/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_APACHE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __LAUNCH_INTERNAL_H__ #define __LAUNCH_INTERNAL_H__ #include "vproc_priv.h" #include #include #include #if __has_include() #include #if defined(OS_ALLOC_ONCE_KEY_LIBLAUNCH) #define _LIBLAUNCH_HAS_ALLOC_ONCE 1 #endif #endif typedef struct _launch *launch_t; struct launch_globals_s { // liblaunch.c pthread_once_t lc_once; pthread_mutex_t lc_mtx; launch_t l; launch_data_t async_resp; launch_t in_flight_msg_recv_client; int64_t s_am_embedded_god; // libvproc.c dispatch_queue_t _vproc_gone2zero_queue; _vproc_transaction_callout _vproc_gone2zero_callout; void *_vproc_gone2zero_ctx; dispatch_once_t _vproc_transaction_once; uint64_t _vproc_transaction_enabled; dispatch_queue_t _vproc_transaction_queue; int64_t _vproc_transaction_cnt; }; typedef struct launch_globals_s *launch_globals_t; void _launch_init_globals(launch_globals_t globals); #if !_LIBLAUNCH_HAS_ALLOC_ONCE launch_globals_t _launch_globals_impl(void); #endif __attribute__((__pure__)) static inline launch_globals_t _launch_globals(void) { #if _LIBLAUNCH_HAS_ALLOC_ONCE return (launch_globals_t)os_alloc_once(OS_ALLOC_ONCE_KEY_LIBLAUNCH, sizeof(struct launch_globals_s), (void*)&_launch_init_globals); #else return _launch_globals_impl(); #endif } #pragma GCC visibility push(default) #define LAUNCHD_DB_PREFIX "/private/var/db/launchd.db" #define LAUNCHD_LOG_PREFIX "/private/var/log" #define LAUNCHD_JOB_DEFAULTS "Defaults" #define LAUNCHD_JOB_DEFAULTS_CACHED "CachedDefaults" launch_t launchd_fdopen(int, int); int launchd_getfd(launch_t); void launchd_close(launch_t, __typeof__(close) closefunc); launch_data_t launch_data_new_errno(int); bool launch_data_set_errno(launch_data_t, int); int launchd_msg_send(launch_t, launch_data_t); int launchd_msg_recv(launch_t, void (*)(launch_data_t, void *), void *); size_t launch_data_pack(launch_data_t d, void *where, size_t len, int *fd_where, size_t *fdslotsleft); launch_data_t launch_data_unpack(void *data, size_t data_size, int *fds, size_t fd_cnt, size_t *data_offset, size_t *fdoffset); #pragma GCC visibility pop #endif /* __LAUNCH_INTERNAL_H__*/