/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution * of SWIG, and the README file for authors - http://www.swig.org/release.html. * * typemaps.i * * Pointer and reference handling typemap library * * These mappings provide support for input/output arguments and common * uses for C/C++ pointers and C++ references. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* INPUT typemaps -------------- These typemaps remap a C pointer or C++ reference to be an "INPUT" value which is passed by value instead of reference. The following typemaps can be applied to turn a pointer or reference into a simple input value. That is, instead of passing a pointer or reference to an object, you would use a real value instead. bool *INPUT, bool &INPUT signed char *INPUT, signed char &INPUT unsigned char *INPUT, unsigned char &INPUT short *INPUT, short &INPUT unsigned short *INPUT, unsigned short &INPUT int *INPUT, int &INPUT unsigned int *INPUT, unsigned int &INPUT long *INPUT, long &INPUT unsigned long *INPUT, unsigned long &INPUT long long *INPUT, long long &INPUT unsigned long long *INPUT, unsigned long long &INPUT float *INPUT, float &INPUT double *INPUT, double &INPUT To use these, suppose you had a C function like this : double fadd(double *a, double *b) { return *a+*b; } You could wrap it with SWIG as follows : %include double fadd(double *INPUT, double *INPUT); or you can use the %apply directive : %include %apply double *INPUT { double *a, double *b }; double fadd(double *a, double *b); In Java you could then use it like this: double answer = modulename.fadd(10.0, 20.0); There are no char *INPUT typemaps, however you can apply the signed char * typemaps instead: %include %apply signed char *INPUT {char *input}; void f(char *input); */ %define INPUT_TYPEMAP(TYPE, JNITYPE, JTYPE, JNIDESC) %typemap(jni) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "JNITYPE" %typemap(jtype) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "JTYPE" %typemap(jstype) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "JTYPE" %typemap(javain) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "$javainput" %typemap(javadirectorin) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "$jniinput" %typemap(javadirectorout) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "$javacall" %typemap(in) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT %{ $1 = ($1_ltype)&$input; %} %typemap(freearg) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT "" %typemap(directorout) TYPE *INPUT, TYPE &INPUT %{ $result = ($1_ltype)&$input; %} %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC) TYPE &INPUT %{ *(($&1_ltype) $input) = (JNITYPE *) &$1; %} %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC) TYPE *INPUT %{ *(($&1_ltype) $input) = (JNITYPE *) $1; %} %typemap(typecheck) TYPE *INPUT = TYPE; %typemap(typecheck) TYPE &INPUT = TYPE; %enddef INPUT_TYPEMAP(bool, jboolean, boolean, "Z"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, jbyte, byte, "B"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, jshort, short, "S"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(short, jshort, short, "S"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, jint, int, "I"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(int, jint, int, "I"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, jlong, long, "J"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(long, jint, int, "I"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, jlong, long, "J"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(long long, jlong, long, "J"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, jobject, java.math.BigInteger, "Ljava/math/BigInteger;"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(float, jfloat, float, "F"); INPUT_TYPEMAP(double, jdouble, double, "D"); #undef INPUT_TYPEMAP /* Convert from BigInteger using the toByteArray member function */ /* Overrides the typemap in the INPUT_TYPEMAP macro */ %typemap(in) unsigned long long *INPUT($*1_ltype temp), unsigned long long &INPUT($*1_ltype temp) { jclass clazz; jmethodID mid; jbyteArray ba; jbyte* bae; jsize sz; int i; if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "BigInteger null"); return $null; } clazz = JCALL1(GetObjectClass, jenv, $input); mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "toByteArray", "()[B"); ba = (jbyteArray)JCALL2(CallObjectMethod, jenv, $input, mid); bae = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, 0); sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, ba); temp = 0; for(i=0; i double modf(double x, double *OUTPUT); or you can use the %apply directive : %include %apply double *OUTPUT { double *ip }; double modf(double x, double *ip); The Java output of the function would be the function return value and the value in the single element array. In Java you would use it like this: double[] ptr = {0.0}; double fraction = modulename.modf(5.0,ptr); There are no char *OUTPUT typemaps, however you can apply the signed char * typemaps