/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef __MACHO_BINDER__ #define __MACHO_BINDER__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MachOFileAbstraction.hpp" #include "Architectures.hpp" #include "MachOLayout.hpp" #include "MachORebaser.hpp" #include "MachOTrie.hpp" #ifndef EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER #define EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER 0x10 #endif #ifndef EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_ABSOLUTE #define EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_ABSOLUTE 0x02 #endif template class Binder : public Rebaser { public: class CStringHash { public: size_t operator()(const char* __s) const { size_t __h = 0; for ( ; *__s; ++__s) __h = 5 * __h + *__s; return __h; }; }; struct CStringEquals { bool operator()(const char* left, const char* right) const { return (strcmp(left, right) == 0); } }; typedef std::unordered_map*, CStringHash, CStringEquals> Map; Binder(const MachOLayoutAbstraction&, uint64_t dyldBaseAddress); virtual ~Binder() {} const char* getDylibID() const; void setDependentBinders(const Map& map); void bind(std::vector&); void optimize(); void addResolverClient(Binder* clientDylib, const char* symbolName); private: typedef typename A::P P; typedef typename A::P::E E; typedef typename A::P::uint_t pint_t; struct BinderAndReExportFlag { Binder* binder; bool reExport; }; struct SymbolReExport { const char* exportName; int dylibOrdinal; const char* importName; }; typedef std::unordered_map NameToAddrMap; typedef std::unordered_set NameSet; struct ClientAndSymbol { Binder* client; const char* symbolName; }; struct SymbolAndLazyPointer { const char* symbolName; pint_t lpVMAddr; }; static bool isPublicLocation(const char* pth); void doBindExternalRelocations(); void doBindIndirectSymbols(); void doSetUpDyldSection(); void doSetPreboundUndefines(); void hoistPrivateRexports(); int ordinalOfDependentBinder(Binder* dep); void doBindDyldInfo(std::vector& pointersInData); void doBindDyldLazyInfo(std::vector& pointersInData); void bindDyldInfoAt(uint8_t segmentIndex, uint64_t segmentOffset, uint8_t type, int libraryOrdinal, int64_t addend, const char* symbolName, bool lazyPointer, bool weakImport, std::vector& pointersInData); pint_t resolveUndefined(const macho_nlist

* undefinedSymbol); bool findExportedSymbolAddress(const char* name, pint_t* result, Binder** foundIn, bool* isResolverSymbol, bool* isAbsolute); void bindStub(uint8_t elementSize, uint8_t* location, pint_t vmlocation, pint_t value); const char* parentUmbrella(); pint_t runtimeAddressFromNList(const macho_nlist

* sym); void optimizeStub(const char* symbolName, pint_t lpVMAddr); void optimizeStub(uint8_t* stubMappedAddress, pint_t stubVMAddress, uint32_t stubSize, pint_t lpVMAddr); pint_t findLazyPointerFor(const char* symbolName); static uint8_t pointerRelocSize(); static uint8_t pointerRelocType(); std::vector fDependentDylibs; NameToAddrMap fHashTable; NameSet fSymbolResolvers; NameSet fAbsoluteSymbols; std::vector fReExportedSymbols; uint64_t fDyldBaseAddress; const macho_nlist

* fSymbolTable; const char* fStrings; const macho_dysymtab_command

* fDynamicInfo; const macho_segment_command

* fFristWritableSegment; const macho_dylib_command

* fDylibID; const macho_dylib_command

* fParentUmbrella; const macho_dyld_info_command

* fDyldInfo; bool fOriginallyPrebound; bool fReExportedSymbolsResolved; std::vector fClientAndSymbols; NameToAddrMap fResolverLazyPointers; }; template <> uint32_t Binder::runtimeAddressFromNList(const macho_nlist >* sym) { if (sym->n_desc() & N_ARM_THUMB_DEF) return sym->n_value() + 1; else return sym->n_value(); } template typename A::P::uint_t Binder::runtimeAddressFromNList(const macho_nlist

* sym) { return sym->n_value(); } template Binder::Binder(const MachOLayoutAbstraction& layout, uint64_t dyldBaseAddress) : Rebaser(layout), fDyldBaseAddress(dyldBaseAddress), fSymbolTable(NULL), fStrings(NULL), fDynamicInfo(NULL), fFristWritableSegment(NULL), fDylibID(NULL), fDyldInfo(NULL), fParentUmbrella(NULL), fReExportedSymbolsResolved(false) { fOriginallyPrebound = ((this->fHeader->flags() & MH_PREBOUND) != 0); // update header flags so the cache looks prebound split-seg (0x80000000 is in-shared-cache bit) ((macho_header

*)this->fHeader)->set_flags(this->fHeader->flags() | MH_PREBOUND | MH_SPLIT_SEGS | 0x80000000); // calculate fDynamicInfo, fStrings, fSymbolTable const macho_symtab_command

* symtab; const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { switch (cmd->cmd()) { case LC_SYMTAB: symtab = (macho_symtab_command

*)cmd; fSymbolTable = (macho_nlist

*)(&this->fLinkEditBase[symtab->symoff()]); fStrings = (const char*)&this->fLinkEditBase[symtab->stroff()]; break; case LC_DYSYMTAB: fDynamicInfo = (macho_dysymtab_command

