/* * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifndef _MACH_O_DYLD_H_ #define _MACH_O_DYLD_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #if defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__private_extern__) #define __private_extern__ __declspec(private_extern) #endif #include #include #ifndef AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER #define AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER #endif #ifndef ENUM_DYLD_BOOL #define ENUM_DYLD_BOOL #undef FALSE #undef TRUE enum DYLD_BOOL { FALSE, TRUE }; #endif /* ENUM_DYLD_BOOL */ /* * The high level NS... API. */ /* Object file image API */ typedef enum { NSObjectFileImageFailure, /* for this a message is printed on stderr */ NSObjectFileImageSuccess, NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile, NSObjectFileImageArch, NSObjectFileImageFormat, /* for this a message is printed on stderr */ NSObjectFileImageAccess } NSObjectFileImageReturnCode; typedef void * NSObjectFileImage; /* limited implementation, only MH_BUNDLE files can be used */ extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile( const char *pathName, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateCoreFileImageFromFile( const char *pathName, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); /* not yet implemented */ extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory( void *address, unsigned long size, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSDestroyObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); /* * API on NSObjectFileImage's for: * "for Each Symbol Definition In Object File Image" (for Dynamic Bundles) * and the same thing for references */ extern unsigned long NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); extern const char * NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, unsigned long ordinal); extern unsigned long NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); extern const char * NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, unsigned long ordinal, enum DYLD_BOOL *tentative_definition); /* can be NULL */ /* * API on NSObjectFileImage: * "does Object File Image define symbol name X" (using sorted symbol table) * and a way to get the named objective-C section */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char *symbolName); extern void * NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char *segmentName, const char *sectionName, unsigned long *size); /* can be NULL */ /* SPI first appeared in Mac OS X 10.3 */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSHasModInitObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER; /* module API */ typedef void * NSModule; extern const char * NSNameOfModule( NSModule m); extern const char * NSLibraryNameForModule( NSModule m); /* limited implementation, only MH_BUNDLE files can be linked */ extern NSModule NSLinkModule( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char *moduleName, unsigned long options); #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE 0x0 #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW 0x1 #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE 0x2 #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR 0x4 #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_DONT_CALL_MOD_INIT_ROUTINES 0x8 #define NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_TRAILING_PHYS_NAME 0x10 /* limited implementation, only modules loaded with NSLinkModule() can be unlinked */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSUnLinkModule( NSModule module, unsigned long options); #define NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE 0x0 #define NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_KEEP_MEMORY_MAPPED 0x1 #define NSUNLINKMODULE_OPTION_RESET_LAZY_REFERENCES 0x2 /* not yet implemented */ extern NSModule NSReplaceModule( NSModule moduleToReplace, NSObjectFileImage newObjectFileImage, unsigned long options); /* symbol API */ typedef void * NSSymbol; extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolNameDefined( const char *symbolName); extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint( const char *symbolName, const char *libraryNameHint); extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage( const struct mach_header *image, const char *symbolName); extern NSSymbol NSLookupAndBindSymbol( const char *symbolName); extern NSSymbol NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint( const char *symbolName, const char *libraryNameHint); extern NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInModule( NSModule module, const char *symbolName); extern NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInImage( const struct mach_header *image, const char *symbolName, unsigned long options); #define NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND 0x0 #define NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND_NOW 0x1 #define NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND_FULLY 