instead: %include %apply signed char *OUTPUT {char *output}; void f(char *output); */ /* Java BigInteger[] */ %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128_ARRAY) SWIGBIGINTEGERARRAY "" %define OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(TYPE, JNITYPE, JTYPE, JAVATYPE, JNIDESC, TYPECHECKTYPE) %typemap(jni) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT %{JNITYPE##Array%} %typemap(jtype) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "JTYPE[]" %typemap(jstype) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "JTYPE[]" %typemap(javain) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "$javainput" %typemap(javadirectorin) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "$jniinput" %typemap(javadirectorout) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "$javacall" %typemap(in) TYPE *OUTPUT($*1_ltype temp), TYPE &OUTPUT($*1_ltype temp) { if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); return $null; } if (JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input) == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element"); return $null; } $1 = &temp; } %typemap(freearg) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT "" %typemap(argout) TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT { JNITYPE jvalue = (JNITYPE)temp$argnum; JCALL4(Set##JAVATYPE##ArrayRegion, jenv, $input, 0, 1, &jvalue); } %typemap(directorout,warning="Need to provide TYPE *OUTPUT directorout typemap") TYPE *OUTPUT, TYPE &OUTPUT { } %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC) TYPE &OUTPUT %{ *(($&1_ltype) $input = &$1; %} %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC,warning="Need to provide TYPE *OUTPUT directorin typemap, TYPE array length is unknown") TYPE *OUTPUT { } %typemap(typecheck) TYPE *INOUT = TYPECHECKTYPE; %typemap(typecheck) TYPE &INOUT = TYPECHECKTYPE; %enddef OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(bool, jboolean, boolean, Boolean, "[Ljava/lang/Boolean;", jbooleanArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, jbyte, byte, Byte, "[Ljava/lang/Byte;", jbyteArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, jshort, short, Short, "[Ljava/lang/Short;", jshortArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(short, jshort, short, Short, "[Ljava/lang/Short;", jshortArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(int, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(long, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(long long, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, jobject, java.math.BigInteger, NOTUSED, "[Ljava/lang/BigInteger;", SWIGBIGINTEGERARRAY); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(float, jfloat, float, Float, "[Ljava/lang/Float;", jfloatArray); OUTPUT_TYPEMAP(double, jdouble, double, Double, "[Ljava/lang/Double;", jdoubleArray); #undef OUTPUT_TYPEMAP /* Convert to BigInteger - byte array holds number in 2's complement big endian format */ /* Use first element in BigInteger array for output */ /* Overrides the typemap in the OUTPUT_TYPEMAP macro */ %typemap(argout) unsigned long long *OUTPUT, unsigned long long &OUTPUT { jbyteArray ba = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, 9); jbyte* bae = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, 0); jclass clazz = JCALL1(FindClass, jenv, "java/math/BigInteger"); jmethodID mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "", "([B)V"); jobject bigint; int i; bae[0] = 0; for(i=1; i<9; i++ ) { bae[i] = (jbyte)(temp$argnum>>8*(8-i)); } JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, bae, 0); bigint = JCALL3(NewObject, jenv, clazz, mid, ba); JCALL3(SetObjectArrayElement, jenv, $input, 0, bigint); } /* INOUT typemaps -------------- Mappings for a parameter that is both an input and an output parameter The following typemaps can be applied to make a function parameter both an input and output value. This combines the behavior of both the "INPUT" and "OUTPUT" typemaps described earlier. Output values are returned as an element in a Java array. bool *INOUT, bool &INOUT signed char *INOUT, signed char &INOUT unsigned char *INOUT, unsigned char &INOUT short *INOUT, short &INOUT unsigned short *INOUT, unsigned short &INOUT int *INOUT, int &INOUT unsigned int *INOUT, unsigned int &INOUT long *INOUT, long &INOUT unsigned long *INOUT, unsigned long &INOUT long long *INOUT, long long &INOUT unsigned long long *INOUT, unsigned long long &INOUT float *INOUT, float &INOUT double *INOUT, double &INOUT For example, suppose you were trying to wrap the following function : void neg(double *x) { *x = -(*x); } You could wrap it with SWIG as follows : %include void neg(double *INOUT); or you can use the %apply directive : %include %apply double *INOUT { double *x }; void neg(double *x); This works similarly to C in that the mapping directly modifies the input value - the input must be an array with a minimum of one element. The element in the array is the input and the output is the element in the array. double