*)cmd; break; case LC_ID_DYLIB: ((macho_dylib_command

*)cmd)->set_timestamp(0); fDylibID = (macho_dylib_command

*)cmd; break; case LC_LOAD_DYLIB: case LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB: case LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB: case LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB: ((macho_dylib_command

*)cmd)->set_timestamp(0); break; case LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK: fParentUmbrella = (macho_dylib_command

*)cmd; break; case LC_DYLD_INFO: case LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY: fDyldInfo = (macho_dyld_info_command

*)cmd; break; case LC_RPATH: throwf("dyld shared cache does not support LC_RPATH found in %s", layout.getFilePath()); break; default: if ( cmd->cmd() & LC_REQ_DYLD ) throwf("unknown required load command 0x%08X", cmd->cmd()); } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } if ( fDynamicInfo == NULL ) throw "no LC_DYSYMTAB"; if ( fSymbolTable == NULL ) throw "no LC_SYMTAB"; // build hash table // fprintf(stderr, "exports for %s\n", layout.getFilePath()); if ( fDyldInfo != NULL ) { std::vector exports; const uint8_t* exportsStart = layout.getDyldInfoExports(); const uint8_t* exportsEnd = &exportsStart[fDyldInfo->export_size()]; mach_o::trie::parseTrie(exportsStart, exportsEnd, exports); pint_t baseAddress = layout.getSegments()[0].newAddress(); for(std::vector::iterator it = exports.begin(); it != exports.end(); ++it) { switch ( it->flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_MASK ) { case EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_REGULAR: if ( (it->flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER) ) { fSymbolResolvers.insert(it->name); } if ( it->flags & EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT ) { //fprintf(stderr, "found re-export %s in %s\n", sym.exportName, this->getDylibID()); SymbolReExport sym; sym.exportName = it->name; sym.dylibOrdinal = it->other; sym.importName = it->importName; if ( (sym.importName == NULL) || (sym.importName[0] == '\0') ) sym.importName = sym.exportName; fReExportedSymbols.push_back(sym); // fHashTable entry will be added in first call to findExportedSymbolAddress() } else { fHashTable[it->name] = it->address + baseAddress; } break; case EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_THREAD_LOCAL: fHashTable[it->name] = it->address + baseAddress; break; case EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_ABSOLUTE: fHashTable[it->name] = it->address; fAbsoluteSymbols.insert(it->name); break; default: throwf("non-regular symbol binding not supported for %s in %s", it->name, layout.getFilePath()); break; } //fprintf(stderr, "0x%08llX %s\n", it->address + baseAddress, it->name); } } else { if ( fDynamicInfo->tocoff() == 0 ) { const macho_nlist

* start = &fSymbolTable[fDynamicInfo->iextdefsym()]; const macho_nlist

* end = &start[fDynamicInfo->nextdefsym()]; fHashTable.reserve(fDynamicInfo->nextdefsym()); // set initial bucket count for (const macho_nlist

* sym=start; sym < end; ++sym) { const char* name = &fStrings[sym->n_strx()]; fHashTable[name] = runtimeAddressFromNList(sym); //fprintf(stderr, " 0x%08llX %s\n", sym->n_value(), name); } } else { int32_t count = fDynamicInfo->ntoc(); fHashTable.reserve(count); // set initial bucket count const struct dylib_table_of_contents* toc = (dylib_table_of_contents*)&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicInfo->tocoff()]; for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const uint32_t index = E::get32(toc[i].symbol_index); const macho_nlist

* sym = &fSymbolTable[index]; const char* name = &fStrings[sym->n_strx()]; fHashTable[name] = runtimeAddressFromNList(sym); //fprintf(stderr, "- 0x%08llX %s\n", sym->n_value(), name); } } } } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocSize() { return 2; } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocSize() { return 3; } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocSize() { return 2; } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocType() { return GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA; } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocType() { return X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED; } template <> uint8_t Binder::pointerRelocType() { return ARM_RELOC_VANILLA; } template const char* Binder::getDylibID() const { if ( fDylibID != NULL ) return fDylibID->name(); else return NULL; } template const char* Binder::parentUmbrella() { if ( fParentUmbrella != NULL ) return fParentUmbrella->name(); else return NULL; } template bool Binder::isPublicLocation(const char* pth) { // /usr/lib is a public location if ( (strncmp(pth, "/usr/lib/", 9) == 0) && (strchr(&pth[9], '/') == NULL) ) return true; // /System/Library/Frameworks/ is a public location if ( strncmp(pth, "/System/Library/Frameworks/", 27) == 0 ) { const char* frameworkDot = strchr(&pth[27], '.'); // but only top level framework // /System/Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Versions/A/Foo ==> true // /System/Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Resources/libBar.dylib ==> false // /System/Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Frameworks/Bar.framework/Bar ==> false // /System/Library/Frameworks/Foo.framework/Frameworks/Xfoo.framework/XFoo ==> false if ( frameworkDot != NULL ) { int frameworkNameLen = frameworkDot - &pth[27]; if ( strncmp(&pth[strlen(pth)-frameworkNameLen-1], &pth[26], frameworkNameLen+1) == 0 ) return true; } } return false; } template void Binder::setDependentBinders(const Map& map) { // first pass to build vector of dylibs const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { switch (cmd->cmd()) { case LC_LOAD_DYLIB: case LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB: case LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB: case LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB: const char* path = ((struct macho_dylib_command

