$Id$ Walsh Norman 19992000 Norman Walsh Common Template Reference
Introduction This is technical reference documentation for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets; it documents (some of) the parameters, templates, and other elements of the stylesheets. This is not intended to be user documentation. It is provided for developers writing customization layers for the stylesheets, and for anyone who's interested in how it works. Although I am trying to be thorough, this documentation is known to be incomplete. Don't forget to read the source, too :-)
Tests if a given node is a component-level element This template returns '1' if the specified node is a component (Chapter, Appendix, etc.), and '0' otherwise. node The node which is to be tested. This template returns '1' if the specified node is a component (Chapter, Appendix, etc.), and '0' otherwise. 1 0 Tests if a given node is a section-level element This template returns '1' if the specified node is a section (Section, Sect1, Sect2, etc.), and '0' otherwise. node The node which is to be tested. This template returns '1' if the specified node is a section (Section, Sect1, Sect2, etc.), and '0' otherwise. 1 0 Returns the hierarchical level of a section. This template calculates the hierarchical level of a section. Hierarchically, components are top level, so a sect1 is at level 2, sect3 is at level 3, etc. Recursive sections are calculated down to the sixth level. node The section node for which the level should be calculated. Defaults to the context node. The section level, 2, 3, etc. 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 Returns the hierarchical level of a QandASet. This template calculates the hierarchical level of a QandASet. The level, 1, 2, etc. 1 Question Answer QandADiv QandASet . , [ ] { } [ ] ... | 4pi Selects an appropriate media object from a list This template examines a list of media objects (usually the children of a mediaobject or inlinemediaobject) and processes the "right" object. This template relies on a template named "is.acceptable.mediaobject" to determine if a given object is an acceptable graphic. The semantics of media objects is that the first acceptable graphic should be used. If no acceptable object is located, nothing happens. olist The node list of potential objects to examine. Calls <xsl:apply-templates> on the selected object. 1 0 1 1 Returns '1' if the specified media object is recognized. This template examines a media object and returns '1' if the object is recognized as a graphic. object The media object to consider. 0 or 1 1 1 0 . . Warn users about references to non-unique IDs If passed an ID in linkend, check.id.unique prints a warning message to the user if either the ID does not exist or the ID is not unique. Error: no ID for constraint linkend: . Warning: multiple "IDs" for constraint linkend: . Warn users about incorrectly typed references If passed an ID in linkend, check.idref.targets makes sure that the element pointed to by the link is one of the elements listed in element-list and warns the user otherwise. Error: linkend ( ) points to " " not (one of):