''' Wrappers for the "FSEvents" API in MacOS X. The functions in this framework allow you to reliably observe changes to the filesystem, even when your program is not running al the time. These wrappers don't include documentation, please check Apple's documention for information on how to use this framework and PyObjC's documentation for general tips and tricks regarding the translation between Python and (Objective-)C frameworks ''' import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, Extension try: from PyObjCMetaData.commands import extra_cmdclass, extra_options except ImportError: extra_cmdclass = {} extra_options = lambda name: {} import os if os.uname()[2] >= '9.': CFLAGS=[] else: CFLAGS=[] setup( name='pyobjc-framework-FSEvents', version='2.2b3', description = "Wrappers for the framework FSEvents on Mac OS X", long_description = __doc__, author='Ronald Oussoren', author_email='pyobjc-dev@lists.sourceforge.net', url='http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net', platforms = [ "MacOS X" ], packages = [ "FSEvents" ], package_dir = { '': 'Lib' }, install_requires = [ 'pyobjc-core>=2.2b1', 'pyobjc-framework-Cocoa>=2.2b1', ], package_data = { '': ['*.bridgesupport'] }, test_suite='PyObjCTest', cmdclass = extra_cmdclass, options = extra_options('FSEvents'), ext_modules = [ Extension("FSEvents._callbacks", [ "Modules/_callbacks.m" ], extra_compile_args=CFLAGS), ], zip_safe = True, )