*)cmd)->name(); typename Map::const_iterator pos = map.find(path); if ( pos != map.end() ) { BinderAndReExportFlag entry; entry.binder = pos->second; entry.reExport = ( cmd->cmd() == LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB ); fDependentDylibs.push_back(entry); } else { // the load command string does not match the install name of any loaded dylib // this could happen if there was not a world build and some dylib changed its // install path to be some symlinked path // use realpath() and walk map looking for a realpath match bool found = false; char targetPath[PATH_MAX]; if ( realpath(path, targetPath) != NULL ) { for(typename Map::const_iterator it=map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { char aPath[PATH_MAX]; if ( realpath(it->first, aPath) != NULL ) { if ( strcmp(targetPath, aPath) == 0 ) { BinderAndReExportFlag entry; entry.binder = it->second; entry.reExport = ( cmd->cmd() == LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB ); fDependentDylibs.push_back(entry); found = true; fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning mismatched install path in %s for %s\n", this->getDylibID(), path); break; } } } } if ( ! found ) { if ( cmd->cmd() == LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB ) { BinderAndReExportFlag entry; entry.binder = NULL; entry.reExport = false; fDependentDylibs.push_back(entry); break; } else { throwf("in %s can't find dylib %s", this->getDylibID(), path); } } } break; } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } // handle pre-10.5 re-exports if ( (this->fHeader->flags() & MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS) == 0 ) { cmd = cmds; // LC_SUB_LIBRARY means re-export one with matching leaf name const char* dylibBaseName; const char* frameworkLeafName; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { switch ( cmd->cmd() ) { case LC_SUB_LIBRARY: dylibBaseName = ((macho_sub_library_command

*)cmd)->sub_library(); for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fDependentDylibs.begin(); it != fDependentDylibs.end(); ++it) { const char* dylibName = it->binder->getDylibID(); const char* lastSlash = strrchr(dylibName, '/'); const char* leafStart = &lastSlash[1]; if ( lastSlash == NULL ) leafStart = dylibName; const char* firstDot = strchr(leafStart, '.'); int len = strlen(leafStart); if ( firstDot != NULL ) len = firstDot - leafStart; if ( strncmp(leafStart, dylibBaseName, len) == 0 ) it->reExport = true; } break; case LC_SUB_UMBRELLA: frameworkLeafName = ((macho_sub_umbrella_command

*)cmd)->sub_umbrella(); for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fDependentDylibs.begin(); it != fDependentDylibs.end(); ++it) { const char* dylibName = it->binder->getDylibID(); const char* lastSlash = strrchr(dylibName, '/'); if ( (lastSlash != NULL) && (strcmp(&lastSlash[1], frameworkLeafName) == 0) ) it->reExport = true; } break; } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } // ask dependents if they re-export through me const char* thisName = this->getDylibID(); if ( thisName != NULL ) { const char* thisLeafName = strrchr(thisName, '/'); if ( thisLeafName != NULL ) ++thisLeafName; for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fDependentDylibs.begin(); it != fDependentDylibs.end(); ++it) { if ( ! it->reExport ) { Binder* dep = it->binder; if ( dep != NULL ) { const char* parentUmbrellaName = dep->parentUmbrella(); if ( parentUmbrellaName != NULL ) { if ( strcmp(parentUmbrellaName, thisLeafName) == 0 ) it->reExport = true; } } } } } } } template int Binder::ordinalOfDependentBinder(Binder* dep) { for (int i=0; i < fDependentDylibs.size(); ++i) { if ( fDependentDylibs[i].binder == dep ) return i+1; } throw "dependend dylib not found"; } template void Binder::hoistPrivateRexports() { std::vector*> privateReExportedDylibs; for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fDependentDylibs.begin(); it != fDependentDylibs.end(); ++it) { if ( it->reExport && ! isPublicLocation(it->binder->getDylibID()) ) privateReExportedDylibs.push_back(it->binder); } if ( privateReExportedDylibs.size() != 0 ) { // parse export info into vector of exports const uint8_t* exportsStart = this->fLayout.getDyldInfoExports(); const uint8_t* exportsEnd = &exportsStart[fDyldInfo->export_size()]; std::vector exports; mach_o::trie::parseTrie(exportsStart, exportsEnd, exports); //fprintf(stderr, "%s exports %lu symbols from trie of size %u \n", this->fLayout.getFilePath(), exports.size(), fDyldInfo->export_size()); // add re-exports for each export from an re-exported dylib for(typename std::vector*>::iterator it = privateReExportedDylibs.begin(); it != privateReExportedDylibs.end(); ++it) { Binder* binder = *it; int ordinal = ordinalOfDependentBinder(binder); const uint8_t* aDylibsExportsStart = binder->fLayout.getDyldInfoExports(); const uint8_t* aDylibsExportsEnd = &aDylibsExportsStart[binder->fDyldInfo->export_size()]; std::vector aDylibsExports; mach_o::trie::parseTrie(aDylibsExportsStart, aDylibsExportsEnd, aDylibsExports); //fprintf(stderr, "%s re-exports %lu symbols from %s\n", this->fLayout.getFilePath(), aDylibsExports.size(), binder->getDylibID()); for(std::vector::iterator eit = aDylibsExports.begin(); eit != aDylibsExports.end(); ++eit) { mach_o::trie::Entry entry = *eit; entry.flags |= EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT; entry.other = ordinal; entry.importName = NULL; exports.push_back(entry); } } // rebuild new combined trie std::vector newExportTrieBytes; newExportTrieBytes.reserve(fDyldInfo->export_size()); mach_o::trie::makeTrie(exports, newExportTrieBytes); //fprintf(stderr, "%s now exports %lu symbols from trie of size %lu\n", this->fLayout.getFilePath(), exports.size(), newExportTrieBytes.size()); // allocate new buffer and set export_off to use new buffer instead uint32_t newExportsSize = newExportTrieBytes.size(); uint8_t* sideTrie = new uint8_t[newExportsSize]; memcpy(sideTrie, &newExportTrieBytes[0], newExportsSize); this->fLayout.setDyldInfoExports(sideTrie); ((macho_dyld_info_command