0x2 #define NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR 0x4 extern const char * NSNameOfSymbol( NSSymbol symbol); extern void * NSAddressOfSymbol( NSSymbol symbol); extern NSModule NSModuleForSymbol( NSSymbol symbol); /* error handling API */ typedef enum { NSLinkEditFileAccessError, NSLinkEditFileFormatError, NSLinkEditMachResourceError, NSLinkEditUnixResourceError, NSLinkEditOtherError, NSLinkEditWarningError, NSLinkEditMultiplyDefinedError, NSLinkEditUndefinedError } NSLinkEditErrors; /* * For the NSLinkEditErrors value NSLinkEditOtherError these are the values * passed to the link edit error handler as the errorNumber (what would be an * errno value for NSLinkEditUnixResourceError or a kern_return_t value for * NSLinkEditMachResourceError). */ typedef enum { NSOtherErrorRelocation, NSOtherErrorLazyBind, NSOtherErrorIndrLoop, NSOtherErrorLazyInit, NSOtherErrorInvalidArgs } NSOtherErrorNumbers; extern void NSLinkEditError( NSLinkEditErrors *c, int *errorNumber, const char **fileName, const char **errorString); typedef struct { void (*undefined)(const char *symbolName); NSModule (*multiple)(NSSymbol s, NSModule oldModule, NSModule newModule); void (*linkEdit)(NSLinkEditErrors errorClass, int errorNumber, const char *fileName, const char *errorString); } NSLinkEditErrorHandlers; extern void NSInstallLinkEditErrorHandlers( NSLinkEditErrorHandlers *handlers); /* other API */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSAddLibrary( const char *pathName); extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSAddLibraryWithSearching( const char *pathName); extern const struct mach_header * NSAddImage( const char *image_name, unsigned long options); #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_NONE 0x0 #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR 0x1 #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING 0x2 #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ONLY_IF_LOADED 0x4 #define NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_MATCH_FILENAME_BY_INSTALLNAME 0x8 extern long NSVersionOfRunTimeLibrary( const char *libraryName); extern long NSVersionOfLinkTimeLibrary( const char *libraryName); extern int _NSGetExecutablePath( /* SPI first appeared in Mac OS X 10.2 */ char *buf, uint32_t *bufsize); /* * The low level _dyld_... API. * (used by the objective-C runtime primarily) */ extern unsigned long _dyld_present( void); extern unsigned long _dyld_image_count( void); #ifdef __LP64__ extern struct mach_header_64 * _dyld_get_image_header( uint32_t image_index); #else /* !defined(__LP64__) */ extern struct mach_header * _dyld_get_image_header( unsigned long image_index); #endif /* !defined(__LP64__) */ extern unsigned long _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide( unsigned long image_index); extern char * _dyld_get_image_name( unsigned long image_index); extern void _dyld_register_func_for_add_image( void (*func)(struct mach_header *mh, unsigned long vmaddr_slide)); extern void _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image( void (*func)(struct mach_header *mh, unsigned long vmaddr_slide)); extern void _dyld_register_func_for_link_module( void (*func)(NSModule module)); /* not yet implemented */ extern void _dyld_register_func_for_unlink_module( void (*func)(NSModule module)); /* not yet implemented */ extern void _dyld_register_func_for_replace_module( void (*func)(NSModule oldmodule, NSModule newmodule)); extern void _dyld_get_objc_module_sect_for_module( NSModule module, void **objc_module, unsigned long *size); extern void _dyld_bind_objc_module( void *objc_module); extern enum DYLD_BOOL _dyld_bind_fully_image_containing_address( unsigned long *address); extern enum DYLD_BOOL _dyld_image_containing_address( unsigned long address); /* SPI first appeared in Mac OS X 10.3 */ extern struct mach_header * _dyld_get_image_header_containing_address( unsigned long address) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER; extern void _dyld_moninit( void (*monaddition)(char *lowpc, char *highpc)); extern enum DYLD_BOOL _dyld_launched_prebound( void); /* SPI first appeared in Mac OS X 10.3 */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL _dyld_all_twolevel_modules_prebound( void) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER; extern void _dyld_lookup_and_bind( const char *symbol_name, unsigned long *address, void **module); extern void _dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint( const char *symbol_name, const char *library_name_hint, unsigned long *address, void **module); extern void _dyld_lookup_and_bind_objc( const char *symbol_name, unsigned long *address, void **module); extern void _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully( const char *symbol_name, unsigned long *address, void **module); __private_extern__ int _dyld_func_lookup( const char *dyld_func_name, unsigned long *address); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _MACH_O_DYLD_H_ */