import sys import os import __builtin__ import traceback import keyword import time from code import InteractiveConsole, softspace from StringIO import StringIO try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set class RemoteConsole(InteractiveConsole): def __init__(self, pipe, **kw): self.pipe = pipe self.buffer = None InteractiveConsole.__init__(self, **kw) self.locals['__interpreter__'] = self def raw_input(self, prompt=''): return self.pipe.expect('RemoteConsole.raw_input', prompt) def write(self, msg): return self.pipe.expect('RemoteConsole.write', msg) def resetbuffer(self): self.lastbuffer = self.buffer InteractiveConsole.resetbuffer(self) def displayhook(self, value): if value is not None: __builtin__._ = value return self.pipe.expect('RemoteConsole.displayhook', value) def excepthook(self, type, value, traceback): return self.pipe.expect('RemoteConsole.excepthook', type, value, traceback) def runcode(self, code): try: exec code in self.locals except SystemExit: raise except: self.showtraceback() else: if softspace(sys.stdout, 0): print def interact(self): old_raw_input = __builtin__.raw_input old_displayhook = sys.displayhook old_excepthook = sys.excepthook old_stdin = sys.stdin old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr old_help = old_quit = __builtin__.quit __builtin__.raw_input = self.raw_input = "Close window to exit." __builtin__.quit = "Close window to exit." sys.displayhook = self.displayhook sys.excepthook = self.excepthook sys.stdin = self.pipe.stdin sys.stdout = self.pipe.stdout sys.stderr = self.pipe.stderr try: self.pipe.expect('RemoteConsole.initialize', repr(sys.version_info), sys.executable, os.getpid()) InteractiveConsole.interact(self) finally: __builtin__.raw_input = old_raw_input = old_help __builtin__.quit = old_quit sys.displayhook = old_displayhook sys.excepthook = old_excepthook sys.stdin = old_stdin sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr def recommendCompletionsFor(self, word): parts = word.split('.') if len(parts) > 1: # has a . so it must be a module or class or something # using eval, which shouldn't normally have side effects # unless there's descriptors/metaclasses doing some nasty # get magic objname = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) try: obj = eval(objname, self.locals) except: return None, 0 wordlower = parts[-1].lower() if wordlower == '': # they just punched in a dot, so list all attributes # that don't look private or special prefix = '.'.join(parts[-2:]) check = [ (prefix+_method) for _method in dir(obj) if _method[:1] != '_' and _method.lower().startswith(wordlower) ] else: # they started typing the method name check = filter(lambda s:s.lower().startswith(wordlower), dir(obj)) else: # no dots, must be in the normal namespaces.. no eval necessary check = sets.Set(dir(__builtins__)) check.update(keyword.kwlist) check.update(self.locals) wordlower = parts[-1].lower() check = filter(lambda s:s.lower().startswith(wordlower), check) check.sort() return check, 0