*)fDyldInfo)->set_export_off(0); // invalidate old trie ((macho_dyld_info_command

*)fDyldInfo)->set_export_size(newExportsSize); } } template void Binder::bind(std::vector& pointersInData) { this->doSetUpDyldSection(); if ( fDyldInfo != NULL ) { this->doBindDyldInfo(pointersInData); this->doBindDyldLazyInfo(pointersInData); this->hoistPrivateRexports(); // weak bind info is processed at launch time } else { this->doBindExternalRelocations(); this->doBindIndirectSymbols(); this->doSetPreboundUndefines(); } } template void Binder::doSetUpDyldSection() { // find __DATA __dyld section const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { if ( cmd->cmd() == macho_segment_command

::CMD ) { const macho_segment_command

* seg = (macho_segment_command

*)cmd; if ( strcmp(seg->segname(), "__DATA") == 0 ) { const macho_section

* const sectionsStart = (macho_section

*)((uint8_t*)seg + sizeof(macho_segment_command

)); const macho_section

* const sectionsEnd = §ionsStart[seg->nsects()]; for (const macho_section

* sect=sectionsStart; sect < sectionsEnd; ++sect) { if ( (strcmp(sect->sectname(), "__dyld") == 0) && (sect->size() >= 2*sizeof(pint_t)) ) { // set two values in __dyld section to point into dyld pint_t* lazyBinder = this->mappedAddressForNewAddress(sect->addr()); pint_t* dyldFuncLookup = this->mappedAddressForNewAddress(sect->addr()+sizeof(pint_t)); A::P::setP(*lazyBinder, fDyldBaseAddress + 0x1000); A::P::setP(*dyldFuncLookup, fDyldBaseAddress + 0x1008); } } } } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } } template void Binder::bindDyldInfoAt(uint8_t segmentIndex, uint64_t segmentOffset, uint8_t type, int libraryOrdinal, int64_t addend, const char* symbolName, bool lazyPointer, bool weakImport, std::vector& pointersInData) { //printf("%d 0x%08llX type=%d, lib=%d, addend=%lld, symbol=%s\n", segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName); const std::vector& segments = this->fLayout.getSegments(); if ( segmentIndex > segments.size() ) throw "bad segment index in rebase info"; if ( libraryOrdinal == BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_FLAT_LOOKUP ) throw "dynamic lookup linkage not allowed in dyld shared cache"; if ( libraryOrdinal == BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_MAIN_EXECUTABLE ) throw "linkage to main executable not allowed in dyld shared cache"; if ( libraryOrdinal < 0 ) throw "bad mach-o binary, special library ordinal not allowd in dyld shared cache"; if ( (unsigned)libraryOrdinal > fDependentDylibs.size() ) throw "bad mach-o binary, library ordinal too big"; Binder* binder; if ( libraryOrdinal == BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_SELF ) binder = this; else binder = fDependentDylibs[libraryOrdinal-1].binder; pint_t targetSymbolAddress; bool isResolverSymbol = false; bool isAbsolute = false; Binder* foundIn; if ( weakImport && (binder == NULL) ) { targetSymbolAddress = 0; foundIn = NULL; } else { if ( ! binder->findExportedSymbolAddress(symbolName, &targetSymbolAddress, &foundIn, &isResolverSymbol, &isAbsolute) ) throwf("could not bind symbol %s in %s expected in %s", symbolName, this->getDylibID(), binder->getDylibID()); } // don't bind lazy pointers to resolver stubs in shared cache if ( lazyPointer && isResolverSymbol ) { if ( foundIn != this ) { // record that this dylib has a lazy pointer to a resolver function foundIn->addResolverClient(this, symbolName); // fprintf(stderr, "have lazy pointer to resolver %s in %s\n", symbolName, this->getDylibID()); } return; } // do actual update const MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segments[segmentIndex]; uint8_t* mappedAddr = (uint8_t*)seg.mappedAddress() + segmentOffset; pint_t* mappedAddrP = (pint_t*)mappedAddr; uint32_t* mappedAddr32 = (uint32_t*)mappedAddr; int32_t svalue32new; switch ( type ) { case BIND_TYPE_POINTER: P::setP(*mappedAddrP, targetSymbolAddress + addend); break; case BIND_TYPE_TEXT_ABSOLUTE32: E::set32(*mappedAddr32, targetSymbolAddress + addend); break; case BIND_TYPE_TEXT_PCREL32: svalue32new = seg.address() + segmentOffset + 4 - (targetSymbolAddress + addend); E::set32(*mappedAddr32, svalue32new); break; default: throw "bad bind type"; } if ( !isAbsolute ) pointersInData.push_back(mappedAddr); } template void Binder::doBindDyldLazyInfo(std::vector& pointersInData) { const uint8_t* p = &this->fLinkEditBase[fDyldInfo->lazy_bind_off()]; const uint8_t* end = &p[fDyldInfo->lazy_bind_size()]; uint8_t type = BIND_TYPE_POINTER; uint64_t segmentOffset = 0; uint8_t segmentIndex = 0; const char* symbolName = NULL; int libraryOrdinal = 0; int64_t addend = 0; bool weakImport = false; while ( p < end ) { uint8_t immediate = *p & BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK; uint8_t opcode = *p & BIND_OPCODE_MASK; ++p; switch (opcode) { case BIND_OPCODE_DONE: // this opcode marks the end of each lazy pointer binding break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_IMM: libraryOrdinal = immediate; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_ULEB: libraryOrdinal = read_uleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_SPECIAL_IMM: // the special ordinals are negative numbers if ( immediate == 0 ) libraryOrdinal = 0; else { int8_t signExtended = BIND_OPCODE_MASK | immediate; libraryOrdinal = signExtended; } break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM: