or using a shared library (, then additional location information will need to be provided.

But how?

A quick read of the relevant part of the GCC manual, Compiling C++ Programs, specifies linking against a C++ library. More details from the GCC FAQ, which states GCC does not, by default, specify a location so that the dynamic linker can find dynamic libraries at runtime.

Users will have to provide this information.

Methods vary for different platforms and different styles, and are printed to the screen during installation. To summarize:

  • At runtime set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment correctly, so that the shared library for libstdc++ can be found and loaded. Be certain that you understand all of the other implications and behavior of LD_LIBRARY_PATH first.

  • Compile the path to find the library at runtime into the program. This can be done by passing certain options to g++, which will in turn pass them on to the linker. The exact format of the options is dependent on which linker you use:

    • GNU ld (default on Linux):-Wl,--rpath,destdir/lib

    • IRIX ld: -Wl,-rpath,destdir/lib

    • Solaris ld:-Wl,-Rdestdir/lib

Use the ldd utility on the linked executable to show which library the system will get at runtime.

A file is also installed, for use with Libtool. If you use Libtool to create your executables, these details are taken care of for you.