# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/06/09 00:56:15 agc Exp $ .include PROG= netpgp BINDIR= /usr/bin CPPFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../dist/include LIBNETPGPDIR!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../lib && ${PRINTOBJDIR} LDADD+= -L${LIBNETPGPDIR} -lnetpgp DPADD+= ${LIBNETPGPDIR}/libnetpgp.a LIBMJDIR!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../libmj && ${PRINTOBJDIR} LDADD+= -L${LIBMJDIR} -lmj DPADD+= ${LIBMJDIR}/libmj.a LDADD+= -lcrypto -lz -lbz2 DPADD+= ${LIBCRYPTO} ${LIBZ} ${LIBBZ2} MAN= netpgp.1 # although the code is/was WARNS=4 clean, when linking, there is a warning # about libidea being a patented algorithm, and WARNS>0 treats warnings as # errors. For now, just set WARNS off. WARNS= 0 .PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../dist/src/netpgp .include