weakImport = ( (immediate & BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_IMPORT) != 0 ); symbolName = (char*)p; while (*p != '\0') ++p; ++p; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_ADDEND_SLEB: addend = read_sleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB: segmentIndex = immediate; segmentOffset = read_uleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND: bindDyldInfoAt(segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName, true, weakImport, pointersInData); segmentOffset += sizeof(pint_t); break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM: case BIND_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB: case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_ULEB: case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_IMM_SCALED: case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ULEB_TIMES_SKIPPING_ULEB: default: throwf("bad lazy bind opcode %d", *p); } } } template void Binder::doBindDyldInfo(std::vector& pointersInData) { const uint8_t* p = &this->fLinkEditBase[fDyldInfo->bind_off()]; const uint8_t* end = &p[fDyldInfo->bind_size()]; uint8_t type = 0; uint64_t segmentOffset = 0; uint8_t segmentIndex = 0; const char* symbolName = NULL; int libraryOrdinal = 0; int64_t addend = 0; uint32_t count; uint32_t skip; bool weakImport = false; bool done = false; while ( !done && (p < end) ) { uint8_t immediate = *p & BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK; uint8_t opcode = *p & BIND_OPCODE_MASK; ++p; switch (opcode) { case BIND_OPCODE_DONE: done = true; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_IMM: libraryOrdinal = immediate; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_ULEB: libraryOrdinal = read_uleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_SPECIAL_IMM: // the special ordinals are negative numbers if ( immediate == 0 ) libraryOrdinal = 0; else { int8_t signExtended = BIND_OPCODE_MASK | immediate; libraryOrdinal = signExtended; } break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM: weakImport = ( (immediate & BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_IMPORT) != 0 ); symbolName = (char*)p; while (*p != '\0') ++p; ++p; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM: type = immediate; break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_ADDEND_SLEB: addend = read_sleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB: segmentIndex = immediate; segmentOffset = read_uleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB: segmentOffset += read_uleb128(p, end); break; case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND: bindDyldInfoAt(segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName, false, weakImport, pointersInData); segmentOffset += sizeof(pint_t); break; case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_ULEB: bindDyldInfoAt(segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName, false, weakImport, pointersInData); segmentOffset += read_uleb128(p, end) + sizeof(pint_t); break; case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_IMM_SCALED: bindDyldInfoAt(segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName, false, weakImport, pointersInData); segmentOffset += immediate*sizeof(pint_t) + sizeof(pint_t); break; case BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ULEB_TIMES_SKIPPING_ULEB: count = read_uleb128(p, end); skip = read_uleb128(p, end); for (uint32_t i=0; i < count; ++i) { bindDyldInfoAt(segmentIndex, segmentOffset, type, libraryOrdinal, addend, symbolName, false, weakImport, pointersInData); segmentOffset += skip + sizeof(pint_t); } break; default: throwf("bad bind opcode %d", *p); } } } template void Binder::doSetPreboundUndefines() { const macho_dysymtab_command

* dysymtab = NULL; macho_nlist

* symbolTable = NULL; // get symbol table info const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { switch (cmd->cmd()) { case LC_SYMTAB: { const macho_symtab_command

* symtab = (macho_symtab_command

*)cmd; symbolTable = (macho_nlist

*)(&this->fLinkEditBase[symtab->symoff()]); } break; case LC_DYSYMTAB: dysymtab = (macho_dysymtab_command

*)cmd; break; } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } // walk all undefines and set their prebound n_value macho_nlist

* const lastUndefine = &symbolTable[dysymtab->iundefsym()+dysymtab->nundefsym()]; for (macho_nlist

* entry = &symbolTable[dysymtab->iundefsym()]; entry < lastUndefine; ++entry) { if ( entry->n_type() & N_EXT ) { //fprintf(stderr, "doSetPreboundUndefines: r_sym=%s, pbaddr=0x%08X, in %s\n", // &fStrings[entry->n_strx()], pbaddr, this->getDylibID()); pint_t pbaddr = this->resolveUndefined(entry); entry->set_n_value(pbaddr); } } } template void Binder::doBindExternalRelocations() { // get where reloc addresses start // these address are always relative to first writable segment because they are in cache which always // has writable segments far from read-only segments pint_t firstWritableSegmentBaseAddress = 0; const std::vector& segments = this->fLayout.getSegments(); for(std::vector::const_iterator it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); ++it) { const MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = *it; if ( seg.writable() ) { firstWritableSegmentBaseAddress = seg.newAddress(); break; } } // loop through all external relocation records and bind each const macho_relocation_info