x[] = {5.0}; neg(x); The implementation of the OUTPUT and INOUT typemaps is different to other languages in that other languages will return the output value as part of the function return value. This difference is due to Java being a typed language. There are no char *INOUT typemaps, however you can apply the signed char * typemaps instead: %include %apply signed char *INOUT {char *inout}; void f(char *inout); */ %define INOUT_TYPEMAP(TYPE, JNITYPE, JTYPE, JAVATYPE, JNIDESC, TYPECHECKTYPE) %typemap(jni) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT %{JNITYPE##Array%} %typemap(jtype) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "JTYPE[]" %typemap(jstype) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "JTYPE[]" %typemap(javain) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "$javainput" %typemap(javadirectorin) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "$jniinput" %typemap(javadirectorout) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "$javacall" %typemap(in) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT { if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); return $null; } if (JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input) == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element"); return $null; } $1 = ($1_ltype) JCALL2(Get##JAVATYPE##ArrayElements, jenv, $input, 0); } %typemap(freearg) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT "" %typemap(argout) TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT { JCALL3(Release##JAVATYPE##ArrayElements, jenv, $input, (JNITYPE *)$1, 0); } %typemap(directorout,warning="Need to provide TYPE *INOUT directorout typemap") TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT { } %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC) TYPE &INOUT %{ *(($&1_ltype)&$input) = &$1; %} %typemap(directorin,descriptor=JNIDESC,warning="Need to provide TYPE *INOUT directorin typemap, TYPE array length is unknown") TYPE *INOUT, TYPE &INOUT { } %typemap(typecheck) TYPE *INOUT = TYPECHECKTYPE; %typemap(typecheck) TYPE &INOUT = TYPECHECKTYPE; %enddef INOUT_TYPEMAP(bool, jboolean, boolean, Boolean, "[Ljava/lang/Boolean;", jbooleanArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(signed char, jbyte, byte, Byte, "[Ljava/lang/Byte;", jbyteArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned char, jshort, short, Short, "[Ljava/lang/Short;", jshortArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(short, jshort, short, Short, "[Ljava/lang/Short;", jshortArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned short, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(int, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned int, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(long, jint, int, Int, "[Ljava/lang/Integer;", jintArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(long long, jlong, long, Long, "[Ljava/lang/Long;", jlongArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(unsigned long long, jobject, java.math.BigInteger, NOTUSED, "[Ljava.math.BigInteger;", SWIGBIGINTEGERARRAY); INOUT_TYPEMAP(float, jfloat, float, Float, "[Ljava/lang/Float;", jfloatArray); INOUT_TYPEMAP(double, jdouble, double, Double, "[Ljava/lang/Double;", jdoubleArray); #undef INOUT_TYPEMAP /* Override typemaps in the INOUT_TYPEMAP macro for booleans to fix casts as a jboolean isn't always the same size as a bool */ %typemap(in) bool *INOUT (bool btemp, jboolean *jbtemp), bool &INOUT (bool btemp, jboolean *jbtemp) { if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); return $null; } if (JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input) == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element"); return $null; } jbtemp = JCALL2(GetBooleanArrayElements, jenv, $input, 0); btemp = (*jbtemp) ? true : false; $1 = &btemp; } %typemap(argout) bool *INOUT, bool &INOUT { *jbtemp$argnum = btemp$argnum ? (jboolean)1 : (jboolean)0; JCALL3(ReleaseBooleanArrayElements, jenv, $input , (jboolean *)jbtemp$argnum, 0); } /* Override the typemap in the INOUT_TYPEMAP macro for unsigned long long */ %typemap(in) unsigned long long *INOUT ($*1_ltype temp), unsigned long long &INOUT ($*1_ltype temp) { jobject bigint; jclass clazz; jmethodID mid; jbyteArray ba; jbyte* bae; jsize sz; int i; if (!$input) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); return $null; } if (JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input) == 0) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element"); return $null; } bigint = JCALL2(GetObjectArrayElement, jenv, $input, 0); if (!bigint) { SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array element null"); return $null; } clazz = JCALL1(GetObjectClass, jenv, bigint); mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "toByteArray", "()[B"); ba = (jbyteArray)JCALL2(CallObjectMethod, jenv, bigint, mid); bae = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, 0); sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, ba); temp = 0; for(i=0; i