/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _NETINET_MPTCP_H_ #define _NETINET_MPTCP_H_ #ifdef BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE #include #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN #define mptcp_hton64(x) (x) #define mptcp_ntoh64(x) (x) #else /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ #define mptcp_hton64(x) __DARWIN_OSSwapInt64(x) #define mptcp_ntoh64(x) __DARWIN_OSSwapInt64(x) #endif /* * MPTCP Option Subtype Field values */ #define MPO_CAPABLE 0x0 #define MPO_JOIN 0x1 #define MPO_DSS 0x2 #define MPO_ADD_ADDR 0x3 #define MPO_REMOVE_ADDR 0x4 #define MPO_PRIO 0x5 #define MPO_FAIL 0x6 #define MPO_FASTCLOSE 0x7 /* MPTCP Protocol version */ #define MP_DRAFT_VERSION_12 0x0 /* * MPTCP MP_CAPABLE TCP Option definitions * * Used to establish an MPTCP connection and first subflow. */ struct mptcp_mpcapable_opt_common { u_int8_t mmco_kind; u_int8_t mmco_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mmco_version:4, mmco_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mmco_subtype:4, mmco_version:4; #endif #define MPCAP_PROPOSAL_SBIT 0x01 /* SHA1 Algorithm */ #define MPCAP_HBIT 0x01 /* alias of MPCAP_PROPOSAL_SBIT */ #define MPCAP_GBIT 0x02 /* must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_FBIT 0x04 /* must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_EBIT 0x08 /* must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_DBIT 0x10 /* must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_CBIT 0x20 /* must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_BBIT 0x40 /* Extensibility bit, must be 0 */ #define MPCAP_ABIT 0x80 /* alias of MPCAP_CHECKSUM_CBIT */ #define MPCAP_CHECKSUM_CBIT 0x80 /* DSS Checksum bit */ u_int8_t mmco_flags; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct mptcp_mpcapable_opt_rsp { struct mptcp_mpcapable_opt_common mmc_common; mptcp_key_t mmc_localkey; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct mptcp_mpcapable_opt_rsp1 { struct mptcp_mpcapable_opt_common mmc_common; mptcp_key_t mmc_localkey; mptcp_key_t mmc_remotekey; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP MP_JOIN TCP Option definitions * * Used to add subflows to an existing MP_CAPABLE connection. */ /* MP_JOIN Option for SYN */ struct mptcp_mpjoin_opt_req { u_int8_t mmjo_kind; u_int8_t mmjo_len; #define MPTCP_BACKUP 0x1 u_int8_t mmjo_subtype_bkp; u_int8_t mmjo_addr_id; u_int32_t mmjo_peer_token; u_int32_t mmjo_rand; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* MP_JOIN Option for SYN/ACK */ struct mptcp_mpjoin_opt_rsp { u_int8_t mmjo_kind; u_int8_t mmjo_len; #define MPTCP_BACKUP 0x1 u_int8_t mmjo_subtype_bkp; u_int8_t mmjo_addr_id; u_int64_t mmjo_mac; /* Truncated message auth code */ u_int32_t mmjo_rand; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* MP_Join Option for ACK */ struct mptcp_mpjoin_opt_rsp2 { u_int8_t mmjo_kind; u_int8_t mmjo_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mmjo_reserved1:4, mmjo_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mmjo_subtype:4, mmjo_reserved1:4; #endif u_int8_t mmjo_reserved2; u_int8_t mmjo_mac[20]; /* This is 160 bits HMAC SHA-1 per RFC */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP ADD_ADDR and REMOVE_ADDR TCP Options * * ADD_ADDR option shall be ignored by this implementation * REMOVE_ADDR option shall be sent to help flush dead subflows */ /* Add Address Option */ struct mptcp_addaddr_opt { u_int8_t ma_kind; u_int8_t ma_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t ma_ipver:4, ma_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t ma_subtype:4, ma_ipver:4; #endif #define MA_IPVer_V4 4 /* IPv4 Address tagged to the option */ #define MA_IPVer_V6 6 /* IPv6 Address tagged to the option */ u_int8_t ma_addr_id; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* Address sent in the ADD_ADDR option */ struct mptcp_addr_family_val { union { struct in_addr ma_v4_addr; struct in6_addr ma_v6_addr; } ma_addr; /* u_int16_t ma_ports; */ /* optional field */ } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* Remove Address Option */ struct mptcp_remaddr_opt { u_int8_t mr_kind; u_int8_t mr_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mr_rest:4, mr_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mr_subtype:4, mr_rest:4; #endif u_int8_t mr_addr_id; } __attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP Data Sequence Signal (DSS) TCP Options * * Used to map subflow sequence space to MPTCP data sequence space. * Used to send Data ACKs */ /* * DSS Option variants coded as flags in the DSS option flags field */ #define MDSS_A 0x01 /* Data ACK present if set */ #define MDSS_a 0x02 /* 64-bit Data ACK present if set */ #define MDSS_M 0x04 /* Data Sequence Number present if set */ #define MDSS_m 0x08 /* 64-bit Data Sequence Number present if set */ #define MDSS_F 0x10 /* Data FIN present */ /* DSS fields common to all DSS option variants */ struct mptcp_dss_copt { u_int8_t mdss_kind; u_int8_t mdss_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mdss_reserved1:4, mdss_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mdss_subtype:4, mdss_reserved1:4; #endif u_int8_t mdss_flags; }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 32-bit DSS option */ struct mptcp_dsn_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int32_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 64-bit DSS option */ struct mptcp_dsn64_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int64_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 32-bit DSS Data ACK option */ struct mptcp_data_ack_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int32_t mdss_ack; }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 64-bit DSS Data ACK option */ struct mptcp_data_ack64_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int64_t mdss_ack; }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 32-bit DSS+Data ACK option */ struct mptcp_dss_ack_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int32_t mdss_ack; /* Data ACK */ u_int32_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* 64-bit DSS+Data ACK option */ struct mptcp_dss64_ack64_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int64_t mdss_ack; /* Data ACK */ u_int64_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* DSS+Data ACK mixed option variants */ struct mptcp_dss32_ack64_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int64_t mdss_ack; /* Data ACK */ u_int32_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); struct mptcp_dss64_ack32_opt { struct mptcp_dss_copt mdss_copt; u_int32_t mdss_ack; /* Data ACK */ u_int64_t mdss_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mdss_subflow_seqn; /* Relative Subflow Seq Num */ u_int16_t mdss_data_len; /* Data Length */ /* u_int16_t mdss_xsum; */ /* Data checksum - optional */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP Fast Close Option * * MPTCP connection is aborted if the FastClose option is received. * In future, we may send this option if a MPTCP socket level abort * API is supported. */ struct mptcp_fastclose_opt { u_int8_t mfast_kind; u_int8_t mfast_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mfast_reserved:4, mfast_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mfast_subtype:4, mfast_reserved:4; #endif u_int8_t mfast_reserved1; u_int64_t mfast_key; /* Option receiver's key */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP MP_FAIL Option * * When DSS checksum is ON, and checksum fails, remote peer may send * this option to indicate the failure. Likewise, we may send this * option. */ struct mptcp_mpfail_opt { u_int8_t mfail_kind; u_int8_t mfail_len; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mfail_reserved:4, mfail_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mfail_subtype:4, mfail_reserved:4; #endif u_int8_t mfail_reserved1:8; u_int64_t mfail_dsn; }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP MP_PRIO Option * * When a subflow becomes unusable (due to bad radio coverage) or * it is the costlier path or it is not the preferred path, the receiver may * use this option to let the sender know of its path preference. */ /* Option to change priority of self */ struct mptcp_mpprio_opt { u_int8_t mpprio_kind; u_int8_t mpprio_len; #define MPTCP_MPPRIO_BKP 0x1 #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mpprio_flags:4, mpprio_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mpprio_subtype:4, mpprio_flags:4; #endif }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* Option to change priority of some other subflow(s) using addr_id */ struct mptcp_mpprio_addr_opt { u_int8_t mpprio_kind; u_int8_t mpprio_len; #define MPTCP_MPPRIO_BKP 0x1 #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8_t mpprio_flags:4, mpprio_subtype:4; #else /* BIG_ENDIAN */ u_int8_t mpprio_subtype:4, mpprio_flags:4; #endif u_int8_t mpprio_addrid; }__attribute__((__packed__)); /* * MPTCP Checksum Psuedo Header * */ struct mptcp_pseudohdr { u_int64_t mphdr_dsn; /* Data Sequence Number */ u_int32_t mphdr_ssn; /* Subflow Sequence Number */ u_int16_t mphdr_len; /* Data-Level Length */ u_int16_t mphdr_xsum; /* MPTCP Level Checksum */ }__attribute__((__packed__)); #endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ #endif /* _NETINET_MPTCP_H_ */