* const relocsStart = (macho_relocation_info

*)(&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicInfo->extreloff()]); const macho_relocation_info

* const relocsEnd = &relocsStart[fDynamicInfo->nextrel()]; for (const macho_relocation_info

* reloc=relocsStart; reloc < relocsEnd; ++reloc) { if ( reloc->r_length() != pointerRelocSize() ) throw "bad external relocation length"; if ( reloc->r_type() != pointerRelocType() ) throw "unknown external relocation type"; if ( reloc->r_pcrel() ) throw "r_pcrel external relocaiton not supported"; const macho_nlist

* undefinedSymbol = &fSymbolTable[reloc->r_symbolnum()]; pint_t* location; try { location = this->mappedAddressForNewAddress(reloc->r_address() + firstWritableSegmentBaseAddress); } catch (const char* msg) { throwf("%s processesing external relocation r_address 0x%08X", msg, reloc->r_address()); } pint_t addend = P::getP(*location); if ( fOriginallyPrebound ) { // in a prebound binary, the n_value field of an undefined symbol is set to the address where the symbol was found when prebound // so, subtracting that gives the initial displacement which we need to add to the newly found symbol address // if mach-o relocation structs had an "addend" field this complication would not be necessary. addend -= undefinedSymbol->n_value(); // To further complicate things, if this is defined symbol, then its n_value has already been adjust to the // new base address, so we need to back off the slide too.. if ( (undefinedSymbol->n_type() & N_TYPE) == N_SECT ) { addend += this->getSlideForNewAddress(undefinedSymbol->n_value()); } } pint_t symbolAddr = this->resolveUndefined(undefinedSymbol); //fprintf(stderr, "external reloc: r_address=0x%08X, r_sym=%s, symAddr=0x%08llX, addend=0x%08llX in %s\n", // reloc->r_address(), &fStrings[undefinedSymbol->n_strx()], (uint64_t)symbolAddr, (uint64_t)addend, this->getDylibID()); P::setP(*location, symbolAddr + addend); } } // most architectures use pure code, unmodifiable stubs template void Binder::bindStub(uint8_t elementSize, uint8_t* location, pint_t vmlocation, pint_t value) { // do nothing } // x86 supports fast stubs template <> void Binder::bindStub(uint8_t elementSize, uint8_t* location, pint_t vmlocation, pint_t value) { // if the stub is not 5-bytes, it is an old slow stub if ( elementSize == 5 ) { uint32_t rel32 = value - (vmlocation + 5); location[0] = 0xE9; // JMP rel32 location[1] = rel32 & 0xFF; location[2] = (rel32 >> 8) & 0xFF; location[3] = (rel32 >> 16) & 0xFF; location[4] = (rel32 >> 24) & 0xFF; } } template void Binder::doBindIndirectSymbols() { const uint32_t* const indirectTable = (uint32_t*)&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicInfo->indirectsymoff()]; const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; //fprintf(stderr, "doBindIndirectSymbols() %s\n", this->fLayout.getFilePath()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { if ( cmd->cmd() == macho_segment_command

::CMD ) { const macho_segment_command

* seg = (macho_segment_command

*)cmd; const macho_section

* const sectionsStart = (macho_section

*)((uint8_t*)seg + sizeof(macho_segment_command

)); const macho_section

* const sectionsEnd = §ionsStart[seg->nsects()]; for (const macho_section

* sect=sectionsStart; sect < sectionsEnd; ++sect) { uint8_t elementSize = 0; uint8_t sectionType = sect->flags() & SECTION_TYPE; switch ( sectionType ) { case S_SYMBOL_STUBS: elementSize = sect->reserved2(); break; case S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS: case S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS: elementSize = sizeof(pint_t); break; } if ( elementSize != 0 ) { uint32_t elementCount = sect->size() / elementSize; const uint32_t indirectTableOffset = sect->reserved1(); uint8_t* location = NULL; if ( sect->size() != 0 ) location = (uint8_t*)this->mappedAddressForNewAddress(sect->addr()); pint_t vmlocation = sect->addr(); for (uint32_t j=0; j < elementCount; ++j, location += elementSize, vmlocation += elementSize) { uint32_t symbolIndex = E::get32(indirectTable[indirectTableOffset + j]); switch ( symbolIndex ) { case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS: case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL: break; default: const macho_nlist

* undefinedSymbol = &fSymbolTable[symbolIndex]; //fprintf(stderr, " sect=%s, index=%d, symbolIndex=%d, sym=%s\n", sect->sectname(), j, symbolIndex, &fStrings[undefinedSymbol->n_strx()]); pint_t symbolAddr = this->resolveUndefined(undefinedSymbol); switch ( sectionType ) { case S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS: case S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS: P::setP(*((pint_t*)location), symbolAddr); break; case S_SYMBOL_STUBS: this->bindStub(elementSize, location, vmlocation, symbolAddr); break; } break; } } } } } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } } template typename A::P::uint_t Binder::resolveUndefined(const macho_nlist

* undefinedSymbol) { if ( (undefinedSymbol->n_type() & N_TYPE) == N_SECT ) { if ( (undefinedSymbol->n_type() & N_PEXT) != 0 ) { // is a multi-module private_extern internal reference that the linker did not optimize away return runtimeAddressFromNList(undefinedSymbol); } if ( (undefinedSymbol->n_desc() & N_WEAK_DEF) != 0 ) { // is a weak definition, we should prebind to this one in the same linkage unit return runtimeAddressFromNList(undefinedSymbol); } } const char* symbolName = &fStrings[undefinedSymbol->n_strx()]; if ( (this->fHeader->flags() & MH_TWOLEVEL) == 0 ) { // flat namespace binding throw "flat namespace not supported"; } else { uint8_t ordinal = GET_LIBRARY_ORDINAL(undefinedSymbol->n_desc()); Binder* binder = NULL; switch ( ordinal ) { case EXECUTABLE_ORDINAL: case DYNAMIC_LOOKUP_ORDINAL: throw "magic ordineal not supported"; case SELF_LIBRARY_ORDINAL: binder = this; break; default: if ( ordinal > fDependentDylibs.size() ) throw "two-level ordinal out of range"; binder = fDependentDylibs[ordinal-1].binder; } pint_t addr; bool isResolver; bool isAbsolute; Binder* foundIn; if ( ! binder->findExportedSymbolAddress(symbolName, &addr, &foundIn, &isResolver, &isAbsolute) ) throwf("could not resolve undefined symbol %s in %s expected in %s", symbolName, this->getDylibID(), binder->getDylibID()); return addr; } } template bool Binder::findExportedSymbolAddress(const char* name, pint_t* result, Binder** foundIn, bool* isResolverSymbol, bool* isAbsolute) { *foundIn = NULL; // since re-export chains can be any length, re-exports cannot be resolved in setDependencies() // instead we lazily, recursively update if ( !fReExportedSymbolsResolved ) { // update fHashTable with any individual symbol re-exports for (typename std::vector::iterator it=fReExportedSymbols.begin(); it != fReExportedSymbols.end(); ++it) { pint_t targetSymbolAddress; bool isResolver; bool isAb; if ( it->dylibOrdinal <= 0 ) throw "bad mach-o binary, special library ordinal not allowed in re-exported symbols in dyld shared cache"; Binder* binder = fDependentDylibs[it->dylibOrdinal-1].binder; if ( ! binder->findExportedSymbolAddress(it->importName, &targetSymbolAddress, foundIn, &isResolver, &isAb) ) throwf("could not bind symbol %s in %s expected in %s", it->importName, this->getDylibID(), binder->getDylibID()); if ( isResolver ) fSymbolResolvers.insert(name); fHashTable[it->exportName] = targetSymbolAddress; } // mark as done fReExportedSymbolsResolved = true; } *isResolverSymbol = false; if ( !fSymbolResolvers.empty() && fSymbolResolvers.count(name) ) { // lazy pointers should be left unbound, rather than bind to resolver stub *isResolverSymbol = true; } // search this dylib typename NameToAddrMap::iterator pos = fHashTable.find(name); if ( pos != fHashTable.end() ) { *result = pos->second; //fprintf(stderr, "findExportedSymbolAddress(%s) => 0x%08llX in %s\n", name, (uint64_t)*result, this->getDylibID()); *foundIn = this; *isAbsolute = (fAbsoluteSymbols.count(name) != 0); return true; } // search re-exported dylibs for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fDependentDylibs.begin(); it != fDependentDylibs.end(); ++it) { if ( it->reExport ) { if ( it->binder->findExportedSymbolAddress(name, result, foundIn, isResolverSymbol, isAbsolute) ) return true; } } //fprintf(stderr, "findExportedSymbolAddress(%s) => not found in %s\n", name, this->getDylibID()); return false; } // record which dylibs will be using this dylibs lazy pointer template void Binder::addResolverClient(Binder* clientDylib, const char* symbolName) { ClientAndSymbol x; x.client = clientDylib; x.symbolName = symbolName; fClientAndSymbols.push_back(x); } template typename A::P::uint_t Binder::findLazyPointerFor(const char* symbolName) { static const bool log = false; // first check cache typename NameToAddrMap::iterator pos = fResolverLazyPointers.find(symbolName); if ( pos != fResolverLazyPointers.end() ) { if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "found cached shared lazy pointer at 0x%llX for %s in %s\n", (uint64_t)(pos->second), symbolName, this->getDylibID()); return pos->second; } // do slow lookup in lazy pointer section const uint32_t* const indirectTable = (uint32_t*)&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicInfo->indirectsymoff()]; const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { if ( cmd->cmd() == macho_segment_command

::CMD ) { const macho_segment_command

* seg = (macho_segment_command

*)cmd; const macho_section

* const sectionsStart = (macho_section

*)((uint8_t*)seg + sizeof(macho_segment_command

)); const macho_section

* const sectionsEnd = §ionsStart[seg->nsects()]; for (const macho_section

* sect=sectionsStart; sect < sectionsEnd; ++sect) { uint8_t sectionType = sect->flags() & SECTION_TYPE; if ( sectionType == S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS) { uint32_t elementCount = sect->size() / sizeof(pint_t); const uint32_t indirectTableOffset = sect->reserved1(); pint_t vmlocation = sect->addr(); for (uint32_t j=0; j < elementCount; ++j, vmlocation += sizeof(pint_t)) { uint32_t symbolIndex = E::get32(indirectTable[indirectTableOffset + j]); switch ( symbolIndex ) { case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS: case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL: break; default: const macho_nlist

* aSymbol = &fSymbolTable[symbolIndex]; const char* aName = &fStrings[aSymbol->n_strx()]; //fprintf(stderr, " sect=%s, index=%d, symbolIndex=%d, sym=%s\n", sect->sectname(), j, symbolIndex, &fStrings[undefinedSymbol->n_strx()]); if ( strcmp(aName, symbolName) == 0 ) { fResolverLazyPointers[symbolName] = vmlocation; if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "found slow-path shared lazy pointer at 0x%llX for %s in %s\n", (uint64_t)vmlocation, symbolName, this->getDylibID()); return vmlocation; } break; } } } } } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } if ( log ) fprintf(stderr, "NOT found shared lazy pointer for %s in %s\n", symbolName, this->getDylibID()); return 0; } // called after all binding is done to optimize lazy pointers template void Binder::optimize() { for (typename std::vector::iterator it = fClientAndSymbols.begin(); it != fClientAndSymbols.end(); ++it) { pint_t lpVMAddr = findLazyPointerFor(it->symbolName); if ( lpVMAddr != 0 ) { it->client->optimizeStub(it->symbolName, lpVMAddr); } else { fprintf(stderr, "not able to optimize lazy pointer for %s in %s\n", it->symbolName, it->client->getDylibID()); } } } template <> void Binder::optimizeStub(uint8_t* stubMappedAddress, pint_t stubVMAddress, uint32_t stubSize, pint_t lpVMAddr) { if ( stubSize != 16 ) { fprintf(stderr, "could not optimize ARM stub to resolver function in %s because it is wrong size\n", this->getDylibID()); return; } uint32_t* instructions = (uint32_t*)stubMappedAddress; if ( (E::get32(instructions[0]) != 0xe59fc004) || (E::get32(instructions[1]) != 0xe08fc00c) || (E::get32(instructions[2]) != 0xe59cf000) ) { fprintf(stderr, "could not optimize ARM stub to resolver function in %s because instructions are not as expected\n", this->getDylibID()); return; } // last .long in stub is: lazyPtr - (stub+8) // alter to point to more optimal lazy pointer uint32_t betterOffset = lpVMAddr - (stubVMAddress + 12); E::set32(instructions[3], betterOffset); } template <> void Binder::optimizeStub(uint8_t* stubMappedAddress, pint_t stubVMAddress, uint32_t stubSize, pint_t lpVMAddr) { if ( stubSize != 6 ) { fprintf(stderr, "could not optimize x86_64 stub to resolver function in %s because it is wrong size\n", this->getDylibID()); return; } if ( (stubMappedAddress[0] != 0xFF) || (stubMappedAddress[1] != 0x25) ) { fprintf(stderr, "could not optimize stub to resolver function in %s because instructions are not as expected\n", this->getDylibID()); return; } // last four bytes in stub is RIP relative offset to lazy pointer // alter to point to more optimal lazy pointer uint32_t betterOffset = lpVMAddr - (stubVMAddress + 6); E::set32(*((uint32_t*)(&stubMappedAddress[2])), betterOffset); } template void Binder::optimizeStub(uint8_t* stubMappedAddress, pint_t stubVMAddress, uint32_t stubSize, pint_t lpVMAddress) { // Remaining architectures are not optimized //fprintf(stderr, "optimize stub at %p in %s to use lazyPointer at 0x%llX\n", stubMappedAddress, this->getDylibID(), (uint64_t)lpVMAddress); } // search for stub in this image that call target symbol name and then optimize its lazy pointer template void Binder::optimizeStub(const char* stubName, pint_t lpVMAddr) { // find named stub const uint32_t* const indirectTable = (uint32_t*)&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicInfo->indirectsymoff()]; const macho_load_command

* const cmds = (macho_load_command

*)((uint8_t*)this->fHeader + sizeof(macho_header

)); const uint32_t cmd_count = this->fHeader->ncmds(); const macho_load_command

* cmd = cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) { if ( cmd->cmd() == macho_segment_command

::CMD ) { macho_segment_command

* seg = (macho_segment_command

*)cmd; macho_section

* const sectionsStart = (macho_section

*)((char*)seg + sizeof(macho_segment_command

)); macho_section

* const sectionsEnd = §ionsStart[seg->nsects()]; for(macho_section

* sect = sectionsStart; sect < sectionsEnd; ++sect) { if ( ((sect->flags() & SECTION_TYPE) == S_SYMBOL_STUBS) && (sect->size() != 0) ) { pint_t stubsVMStart = sect->addr(); uint8_t* stubsMappingStart = (uint8_t*)this->mappedAddressForNewAddress(stubsVMStart); const uint32_t indirectTableOffset = sect->reserved1(); const uint32_t stubSize = sect->reserved2(); uint32_t elementCount = sect->size() / stubSize; pint_t stubVMAddr = stubsVMStart; uint8_t* stubMappedAddr = stubsMappingStart; for (uint32_t j=0; j < elementCount; ++j, stubMappedAddr += stubSize, stubVMAddr += stubSize) { uint32_t symbolIndex = E::get32(indirectTable[indirectTableOffset + j]); switch ( symbolIndex ) { case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS: case INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL: break; default: { const macho_nlist

* sym = &this->fSymbolTable[symbolIndex]; const char* symName = &fStrings[sym->n_strx()]; if ( strcmp(symName, stubName) == 0 ) this->optimizeStub(stubMappedAddr, stubVMAddr, stubSize, lpVMAddr); } break; } } } } } cmd = (const macho_load_command

*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize()); } } #endif // __MACHO_BINDER__